Arabische Welt im Umbruch

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06.07.11 11:58

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate100auch ander Misrata Front tut sich was

BBC News - Waiting game for rebels in western Libya
Rebels in western Libya bide their time while hoping that an uprising in Tripoli will happen soon, reports the BBC's John Simpson.

Piraten Partei! Klar zum Entern!!

06.07.11 13:17

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate100gibts es eine politische Lösung?

Libya peace efforts appear to gather pace |
The search for a political solution to Libya's war has quietly moved up a gear despite tough-looking declarations by Muammar Gaddafi and his rebel foes.
Ich denke wenn die FF vor Tripoli stehen(noch 50 km entfernt) wird es eine
Lösung geben. Deshalb halten sie sich wahrscheinlich auch noch zurück.
siehe vorherigen artikel.

definitiv ist die letzte Phase des Krieges angelaufen. G. hat keine chance mehr!

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06.07.11 13:21

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate100aktuelle Map

Die  schlinge zieht sich immer weiter zu...



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06.07.11 14:10

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate100weiterer Bericht von der Front


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06.07.11 15:13

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate100erste erfolge

by LibyaFeb17_com
Rebels sending their tanks back home as #Gaddafi forces retreat from Gwalish Shared by @youssefg #libya
7 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

Revolutionaries have taken al-Qawalish, south-east of Tripoli after a six-hour battle with Gaddafi forces - #libya -

libyans_revolt omar
#ALJA: #Nafusa: Freedom fighters liberated #Algualish area after battles lasted 6 hours & R now at a distance of 50km from #Tripoli. #Libya
37 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

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06.07.11 16:26

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate100wow reuters ist ja fast so schnell wie twitter

 WRAPUP 2-Libyan rebels push towards Tripoli on two fronts| Reuters
* Rebels in Misrata say they have pushed west * Libyan official: solution coming within weeks * Britain says can be no role for Gaddafi or family  (Updates with rebels seizing village) By Peter

respekt nicht schlecht! Hier eine Zusammenfassung der heutigen Kämpfe und erfolge.


WRAPUP 2-Libyan rebels push towards Tripoli on two fronts



Wed Jul 6, 2011 9:36am EDT


* Rebels in Misrata say they have pushed west



* Libyan official: solution coming within weeks

* Britain says can be no role for Gaddafi or family

(Updates with rebels seizing village)

By Peter Graff

AL-QAWALISH, Libya, July 6 (Reuters) - Rebel fighters seized a village south of the Libyan capital and another group advanced towards Tripoli from the east on Wednesday in the biggest push in weeks towards Muammar Gaddafi's main stronghold.

Rebels firing their rifles into the air in celebration poured into the village of Al-Qawalish, just over 100 km (60 miles) southwest of Tripoli, after a six-hour battle with pro-Gaddafi forces who had been holding the town.

Rushing through an abandoned checkpoint where government troops had left tents and half-eaten bread in their rush to get away, the rebels ripped down green pro-Gaddafi flags, said a Reuters reporter in the village.

Farther north, on Libya's Mediterranean coast, rebel commanders said they had pushed westwards from the city of Misrata, taking them to within about 130 km (80 miles) of Tripoli. But they were taking casualties from government artillery.

The advances came as  reports proliferated that Gaddafi --under pressure from a five-month  uprising against his rule, sanctions and a NATO bombing campaign -- was  seeking a deal under which he would step down.



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His government has denied any such negotiations are under way, but a senior Libyan official told Reuters on Wednesday there were signs a solution to the conflict could be found by the start of August.

The rebel advances followed weeks of largely static fighting. Heavily armed Gaddafi forces still lie between the rebels and Tripoli, and previous rebel advances have either bogged down or quickly turned into retreats.

But with Al-Qawalish now in rebel hands, they can advance northeast to the larger town of Garyan, which controls the main highway leading into the capital.

The rebels began firing rockets and mortars towards Al-Qawalish at dawn, sending cries of "Allahu Akbar!" or "God is greatest!" echoing through groves of olive, almond and fig trees with each outgoing blast.

Gaddafi's forces responded with intermittent volleys of Grad tactical surface-to-surface rockets. Clouds of black smoke came from the hillsides where the incoming rounds exploded.

Six hours later, the rebels were in the village. About 400  fighters fanned out through the streets, which were otherwise deserted. A group of them broke into a shop and took bottles of soda to quench their thirst.

Six government troops, taken prisoner, sat in the back of a pickup truck. A doctor called Hatim said seven or eight rebel fighters were lightly wounded in the offensive, but none was killed.

The previous big advance in the region was last month, when rebels pushed 20 km (12 miles) north from their base in the Western Mountains to the town of Bir al-Ghanam.



Near Misrata, rebel commanders told Reuters they had pushed 20 km west overnight, their biggest single advance since Gaddafi's forces pulled out from the city itself back in May.

Reuters journalists were unable to confirm the advance independently because it was not immediately possible to reach the front line.

The new rebel positions were coming under intense bombardment from Gaddafi's forces using mortars, artillery and Grad rockets. A Reuters reporter said he could hear the sound of ordnance landing every few seconds.

