Penneyz2Dollars Share§ §Friday, January 20, 2012 8:25:17 PM Re: Penneyz2Dollars post# 19053 §Post # of 19128 Updated Figures on Yield Increase Revenues
I was asked to include some more figures by another ihub member. He said... I Got this from Aquliv. Can you include it in your formula?
"We determine the value of the yield increase per acre and multiply that by the number of acres in the farm. We then charge 50% of the total value of the yield increase for our services."
Stats taken from: and
In a previous post I figured in 193 bushels p/acre but after more research a more accurate figure is 154 p/acre So here is some more figures.
Given a 30-60% increase in yields.
One acre yields 154 bushels of corn (2010/2011 estimates)
30% yield increase would be 200 bushels p/acre.
That is a increase of 46 bushels.
46 bushels x $5.50 p/bushel = $253 p/acre. 50% service charge p/acre = $126 p/acre
100 acres = $12,600 service charge revenue 1,000 acres = $126,000 service charge revenue 10,000 acres = $1,260,000 service charge revenue 100,000 acres = $12,600,000 service charge revenue 1,000,000 acres = $120,600,000 service charge revenue
Now lets do a 60% yield.
153 bushels/acre + 60% increase = 245 bushels p/acre
That's an increase of 92 bushels p/acre.
92 bushels x $5.50 p/bushel = $506 p/acre. 50% service charge p/acre = $253 p/acre
100 acres = $25,300 service charge revenue 1,000 acres = $253,000 service charge revenue 10,000 acres = $2,530,000 service charge revenue 100,000 acres = $25,300,000 service charge revenue 1,000,000 acres =$250,300,000 service charge revenue
2010/2011 Estimated Corn harvested Area was 81.3 million acres.
What if only 25% of those 81.3 million acres were using our technology.
81.3 million acres x 25% = 20,325,000 acres. 20,325,000 acres would produce 3,109,725,000 bushels (That's 3 billion)
yielding a 30% increase = 46 bushels p/acre 46 bushels X $5.50 p/bushel = $253 p/acre 50% service charge p/acre = $126
20,325,000 acres X $126 Service charge p/acre = $2,560,950,000 in service charge revenue. That's 2.5 Billion revenue with 25% using our technology.
These figures are for corn only. What about Wheat? Potatoes? Whatever else?
I was just thinking today...What would our technology do for the tobacco industry? Multi-BILLION Dollar Industry. Just a thought...