....According to two persons, the "investors" would put Rs 2,000 crore into Suzlon EnergyBSE 1.42 % and the group's unlisted wind farm business. It's believed that the investors will get a 24 per cent stake in the listed company for Rs 1,600 crore, while Rs 400 crore would be invested for a 50 per cent stake in the wind farm business. The transactions would take place through preferential allotment of shares. The Sun Pharma group refused to comment; a Suzlon spokesperson said, "As a policy, we do comment on market speculation."
Earlier this month, Tulsi Tanti, the promoter of Suzlon, was spotted at an investor conference held by Antique, a brokerage firm, explaining the company's future plans. Antique is owned by Sudhir Valia, who is on the board of Sun Pharma, the country's largest pharma company. If the deal materialises, the fund infusion would help Suzlon bring down its debt, which was at Rs 17,000 crore at the end of September 2014. The company plans to pay off about Rs 6,000 crore from the proceeds of the sale of its German business in January. Of the balance Rs 11,000 crore debt, Rs 9,000 crore is foreign currency loans (including Rs 3,000 crore of convertible bonds). Most of the remaining debt is from public sector banks like SBI, Bank of Baroda, Punjab National Bank and Indian Overseas Bank.
A lower debt would free credit lines and help the company grow its business in India and emerging markets and win back its market share in India.
For the Sun Pharmaceutical group, this will mark an entry into the renewable space, one of the key focus areas of the new government.
: Actis Ostro Energy Fund will $230 Millionen
investieren in Alternative Energie.Actis ist ein Global private equity Fund. Das erste Projekt ist Tejuva, ein 50.4 MW wind energy project das bereits errichtet wird im Jaisalmer district of Rajasthan.Mit dem Projekt wurde Suzlon beauftragt. Actis will insgesamt 800 MW bis 2019 bauen.... http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/industry/...icleshow/46199908.cms
: Suzlon will Solar PV PowerTech von Shangvis Sohn
durch Aktientausch übernehmen,wobei Shangvis Familie Aktien von Suzlon erhalten wird .Zuvor muss aber der Senvion Deal über die Bühne gehen und die Bank of India Rs 6,000 davon erhalten http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/industry/...icleshow/46222154.cms es war ja schon länger bekannt, dass Tanti auch Solar bauen will,zumal die Zielsetzungen und steuerlichen Anreize in Indien gut sind
: Suzlon Energy Rises on Possible Stake Purchase
http://imarketreports.com/...possible-stake-purchase-market-talk.html ...Mr. Shanghvi, along with a company owned by his brother-in-law Sudhir Valia, Lakshdeep Investments & Finance, will buy the stake for 40 billion rupees ($644 million), the report said, citing unnamed people familiar with the development....
interessant vor allem,dass er sich 50:50 an einem 450MW Windprojekt beteiligen will Dilip Shanghvi, India?s second richest person and promoter of Sun Pharmaceuticals, has picked up 23 per cent stake in Suzlon Energy for an equity investment of Rs 1,800 crore, giving the stressed wind turbine maker a fresh dose of fund infusion.
Shanghvi will also collaborate with Suzlon for developing a 450-Mw wind farm in a 50:50 joint venture and will help it in raising non-fund working capital for projects. ...Suzlon will allot 10 million shares on preferential basis to Shanghvi family members and companies owned by him that will collectively hold 23 per cent shares in the company.
However, there will be no change in control, which remains with the Tanti family due to a pooling arrangement for voting. Tanti and other promoter entities now hold 30.94 per cent shares in the company and their stake will be down to 24 per cent post-acquisition.
Under the deal, Shanghvi and Tanti, who are categorised as persons acting in concert, will jointly make an open offer for over 15.7 million shares amounting to 26 per cent stake in the ?emerging voting capital" of the company (this includes addition in the number of shares upon possible conversion of convertible bonds into equity). The open offer price has been set at Rs 18 per share (below its Friday closing price of Rs 19.15) and could necessitate an additional infusion of Rs 2,837 crore for the additional shares.
