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20.02.07 16:55

13197 Postings, 6696 Tage J.B.US Chicago Fed National Activity Index

Chicago Fed National Activity Index im Minus

Der "Chicago Fed National Activity Index" hat sich im Januar auf -0,74 Punkte ermäßigt, nachdem er im Dezember noch 0,36 Zähler betragen hatte. Der aussagekräftigere Dreimonatsschnitt des Stimmungsbarometers für die Wirtschaft im Großraum Chicago sinkt damit von -0,19 auf -0,29 Punkte. Die Chicagoer Fed gab zu, dass das Wirtschaftswachstum derzeit unterhalb des historischen Schnitts liege, betonte aber zugleich, dass sie für dieses Jahr nur geringe Inflationsrisiken sehe.

Servus, J.B.
"If any man seeks for greatness, let him forget greatness and ask for truth, and he will find both." (Horace Mann)  

20.02.07 19:25

13197 Postings, 6696 Tage J.B.US State Street Investor Confidence Index Februar

Veröffentlichung der Zahlen zum US-amerikanischen State Street Investor Confidence Index für Februar 2007


Der US-amerikanische State Street Investor Confidence Index notiert im Februar bei 90,4. Einen Monat zuvor hatte der Index noch bei 85,2 gestanden. Damit wurde der Vormonatswert von 85,0 nach oben revidiert.

Servus, J.B.
"If any man seeks for greatness, let him forget greatness and ask for truth, and he will find both." (Horace Mann)


20.02.07 19:38

13197 Postings, 6696 Tage J.B.US-Rating weiterhin "AAA"

Die Ratingagentur Fitch hat am Dienstag die Bonität für US-Staatsanleihen von "AAA" bekräftigt. Sowohl für Anleihen in USD als auch in Fremdwährung bleibe es bei der höchsten Rating-Note, hieß es heute. Der Ausblick steht zudem weiterhin auf "stabil". Als Grund für die Entscheidung nannte Fitch die "unbestreitbare Wirtschafts- und Kreditstärke" des Landes sowie die Stabilität des politischen Systems der USA. Das mit 6,6% des BIPs im Vergleich zu anderen Ländern mit der höchsten Bonitätsnote sehr hohe US-Leistungsbilanzdefizit wirkte sich hingegen nicht negativ aus. (vz/FXdirekt)

Servus, J.B.
"If any man seeks for greatness, let him forget greatness and ask for truth, and he will find both." (Horace Mann)


21.02.07 14:14

13197 Postings, 6696 Tage J.B.US ICSC-Index(Woche)

Die US-Filialumsätze sind in der Woche zum 17. Februar gegenüber dem Vergleichszeitraum des Vorjahres um 3,5 Prozent gestiegen. Dies meldete heute das International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC). Gegenüber der Vorwoche ist ein Rückgang von 0,1 Prozent zu registrieren.

Laut ICSC-Chefökonom Mike Niemira hat das harte Winterwetter besonders im mittleren Westen und Nordosten der USA zu einer Minderung der Ausgabebereitschaft geführt.

Das ICSC rechnet für Februar gegenüber dem Vergleichszeitraum des Vorjahres mit einem Filialerlöszuwachs von rund 3 Prozent.

Servus, J.B.
"If any man seeks for greatness, let him forget greatness and ask for truth, and he will find both." (Horace Mann)


21.02.07 14:37

13197 Postings, 6696 Tage J.B.US Verbraucherpreise Januar

Veröffentlichung der Zahlen zum US-amerikanischen Verbraucherpreisindex ("Consumer Price Index, CPI") für Januar 2007


Die US-amerikanischen Verbraucherpreise sind im Januar um 0,2 % gestiegen. Erwartet wurde ein Anstieg um 0,1 bis 0,2 %. Im Monat zuvor waren die Preise der Konsumenten noch um 0,4 % geklettert.

Die Kernrate ist in den USA um 0,3 % gestiegen. Gerechnet wurde hier mit mit einem 0,2 % Anstieg. Im Vormonat hatte die Kernrate um 0,1 % zugelegt.

