Arabische Welt im Umbruch

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01.07.11 10:03

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate100yes es geht immer weiter richtung Tripoli

Libyan rebels prepare for battle 50 miles from Tripoli - Telegraph
Libyan rebels have gathered on a ridge overlooking a strategic town only 50 miles from Tripoli, preparing for a battle that could allow them to march directly to the seat of Muammar Gaddafi's power.
und schon gehts los...
Jul. 1st.2011 #Libya'n revolutionaries begin an offensive on Gaddafi forces near Bir al-Ghanam 40 miles SW Tripoli, the fight is still on.

Piraten Partei! Klar zum Entern!!

01.07.11 11:50

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate100scheiße das lief wohl nicht so gut

11:28am: Libyan rebels were on Friday pulling back from their positions outside the town of Bir al-Ghanam, 80 km (50 miles) south of Tripoli, after coming under rocket attack, a Reuters photographer in the area said.

The photographer said government forces based inside Bir al-Ghanam were firing at the rebels using Russian-made Grad rockets, which were landing as far away as the village of Bir-Ayyad, 30 km to the south.

Piraten Partei! Klar zum Entern!!

01.07.11 13:59

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate100Interview with Saif Gaddafi


Piraten Partei! Klar zum Entern!!

01.07.11 14:07

1092 Postings, 5722 Tage tommmmDie Nato hat bereits mehr Lybier

umgebracht als Gaddafi....  

01.07.11 14:12

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate100ein toter spricht

wer soll den schwachsinn glauben?

Ich will doch hoffen das die Nato mehr libyer(Soldaten) umgebracht hat als G.! :-)
Und es werden noch viele folgen. Keine Gnade!  

Piraten Partei! Klar zum Entern!!

01.07.11 14:16

1092 Postings, 5722 Tage tommmmSoldaten? in Wohngebieten?

wohl eher Kinder!
Mensch Pate, werde erwachsen!  

01.07.11 14:18

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate100gott du glaubst auch jeden schwachsinn

sicherlich sind ein paar draufgegangen. Aber wenn G. in Misrata oder benghasi gwütet hätte, wären 10000te abgeschlachtet wurden. Es gab den Befehl Misrata komplett auszulöschen....

Aber das ist für dich schon ok.... lol was ein schwachsinn du von dir gbust...

Piraten Partei! Klar zum Entern!!

01.07.11 14:20

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate100werd erwachsen und lebe in der realen welt


Piraten Partei! Klar zum Entern!!

01.07.11 14:20

1092 Postings, 5722 Tage tommmmWo ist der Befehl?

US Propagandaministerium?

und es sind keine Kinder "draufgegangen"...sie wurde ermordet! von der Nato....  

01.07.11 14:26

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate100blabla ignoriere nur die Konsequenzen

ohne einen Nato einsatz. das macht die welt doch erheblich einfacher...
gibt schon einen grund warum du da nicht drauf eingehst...:-)

es gibt dokumente die in misrata gefunden wurden. Aber das such ich jetzt nicht raus...

Aber ich finds toll das du das abschlachten 10000er durch G. beführwortest.
Nix anderes sagst du... aber ok steck dir ne Sonnenblume an...:-)

Piraten Partei! Klar zum Entern!!

01.07.11 14:27

1092 Postings, 5722 Tage tommmmwo wurden 10000 abgeschlachtet?

01.07.11 14:32

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate100lese die aktuellen opferzahlen...

was passiert wäre wenn die Nato G. vor Bengasi nicht gestoppt hätte, kann sich jder
mit einigermaßen gesunden Menschenverstand selber ausmalen.
Es gibt übrigenbs auch davon Videos wie G. in Bengasi gewütet hat. Jeder der auf der strasse rumlief wurde erschossen...  
aber das ist ja zwecklos bei dir...

bin jetzt off WE

Piraten Partei! Klar zum Entern!!

01.07.11 14:34

1092 Postings, 5722 Tage tommmmwas passiert wäre wenn?

wie im Irak?

zum Glück wurden die Iraker befreit.  

