um seine MSEM Aktien zu bekommen hat man bis Freitag halten müßen und jetzt kann man wohl den Mist raushauen
bitte um Berichtigung wenn ich was falsch verstanden haben sollte
Bulletin Winning
Management will distribute approximately SIXTEEN MILLION (16,000,000) SHARES OF MSEM as dividend on a pro rata basis to shareholders in Axia. The estimated 16 million shares of restricted common stock of MSEM will be issued to the Axia shareholder of record date for the dividend has been set as the close of market on Friday June 8, 2007. AXIA Shareholders of record on this date will each receive 40 shares of restricted common stock of MSEM for each share of stock he or she holds in Axia. Shareholders can buy stock between now and June 5, 2007