Servus, J.B.
"If any man seeks for greatness, let him forget greatness and ask for truth, and he will find both." (Horace Mann)


21.02.07 14:47

80400 Postings, 7465 Tage Anti LemmingAndere Daten bei CBS Marketwatch

Dort stiegen BEIDE Raten, Konsumentenpreise UND Kerninflation, um je 0,3 %.

U.S. CPI up 0.3% in January, more than expected
By Rex Nutting
Last Update: 8:30 AM ET Feb 21, 2007

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) - U.S. consumer prices increased 0.3% in January, led by large increases in food, medical care and tobacco prices, the Labor Department reported Wednesday. Core inflation, which ignores movements in food and energy prices, rose 0.3% in January, the biggest increase since June. The greater-than-expected consumer price index could lessen the odds that the Federal Reserve would cut interest rates. The core CPI is up 2.7% in the past year, a notch higher than the 2.6% year-on-year rate in November and December. Economists surveyed by MarketWatch were looking for a 0.1% gain on the CPI and for a 0.2% gain on the core CPI.  

21.02.07 14:50

80400 Postings, 7465 Tage Anti LemmingHier auch

beide um + 0,3 %:

U.S. Jan core CPI rises 0.3% vs. 0.2% expected
8:30 AM ET, Feb 21, 2007

U.S. Jan. CPI rises 0.3% vs. 0.1% expected
8:30 AM ET, Feb 21, 2007

21.02.07 14:51

13197 Postings, 6696 Tage J.B.Thx, Anti, haben sich wohl wieder vertan!!

Servus, J.B.
"If any man seeks for greatness, let him forget greatness and ask for truth, and he will find both." (Horace Mann)


21.02.07 14:56

80400 Postings, 7465 Tage Anti LemmingHeute hatte CBS falsche Daten gebracht

CORRECT: U.S. Jan. CPI rises 0.2% vs. 0.1% expected

21.02.07 16:01

13197 Postings, 6696 Tage J.B.US Frühindikatoren Januar

Veröffentlichung der Zahlen zu den US-amerikanischen Frühindikatoren ("Leading Indicators") für Januar 2007


Die US-amerikanischen Frühindikatoren sind im Januar um 0,1 % gestiegen. Erwartet wurde ein Anstieg im Bereich 0,2 bis 0,3 %.

Servus, J.B.
"If any man seeks for greatness, let him forget greatness and ask for truth, and he will find both." (Horace Mann)


21.02.07 17:21

13197 Postings, 6696 Tage J.B.Ein kleiner Kommentar zu den US Daten von Heute

Die US-Verbraucherpreise nahmen im Januar mit 0,2% gegenüber Dezember etwas kräftiger zu als wir und der Markt mit 0,1% erwartet hatten. Der kräftiger als erwartete Anstieg für Januar wird aber dadurch relativiert, dass der Wert für Dezember von 0,5% auf 0,4% revidiert wurde. Die Inflationsrate ging im Januar von 2,5% auf 2,1% zurück. Erwartungsgemäß entwickelten sich die Energiepreise im Januar äußerst moderat. Nachdem sie im Dezember um 4,2% zulegten, haben sie sich im Januar um 1,5% verringert. Dagegen zogen die Preise für Nahrungsmittel um 0,7%, für Tabak um 3,1% und für medizinische Güter um 0,8% deutlicher an. Ohne Nahrungsmittel haben die Verbraucherpreise im Vormonatsvergleich stagniert. In der Kernrate ohne Energie und Nahrungsmittel stiegen die Verbraucherpreise dagegen um 0,3% etwas stärker als erwartet. Aber auch hier wurde der Vormonatswert nach unten revidiert (0,1% statt 0,2%). Die Kerninflation kletterte im Januar von 2,6% auf 2,7%, das höchste Niveau seit Oktober des letzten Jahres. Sie befindet sich damit weiter deutlich oberhalb der 'Wohlfühlzone' der US-Notenbank. So gesehen kann von einer Entwarnung an der Inflationsfront noch keine Rede sein. Die Fed wird auch weiterhin ein wachsames Auge auf die Inflationsentwicklung werfen und ihre abwartende geldpolitische Haltung beibehalten.