03.07.11 21:43

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate100Waffen sind kein Problem mehr...

denke bald gibts ne größere Offensive.... Organisation und Training braucht wohl etwas zeit...
ABer das gannze wirkt schon bedeutend strukturierter als vor ein paar Monaten

Video: Nieuwsuur report from Nalut on foreign weapon & armor supplies


Dutch  news programme Nieuwsuur reports from Nalut, about the attacks the area  is suffering, the professional training that revolutionaries now  receive, and weapon supplies. He also, interestingly, says that as they  understand, aircraft have been landing at the various small airports in  the region with supplies, although people are unwilling to say which  countries these airplanes are coming from.


Newsreader: “And now Libya, Muammar Gaddafi  threatens with attacks on Europe as retribution for the NATO  bombardments on Libya. In Libya there is now fighting on three fronts.  Benghazi in the east is firmly in the hands of the rebels. In the  surrounded city of Misrata, the rebels are withstanding despite  continuous attacks from Gaddafi’s forces. And rebels now also hold areas  in the west. A report from Nalut by Jan Eikelboom, Esmeralda van Boon  and Joris Hentenaar.”

Reporter: It says “welcome to free Libya”, this is  the border crossing and it’s basically possible to walk in uncontrolled.  We’ve now entered Libya, it’s calm here but it is a crucial supply  route for the rebels. It’s the only place, this road to Nalut, by which  they can bring in food, medicine and weapons too and there has been  heavy fighting here because of that.

Narrator: “The border may be open, it is not safe. Rockets still land near Wazin.”


Narrator: “Everything the insurgents need comes in via this route. Much of the aid comes from Libyans in exile.”


Narrator: “Even the road is unsafe says an insurgent guiding us. Gaddafi’s troops are less than 15km from here.”


Narrator: “The rebels hold the mountains; Gaddafi’s troops are down in the valley.”


Narrator: “The first stop after the border is Nalut,  a ghost town. Shops, schools, offices, everything is closed.  Practically no one is out on the street.”

Reporter: “Approximately 30,000 people live in  Nalut, but the population has fled almost entirely for fear of the  rockets that hit almost every day on indiscriminate places, like  residences such as this one. And often even after the attacks the  rockets still pose a threat. Rockets like these, for example, that have  hit but haven’t exploded.”

Narrator: “The women from Nalut have fled. The men have remained to fight.

Commander: “Faster, faster!”

Narrator: “In one month the recruits are made ready for the frontline.”

Recruit: “I train here to free Libya from the  dictator. We want to live in freedom in a civilized country. Gaddafi has  abolished civilization and human rights, all of Libya has to do his  bidding. But we want to be rid of this tyrant. ”

Narrator: “The new soldiers also go to school. They  learn everything about the weapons with which they fight and they  receive lessons in military strategy.”

Reporter: “The rebel army is less and less of a  motley crew. The soliders now have uniforms and there is serious  attention for training, not just outside but also in the classroom. Here  they are being taught guerilla tactics.”

Instructor: “The enemy is 60km away.. Here is our army.”

Narrator: “A former colonel from Gaddafi’s army is  in charge. He defected a month ago. Because his family is still in  Tripoli, he does not want to be recognizable on camera.”

Reporter: “Why did you defect?”

Colonel: “Because of the excesses committed by the  troops of Gaddafi in Benghazi, Ajdabiya and Misrata. Because of this  misconduct I no longer want to serve in this army. I have seen too much  injustice from this regime. I had no other choice than to leave the  army.

Reporter: “Did many people defect with you?”

Colonel: “Not many. They are afraid, but deep  inside, the majority of the soldiers are not with Gaddafi. I know the  army very well, I know what is going on inside the soldiers. I think  that 95% of those who have stayed, did so because of fear or because  they did not get the chance to flee.”

Presenter: “Just before this broadcast I spoke with Jan Eijkelboom and I asked him first which impressions he has of the rebel area.

Reporter: “The most important impression is that  life here has come to a complete stop, in this part of the rebel areas  anyway, in Nalut. The city, as you’ve just seen in the report, is  deserted and has turned into a ghost town but even beyond that all life  has come to a complete, a really complete halt. The shops are closed,  the schools are closed, the offices are closed and even more importantly  the banks are closed. There is no money at all anymore, and because  there is no money there is nothing you can buy. The whole population of  the mountain region at this moment lives off aid supplies.

