Arabische Welt im Umbruch

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28.07.11 10:27

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate100auf an die Front

räuchert die Ratten alle aus!

Video: Early this morning, thuwar readying2 move on Gaddafiforces in #Takut & #Ghazaya الله أكبر v @nalut17feb #libya


Piraten Partei! Klar zum Entern!!

28.07.11 10:28

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate100map

28.07.11 10:30

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate100heut gibts aber action an der front


  libyanproud   libyanandproud                

Alle ratten vernichtet... folgen die nächsten städte...
  libyanproud   libyanandproud                
  Piraten Partei! Klar zum Entern!!

Piraten Partei! Klar zum Entern!!

28.07.11 10:35

42940 Postings, 8576 Tage Dr.UdoBroemmeDie Nato bombardiert mittlerweile Kuhställe

Man glaubt es kaum, wo sich überall Kommandozentralen verbergen können.
ly hat dich lieb!

28.07.11 10:38

29411 Postings, 6433 Tage 14051948KibbuzimSchweiz stoppt weiteren Export

von Laserzielgeräten an die libyschen Rebellen.
Proletarier Aller Länder vereinigt Euch !


28.07.11 10:51

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate100scheiß schweiz!

aber egal werden auch ohne gewinnen.

PS: badr und Rways auch frei. Offensive scheint ein voller Erfolg zu sein....

Dr. wo würdest du dich denn vor der Nato verstecken? ich würde moscheen,
ziviel Gebäude und eben auch Farmen nehmen. wie die befreiung von
Misratha zeige, waren da große Mengen G. soldaten stationiert....

Piraten Partei! Klar zum Entern!!

28.07.11 11:03

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate100überall Minen

 Libya's rebels struggle with mines as war drags on| Reuters
AJDABIYA, Libya (Reuters) - - Holding a plastic mine in one hand and a detonator in the other, the Libyan rebel explains the crude methods he uses to clear the devices planted by Muammar Gaddafi's forces
es ist unfassbar wie viele es um Brega gibt. tja keine chance vorranzukommen...
das entschärfen wird wohl wochen dauern.  

Piraten Partei! Klar zum Entern!!

28.07.11 11:10

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate100map #Bader #Jawsh #Mrabah #Rways are liberated !


Piraten Partei! Klar zum Entern!!

28.07.11 11:11

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate100#Takut and #Ghazaya are surrounded


Piraten Partei! Klar zum Entern!!

28.07.11 11:53

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate100audio update direkt von der front


Video gibts hier


Libyan rebels launch assault in west                
Fighters attack regime positions along the Nafusa Mountain foothills to clear supply lines and route to coast.
                           Last Modified: 28 Jul 2011 09:11                        
Rebels massed for their attack near Nalut on Thursday morning. [Nalut Media Committee]

Libyan rebels in the western mountains have launched attacks on  regime-controlled towns, hoping to push out loyalist troops and open a  route to the coast.

Opposition fighters advanced along multiple fronts beginning at dawn  on Thursday. They moved out from Nalut, near the Tunisian border, and  from Jadu, farther east. Their objectives were several towns in the  valley north of the Nafusa Mountains.

Al Jazeera's James Bays, reporting from outside the town of al-Jawsh,  said rebels had exchanged small arms fire with troops loyal to leader  Muammar Gaddafi inside the town but that most of the loyalist forces  appeared to have withdrawn north along a main road.

Farther west, rebel sources reported that fighters had advanced from  Nalut toward the towns of Ghazaya and Takut. Rebels had shelled Ghazaya  with tanks an "long-range guns" throughout Wednesday night in  preparation for the attack, a rebel source said.

Bays said that hundreds of trucks carrying hundreds of fighters had  begun moving from Jadu to al-Jawsh at dawn. It appeared to be the  largest attack by rebels in the Nafusa Mountains since the conflict  began.

Diplomatic recognition for rebels

Al Jazeera's Barnaby Phillips reports on the British recognition of the NTC.

The political vise continued to squeeze Gaddafi's regime on  Wednesday, with the United Kingdom officially announcing its recognition  for the Libyan opposition as the sole legitimate authority in the  country.

Khaled Kaim, Gaddafi's deputy foreign minister, slammed the decision  as "irresponsible, illegal and in violation of British and international  laws" in a Wednesday-night press conference in Tripoli.