Quelle: Postbank

Servus, J.B.
"If any man seeks for greatness, let him forget greatness and ask for truth, and he will find both." (Horace Mann)  

21.02.07 20:16

13197 Postings, 6696 Tage J.B.US FOMC Sitzungsprotokoll

Veröffentlichung des Sitzungsprotokolls zur letzten Sitzung des Federal Open Market Committees (FOMC Minutes)


Der Offenmarktausschuss der Fed hatte in seiner letzten Sitzung am 31. Januar für eine Belassung der Zinsen bei 5,25 % entschieden.

Das Gros der Mitglieder habe eine Verbesserung der Wirtschaftssituation gegenüber Dezember gesehen. Auch gebe es Anzeichen für eine Stabilisierung im Immobiliensektor. Die Risiken eines großen Crashs in diesem Bereich wären zumindest gesunken.

Bezüglich der Inflationsrisiken waren sich alle Fed-Mitglieder einig, dass sich die Lage entspanne.


Servus, J.B.
"If any man seeks for greatness, let him forget greatness and ask for truth, and he will find both." (Horace Mann)


21.02.07 20:22

1282 Postings, 6990 Tage sparbuchgesunkene Risiken im Imobilien Bereich ?


21.02.07 20:25

13197 Postings, 6696 Tage J.B.Ich sag ja: gegen die Fed war der Münchhausen

ein Verfechter der Wahrheit!!

Servus, J.B.
"If any man seeks for greatness, let him forget greatness and ask for truth, and he will find both." (Horace Mann)


21.02.07 20:32

1282 Postings, 6990 Tage sparbuchgesunkene Risiken im Imobilienbereich?

NFI NOVASTAR FINL INC 2:10PM ET 10.11 7.72?7.69  7.45  42.42%  

21.02.07 20:38

5570 Postings, 6617 Tage skunk.worksUS / World stocks to fall

stay cash........and go short

KAHULUI, Hawaii (YF) -- Market wise, equities are in the midst of the second-longest rally since 1929. Yet there are some serious warning signs -- especially sentiment

The odds are high that the current advance won't be able to continue. Stocks remain stretched and trade above past market multiples. What goes up must come down.

On the economic front, we are overdue for a recession. The last one occurred in 2000 and 2001. Business expansions don't last forever. The boom-and-bust pattern of an economic cycle has not been repealed.

An inverted yield curve almost always points to a deep business slowdown. The Fed publicly claims there's a 40% chance of a recession. However, a model of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York is essentially forecasting an outright recession.

Double-digit corporate earnings growth will be a thing of the past. Companies should consider themselves fortunate to experience single-digit growth.

The housing industry remains on the verge of a massive collapse. In our estimation, this real estate debacle is only in the top half of the second inning of a nine-inning ballgame.

Sentimentally speaking, our indicators are flashing major warning signals. At extremes, sentiment can indicate a peak or an important low. This contrary indicator is presently at an extreme level. Unfortunately, it's a very bearish one.

You need not look far for the evidence of the euphoria in today's market:

Fox plans to launch a new business channel. Newsweek magazine recently had a write-up on the success of the CNBC Business Channel.

Based on surveys by Investors Intelligence, bullish investment advisers hover between the 50% to the 60% range. These are at the high end of the spectrum.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average (INDU) achieved an all-time record high and the other indexes reached multiyear highs.

Small-cap stocks outperformed the other averages by a wide margin. Case in point, the Russell 2000 (RUT) skyrocketed to a record high in early 2007. In addition, it enjoyed an 18.9% gain last year.

Wall Street expects to pay out $23.9 billion in bonuses. A startling increase of 17% over the previous year's record. The world's largest investment banker, Goldman Sachs (GS), reported a whopping profit of $9.4 billion -- the most ever for a Wall Street company in a given year. And it has set aside $16.5 billion for salaries, bonuses and benefits for employees. Lehman Brothers Holdings (LEH) also produced record profits for the quarter and year. Bear Sterns experienced a record quarter.

