@Leerverkauf: Kann ich dir in allem nur zustimmen.
@Fegefeuer: Vielen Dank!
@Son Goku: Mein Vorgänger hats ja schon perfekt beschrieben. Ich füge dann mal noch kurz das offizielle Statement vom Orocobre Q1 Bericht 2017 hinzu. Darin wird darauf hingewiesen dass diese Daten mit Vorsicht zu genießen sind. Gründe seht ihr unten.
Orocobre recently undertook an investor road show during which a number of groups indicated they have been following the ''Administracion Federal de Ingresos Publicos'' (AFIP) export statistics from Argentina. The Company recommends a degree of caution be applied to the interpretation of AFIP data.
Over the longer term the actual exports and the AFIP export data will broadly be in line but "live" monthly and quarterly data is subject to variability The variability could be due to corrections to AFIP numbers made post export, such as changes to volume or price data, exports not recorded in the month of export (early or late) and duplicate counting of exports By way of example the AFIP data for the month of December 2016 overstated the volume exported. The March quarter demonstrated variations in January and March It is common for customs data in any country to be reviewed and corrected on an ongoing basis, hence variability between customs data systems and actuals will occur
The Company recommends a degree of caution be applied when viewing and interpreting AFIP export data as this data is variable and may not be an accurate reflection of SDJ SA's exports of lithium carbonate from Argentina particularly when analysing shorter data periods in isolation from the historical data set."