$$ Arafura Resources - Infothread ! $$
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@pece20 serious?? was ist denn das fuer ein Business man,der keine Kapitalgeber(venture capital) auftreiben kann??
I spent a lot of my money on booze, birds and fast cars - the rest I just squandered". George Best
Arafura is currently developing its Nolans rare earths-phosphate-uranium project in Australia?s Northern Territory. The project is underpinned by a 30 million tonne resource that can sustain a 20-year mine life. Arafura has developed a processing flow sheet, demonstrated the recovery of rare earths, phosphoric acid and uranium at a pre-production scale pilot plant, and is making rapid progress in completing a bankable feasibility study. The Company is on track for first production from Nolans in 2013.
Arafura has an exploration and development program aimed at enhancing its position in the rare earths market.
Arafura Resources advances rare earths processing demonstration program
Friday, February 11, 2011 Arafura Resources (ASX: ARU) is progressing with the calcium chloride recycle part of its demonstration program for key aspects of rare earths processing technology.
The test program is designed to reduce capital investment and operating expenditure through optimising all aspects of this part of the rare earth production process.
The company has pre-commissioned the demonstration facilities at AMMTEC in Perth and full trials with chemicals have now commenced.
The company is advancing the work stream to demonstrate the process in which calcium chloride is reacted with sulphuric acid to generate hydrochloric acid for re-use, and calcium sulphate (gypsum) product for sale.
There has already been interest in the gypsum product with one major gypsum user sending one of their experts to view the demonstration facilities.
On January 24 Arafura continued with its a main focus on rare earths with the non-core asset sale of the Mt Porter Gold project to Global Mineral Resources.
Arafura is looking to secure finance for its Nolans Project by the end of 2011, and commence production in the second half of 2013.
In early January, Arafura produced a commercial quality of separated cerium oxide and a commercial quality of neodymium/praseodymium oxide at Nolans.
Rare Earths are critical to high tech industries including electric vehicles, rechargeable batteries, energy efficient lights and iPods, and there are limited alternate sources.
China currently supplies approximately 95% of the world?s needs for these strategic metals and more price rises are thought likely if China continues to restrict exports in the interests of preserving resources for domestic manufacturing.
Quelle proactivinvestor
February 22nd, 2011
Australian rare earths company Arafura Resources Limited (ARU) (Arafura or the Company) announced there have been further significant increases in the prices of Rare Earths quoted by Metal Pages, UK. These new prices have increased the value of 1 kg of Nolans Rare Earths mix to US$86.26. This represents a 10% increase since January 2011, and is 2.5 times the 2010 average.
Prices have moved upwards again since China announced further reductions in Rare Earth export quotas in allocations for the first half of 2011. Prices of all Rare Earths have increased. In particular, the prices of Cerium, Neodymium and Praseodymium oxides have increased markedly in response to the new quotas. Significantly, Arafura recently announced it had successfully separated these important Rare Earths as part of its ongoing technology program.
Dr Steve Ward, Arafura?s Managing Director and CEO, commented, ?This trend is further demonstration of the very positive outlook for global Rare Earth markets. We are entering a new era for the Rare Earths industry as a very small number of suppliers from outside of China emerge in the short to medium term. Arafura will be one of these suppliers from its wholly-owned Nolans Bore Rare Earths deposit, and we are making excellent progress towards our plan for first production in 2013.?
?Our project to exploit Nolans Bore to produce Rare Earth Oxides for worldwide markets will position the Company extremely well to capitalise on favourable future market conditions. It is interesting to note that in our October 2010 business update, we modelled our Nolans Project with an upside price case of US$51/kg and this gave tremendous financials. At current prices, our annual sales revenue from Rare Earths alone will be US$1.7 billion.?
?We believe that the period of low priced Rare Earths is now behind us. Future pricing will reflect the tight ongoing market supply/demand dynamics, and recognise the criticality of Rare Earths to end applications for relatively modest input cost.
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Australien Market Wrap
Eine Zusammenfassung aller wichtigen Geschichten an der Australian Stock Exchange
Seltene Erden Preise zu erhöhen, durch neue Steuern
Freitag, 6. Mai, 2011 von Anthony David von Critical Strategische Metalle
Analysten sagen, dass die neue Steuer bedeutet, dass China nicht mehr plant, in seltenen Erden als eine einzige Gruppe schauen und ihre Zukunft Exportquoten könnten die unterschiedlichen Anforderungsprofile der einzelnen Gruppen widerspiegeln. Die neue Steuer wird auch als ein Schritt zur chinesischen Ausführer entmutigen und die Erträge aus ihr Monopol in der Branche zu verbessern gesehen. Chinas Finanzministerium und staatliche Verwaltung für Steuern im Dezember 2010 angekündigt, eine neue Steuer auf Seltene Erden Mineralien, die wirksam sein würde von 1. April 2011.