In 2006, a combined total value of $1.6 trillion of mergers and acquisitions in the United States nearly beat the $1.7 trillion record for values in 2000 (the top of the high-tech bubble). Internationally, mergers and acquisitions of $3.8 trillion did overcome 2000's figures.

The utilization of derivatives surged to the quickest pace in eight years during the first half of 2006. According to the Bank for International Settlements, the face value of derivatives based on corporate bonds, currencies, interest rates, commodities and stocks leaped 24% to $370 trillion. It marked the biggest percentage increase since 1998.

On Feb. 9, Fortress Investment Group (FIG) made history. It was the first hedge and private equity fund to go public, a $634 million initial public offering. In its first day of trading, Fortress shot up 89% in intraday trading.

In the United States, the number of hedge funds resumed its growth. There are in excess of 9,000 of these funds. Around the world it's 30,000 funds.

With all the frenzy, mania and froth, Wall Street failed to take note of how corporate insider selling has increased to its highest pace in 20 years. Furthermore, cash levels of mutual funds are near record lows. Without money for buying support, how do equities keep moving up?

Hence, our investing strategy: cash and go short.

We started the new year with 100% in cash, earning well over 5%, risk free. On Jan.17, we deployed 10% into the Rydex Ursa Fund (RYURX). Ursa will rise when the Standard and Poor's 500 Index (SPX) heads down in price. Another 10% is earmarked for RYURX if the S&P 500 moves higher in the coming weeks. The inverse action will provide us a lower cost-average price. The total return from cash and the short position should beat the market's performance for the new year  

21.02.07 20:49

80400 Postings, 7465 Tage Anti LemmingNovastar-Fiasko wirft schräges Licht auf Housing

Stocks in the News February 21, 2007, 1:33PM EST
NovaStar Reignites Worries for Subprime Lenders

The company warns it expects to recognize little, if any, taxable income for the next five years

When NovaStar Financial (NFI) announced a loss for the December quarter and warned that it might not keep its status as a real estate investment trust (REIT), worries about the subprime mortgage lending market reignited on Feb. 21. As borrowing costs rise and the housing market slows, selling loans to people with poor credit histories has become a shakier business.

For the quarter ended Dec. 31, 2006, the Kansas City, (Mo.) company reported a net loss of $14.4 million, compared to earnings of $26.4 million during the same period of 2005. "The credit performance of our portfolio, and specifically our 2006 originations, deteriorated during the fourth quarter," CEO Scott Hartman said in a press release Feb. 20. NovaStar's earnings took hits from things like lower loan prices and losses on its investments.

What's more, the company expects to recognize little, if any, taxable income between 2007 and 2011. REITs must distribute most of their taxable income to shareholders every year. Now NovaStar management is evaluating whether to retain the company's status as a REIT beyond 2007.

"While NovaStar's results were disappointing, the guidance of little to no taxable income from 2007 until 2011 was unexpected," Deutsche Bank analyst Stephen Laws said in a research note dated Feb. 21. Laws slashed his $29 price target on the stock to $8 per share and downgraded NovaStar to hold from buy. (Deutsche Bank does business with NovaStar.)

Investors dumped NovaStar's shares, which plummeted 41% to $10.36, a new 52-week low, in afternoon trading on the New York Stock Exchange Feb. 21.

The market has already gotten warning that more of NovaStar's customers are failing to make their payments on loans as agreed. On a pool of mortgages NovaStar securitized in September 2006, more than 3% are more than 30 days past due, Morningstar reported Feb. 9. "If delinquencies in NovaStar's mortgages continue to rise, pullback from investors in its securities could create a liquidity crunch, limiting NovaStar's ability to originate new loans in the future," analyst Ryan Lentell wrote Feb. 9. After NovaStar's news on Feb. 21, Lentell added that "liquidity remains our number-one concern associated with the firm."

