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War nun länger bei WHD nicht investiert, habe mich aber gestern und heute wieder eingedeckt.
Dec 16/06 Dec 06/06 Baer, Roger Alan 10 - Acquisition in the public market Common Shares 30,000 $0.531 USD
Dec 16/06 Dec 06/06 Baer, Roger Alan 10 - Acquisition in the public market Common Shares 2,500 $0.535 USD
Dec 16/06 Dec 06/06 Baer, Roger Alan 10 - Acquisition in the public market Common Shares 6,500 $0.543 USD
Dec 16/06 Dec 06/06 Baer, Roger Alan 10 - Acquisition in the public market Common Shares 25,000 $0.552 USD
Dec 16/06 Dec 06/06 Baer, Roger Alan 10 - Acquisition in the public market Common Shares 21,000 $0.552 USD
Dec 16/06 Nov 20/06 Baer, Roger Alan 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report Common Shares
Dec 05/06 Nov 30/06 Dickie, Peter 10 - Acquisition in the public market Common Shares 15,500 $0.617
Wenn sich R.A. Baer schon selbst bis oben mit dem Papier eindeckt, dann kann das ja nur heissen dass diese Woche die Nachricht über die erfolgreiche Installation der ersten Quelle rauskommt. In einer Email an einen Typen aus nem anderen Forum hat er verlauten lassen dass die News sogar mit Fotos dokumentiert werden sollen !
Also alle nochmal eindecken, ich schätze heute oder morgen geht die News raus und der Kurs rauf !!
Naja der Finanzvorstand hat ja gut zugelangt sind wenn ich richtig gerechnet habe über 30.000 ?.
Ich schätze das wenn Frankfurt heute zudreht die in CAN schon wieder steigen wird, war schon öfters der Fall. Nach der Eröffnung wird in CAN der Kurs gedrückt und wenn FRA geschlossen ist gehts los.
West Hawk Development Corp.: Natural Gas Drilling has Commenced at Figure Four
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Dec. 19, 2006) - West Hawk Development Corp. ("West Hawk"), (TSX VENTURE:WHD)(FWB:H5N) through it's wholly owned subsidiary, West Hawk Energy (USA) LLC., is pleased to announce that the 24 hour notice for commencement of drilling operation was given to the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, the lessors, and lessee on Friday, December 15th. Drilling of the first natural gas well on the Company's Figure Four property commenced over the weekend.
In accordance with the Drilling and Development Agreement signed with EnCana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc., this well is part of an overall drilling program for the Figure Four Ranch property which could accommodate up to a total of 256 wells (based on 20 acre spacing). West Hawk will receive a 100% Net Royalty Interest (NRI) on the first earning well drilled in each of the 32 Quarter Sections of the eight square mile property. The remaining infill wells will earn between 50% and 75% NRI.
According to the NI51-101 report prepared by Gustavson Associates, the property contains an estimated probabilistic technically recoverable resource of 529 Billion Cubic Feet in the P50% category, from the Williams Fork formation. The initial well, along with subsequent wells in this drilling program are meant to test and produce from both the Williams Fork formation as well as underlying formations believed to contain additional natural gas resources. It is anticipated that production levels and tie-in data will be available from this well in late January.
"Drilling of this first well marks a significant milestone in the Company's development as we shift from purely an exploration Company to now becoming a producer of high-demand energy products" according to Dr. John Reeves, Jr., CEO of West Hawk Energy (USA) LLC, under who's guidance the drilling and development agreement was signed.
In other news, the Company also wishes to announce the granting of incentive stock options to directors, officers and consultants to purchase up to a total of 1,300,000 common shares in the capital stock of the Company, exercisable for a period of two years, at a price of $0.75 cents per share. For further information on this or other Company activities, please refer to www.westhawkdevelopment.com or call the Company.
On behalf of the Board of Directors,
Dr. Mark Hart, President, CEO
West Hawk Development Corp.
About the Company: West Hawk Development Corp. is focused on providing valuable, high-demand energy products from a variety of sources. Assets include the 500 billion cubic feet (as per NI51-101 report) Figure Four natural gas property located in the Piceance Basin, Colorado, being developed under a drilling and development agreement with EnCana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc.; the Fort Norman coal deposit in the Northwest Territories; the Groundhog coal deposit located in northwest British Columbia; and the Ellesmere Island, Nunavut Territory coal property.
