2 VERSES AI INC. Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Financial Position (Expressed in United States dollars) As of Notes June 30, 2023 (Unaudited) March 31, 2023 (Audited) ASSETS CURRENT Cash $ 6,218,369 $ 4,397,281 Accounts receivable 119,827 35,000 Due from related parties 10 1,018,448 866,688 Contract assets and unbilled revenue 5 1,275,954 1,350,435 Tax receivable 253,319 204,815 Prepaid expenses 16 1,890,929 1,442,677 Deferred financing costs 106,536 - 10,883,382 8,296,896 Equipment 17 252,938 234,840 Right-of-use asset 18 79,281 109,011 TOTAL ASSETS $ 11,215,601 $ 8,640,747 LIABILITIES CURRENT Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 6, 10 $ 2,071,630 $ 1,249,299 Deferred revenue 65,000 65,000 Restricted share unit liability 8 503,606 302,537 Lease liability - ST 19 77,292 108,873 Convertible debentures 15 5,475,203 4,905,334 SAFE 9 1,025,000 1,025,000 9,217,731 7,656,043 Loans payable 7 142,728 143,331 TOTAL LIABILITIES 9,360,459 7,799,374 SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY Share capital 12 38,676,161 30,264,179 Contributed surplus 8, 14 5,661,562 5,606,507 Obligation to issue shares 12 780,791 83,456 Accumulated other comprehensive loss (648,627) (636,527) Deficit (42,614,745) (34,476,242) TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 1,855,142 841,373 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY $ 11,215,601 $ 8,640,747 Approved and authorized for issue on behalf of the Board on August 14, 2023. ?Gabriel Rene? ?Dan Mapes? Director Director The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed consolidated interim financial statements
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Ruhig Brauner, ruhig.