Mohammed Al-Fortia, a doctor at a field hospital near the front line, said three rebels had been killed and 53 wounded. He said the dead included a former colonel in Gaddafi's air force who had defected and become a rebel commander.

The Reuters reporter saw one man brought in, still alive, with a bullet wound to the head.

"We are either going to die here or we go to Tripoli. There is no going back," said Al-Fortia.

Gaddafi, who has ruled oil producer Libya for 41 years, says the rebels are armed criminals and al Qaeda militants. He has described the NATO campaign as an act of colonial aggression aimed at stealing Libya's oil.



A Russian newspaper this week quoted what it described as a high-level source as saying Gaddafi is sounding out the possibility of stepping down on condition there is a political role for one of his sons.

A Libyan government spokesman denied that report, saying Muammar Gaddafi's future was not up for negotiation.

Libyan Deputy Foreign Minister Khaled Kaim said in an interview with Reuters in Tripoli on Wednesday that a solution to the conflict could be found before the Muslim holy month of Ramadan begins early in August.

He did not give details about what that solution might involve.

"There are signals that the crisis will find a solution in the coming weeks. We will do whatever possible so that our people will spend Ramadan in peace. So we hope that a solution will be possible before the month of Ramadan," he said.

"Currently the key hurdle to a solution is the NATO military campaign, and we hope that our friends in the African Union organisation will do whatever possible to convince it to stop its aggression against our people."

Responding to reports of a possible deal, several NATO states have said the Gaddafi family must relinquish all power.

"We believe that there will need to be a political process at some stage within Libya but it needs to be completely understood that Gaddafi and his family have no part to play in the government of the new Libya," David Lidington, Britain's minister for Europe, told reporters on a visit to Moscow.  (Additional reporting by Nick Carey in Misrata, Hamid Ould Ahmed in Algiers, Lamine Chikhi in Tripoli and Moscow bureau; Writing by Christian Lowe; Editing by Peter Cooney)


  Piraten Partei! Klar zum Entern!!

Piraten Partei! Klar zum Entern!!

06.07.11 16:56

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate100weitere kurz updates

dit läuft ja heute...:-)

dovenews Libyan?
#FF have advanced 15km west of #Misrata & now they are based in Suq Althulatha near #Zlitan, also thy hv freed many families from that area
3 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

ChangeInLibya Mhalwes
Libyan revolutionary fighters seize village from Pro-Gaddafi forces | Libya TV via @LibyaTV
5 minutes ago

dovenews Libyan?
NATO: Rasmussen: "I have no confirmed information that #Gaddafi has sounded out the possibility to step down" #Libya
6 minutes ago

dovenews Libyan?
NATO: Anders Fogh Rasmussen repeated NATO's call for #Gaddafi to step down
7 minutes ago

dovenews Libyan?
BREAKING! #FF have seized #ALQAWALISH village south of Tripoli & anothr group advanced towards Tripoli from the east. 50km away from Tripoli

Piraten Partei! Klar zum Entern!!

06.07.11 16:59

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate100und mal in deutsch

Libyen-Krieg: Rebellen starten neue Offensive - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten - Politik
Mit Duldung der Nato haben libysche Rebellen mit einer Offensive im Westen des Landes begonnen. Südlich der Hauptstadt Tripolis kam es zu heftigen Kämpfen mit den Truppen von Diktator Gaddafi.

Piraten Partei! Klar zum Entern!!

07.07.11 09:49

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate100so sieht das zukünftige Libyien aus


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07.07.11 12:56

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate100battele of Gwalish


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07.07.11 13:43

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate100net schlecht die seite

<meta name=keywords content=libya,operation unified protector,nato,otan,north atlantic treaty organization,organisation du traite de l'antique nord,LibGuide />

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08.07.11 12:04

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate100interessanter Artikel über die G. Söldner


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08.07.11 14:16

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate100Minen stoppen leider den weiteren vormarsch

Libya: Government Lays More Mines in Western Mountains | Human Rights Watch
(Zintan) - Libyan government forces have placed at least three minefields containing antipersonnel and antivehicle landmines outside the village of al-Qawalish in the western Nafusa Mountains, Human Rights Watch said today.

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08.07.11 14:20

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate100zusammenfassung


Piraten Partei! Klar zum Entern!!

08.07.11 14:26

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate100aktuelle Infos gibts leider nur in englisch

wenn die deutschen medien berichten ist es meist schon wieder längst veraltet.
Außerdem sind die Berichte meist sehr oberflächlich...

Echt ganz schwach wie unsere Medien das thema abdecken. Aber interessiert in D.
ja sowieso keinen. Viel wichtiger ist es sich sinnlos über die EU und GR aufzuregen.

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11.07.11 11:59

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate100Rebels on the road to Tripoli


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11.07.11 12:00

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate100Pizzaservice an die Front


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11.07.11 12:10

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate100Libyan Rebels Plan Attack Near Tripoli

oh je das kann ein gemetzel werden... Aber was muss das muss! selbst schuld...


