10 July 2017
This announcement contains inside information
88 Energy Limited
Icewine#2 Operations Update
88 Energy Limited ("88 Energy", "the Company", "Operator") (ASX, AIM: 88E) is pleased to provide an update on Project Icewine, located onshore North Slope of Alaska.
· Stimulation fluid has continued to flowback naturally
· ~16% of total stimulation fluid recovered to date
· Shut in planned for 6 weeks
Icewine#2 Operations Update
Flowback operations have continued, with fluid composition comprising 100% water. After analysing the performance of the well to date, and comparing to results from other plays, a decision has been made to shut the well in for six weeks to allow for pressure build up and imbibition to occur. Imbibition (or soaking) has proven to be effective in other plays by allowing frac fluid to be absorbed, displacing in-situ water that may be blocking hydrocarbon molecules from being able to flow through the reservoir.
Post the shut in period, the well may then be swabbed.
Further analyses are required to determine the impact, if any, of the performance of the Icewine#2 well on the probability of success for the HRZ play at the Franklin Bluffs location and over the wider acreage position.
Further updates will be made as and when appropriate throughout the testing program.