And often when you are in an area like this [as a reporter], there  will always be one place where you can get something, one hotel where us  journalists won’t have it too bad for example, but there is nothing  like this here. Just like the rest of the population, we live off,  because there is a shortage of everything, off bottles of water and  packages.”

Presenter: “Yes, Jan, now NATO is also active in the west, what have you noticed of this?”

Reporter: “This afternoon when we were at the  training of the recruits, we heard jets overhead. Nato, it was said, of  course, those are the only planes that are left in the sky. So NATO is  present, we heard heavy explosions this afternoon not very far from  here. But it is not entirely clear yet whether these were NATO attacks  or whether they were Gaddafi forces launching another attack on Nalut.  One thing is certain and that is that last night at 3:30 this city was  hit by several rockets again.

Presenter: “What you also say in your report is that  the rebels now receive professional military education, we saw that,  and the weapons also don’t seem like hand-me-downs, do they?

Reporter: “No, these are brand new weapons. Spick  and span, we saw them come out of their packaging. For example this  concerns a French anti-tank rocket, a rocket launcher, the Milan. The  French themselves deny supplying them to the rebels, but we really have  seem them in use here. We have seen training sessions. What we’ve also  seen are brand new bullet proof vests, made in the United Kingdom.  Although we cannot yet say whether they have actually been delivered by  the United Kingdom. But there are countless other weapons that are brand  new and they enter the country with surprising ease, I think. We saw at  the border yesterday that not a single car is checked. Everything can  drive through unhindered. All cars, normal cars, pickups, whole trucks,  not a door is opened. As far as that is concerned, the Libyans are  exceptionally grateful to the Tunisians, everyone says it.

There are also rumours that the weapons are coming in via air. The  French have of course admitted that they have dropped weapons from the  sky. But we also understand that on all sorts of small airports,  aircraft from different countries have landed. People do not want to say  which countries are supplying weapons. Either way around two weeks ago  it was said there was a shortage of weapons in the Western Mountains,  but now all the rebels are saying that weapons are not the problem. The  problem is much more in the food, water, the medicines. For example in  Nalut, we were in a storage facility today. They have supplies for  another two weeks but after that they’ll run out and nothing has come in  the past week.

Presenter: “Thank you, Jan, for your contribution from Nalut, Western Libya, Jan Eikelboom.”

Posted in Videos | Tagged France, Nalut, NATO | 13 Comments












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04.07.11 11:11

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate100Libyan rebels and Qaddafi move closer to negotiate


A realization that neither forces loyal to Libyan Leader Colonel Muammar Qaddafi nor NATO-backed rebels are likely to break the military stalemate any time soon has boosted prospects for a negotiated settlement in the war-torn North African country.

In separate interviews with Reuters this weekend, Mustapha Abdul-Jalil, chairman of the rebel Transitional National Council (TNC), and Said al-Islam al-Qaddafi, one of the Libyan leader?s sons, laid out positions suggesting that chances for a deal were improving.

In a significant softening of rebel demands, Mr. Jalil said that Mr. Qaddafi?s opponents had dropped their demand that the Libyan leader and his family go into exile as part of any deal to end the five-month-old crisis in the North African country.


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04.07.11 11:13

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate100Turkey recognises Transitional National Council


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04.07.11 11:19

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate100Turkey pledges $200 million for Libyan opposition

Turkey pledges $200 million for Libyan opposition


July 3, 2011


BENGHAZI, Libya, July 3 (Reuters) – Turkey pledged $200 million in  aid for Libya’s rebel Transitional National Council and said it was time  for leader Muammar Gaddafi to leave Libya.

“Public demand for reforms should be answered, Gaddafi should go and  Libya shouldn’t be divided,” Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu  said during a visit to Benghazi, the eastern rebel Libyan stronghold

The aid is in addition to a $100 million fund for Libyan rebels Turkey announced in June.

“Turkey will provide another $200 million aid for Libya,” Davutoglu said.

Muslim Turkey, which had close economic ties with Gaddafi before a  rebellion against his rule broke out five months ago, has called on  Gaddafi to step down and call a ceasefire in the past and says the two  sides must reach a political solution.

“I am here to express solidarity with the Libyan people. Their  legitimate right should be realised, there should be a permanent  solution to the crisis which is possible only through a political  solution based on the demands of the Libyan people,” Davutoglu told a  news conference.