The market has been fretting about the state of subprime lenders recently, consequently making it tougher for those companies to raise funds. On Feb. 8, the group got hit after HSBC Finance, the Prospect Heights (Ill.)-based consumer lending unit of British banking giant HSBC Holdings (HBC), said it was setting aside 20% more than analysts had estimated for bad loans in 2006.

The same day, New Century Financial (NEW) shares skidded 30%, after the Irvine (Calif.)-based lender announced it would restate results for the first three quarters of 2006 to correct accounting errors related to loan repurchase losses. The company expects to see a loss for the fourth quarter of 2006 due to early payment defaults (see, 2/9/07, "Subprime Time Bomb")

HSBC's shares slipped 0.2% to $89.44 in afternoon trading on the New York Stock Exchange Feb. 21, while New Century's shares lost 6.9% to $17.48. If misery loves company, NovaStar can take heart.

Quelle: Business Week, USA  

21.02.07 20:55

80400 Postings, 7465 Tage Anti LemmingHoffnungen auf Fed-Zinssenkung schwinden

nach den "Fed-Minutes" (Protokoll der letzten Sitzung). Nimmt man die heutige Zinserhöhung in Japan, die in England und die geplante der EZB hinzu, dürfte die Ära der "globalen Hyperliquidität" bald enden und in die Geschichtsbücher wandern [als Fortsetzung des Kapitels "Wie Firmen andere mit Aktien kauften" (2000)].

Liz Rappaport
Hopes for Move to Neutral Squashed
2/21/2007 2:25 PM EST

Investor hopes that the Fed would move to neutral should be firmly squashed after reading the Jan. 31 FOMC minutes.

The minutes from the Jan. 31 FOMC minutes were largely in line with Bernanke's testimony last week, but revealed that committee members considered using more neutral language to accurately portray their view that "economic information received since the last meeting pointed to a somewhat more favorable outlook regarding both inflation and economic growth than they had earlier anticipated."

But that was then and this is now. That was before today's uptick in CPI and before a spate of slightly weaker economic data that's streamed since the beginning of the month.

If the Fed didn't go to neutral after three months of weak core inflation readings, they're not going to after it ticks up again.  

22.02.07 14:31

13197 Postings, 6696 Tage J.B.US Erstanträge Arbeitslosenhilfe (Woche)

Veröffentlichung der Zahlen zu den US-amerikanischen Erstanträgen auf Arbeitslosenhilfe ("Initial Jobless Claims") für die Vorwoche


Die Zahl der Erstanträge ist in den USA auf 332.000 zurückgegangen. Erwartet wurden 320.000 bis 325.000 neue Anträge nach zuvor 359.000 (revidiert von 357.000).


Servus, J.B.
"If any man seeks for greatness, let him forget greatness and ask for truth, and he will find both." (Horace Mann)


22.02.07 16:03

13197 Postings, 6696 Tage J.B.US Help Wanted Index Januar

Veröffentlichung der Zahlen zum US-amerikanischen Help Wanted Index für Januar 2007


Der US-amerikanische Help Wanted Index notiert im Januar bei 32 nach einem Stand von 34 im Vormonat. Gerechnet wurde mit einer Bandbreite von 33 bis 34. Ein Jahr zuvor hatte der Index noch bei 38 notiert.


Servus, J.B.
"If any man seeks for greatness, let him forget greatness and ask for truth, and he will find both." (Horace Mann)


22.02.07 16:32

13197 Postings, 6696 Tage J.B.US EIA Ölmarktbericht (Woche)

Veröffentlichung des wöchentlichen Ölmarktberichts der Energy Information Administration (EIA) zur US-amerikanischen Lagerhaltung


Die US-amerikanischen Rohölvorräte (Crude Oil Inventories) sind in der vorangegangenen Woche um 3,7 Mio. Barrel gestiegen, nach zuvor -600.000 Barrel.

Die Benzinvorräte (Gasoline Inventories) haben sich in den USA im Wochenvergleich um 3,1 Mio. Barrel verringert, nach zuletzt Minus 2,0 Mio. Barrel.