Die Steuersätze hängen von der Art der Seltenen Erden abgebaut - $ 4.54 (30 Yuan) pro Tonne für leichte Seltene Erden und $ 9,15 (60 Yuan) pro Tonne für mittlere und schwere Seltenerdmetalle.
zum ersten Mal - - differenziert zwischen leichten, mittelschweren und schweren seltenen Erden Mineralien Neben den finanziellen Auswirkungen haben die neuen Steuersätze auf die Tatsache aufmerksam, dass China gezogen.
Chinas Exportquote, wie es jetzt ist, macht das keinen Unterschied zwischen den verschiedenen Arten von Seltenen Erden. Als Ergebnis bevorzugen Verkäufer, die teureren schwereren Seltenen Erden zu versorgen.
In der Tat sind die leichteren Lanthan und Neodym manchmal nicht verfügbar obwohl er häufiger und in höheren Nachfrage, während die knapper heavies wie Terbium und Dysprosium leicht verfügbar sind.
Analysten sagen, dass die neue Steuer bedeutet, dass China nicht mehr plant, in seltenen Erden als eine einzige Gruppe schauen und ihre Zukunft Exportquoten könnten die unterschiedlichen Anforderungsprofile der einzelnen Gruppen widerspiegeln.
Die neue Steuer wird auch als ein Schritt zur chinesischen Ausführer entmutigen und die Erträge aus ihr Monopol in der Branche zu verbessern gesehen. China möchte, um mehr Hersteller mit Hilfe der Seltenen Erden auf dem Land, seine Beschäftigung Szenario zu steigern und den Technologietransfer fördern.
Chinas Exportquote Politik hat einen dramatischen Anstieg der Preise seit Juli letzten Jahres gezwungen. Preise erreichten ihren Höhepunkt im Februar 2011. Und die Preise steigen weiter. Das Handelsvolumen von China hat jedoch gering.
Laut Zhang Zhong, General Manager der Baotou Steel Rare-Earth Hallo-Tech Co, Preise im Februar manchmal um fast 10.000 Yuan pro Tonne pro Tag. Ferner sind globale Importeure der Metalle Einfuhr solcher Sendungen große, dass die Hälfte der Quote für 2011 angekündigt war bereits im Februar ausgeliefert.
Die neue Steuer kann auch bedeuten, dass China seine strategischen Reserven der Seltenen Erden stärken will.
Yang Wanxi, Direktor einer Seltenen Erden Expertengremium im Baotou Municipal Committee der Wissenschaften hat dem Bericht zufolge vorgeschlagen, dass die Einnahmen aus der neuen Steuer verwendet werden könnten, um die Reserve Bebauungsplan finanzieren.
Nicht der chinesischen Regierung sind natürlich besorgt, dass höhere Reserven gibt China die Chance, weltweit seltenen Erden Preise noch mehr Einfluss.
China behauptet, dass seine Exportquoten notwendig, um die Umwelt zu schützen sind. Da die neue Steuer von den chinesischen Bergleute bezahlt werden wird, kann China tatsächlich in der Lage sein zu zeigen, dass es ernst Umweltschutz ist.
Chinas Ministerium für Umweltschutz letzten Monat angekündigt, die strengere Emissionsgrenzwerte Regeln wäre ab Oktober 2011 wirksam. Es ist wichtig, sich daran zu erinnern, dass nach den WTO-Regeln, Quoten akzeptabel sind, wenn sie helfen die Umwelt zu schützen, obwohl die Bemühungen global angewendet werden müssen.
Seit die neue Steuer angekündigt wurde, haben sich die Preise der Seltenen Erden und die Aktienkurse von assoziierten Unternehmen fast verdoppelt.
Die Aktienkurse von Unternehmen wie Baotou Steel Rare-Earth Hallo-Tech-Unternehmen, Rising Nichteisenmetalle Share Company, Limited und Gengsheng Minerals Corp stieg um 2-15%. Spekulanten angeblich alles Material auf dem Markt gekauft, unabhängig von den Preis.
Spekulative Gelder erwarten riesige Renditen sind vermutlich gezielt die Seltenen Erden-Industrie haben. Der plötzliche Zustrom von Geld führte zu einer Verknappung des Angebots, die bis geschoben Preise sogar noch höher.