Cautionary note: This report contains forward looking statements, particularly those regarding cash flow, capital expenditures and investment plans. Resource estimates, unless specifically noted, are considered speculative. The company has filed a National Instrument 51-101 Report on the Figure Four property. A National Instrument 43-101 report has been filed on the Groundhog property. Any and all other resource or reserve estimates are historical in nature, and should not be relied upon. By their nature, forward looking statements involve risk and uncertainties because they relate to events and depend on factors that will or may occur in the future. Actual results may vary depending upon exploration activities, industry production, commodity demand and pricing, currency exchange rates, and, but not limited to, general economic factors. Cautionary Note to US investors: The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission specifically prohibits the use of certain terms, such as "reserves" unless such figures are based upon actual production or formation tests and can be shown to be economically and legally producible under existing economic and operating conditions.
The TSX Venture Exchange has not yet reviewed and does not take responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of the content of this news release.
"Drilling of this first well marks a significant milestone in the Company's development as we shift from purely an exploration Company to now becoming a producer of high-demand energy products" according to Dr. John Reeves, Jr., CEO of West Hawk Energy (USA) LLC, under who's guidance the drilling and development agreement was signed."
Jetzt könnte es endlich was mit einem Rebound werden!
Leser des Artikels: 90
Vancouver, Kanada (ots) - West Hawk Development Corp. (TSX.v -
WHD, Frankfurt - H5N) gibt die erfolgreich abgeschlossenen
Verhandlungen mit der Lu´An Mining Industry (Group) Company bekannt.
Die Lu´An Group hat zugestimmt eine 25-prozentige Beteiligung an dem
Tochterunternehmen West Hawk Energy (USA) LLC für USD 7,5 Mio. zu
erwerben. Laut Vereinbarung wird der Betrag innerhalb von 30 Tagen an
West Hawk überwiesen. Diese 30 Tage erlauben es Lu´An und West Hawk
die ausstehende Kaufprüfung abzuschließen.
Dr. John Reeves Jr., CEO von West Hawk Energy (USA) LLC sagte:
"Diese Finanzierung gibt dem Unternehmen die nötigen finanziellen
Mittel um das Projekt der Figure Four Ranch in ein dauerhaftes
Betriebslevel zu versetzen. Wegen des letzten Rekordwinters mit
Temperaturen um die -28 Grad C, wurde der Betrieb etwas verlangsamt,
mittlerweile läuft der Betrieb auf der Figure Four Liegenschaft aber
wieder im normalen Tempo. Arbeiten auf der ersten Quelle sollen
trotzdem noch gegen Ende Januar, Anfang Februar abgeschlossen
Die Shanxi Lu´An Mining Industry (Group) Company ist ein
Multimilliarden Dollar Energieproduzent aus China, der Kohleminen,
Kraftwerke und Chemiefabriken betreibt. Gegenwärtig baut Lu´An eine
IGCC Kohle-zu-Flüssigkeit-Anlage im Wert von CAD 1.5 Mrd. Zwischen
den beiden Unternehmen besteht ein synergistisches Verhältnis, da
beide die gleiche Vision in Bezug auf Kohlevergasung haben. Dr.
Wm.Mark Hart, Präsident und CEO von West Hawk Development Corp.
sagte: "Die strategische Allianz von Lu´An und West Hawk liefert West
Hawk die notwendigen zusätzlichen Ressource um seine Kohlevergasung-
und weiteren Energieanlagen zu entwickeln.
Über West Hawk West Hawk ist eine Explorations- und
Entwicklungsgesellschaft, deren Ziel es ist, den Marktwert der
Gesellschaft durch die Entwicklung ihrer Projekte im Westen und
Norden Kanadas zu steigern. Zu diesen Projekten gehört die 500 Mrd.
Kubikfuß große Figure Four Erdgasliegenschaft im Piceance Becken in
Colorado, die derzeit von EnCana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc. gebohrt und
entwickelt wird. Dazu gehört auch das Fort Norman Kohledepot in den
Northwest Territories mit über 2 Mrd. Tonnen, das derzeit von Lurgi
South Africa (Pty) Ltd. entwickelt wird, mit dem Ziel eine
Kohle-zu-Gas Umwandlungsanlage, mit einer Kapazität von 200 Mrd.