Die Vorräte an Destillaten (Distillate Inventories), die auch das Heizöl beinhalten, sind gegenüber der Vorwoche in den Vereinigten Staaten um 5,0 Mio. Barrel geschrumpft, nach zuvor -3,0 Mio. Barrel.

Servus, J.B.
"If any man seeks for greatness, let him forget greatness and ask for truth, and he will find both." (Horace Mann)


22.02.07 16:34

13197 Postings, 6696 Tage J.B.US EIA Erdgasbericht (Woche)

Veröffentlichung des wöchentlichen Erdgasberichts der Energy Information Administration (EIA) zur US Lagerhaltung


Die US-amerikanischen Erdgasvorräte ("Nat Gas Inventories") sind in der letzten Woche um 223 Bcf auf 1.865 Bcf zurückgegangen. In der vorangegangenen Woche waren die Bestände in den USA um 259 Bcf geschrumft, im Vorjahr hatten sie bei 2.161 Bcf gelegen.


Servus, J.B.
"If any man seeks for greatness, let him forget greatness and ask for truth, and he will find both." (Horace Mann)


22.02.07 19:02

13197 Postings, 6696 Tage J.B.Kansas City Manufacturing Survey

Survey of Tenth District Manufacturing
Tenth District manufacturing activity growth rebounded strongly in February, and expectations for future factory hiring and capital spending rose as well. The majority of price indexes in the survey increased moderately for the second straight month, due largely to rising food prices.

The net percentage of firms reporting month-over-month increases in production in February was 18, up from 5 in January and 7 in December (Tables 1 & 2, Chart). Production accelerated at most types of factories, but especially among producers of machinery and high-tech equipment. The overall year-over-year production index also increased from 19 to 31, and the future production index remained steady after a slight decrease last month. Although sample sizes make it difficult to draw firm conclusions about individual states, the data available suggest that production remained well above year-ago levels in all district states.

Like production, the majority of other month-over-month indexes increased significantly. The new order index jumped from 9 to 20, and the shipments index also increased for the second straight month. Growth in the order backlog index expanded for the first time in four months, rising from -4 to 9. In addition, the employment, new orders for exports, and supplier delivery time indexes all recorded solid gains. The raw materials inventory index increased to its highest level in six months, while the finished goods inventory index remained unchanged.

Most other year-over-year indexes increased over last month. The shipments and new order indexes both rebounded strongly after reaching their lowest levels in over three years. The order backlog index climbed from 7 to 23, and the employment index reached its highest level since the survey began in 1995. The capital expenditures index edged up from 13 to 17, and the new orders for exports and supplier delivery time indexes remained relatively unchanged. The raw materials inventory index declined slightly, while the finished goods inventory index increased for the third straight month.

Other indexes for future factory activity increased or remained fairly stable. The future capital expenditures index reached its highest level in over two years, and the employment and order backlog indexes increased as well. The future shipments index edged up after a decline last month, and the new orders index rose from 21 to 23. On the other hand, the future supplier delivery time index edged down from 11 to 8, and the new orders for exports index fell for the second straight month. Both future inventory indexes decreased slightly.

Most price indexes in the survey edged up slightly but generally remain lower than peaks reached over the past few years. The month-over-month raw materials price index rose from 11 to 15, and the finished goods price index also increased marginally for the third straight month. The future raw materials and finished goods price indexes also recorded slight gains following strong increases in January. On the other hand, both year-over-year price indexes decreased moderately.

Summary of Tenth District Manufacturing Conditions, February 2007
 February vs. January
February vs. Year Ago
Expected in Six Months
Plant Level Indicators
Volume of shipments
Volume of new orders
Backlog of orders
Number of employees
Average employee workweek
Prices received for finished product
Prices paid for raw materials
Capital expenditures 
New orders for exports
Supplier delivery time
     Finished goods

1Percentage may not add to 100 due to rounding.
2Diffusion Index. The diffusion index is calculated as the percentage of total respondents reporting increases minus the percentage reporting declines.
3Seasonally Adjusted Diffusion Index. The month vs. month and expected-in-six-months diffusion indexes are seasonally adjusted using Census X-12.
Note: The February survey included 104 responses from plants in Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Wyoming, northern New Mexico, and western Missouri.