Chinas Aktionen haben bestimmte Seltene Erden-Unternehmen außerhalb des Landes profitiert auch.
Die Aktienkurse von Unternehmen wie Arafura Resources Limited (Australien) ( ASX: ARU ), Lynas Corporation (Australien) (ASX: LYC), Molycorp Incorporated (USA) (NYSE: MCP), Neo Material Technologies Inc (Kanada) (TSE: NEM) und Rare Earth Element Resources Limited (Kanada) (CVE: RES) hat springen nach oben gesehen.
Molycorp firmiert jetzt bei rund 75 Dollar pro Aktie, ein Sprung von fast fünf Mal von seinem ursprünglichen Einführungspreis von 13,25 $ im Juli 2010.
Das Unternehmen hat seine zweite Akquisition im April - sie erworben Santoku Amerika (Tolleson, Arizona) aus Japan Santoku Corporation für $ 17.500.000. Zuvor hatte Molycorp angekündigt, dass sie eine 90% ige Beteiligung an der estnischen AS Silmet für $ 89.000.000 zu erwerben. Silmet betreibt eines der beiden Einrichtungen in Europa, die nicht auf China abhängig ist nach Rohstoffen.
Molycorp werden die Rohstoffe aus dem US-amerikanischen Mountain Pass Mine transportieren, wenn es beginnt und Operationen ermöglichen Silmet bei höheren Kapazitäten zu betreiben.
Mit diesen Akquisitionen plant Molycorp zu seiner Herstellung Fähigkeiten und seine seltenen Erden Produktpalette zu erweitern. Die Akquisitionen dauert Molycorp einen Schritt näher an der Realisierung ihrer Strategie der vertikalen Integration in der Seltenen Erden Lieferkette
Quelle Proactiveinvestor
Wednesday, June 22, 2011 The Wall Street Journal has reported that China's exports of rare-earth metals in the first five months of the year fell 8.8 per cent from a year earlier, which has positive ramifications for advanced Australian listed rare earths developers.
China has recently tightened control over trade in the strategic ores and compounds like rare earth elements. It controls over 95 per cent of global rare earth supplies.
Hong Kong-based Economic Information & Agency reported that exports of the rare earth metals fell to 23,742 tonnes in the January to May period.
Leading Australian rare earth elements project developers include: Lynas Corporation (ASX: LYC), Arafura Resources (ASX:ARU), Greenland Minerals & Energy (ASX: GGG) and Alkane Resources (ASX: ALK).
Quelle proactiveinvestor
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Arafura Resources (ASX: ARU) has expanded the scope of Bankable Feasibility Study (BFS) for the Nolans rare earths project and extended the expected completion date of the BFS by nine to twelve months.
The expanded BFS will not only reduce operating and capital costs and de-risk the proposed Rare Earths Complex at Whyalla, but take advantage of 1,221 per cent higher rare earths prices, by simplifying the project flow sheet to focus on rare earth products.
Notably, the average valuation for the Nolans Rare Earths mix has lifted to US$207.53/kg (FOB) in June 2011, compared to the June 2010 value. These higher prices are expected to continue because of the demand and supply equation for rare earths.
Arafura has A$79 million cash at end of May 2011. To complete the expanded BFS, additional funding in the order of A$50-A$60 million will be needed and other costs originally envisaged as part of project financing, but now brought forward due to the revised schedule. The Company will look at financing options for these additional requirements.
The Nolans Project will be an integrated Rare Earths Oxide project (mine to market), using a production process developed in Australia, and will be one of the first major producers outside of China for users worldwide.
Dr Steve Ward, Arafura managing director and CEO, said, ?the entire project flow sheet was extensively analysed as part of the technical review. A key outcome was identification of potential opportunities to simplify the flow sheet, which we believe will enable Arafura to maximise the inherent value of the Nolans Project.
"Our focus will be very much on Rare Earths with a de-emphasis on the other products which may be produced in simpler alternate forms using standard engineering designs. Importantly, the simplified flow sheet will reduce interdependency risks between the rare earth plant and the other product plants.?
The BFS was expanded following a detailed technical review by the company and its team of consultants, which are leading global experts in large scale mineral processing projects such as Nolans.
Major work in the expanded BFS includes:
- Design and optimization of a modified mine site beneficiation circuit which aims to generate a higher mineral concentrate grade with associated reduction in reagent, transport, capital and waste management costs, both at the Nolans Bore Mine and Whyalla Rare Earths Complex;
- Further test work and refinement of R&D programs by the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) to produce separated Rare Earth products to customer specifications; and
- Undertaking detailed technical studies on major interaction points in a simplified process flow sheet to provide further confidence in process technology and reduce start-up risk.
