Under the circumstances I would still try to reduce the dependency on biodiesel, if by selling at least one refinery, capital could be freed up for the more lucrative biogas sector. (But let the dumping investigation run its course to protect the remaining European biodiesel business.) Biodiesel is out of style in Europe, but it does make a profit where it can be produced and sold in the emerging world, China, for instance. Verbio does have good engineers, and if money could be made by selling a refinery, then I say we should do it. (I say we because stockholders are owners too.) The new biodiesel byproducts envisioned by Verbio are positive, but I doubt they will have a large impact on profitability. Verbio is held back by lack of capital to invest in second generation fuel. Biodiesel as a fuel is capital intensive, not very profitable and is now out of favor in Europe.