Source Reuters  Piraten Partei! Klar zum Entern!!

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04.07.11 11:21

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate100Libya: We win or we die

Libyan Freedom Fighters continue  their struggle against Muammer Gaddafi loyalists; for the rebels it is a  matter of life or death.

Libyan rebel fighters carry a comrade wounded during house-to-house fighting [GALLO/GETTY]


“You rats, you sons of rats, we are coming to get you.” The voice of the regime loyalist crackled on the rebel radio.

Under the pine trees behind a sand barrier  defence on Misurata’s western front line, the boys of the Martyr brigade  laughed, and returned a torrent of insults. The group’s anti-aircraft  gun was pointed outwards to the open expanse of fields where the  loyalist troops roam.

The bonds between the young men were forged in the urban battles that  raged for months on Misurata’s Tripoli Street. Now they are to learning  adapt to the front line of open war.

For more than a month, the fighters have been stationed at the end of  a dirt track that delineates the western front line at Dafniya. Long  range shelling; pounding mortars, BM21 ‘Grad’ missiles, and katyusha  rockets define their new war.

“Before we were street fighters, you slept on one road, whilst the  enemy slept next door. Kalashnikovs were useful. Here we are fighting in  open fields, we need bigger weapons and new tactics,” said fighter  Hazem Abu Zeid, 29.

Life and death

They lack heavy munitions, with Grad rocket  launchers being few and far between. The weapons they do have are  captured by running incursions into enemy ground. “This is the good  weapon!” said Salah Mabrook, spying a rusty antiquated anti-aircraft gun  on a green leopard print painted Toyota pickup that they took in  battle.

Every Friday forces loyal to Colonel Muammer Gaddafi have launched  massive offensives on their position. Friday in mid-June, a day that  still sends shivers down their spines, was second bloodiest day for the  rebel fighters since the battled moved to the city; over 30 of their  comrades were killed, and 150 injured.

A crater of splattered shrapnel marks in the road beside the  fighters’. Mattresses marks where one of the rockets exploded. A fighter  plucked a piece of shrapnel beside a pillow. “This is the piece of  rocket killed our friend Ali Seck. We feel such sorrow for our friends, a  lot of them have died beside me, just shot in the head,” said Zeid.

Every Thursday, Misurata braces herself for attack. Rebels clean and  load their Kalashnikovs, medical staff organise emergency room teams and  prepare surgical instrument sets. The elderly and their children scurry  to buy provisions so that they won’t have to go outdoors on Friday.  Housewives cook meals for the rebels on the front lines.

Rebels gathered on the beach, running, and diving into the crashing  waves. As the sun sank on the horizon silence fell on the group as they  contemplated what tomorrow would bring. “Maybe tomorrow I will be dead,”  said a young fighter nicknamed ‘Ronaldo’ for his love of football.

But as members of the Misurata council declared that their fighters  could not again suffer such an attack, on the front line rebel youths  stand determined to fight.

War stories

I went forward with the young brigade to  within 400m of the Gaddafi forces. The brigade provided a barrage of  cover fire for their diggers that advanced to push defences further into  enemy territory. Bullets flew fast from the thickets where regime  soldiers hit.

Back at the ‘base’ – a sheet hung in the trees for shade - they told  war stories. Sitting on pillows, a shisha pipe bubbling in the corner,  with mortars whistling overhead, ‘Hefta’ – named after Libya’s famed  rebel commander Khalifa Hefta and wearing a  t-shirt displaying the  words ‘Never Walk Alone’ -  spoke: “And we went forward until we were  within twenty metres of the Gaddafi men. We said “drop your weapons and  come here.” They replied “you are going to die,” and opened their guns  on us. But we killed so many. They left dragging their dead behind  them.” The boys cheered.

All the young men were students in English, and engineering, or businessmen before the war changed their lives.

Their youthful passions come through in the slow times of the war. A  young man grabbed the spout of the tanker filled with water supplies and  unleashed a giant arc of water on the men. They ran and jumped in the  spray. Another fighter cycled on a child’s bike, his FN rifle clanking  by his side.

Zeid’s passion, he explained, is metallica music. “I mix war with  music. Death metal gives the real part of humanity; most music talks  about love, beaches, cars, but this talks about real things, brutality,  poverty, the soul.” His Iron Maiden T-shirt denoting the slogan ‘matters  of life and death’ made for the perfect war gear.