He said the regime "will take necessary actions" and pursue a legal  challenge to the move in both British and international courts.

William Hague, the UK foreign minister, announced the recognition of  the National Transitional Council (NTC) on Wednesday, 12 days after the  United States made a similar move.

Hillary Clinton, the US secretary of state, announced recognition for  the NTC at a meeting in Turkey of the international "contact group" on  Libya on July 15.

Gaddafi's diplomats expelled

Recognition in the UK means the NTC can send its own diplomatic  personnel, who will be treated like the representatives of any other  government, and can receive millions of dollars in frozen oil funds.

Mahmud Nacua, a Libyan exile in Britain, has been tapped as the NTC's ambassador, an opposition official announced on Wednesday.


Britain is set to transfer around $147m in frozen assets to the NTC  and has already said it will extend a roughly $143m loan based on frozen  Libyan funds.

Britain has officially recognised Libya's main opposition group as  the country's legitimate government, and asked all diplomats belonging  to Muammar Gaddafi's government to leave the United Kingdom.

"In line with this decision, we summoned the Libyan charge d'affaires  here to the foreign office this morning and informed him that he and  other regime diplomats from the Gaddafi regime must now leave the United  Kingdom," William Hague, the UK foreign secretary, said on Wednesday.

"We no longer recognise them as the representatives of the Libyan  government and we are inviting the Libyan National Transitional Council  to appoint a new Libyan diplomatic envoy to take over the Libyan embassy  in London."

The current charge d'affaires and all eight remaining staff and their  dependents have three days to leave the country, the UK foreign office  said.

In an audio message to loyalists on Wednesday, Gaddafi said that he  and his people were "ready to sacrifice" in order to defeat NATO and the  Libyan fighters.

'Political, economic boost'

Al Jazeera's Anita McNaught, reporting from the opposition stronghold  of Benghazi, said that the release of frozen funds would be welcomed by  NTC leaders, as they had been running dangerously low on cash.

She said that if the funds were handed over to the oil company that  Hague named in his statement, they could go towards repairing an oil  pipeline to one of the east's largest oil fields, in Soriya.


Hoda Abdel-Hamid reports on the return of families who were expelled from Misrata by Gaddafi forces

Mustafa Abdul Jalil, the head of the NTC, said in Benghazi on  Wednesday that the UK's decision "gives us a political and economic  boost".

"This means Gaddafi and his followers are no longer legitimate,'' he said.

Britain's diplomatic moves implement a decision made at the July 15 meeting in Istanbul.

The US, Britain and 30 other nations recognised the NTC as the  country's legitimate government, and individual countries have followed  that collective acknowledgement with individual announcements.

But not all countries involved in the Libyan conflict have fallen in line.

Russia has criticised such moves as a "policy of isolation" that  takes sides in a civil war and goes beyond the UN mandate of protecting  civilians.

Russia has said Gaddafi must go and has recognised the NTC as a party  to negotiations to end the conflict, but is has not disavowed Gaddafi's  regime or said the NTC is the sole representative of the Libyan people.

Britain is one of the leading participants in the NATO campaign, but  the government has been under pressure over its failure to remove  Gaddafi from power.






Piraten Partei! Klar zum Entern!!

28.07.11 17:27

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate100karte mit den heutigen kämpfen


Piraten Partei! Klar zum Entern!!

28.07.11 19:12

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate1005 Städte befreit

na das hört sich doch gut an...

Libyan freedom fighters claim successes in offensive near Tunisia


July 28, 2011


Libyan rebel fighters man a checkpoint at an area west of Ajdabiya on July 19, 2011

Djerba, Tunisia (CNN) — Rebels in western Libya are claiming big successes after a major offensive was launched early Thursday.

Rebel commanders say their forces have captured five towns and  surrounded a sixth in the plains below the Nafusa mountain range which  borders Tunisia.

Hundreds of rebels moved from their mountain positions at dawn. With  heavier weapons leading the way with lighter armed fighters following,  they initially encountered fierce resistance from the loyalists of  Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi.

Col. Jumma Ibrahim, spokesman for the Military Council for the  western mountain region, said several major battles had taken place  before the towns were secured.

He named the captured towns as al-Ruwais, Takout, al-Jawsh, Bader and al-Ghazzaya, and the surrounded town as Umm al-Far.