Kubikfuß pro Jahr, zur Herstellung von synthetischem Gas und /oder
der Produktion von Elektrizität oder schwefelfreiem Diesel zu
errichten. Der Vertrieb des synthetischen Gases würde über die
MacKenzie Pipeline erfolgen und für die Herstellung würde eine IGCC
Anlage (Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle) konstruiert werden.
Zwei weitere Projekte sind das 1 Mrd. Tonnen Groundhog Anthrazit
Kohledepot im Nordwesten von British Columbia und das über 3 Mrd.
Tonnen Kohledepot auf Ellesmere Island im Nunavut Territory.
Email: whd@vrir.de (deutsch) oder info@westhawkdevelopment.com
Im Namen des Vorstandes
Dr. Wm. Mark Hart, Präsident und CEO West Hawk Development
Chris Verrico, Co-Chairman West Hwak Development
Originaltext: West Hawk Development Corp.
Digitale Pressemappe: http://presseportal.de/story.htx?firmaid=63163
Pressemappe via RSS : feed://presseportal.de/rss/pm_63163.rss2
ISIN: CA9531701071
Value Relations GmbH
Sternstr. 15
60318 Frankfurt
Tel: (069) 95 92 46 - 13
Mail: whd@vrir.de
Tel.: 069/959246-11
Wednesday February 14, 3:05 am ET
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(MARKET WIRE)--Feb 14, 2007 -- West Hawk Development Corp. (the "Company") (CDNX:WHD.V - News)(Frankfurt:H5N.F - News) is pleased to announce that it has drilled its first well to total depth, 11,090 feet at its Figure Four oil and gas project in Colorado. The well was drilled through the Mancos B zone. During the drilling operations, significant gas shows were periodically encountered from the Wasatch formation, located at 2,100 foot depth, throughout the Willliams Fork, Iles, Sego, Castlegate, and Mancos A-B formations. Not only did the Mancos B zone indicate gas, but also the presence of heavier hydrocarbon distillates. It appears that gas is present in all the formations anticipated as potential production targets. After the well is logged and cased, requiring approximately one week, the drill rig will be moved to the second well pad site, which is completed, and drilling will commence. A work-over rig will then complete the perforation and stimulation operations on the first well. Initial production is expected to commence in late February or early March.
Dr. John Reeves, Jr., CEO of West Hawk Energy (USA), stated, "We are happy that after a difficult winter month of record low temperatures and snow, we have completed the first well and the signatures indicate that we will meet or exceed company expectations."
WEST HAWK CLOSES FINANCING - In other news, the Company is pleased to announce the closing of a non-brokered private placement totaling $3,400,000. Terms of the financing were announced in News Releases dated January 16, 2007, with amendments announced January 19, 2007 and February 8, 2007, and comprise the issuance of 6,800,000 units at a price of $0.50 per unit for gross proceeds of $3,400,000. Each unit consists of one common share of the Company, and one non-transferable share purchase warrant. Each non-transferable share purchase warrant will entitle the holder to purchase one additional common share of the Company at a price of $0.75 for a period of two years from the closing of the financing.
Gross proceeds to the Company from the sale of all 6,800,000 units is $3,400,000 which will be used towards completion of wells 1 and 2 at the Company\'s Figure Four natural gas property (approximately $2,400,000), and for general working capital purposes (approximately $1,000,000). All securities issued pursuant to the financing are subject to a hold period expiring June 15, 2007. Finders fees payable on a portion of the units sold as part of this financing include a total of $151,493 in cash and 20,000 shares. The financing is subject to approval of the TSX Venture Exchange.
On behalf of the Board of Directors,
Dr. Wm. Mark Hart, Co-Chairman, President, CEO
Chris Verrico, Co-Chairman
About the Company: West Hawk Development Corp. is focused on exploring for and developing valuable, high-demand energy products from a variety of sources. Assets include the 500 billion cubic feet (estimated prospective resources as per NI51-101 report) Figure Four natural gas property located in the Piceance Basin, Colorado, being developed under a drilling and development agreement with EnCana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc.; the Fort Norman coal deposit in the Northwest Territories; the Groundhog coal deposit located in northwest British Columbia; and the Ellesmere Island, Nunavut Territory coal property.