“I have to stay on the front line, I can’t go back to my home and  wait for Gaddafi to come and kill my family. We win or we die,” added  Zaid his face turning somber.

Source Al Jazeera


Piraten Partei! Klar zum Entern!!

04.07.11 12:00

34698 Postings, 8806 Tage DarkKnightzu #441: interessante Parallele. Damals, in den

90ern, war es Deutschland, das Kroatien anerkannt hat und zum Bombardement der Infrastruktur Jugoslawiens und letztlich zum Ende Milosevics geführt hat.

Jetzt schickt man die Türkei vor.

Auf die Anerkennung folgen Bombardement, Bürgerkrieg, Waffenlieferungen und Sicherheitszonen unter UN-Mandat. Und Coca-Cola, McDonalds und General Electric, die sich Gas, Wasser und Strom einverleiben.

Europa ist in der Grundversorgung schon in US-Hand, Afrika fehlt noch.  

04.07.11 13:08

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate100häh?

"Auf die Anerkennung folgen Bombardement, Bürgerkrieg, Waffenlieferungen und Sicherheitszonen unter UN-Mandat. "

Das passiert doch schon seit Monaten?!

Und die amis halten sich eher im Hintergrund. Der Großteil der Nato Einsätze
wird von GB und FR durchgeführt. USA ist hier mehr ein Backup....

Die EU sollte meiner Meinung nach so etwas ähnliches wie die Monroe Doktrin für Nord Afrika und den nahen Osten entwickeln. Wir müssen endlich wieder in der Lage sein,unabhängig von den usa, unsere wirtschaftlichen, politischen und millitärischen Interessen in der Region durchzusetzen. Ich denke das ist mittelfristig überlenswichtig für europa. Sonst werden wir zwischen den USA, Russen und China aufgerieben und in der Bedeutungslosigkeit versinken.

Leider sind wir davon meilenweit entfernt....

Piraten Partei! Klar zum Entern!!

04.07.11 18:40

1092 Postings, 5722 Tage tommmmwessen militärische Interessen?

Mein nicht!
Die meiner Kinder auch nicht!

also die des Kapitals....und die finden immer ein paar Handlanger für eine Hand voll $  

04.07.11 22:51

1092 Postings, 5722 Tage tommmmzum Völkerrecht liebe Pate

In Nürnberg drängten die USA und Großbritannien auf die Verfolgung der Naziführer wegen Planung und Entfesselung eines Angriffskriegs. Der Richter des Obersten Gerichtshofs der USA Robert Jackson, Leiter der amerikanischen Anklagebehörde, stellte fest, ?dass die Entfesselung eines Angriffskrieges ein Verbrechen ist, das durch keine politischen oder wirtschaftlichen Umstände gerechtfertigt werden kann.? Er stellte weiters fest, dass ?wenn bestimmte Verletzungen von Abkommen Verbrechen sind, es sich bei diesen um Verbrechen handelt, egal ob die USA oder Deutschland sie begehen. Wir sind nicht bereit, Strafgesetze gegen andere anzuwenden, die wir nicht gegen uns selbst genauso anwenden würden.?  

04.07.11 23:18

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate100ach bitte lass mich doch mit deiner Traumwelt in

Ruhe! Ich hab verstanden auf welcher wolke du schwebst...
Von daher gibts nix mehr von meiner seite zu sagen.

Piraten Partei! Klar zum Entern!!

05.07.11 19:38

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate100huch was ist denn heut passiert?

kaum ist man nicht da....
@Guma_el_gamaty Guma El-Gamaty
Misrata & Zlitin FF join in clashes with Gadhafi forces now on 3 sides and entrances 2 city as FF's attempt 2 penetrate city and liberate it

Fällt endlich zliten?

Piraten Partei! Klar zum Entern!!

06.07.11 09:56

15130 Postings, 8415 Tage Pate100die Offensive hat begonnen

Bangkok Post : Libya rebels launch assault on gateway to Tripoli
Libyan rebels launch a promised assault on a key gateway to Tripoli early Wednesday, attacking government positions just 50 kilometres (30 miles) from the capital, an AFP correspondent reported.

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