Ibrahim said rebels were now negotiating with Gadhafi troops inside Umm al-Far.

He said four rebels had been killed in the fighting at least 20 wounded, while 20 Gadhafi fighters had been captured.

Weapons, including heavy artillery, had been captured by the rebels.

The claimed successes come after one of the biggest rebel offensives  in recent weeks and, if true, puts the fighters closer to capturing a  significant supply route used by Gadhafi forces.

Col. Ibrahim said that on the eastern side of the mountains, Gadhafi  forces had been shelling rebel held positions near Beir al-Ghanam and  also near Qawalish.

Rebel fighters last month suffered heavy casualties in a failed  attempt to wrest control of al-Ghazzaya from forces loyal to Gadhafi.

Last week, rebel fighters manning hilltops in the western mountains  overlooking al-Ghazzaya told CNN that they had been watching the  government forces reinforcing their weapon stocks with heavy military  machinery and rocket launchers.

Rebels have been battling government troops in a fight to oust  Gadhafi, who has ruled the North African nation for nearly 42 years.

NATO has used air power to enforce a U.N. resolution protecting  civilians from the regime, and world powers have been announcing their  support for Libya’s rebel umbrella group.

The United Kingdom on Wednesday recognized the Transitional National  Council as that nation’s legitimate government. The United States  recently recognized the council as the “legitimate governing authority”  in Libya.

British Foreign Secretary William Hague on Wednesday reiterated his  stance that Gadhafi could remain in Libya if he leaves power, but added  that the best thing would be for him to face justice at the  International Criminal Court, which is seeking his arrest.

Source CNN



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29.07.11 11:09

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate100war Younis ein Verräter?

 Libyan rebels fear rift after death of Abdel Fatah Younis | World news |
Questions raised over circumstances of Younis's death amid speculation he may have been killed by gunmen on his own side
dann hat er den Tod verdient! schon komisch das an der ost front nix vorranging...

Piraten Partei! Klar zum Entern!!

29.07.11 13:08

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate100Rätselhafter Tod des Rebellen-Kommandeurs

Gaddafi-Gegner: Rätselhafter Tod des Rebellen-Kommandeurs - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten - Politik
Jahrzehnte lang war Abd al-Fattah Junis einer der treusten Gefährten des libyschen Despoten Gaddafi - bis der Armeegeneral zu den Aufständischen überlief. Nun ist er unter mysteriösen Umständen ums Leben gekommen, es kursieren wilde Spekulationen. Den Rebellen droht ein fataler Machtkampf.

Piraten Partei! Klar zum Entern!!

29.07.11 18:07

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate100nafusa ist bald komplett befreit von den G. Ratten

Map: What the revolutionaries in Nafusa Mountains accomplished in less than 3 months    

Rebels in Libya’s Western Mountains launched a multipronged attack  against government forces at dawn on Thursday and scored what appeared  to be their biggest one-day territory gain since the first days of the  uprising.

Click to Enlarge:

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Piraten Partei! Klar zum Entern!!

31.07.11 19:23

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate100zlitan ist so gut wie eingenommen

größere Mengen an schweren waffen konnten erobert werden. So langsam
bricht G. Armee in sich zusammen. Tripoli ist nah!    


Misrata rebel forces seize arms after routing pro-Gaddafi troops    

While  Libyan factions in Benghazi clash over control of army bases in the  city, opposition forces further west have broken through government  lines at Misrata, routing pro-Gaddafi units and seizing tanks, heavy  artillery and rocket launchers.

A  Libyan rebel fighter flashes the victory sign as a man waves a Libyan  rebel flag in Benghazi after clashes with apparently pro-Gaddafi  fighters. Photograph: AFP/Getty Images


Fierce fighting outside the besieged city that began with a  government offensive on Saturday ended in what rebel commanders say was a  rout, as opposition fighters advanced nine miles.

The collapse of government units was so complete that the rebels came  upon a treasure trove of heavy artillery, tanks, armoured vehicles and  small arms at an abandoned school complex outside the nearby town of  Zlitan.

Meanwhile in Benghazi, Libyan factions clashed in the early hours with an armed gang they said was loyal to Muammar Gaddafi,  the latest sign of growing lawlessness in the rebel-held east following  the death of their military commander, Abdel Fatah Younis, apparently  at the hands of rebel forces.