Cautionary note: This report contains forward looking statements, particularly those regarding cash flow, capital expenditures and investment plans. Resource estimates, unless specifically noted, are considered speculative. The company has filed a National Instrument 51-101 Report on the Figure Four property. A National Instrument 43-101 report has been filed on the Groundhog property. Any and all other resource or reserve estimates are historical in nature, and should not be relied upon. By their nature, forward looking statements involve risk and uncertainties because they relate to events and depend on factors that will or may occur in the future. Actual results may vary depending upon exploration activities, industry production, commodity demand and pricing, currency exchange rates, and, but not limited to, general economic factors. Cautionary Note to US investors: The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission specifically prohibits the use of certain terms, such as "reserves" unless such figures are based upon actual production or formation tests and can be shown to be economically and legally producible under existing economic and operating conditions.
The TSX Venture Exchange has not yet reviewed and does not take responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of the content of this news release.
West Hawk Development Corp.
Dr. Wm. Mark Hart
President and CEO
(604) 669-9330
(604) 669-9335 (FAX)
Email: info@westhawkdevelopment.com
Website: http://www.westhawkdevelopment.com
* riesige gasvorkommen im piceance basin, wert ca. § 1,2 mrd.!!!
* erste bohrung erfolgreich verlaufen
* produktionsbeginn ende febr./anfang märz!!!
* anschließend erschliessung der zweiten quelle
* weitere 2/3 quellen noch in 2007
* für 2008 erschliessung von 8 löchern
* anschließend sechs jahre lang jeweils 12 löcher
* mehrere kohleprojekte mit gesamtresourcen im wert von ca. $ 6 mrd.!!!
* von den chinesen der lu'an coal mining group gibt´s $ 8,6 mio.!!!
* pp überzeichnet, deswegen erhöhung. ist abgeschlossen, vol. $ 3,4 mio.
* geld ist vorhanden, projekte können vorangetrieben werden
* wenn alles klappt (anfang ist gemacht!): lizenz zum geld drucken!!!
* frage: welche auswirkung sollte das mittel/langfristig auf den aktienkurs haben???
so, und jetzt komme mir keiner mit irgendwelchen musterdepotaufnahmen... ;-)
fakten anschauen und dann entscheiden, what to do...
falls mal jemand reingrinst hier, kann er (oder sie) mir bitte mal die heutigen (und gestrigen) umsätze erklären...........................
here you are (repräsentativer ausschnitt, wer den kennt, kennt den ganzen tag!!!:
Last Ten Trades Time Price Shares $ Change Buyer Seller
13:16 0.520 500 -0.010 HSBC UBS Securities
13:12 0.520 500 -0.010 HSBC UBS Securities
13:05 0.520 500 -0.010 HSBC UBS Securities
12:59 0.520 500 -0.010 HSBC UBS Securities
12:56 0.520 500 -0.010 TD Securities UBS Securities
12:51 0.520 500 -0.010 TD Securities UBS Securities
12:43 0.520 500 -0.010 TD Securities UBS Securities
12:38 0.520 500 -0.010 TD Securities UBS Securities
12:36 0.520 500 -0.010 TD Securities UBS Securities
12:30 0.520 500 -0.010 TD Securities UBS Securities
so, jetzt kommt ihr!!! ;-)
Jump to WHD Forum
SUBJECT: RE: Market Matters Posted By: tmj
Post Time: 2/24/2007 18:42
« Previous Message Next Message »
Listened to Dr Hart & cohort on Corus this AM..comments recollected:
Colorado..well 1 complete, confident there is gas to the point production will begin 2-3 weeks.
Drilling of second well started at pad 2..
Good relationship with Encana, past and present.
Keen on coal gasification, technology been around fifty years (S.A. & Germany) but relatively new in NA.
Stressed Kyoto targets will be met. No mention of sequestering but one assumes.
No time frames given for gasification nor the economic relationship with Lu'an but emphasized a strategic parallel vision
The Company has closed both tranches of its non-brokered private placement totaling $586,000 announced by news releases dated January 7, 2005 and February 15, 2005.
Tranche 1-The Company issued 1,045,000 units at $0.15 per unit. Each unit consists of one share and one share purchase warrant which entitles the holder to purchase an additional share of the Company at $0.18 until February 18, 2007. The Company paid the sum of $5,750 and issued 48,000 units (on the same terms as the placee units) as a finder\'s fee. The shares and any shares to be issued upon exercise of the warrants will be subject to a hold period and shall not trade before June 19, 2005.
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