Libyan Rebels Plan Attack Near Tripoli


July 11, 2011

Posted in 2011, News, Week Commencing July 11 | 04:52

Anti-Gaddafi rebels have told Sky News that an assault is being  planned on the strategic town of Gharyan in the western Nefusa mountains  as a precursor to an all out attack on Libya’s capital.


A Libyan loyalist woman in the town of Gharyan fires a pistolA loyalist Libyan women fires a pistol to show support for Colonel Gaddafi


The rebels say they want to close off supply routes from the south  and hope to link up with rebel elements in the town of Zawiyha, scene of  some of the worst attacks on civilians by pro-Gaddafi forces in the  February uprising.

But in a rare organised trip to Libya‘s  Nefusa mountain range, about 50 miles south of Tripoli, it is clear  that the government and its militia are preparing to defend Gharyan.

Women’s militia groups are being trained to use weapons and the whole area is being flooded with government-supplied guns.


Libyan leader Colonel Muammar GaddafiLibya’s dictator Colonel Gaddafi continues to maintain power


In the court yard of a medical institute a group of women practiced gun drills in front of foreign media bussed in from Tripoli.

They told me they had volunteered to form the militia to defend their homes and their children.

“We will die for our country,” a gun totting woman hidden by dark glasses, a traditional scarf and gloves told me.

“We are not scared of the rebels. We will fight if we have to but we  will also negotiate a solution to all this – but our leader (Gaddafi) must stay,” she added.

The Nefusa mountain range has been home to the only consistent  anti-Gaddafi uprising in the west of the country since February. In  recent weeks rebels have slowly pushed out pro Gaddafi forces from the  mountains and they say they can launch an attack on Tripoli if they can  take Gharyan.


Loyalist women in the town of Gharyan show their weaponsWomen in Gharyan say they will fight off any rebel attack


But on our drive further west towards the rebel lines it is clear  that the government has been stocking up local people with a huge array  of weapons.

Our bus was lead towards the town of Asabiha by a convoy of police  and trucks filled with men in military clothing. For about two miles men  lined the road firing thousands of rounds into the sky to greet us. On  rooftops women and children waived and shouted pro Gaddafi slogans as we  passed by.

In a press conference the local governor said that everyone was now armed and ready to fight.

“We are prepared to die and we are not scared of the rebels,” he  said, admitting that they did expect to be attacked at some point.


Rebel fighter in KiklaRebels have already moved into the city of Kikla, southwest of Tripoli


The governor claimed that Nato  planes regularly hit his town and that civilians were killed in raids  over the past two days. When asked if he could show the media what had  happened he refused the request. A government minder said it was too  dangerous for us to see.

Despite their claims, it is difficult to see how the rebels can  advance further along the mountain range from their current position  further west without major assistance from Nato. Even then it is  uncertain if the Gaddafi regime’s support will simply fade away, which  the rebels predict, or stand and fight.

What is certain right now is that Gaddafi has armed huge numbers of  civilians in strategic towns overlooking Tripoli and he remains in  charge.



Source- Stuart Ramsey, Chief Correspondent in Gharyan for  Sky News  Piraten Partei! Klar zum Entern!!

   Piraten Partei! Klar zum Entern!!

Piraten Partei! Klar zum Entern!!

11.07.11 12:14

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate100bald ist schluss mit der TV Propaganda

#Gaddafi TV channels will go offline on the 18th of July #Feb17 #Libya

libyans_revolt omar
FLASH: #Egyptian court orders #Gaddafi State TV channels to stop broadcasting on #Nilesat. #Feb17 #Libya. YEAH YeeeeeeeeeeeeeeAH

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11.07.11 12:17

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate100...

11:45am: Gaddafi forces have been feeling the full force of precision strikes from RAF Tornado and Typhoon aircraft. The British Ministry of Defence has revealed units loyal to the dictator were targeted as they tried to use rocket launchers and howitzers to strike at the port of Misrata.

The aircraft fired on a former grain farm where multiple rocket launchers were being concealed south of the city near Tawurgha. Another air strike south west of the city saw a battery of four howitzers that were threatening the city destroyed, as well as an armed pick-up truck.

One of the RAF flights went on to take out a field gun at the Djebel Nafousa, 120 miles to the west near Mizdah. Out at sea the destroyer HMS Liverpool engaged regime forces on the coast at Zlitan with a number of high explosive and illumination rounds from her 4.5 inch gun.

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11.07.11 17:20

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate100das meint ein libyscher blogger


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11.07.11 21:06

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate100Libya's ragtag rebels discover discipline

* Rebels near Misrata no longer scatter under fire * They are forming units with a clear chain of command * New discipline helping rebels push towards Tripoli  By Nick Carey EAST OF ZLITAN,

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12.07.11 08:47

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate100cooles video! Vorstoß an der Misratha front


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12.07.11 09:15

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate100Libyan rebel forces grow with new recruits


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13.07.11 12:57

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate100Gaddafi forces are struggling

Gaddafi forces are struggling, U.S. intelligence reports say |
Libyan leader Moammar Gaddafi is sending fresh signals through emissaries that he is ready to discuss stepping down,

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