Rebel spokesman Mahmoud Shammam told reporters in the opposition  capital that the clashes broke out when rebel forces attacked a militia  that had helped around 300 Gaddafi loyalists break out of jail on  Friday. Rebel forces surrounded the barracks in which the militia, which  calls itself the Nida Brigade, had sheltered.

At least six rebels were killed in the clashes, he said, which involved rocket-propelled grenades and machine guns.

“At 8am, the barracks was brought under control. Thirty men surrendered and we took their weapons,” Shammam said.

“We consider them members of the fifth column,” he added, reflecting  growing fears among the opposition that Gaddafi loyalists have  infiltrated their ranks.

The 300 Gaddafi soldiers and loyalists who broke out of jail are apparently still at large.

In Misrata, rebels arriving at the abandoned arsenal found the keys  still in the ignitions of trucks holding grad multiple-barrelled rocket  launchers, enabling them to hook them to the heavy guns and drive them  back across the lines.

“They just left these behind, they left grad trucks, they left some  cars, they left weapons,” said Abdullah Maiteed, of the rebel Arise  Brigade, stationed on the main Tripoli-Misrata highway. “We nailed  them.”

Four of the huge 155mm guns, the largest battlefield artillery weapon  in use among most armies, were seen by the Guardian driving back from  the frontline late on Saturday night. Each was towed by  multiple-barrelled grad rocket launcher, the cabs of the tan-coloured  trucks still bearing the graffiti of the Gaddafi forces.

Rebels say the government front west of Misrata, where Gaddafi has  deployed his most powerful force, the 32nd Brigade, commanded by his son  Khamis, has effectively disintegrated.

“The resistance today was not that much. I don’t know, maybe he  doesn’t have an army,” said Mohammed Elfituri of the Faisal (Sword)  Brigade. “We thought that it would be a hard work [but] we moved 15  kilometres.”

If the rebels can find the ammunition – a big if, given the UN arms  embargo – the arrival of these guns may herald a change in the balance  of power around Misrata, allowing the rebels to match the heavy weapons  of pro-Gaddafi forces.

Misrata’s forces also entered the town of Zlitan, an objective for  the past six weeks, to find it empty of government troops. But soldiers  from the rebel Shaheed (martyrs) brigade said they were turned back by  residents, who feared that a rebel advance would mean their homes  targeted by government artillery.

Fourteen rebel fighters were killed and more than 60 wounded, with 40  government soldiers captured, among them seven pro-Gaddafi troops  wounded and treated in Misrata. No figures for government casualties  were available.

In the early hours of Sunday morning long range rockets struck Misrata city centre, killing three people.

While the mood of rebel troops in Misrata is confident, following  news of gains by opposition forces in the Nafusa mountains to the west,  commanders say they are cautious about predicting victory – Libya‘s rebel forces have yet to demonstrate the ability to launch sustained operations.

One opposition intelligence officer said Gaddafi may retain  significant forces in the Wadi Ikam, a wide wooded valley further west  on the road to Tripoli.

Source: Guardian



Piraten Partei! Klar zum Entern!!

01.08.11 20:25

95441 Postings, 8677 Tage Happy EndWesten fürchtet Regime-Kollaps in Nahost

Westen fürchtet Regime-Kollaps in Nahost

Syriens Präsident Assad geht mit aller Härte gegen sein eigenes Volk vor, 1800 Menschen sind nach Schätzungen der Opposition bereits umgekommen. Der Westen kritisiert die Gewalt, eine militärische Intervention aber scheint ausgeschlossen - zu groß ist die Furcht vor einem Flächenbrand.


01.08.11 21:37

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate100FF erreichen zlitan centre

gibt aber irgendwie wenig berichte darüber....

Piraten Partei! Klar zum Entern!!

02.08.11 18:37

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate100zlitan counter attac fon G. abgewehrt

und in den Western Mountains gehts nicht weiter weil keine Munition da ist...
man das kann doch echt nicht so schwer sein vernünftige Versorgungswege

In Brega gibts kleinere Kämpfe aber da sinds die Minen die einen Vormarsch noch


REFILE-Libya rebels up for fight but where are the bullets?