Sources from Suzlon said there was an internal arrangement between Tanti and Shanghvi on who would make payment for purchasing additional shares in the open offer. ?Tulsi Tanti will have absolute control over the company and the Shanghvi family?s stake in the company will remain below Tanti?s holding," the source added.
The deal will require approval from the Competition Commission of India and the company's shareholders.
offenbar sieht man den Deal mit Shangvi äusserst positiv
ich war mir da nicht so sicher wegen der geplanten Kapitalerhöhung:Under the deal, Shanghvi and Tanti, who are categorised as persons acting in concert, will jointly make an open offer for over 15.7 million shares amounting to 26 per cent stake in the ?emerging voting capital" of the company (this includes addition in the number of shares upon possible conversion of convertible bonds into equity). The open offer price has been set at Rs 18 per share (below its Friday closing price of Rs 19.15) and could necessitate an additional infusion of Rs 2,837 crore for the additional shares.
"It is possible that it can go to levels of about Rs 28-30 but then you can?t back that by fundamentals because fundamentals will take a while for it to change. So, it is possible that we could see Rs 28-30 in this rally. Possibly better gains are to be had in next year and half, two years. After touching the Rs 28-30 it could again come down because once this rally is over it could possibly consolidate at lower levels," he said.
New Delhi : Within days of committing to invest in wind turbine maker Suzlon, Dilip Shanghvi Family and Associates have made an open offer to buy another 26% stake for Rs 2,837 crore in the company, reports PTI.
The open offer price for 157.64 crore shares is Rs 18 per scrip, a total of about Rs 2,837.52 crore. Suzlon Energy last week signed definitive agreements with Dilip Shanghvi Family and Associates (DSA) for equity investments of Rs 1,800 crore, entailing 23 per cent holding. - See more at: http://www.freepressjournal.in/...ake-in-suzlon/#sthash.I33RU0wa.dpuf
: Auditors concerned over company's financial health
The auditors of wind turbine maker Suzlon have expressed concern over the company's financial health as faces liquidity issues and is yet to make payments to its lenders and vendors.
In a review report to the stock exchange the auditors said: "The unaudited standalone financial results of the company indicate that it has overdue amounts payable to vendors and lenders and has been facing liquidity issues."
The auditors - S R Batliboi and Co LLP and SNK & Co - said in the review that these conditions along with other matters indicate the existence of a material uncertainty that may cast a significant doubt about the company's ability to continue as a going concern.
Suzlon last week posted consolidated net loss of Rs 6,538.68 crore (Rs 65.38 billion) for the third quarter ended December 2014. It had reported a loss of Rs 1,075.25 crore in the corresponding period a year ago......
: Langfristig kann Suzlon ein guter Kauf sein
Dilip Bhat of Prabhudas Lilladher told CNBC-TV18, "In the longer run probably Suzlon will merit a re-look. Largely it will come from the expectation that probably the debt scenario problem which it faced it gradually will ease out and more important with the induction of Dilip Sanghvi I think there will be a lot of fiscal discipline that will come into the company which is what really derailed the companies prospects otherwise they were the ones who were doing pretty well and they were in a pretty good sector." "Going forward may be some of these things will really help the company for a good rerating. So, on a longer term basis it certainly merits a look. Even from the Indian governments point of view this renewable energy is going to be a priority on an overall basis," he said.
: Suzlon über 200 Tageslinie Interessant f.Longterm
Kunal Bothra of LKP Securities told CNBC-TV18, " Adani Power has come out above the 200-day moving average and that is one of the good signs and just to give an example a couple of days back Suzlon Energy which was trading below the 200 day moving average, it languished for at least three to four months below the critical trend line but the fact that it has come up above the 200-day moving average, now it could probably eye a lot of interest from the longer term investors as well."