Higher Grade Mineral Concentrate
Recent trialling of new physical separation processes has identified the potential to generate a significantly higher grade mineral concentrate from the proposed Nolans Bore Mine. This would deliver substantial savings over the life of the project due to reduced reagent, transport, capital and waste management costs.
Given the potential benefits across the Nolans Project, extensive geological and metallurgical testing is in progress.
Further development of REO separation technology
Arafura has also made strong progress on its technology development program to produce REOs in the past year. Laboratory and pilot scale work is continuing, including further refinement, separation and quality assurance work streams, in consultation with technical experts at ANSTO and targeted customers to meet their commercial specifications.
Successful pilot/demonstration test work on individual components of the processing circuit has been completed or is currently planned. Additional work to assess key interaction points takes this work one step further to provide increased confidence in process technology and reduce start-up risk.
The resource expansion phase of the Nolans Bore drilling program has commenced, with the recent completion of the shallow reverse circulation (RC) component.
The remaining months of the program will concentrate on extending Rare Earths mineralization to depths beyond 150 metres below surface.
The company said drilling aimed at enhancing confidence in the Nolans Bore resource, primarily through infill drilling, is now complete.
By the end of 2011 the company expects to have a much clearer understanding of the deposit?s capability to support expanded production far into the future, with sample analysis and geological interpretation of the drill data well underway.
The West AustralianJune 23, 2011, 12:36 pm
Arafura Resources shares took a hit after the aspiring rare earths miner delayed the bankable feasibility study for its Nolans rare earths project in central Australia by 9 to 12 months to expand its scope.
The company said the expansion of the study, which followed a review of the project, had significant potential to reduce operating and capital costs and further reduce risks associated with the start-up of the company's proposed rare earths complex at Whyalla.
It said the expanded study scope included opportunities to simplify the Nolans project flow sheet to focus predominately on production of rare earth products.
Nolans' original plan had involved mining rare earths, uranium and phosphate at the Nolans Bore project north of Alice Springs and transporting the product by rail to a processing plant in Whyalla in South Australia.
It expected the expanded study would cost an additional $50-$60 million.
"The company will consider financing options for these additional requirements and timing in due course," Arafura said in a statement.
The company said it remained well funded with $79 million in cash at the end of May.
Arafura shares were off 14.5 cents, or 15.43 per cent, to 79.5 cents at 12.30pm.
Investor Update - Nolans Rare Earth ProjectFri, 24 Jun 2011 10:22:00 +1000 3 hours, 53 minutes ago
Nolans Project Global Investor Update Dr Steve Ward Managing Director & CEO Gavin Lockyer CFO & Company Secretary June/July 2011 Disclaimer Important Notice This presentation contains certain statements which may constitute ?forward-looking statements?. Such statements are only expectations or beliefs and are subject to inherent risks and uncertainties which could cause actual values, results or performance achievements to differ materially from those expressed or implied in this presentation. No representation or warranty, express or implied is made by Arafura Resources Limited (?Arafura Resources?) that any forwardlooking statement contained in this presentation will occur, be achieved or prove to be correct.
You are cautioned against relying upon any forward looking statement. Except for statutory liability which cannot be excluded, each of Arafura Resources and its related body corporates and their officers, employees and advisers expressly disclaims any responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the material contained in this presentation and excludes all liability whatsoever (including in negligence) for any loss or damage which may be suffered by any person as a consequence of any information in this presentation or any error in it or omission from it. Arafura Resources accepts no responsibility to update any person regarding any inaccuracy, omission or change in information in this presentation or any other information made available to a person, nor any obligation to furnish the person with any further information.
This presentation does not constitute an offer of securities in Arafura Resources, nor an invitation to apply for such securities. This presentation does not provide investment advice or financial product advice. You should obtain professional advice and carry out your own independent investigations and assessment of the information in this presentation (including any assumptions) before acting.
Information in this presentation which is attributed to a third party source has not been checked or verified by Arafura Resources. The information in this presentation that relates to exploration results, mineral resources or ore reserves is based on information compiled by Mr Richard Brescianini BSc(Hons). The information in this presentation that relates to mineral resources or ore reserves is also based on metallurgical results and interpretation complied by Mr Steven Mackowski BAppSc.
Both are full-time employees of Arafura Resources. Mr Brescianini is a Member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists and he has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which
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