Tue Aug 2, 2011 11:48am EDT

(Refiles to remove extra dateline)

* Poised for assault on key town, but lack bullets

* Rebels pass time cleaning guns waiting for ammunition

By Michael Georgy

KABAW, Libya, Aug 2 (Reuters) - Libyan rebels surrounding Muammar Gaddafi's last major stronghold in the Western Mountains region are hungry for the kill. There's just one problem -- not enough ammunition.

After weeks of planning, the rebels launched a new offensive in the region, capturing several towns and villages. But the biggest prize, Tiji, remains elusive for a simple reason fighters like Jumaa Muhammad are all too familiar with.

"We could not go any further. We ran out of ammunition," said Muhammad, who took on soldiers with heavy weapons with only 28 bullets for his AK-47 assault rifle.

"Who knows when more will arrive?"

The rebels of Libya's Western Mountains have plenty of spirit and determination. But frustrations are rising over inadequate supplies, inferior weapons and what they call neglect by the West.

Capturing Tiji would be a major boost for the rebels, who in this part of Libya, at least, appear to have managed to set aside factionalism and ethnic differences to coordinate a major assault.

Control of Tiji could give rebels access to a highway to that leads to Tripoli. They encircled Tifi days ago had to put the brakes on the operation when there was little left to fire at government forces, and have since been unable to advance.

Muhammad and other fighters unleashed their weapons, then had to retreat to a mountain ridge where they keep a close eye on Tiji from a tiny cement lookout post in the town of Kabaw.

Rebels pass the time cleaning their weapons, or chatting, until fresh ammunition arrives, hoping Gaddafi's men don't fire more Grad missiles at them from Tiji.

About 25 pound the earth a few feet away every day, a reminder of the army's superior firepower.

Because they lack experience, rebels often fire off many rounds in all directions during battles, instead of choosing targets carefully, wasting bullets in the process.

Ammunition from fellow rebels in the east of Libya comes only about once a month, so they have to improvise to survive.

"It's taking too long to get ammunition. Units from different villages have to borrow ammunition from each other because there is not enough to go around," said Tarek Zanbou, a former intelligence officer under Gaddafi who joined the rebel movement.

He and other rebel officials don't understand why NATO doesn't step up air strikes to help the rebels.

"Yesterday hundreds of Gaddafi's men were on a main street in Tiji. We gave them (NATO) the coordinates and they didn't do anything," he said.

Rebels firmly believe that "God is on our side" in the war against Gaddafi. But few believe victory will be possible without the bare essentials, like bullets.

"We just won't be able to reach Tripoli if this keeps happening," said rebel Muhammad Ramadan, as he walked past a mangled piece of metal from one of Gaddafi's rockets on the mountain ridge and a wall drawing calling for a free Libya.

(Editing by David Lewis and Mark Heinrich)  (editing by Mark Heinrich)





Piraten Partei! Klar zum Entern!!

02.08.11 18:39

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate100warten auf den einsatz bzw. Munition


Piraten Partei! Klar zum Entern!!

02.08.11 18:40

747 Postings, 4833 Tage Ups...Man soll einen angefangenen Krieg auch bis zum

Ende denken.
Und genug Geld in der Kasse haben.  

02.08.11 18:41

747 Postings, 4833 Tage Ups...War "Clausewitz für Anfänger"

Sorry, keine Schadenfreude, aber das Ding ist vergurkt worden, scheint mir.  

02.08.11 18:45

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate100Geld ist wohl gar nicht mal das Problem

eher die Lieferanten. Mir ist nur Katar und kurz die Franzosen bekannt die waffen
geliefert haben. Aber das verzögert das ganze nur aufzuhalten sind sie nicht mehr!

Piraten Partei! Klar zum Entern!!

03.08.11 18:53

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate100FF fangen schiff mit Benzin ab

	Libya rebels seize gasoline tanker | Petroleum Economist
Publisher of Petroleum Economist, The Authority on Energy, energy maps and books. Provider of energy training services.

Piraten Partei! Klar zum Entern!!

04.08.11 21:11

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate100neue Offensive geplant

wow die FF haben wohl alleine in den western Mountains mehr als 5000 Kämpfer.
geht wohl eher Richtung 10000... Nachschub an Kämpfern und Waffen/Munition
ist wohl angelaufen. Und diesmal gehts hoffentlich bis nach tripoli!

Piraten Partei! Klar zum Entern!!

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