Ich habe heute folgende Nachricht von Gerri Paxton erhalten, die ich nachfolgend einstelle:
Dear Mr. , We will report drill results as complete holes are received. Due to the depth that we are drilling at Larder Lake, the turnaround time is much longer. We are drilling below 800m and therefore at times these holes can be more challenging technically than holes in the 400m range. Occasionally some must be abandoned and a new hole begun.
I do not believe the business combination or reverse split had a negative impact on our share price or our company, in fact this, along with the ability to raise money in these markets, is a huge corporate milestone.
We hope to release drill results shortly to everyone and that the global market decline is nearing the bottom. I am confident of the industries/metals? long term performance.
We thank you in advance for your support, understanding and faith.
Best Regards, Gerri
Ich habe nach der Nachricht von Gerri noch eine Frage bezüglich des für das Jahresende angekündigten NI 43-101 gestellt. Auch hierauf erhielt ich schnell und wie ich finde eine ehrliche Antwort:
"We are presently working on a compilation for the resource estimate (43-101 status) and we had hoped to have it complete by year end. We would like to incorporate as many holes from Bear Lake as possible and with the depth of the current holes, it may pose a slight delay. I am confident, however, that if not at precisely year end, then early 2009."
Er bot mir, im nächsten Monat noch einmal den Sachstand abzufragen. Also ehrlich, ich bin sehr angetan von den schnellen und inhaltsreichen Antworten. Da habe ich schon ganz anderes erlebt. Insofern hierfür erstmal den Daumen hoch Ende