Posted by: Soapy Bubbles In reply to: None Date:4/27/2008 4:19:46 AM Post #of 165320
Good night guys -- we're in good shape. I know it looks horrible at the moment, but it's not wasted potential. No one likes what YA is doing at the moment with the CD shorts you can watch on L2, but it's absolutely necessary for the health of the stock.
Many will think that comment sounds truly insane. But if you step back and think of the shorting by YA as a tool for us to exploit, then you may see what's REALLY going on.
It's curious actually -- the two camps in the forum are BOTH CORRECT. SWVC is getting hammered by debt as to save GS and TS, but the other camp is correct about TS leading us out of this KK inspired mess. In a sense, we are experiencing the fate that KK was spared as to keep GS afloat. We all knew something like this would happen since we all know of Cornell and their CD-stock manipulation. TS knows this, we know this, I know this. Those who claim otherwise, well, you know...
So when you watch L2 and the odd sales occuring w/o retail, keep in mind this is the hell we signed up for. We paid off the debt, we allow YA to salvage GS, TS salvages GSCR (our beloved SWVC), retail pays for the acquisitions, flippers pay for the buyback (tough luck guys -- flippers hit quicksand and are our sacrafice to YA -- and rightfully so), and the whole ship appears to burn and sink into the ocean of shorts.
But I am here, I have always been here, to tell you that we will not sink. We will not fail as KK failed. We will NOT lose as long as we are PATIENT. It doesn't matter what others say about patience nor the status of the company at the moment. All of that is totally irrevalant just like the YA warrants are under one cent.
The thing we do now is NOT support the ship. Let the tides of the shorts slowly drag it down. Let the POWERS THAT BE do what needs to be done. Let the stock be hammered HARD, the HARDER THE BETTER. I know it's difficult to watch, but it's necessary. But don't fret, WE WILL NOT LOSE.
I can only hope you understand what I am trying to tell you and that my words are in the best of intentions. This is a messy, dirty game; with lavish rewards and a story to tell. All of this, a story written long ago in a dilutive deal to stall Cornell (and it wasn't a smoke filled room), is finally coming to light. The plan is beautiful, solid, and truly brutal in the extreme. The brutality is our savior -- and in this case (although many may laugh) YA is our savior. YA is the ONLY reason why GSCR became SWVC and why WE can CHANGE into a truly diversified holding company in the short term. YA IS SWVC. Don't you get it? YA IS SWVC.
It's not about YA being an "investor". It's about YA RESTRUCTURING the company. Such an evolution is exteremely difficult and nearly impossible to face when one's investment evolves in such a fashion. It is neither fair nor a fraud, neither good or bad, neither Red or Green. It simply just is, and that's the nature of the plan.
ARCA is "tool" for our evolution. Just feed ARCA and let the shorted shares fall into ARCA's welcoming arms. It is the best thing for us. The more ARCA gains, the more we gain. I know its scary to trust a faceless MM in times of heavy shorting and a PPS on the verge of collapsing depsite the paradoxial fact that SWVC will soon reach near a 80M value, but ARCA is the "natural selection" determining our EVOLUTION. Just let ARCA survive and greet every last share that can go into it. That is what WE need to survive more than people slapping the ask.
I wish I could explain to all of you someday how I see and experience this investment along w/ my fellow longs. Sadly I doubt I will ever be able to tell such story but dearly hope those who care about this adventure figure out the story for themselves. If they do, then they know who I am and why I am here. They will know why I invested nearly 13 months ago and rode this rollercoaster we all know and love.
Good night SWVC'ers. I bid you well this weekend and wish you only the best.
Steve/Soapy Bubbles/Heywood Floyd/And other names best forgotten