Capital Movements During the quarter, the Company issued the following securities: ? 7 October 2019 ? 819,917 shares issued to Magna upon the conversion 40,000 convertible notes ? 11 October 2019 ? 1,428,571 shares issued to Winance upon the conversion of 100 convertible notes ? 23 October 2019 ? 1,428,570 shares issued to Winance upon the conversion of 100 convertible notes ? 30 October 2019 ? 2,857,142 shares issued to Winance upon the conversion of 200 convertible notes ? 5 November 2019 ? 5,000,000 shares issued pursuant to the Placement ? 12 November 2019 ? 1,428,571 shares issued to Winance upon the conversion of 100 convertible notes ? 19 November 2019 ? 1,428,571 shares issued to Winance upon the conversion of 100 convertible notes ? 26 November 2019 ? 1,428,571 shares issued to Winance upon the conversion of 100 convertible notes ? 5 December 2019 ? 853,289 shares issued to Magna upon the conversion of 30,000 convertible notes ? 10 December 2019 ? 1,428,571 shares issued to Winance upon the conversion of 100 convertible notes ? 11 December 2019 - 25,940,000 unlisted options issued exercisable at 10c each on or before 30 June 2020 (as approved at the Company?s 2019 AGM held on 28 November 2019) ? 13 December 2019 ? 950,026 shares issued to Magna upon the conversion of 33,260 convertible notes ? 17 December 2019 ? 1,428,571 shares issued to Winance upon the conversion of 100 convertible notes