Historical Manufacturing Survey Indexes
Versus a Month Ago
(seasonally adjusted)
Volume of shipments09827199156101081620
Volume of new orders12192327208201412213920
Backlog of orders11388107310-5-13-4-49
Number of employees131417152010-11381615813
Average employee workweek3812106363544-47
Prices received for finished product1614171724201715121071115
Prices paid for raw materials38354853544945382727303537
Capital expendituresn/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
New orders for exports46675442409-17
Supplier delivery time8101412151680721311
Inventories:      Materials14111214189814894813
Inventories:      Finished goods141110516316-1-3-3-7-7

Versus a Year Ago
(not seasonally adjusted)
Volume of shipments31333343423732373438342332
Volume of new orders30354346403434333928352636
Backlog of orders1624282429272222191519723
Number of employees24242425282717142529272535
Average employee workweek131915171420102141391013
Prices received for finished product52545857605852666557565752
Prices paid for raw materials70788380838274798076677167
Capital expenditures22302535252023212022281317
New orders for exports917161414161671511161112
Supplier delivery time1013161529261411119489
Inventories:      Materials27242427351721221422233127
Inventories:      Finished goods22191421254151410071125

Expected in Six Months
(seasonally adjusted)
Volume of shipments44343136174430302324312021
Volume of new orders3830314093423261420212123
Backlog of orders16914160221394614813
Number of employees162323191829121367191825
Average employee workweek167350491042912
Prices received for finished product33353435383624313327173236
Prices paid for raw materials58586664696157494846315052
Capital expenditures18191611102222242316242030
New orders for exports91212111113101081515104
Supplier delivery time58301910824911118
Inventories:      Materials1533510822-1-22-4-5
Inventories:      Finished goods1032563-23-2-111-2-5

Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
Manufacturing Survey Home Page


Servus, J.B.
"If any man seeks for greatness, let him forget greatness and ask for truth, and he will find both." (Horace Mann)


23.02.07 20:51

13197 Postings, 6696 Tage J.B.US ECRI-Frühindikatoren(Woche)

Die vom "Economic Cycle Research Institute" (ECRI)veröffentlichten wöchentlichen US-Frühindikatoren sind in der Woche zum 16.02. um 0,3% geklettert, nachdem sie in der Vorwoche noch ein Minus von 0,9% zu verzeichnen hatten. Damit liegen die Indikatoren weiter oberhalb des 52-Wochen-Schnitts und also im positiven Bereich, betonte das ECRI-Insitut. Die jüngste Bewegung in positives Terrain zeige zudem an, dass das US-Wirtschaftswachstum nach dem Rücksetzer im zweiten und dritten Quartal 2006 derzeit wieder an Fahrt gewinne, hieß es weiter. EUR/USD reagiert nur wenig auf die Zahlen und konsolidiert am Freitagabend seine jüngsten Kursgewinne; gegen 19:30 Uhr CET notiert das Währungspaar mit 1,3174. (vz/FXdirekt)

Servus, J.B.
"If any man seeks for greatness, let him forget greatness and ask for truth, and he will find both." (Horace Mann)


27.02.07 14:33

13197 Postings, 6696 Tage J.B.US Aufträge langlebiger Wirtschaftsgüter Januar

Veröffentlichung der Zahlen zu den US-amerikanischen Auftragseingängen für langlebige Wirtschaftsgüter ("Durable Goods Orders") für Januar 2007


Die US-amerikanischen Auftragseingänge für langlebige Wirtschaftsgüter sind im Januar um 7,8 % gestiegen. Erwartet wurde ein Minus in Höhe von 3,0 %. Im Vormonat waren die Auftragseingänge bei den langlebigen Wirtschaftsgütern noch um 2,8 % gestiegen. Damit wurde der Vormonatswert von zuvor veröffentlichten +2,9 % nach unten revidiert.


Servus, J.B.
"If any man seeks for greatness, let him forget greatness and ask for truth, and he will find both." (Horace Mann)


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