Nordea Investment Management AB increased its position in shares of Qiwi PLC (NASDAQ:QIWI) by 32.7% during the fourth quarter, according to its most recent disclosure with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The fund owned 883,939 shares of the company?s stock after buying an additional 217,681 shares during the period. Nordea Investment Management AB?s holdings in Qiwi PLC were worth $15,867,000 at the end of the most recent quarter.
Total Adjusted Net Revenue increased 8% to RUB 2,659 million ($36.5 million) Adjusted EBITDA increased 34% to RUB 1,217 million ($16.7 million) Adjusted Net Profit increased 44% to RUB 860 million ($11.8 million), or RUB 14.22 per diluted share Total payment volume increased 37% to RUB 239.5 billion ($3.3 billion)
Full-Year 2015 Operating and Financial Highlights
Total Adjusted Net Revenue increased 16% to RUB 10,228 million ($140.3 million) Adjusted EBITDA increased 17% to RUB 5,640 million ($77.4 million) Adjusted Net Profit increased 18% to RUB 4,142 million ($56.8 million), or RUB 71.46 per diluted share Total payment volume increased 35% to RUB 872.6 billion ($12.0 billion) Visa QIWI Wallet active accounts decreased 6% to 16.1 million
"In the fourth quarter we continued to see the pressure from both the macroeconomic slowdown in Russia resulting in weaker consumer finance market and lower demand for money remittance services due to shifting migration trends, and stricter regulation of the agents network," ....
QIWI?s Q4 financials showed that the adjusted EBITDA grew 34% primarily because of much lower marketing expenses compared to previous few quarters.
The revenue seems to be stabilizing in the $70 to $80 million range.
Acquisition of Contact and Rapida in 2015 contributed heavily to the total payment volume, which grew by 35% in Q4.
We believe the seasonality in cash from operations will have a positive impact because of this structural change in the company and Q1 2016 will have much better results.
Based on today?s price of $14.02, Capital Cube?s implied price of $20.06 still offers a 43.08% upside potential for secondary investors.......
Currency depreciation has had an adverse effect on QIWI's bottom line, which is calculated in US dollars.
QIWI is facing significant competition from big banks and electronic payment services.
Economic stagnation triggered by the financial crisis, the sanctions and the low oil price is becoming more severe.
QIWI has high commission rates. The service is inappropriate for those who make transactions in foreign currencies.
Financial results for the year 2015 were unfavorable; QIWI keeps losing customers, revenue and profit.
QIWI (NASDAQ:QIWI) generates its revenue from the post-Soviet region, but the largest market for the company is Russia.The value of the Russian ruble, which has fallen by 112% since January 2014, depends on two factors. Firstly, the sanctions following the annexation of the Crimea, and secondly, the oil price which has tumbled from $100 per barrel to $41 since mid-2014......
: QIWI kriegt Preis für beste Paytechnologie
für 2016 in New Orleans USA
QIWI' or the 'Company') today announced that Visa QIWI Wallet mobile application won 2016 Pay Awards as M-Wallet of the Year and was elected the best in 'Payment Technologies' category. The Best-in-Category winners of 2016 Pay Awards were announced on the first day of All Payments Expo (APEX) in New Orleans, USA. In its 10 years' history, Pay Awards has become one of the most prestigious recognitions of excellence in the worldwide prepaid, mobile and emerging payments industry, identifying the best companies and projects. In 2015, more than 21,000 individuals participated in Best-in-Category voting along with a group of experts. - See more at:
: QIWI Announces First Quarter 2016 Financial Result
First Quarter Total Adjusted Net Revenue Decreased 0.2% to RUB 2,509 Million and Adjusted Net Profit Increases 10% to RUB 1,233 Million or RUB 20.41 per diluted share QIWI (QIWI) reiterates 2016 Guidance Board of Directors Approves Dividend of 22 cents per share QIWI (NASDAQ:QIWI): Q1 EPS of RUB20.41 beats by RUB4.18.Revenue of RUB2.51B (-0.4% Y/Y) beats by RUB300M.
the management of the company had pulled off a successful bluff and some of the investors believed them. In the first trading day after earnings release, the price of QIWI stock was rising 12% to $12.1 then it closed at $11.57. That was a 4.23% increase. On Friday it closed at $12.35 representing a growth of 11.36% per week. Let us look at the reasons why it happened.
QIWI's management announced that Payment Adjusted Net Revenue was RUB 2,004 million ($29.6 million) for the period. That was an 8.9% increase from the same time in the prior year. Also, Adjusted Net Profit increased 10% to RUB 1,233 million ($18.2 million), or RUB 20.41 per diluted share. But these adjusted results are less that the inflation rate for 2015 which was 12.9%..... investors should remember that they pay in dollars for QIWI stocks. ,,,,
The stock of Qiwi PLC (NASDAQ:QIWI) is a huge mover today! The stock increased 8.90% or $1.09 on June 28, hitting $13.34. About 304,890 shares traded hands. Qiwi PLC (NASDAQ:QIWI) has declined 33.23% since November 20, 2015 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 29.36% the S&P500. The move comes after 5 months positive chart setup for the $757.64M company. It was reported on Jun, 29 by We have $21.74 PT which if reached, will make NASDAQ:QIWI worth $477.31M more..Analysts await Qiwi PLC (NASDAQ:QIWI) to report earnings on September, 6. They expect $0.26 EPS, down 18.75% or $0.06 from last year?s $0.32 per share. QIWI?s profit will be $14.77 million for 12.83 P/E if the $0.26 EPS becomes a reality. After $0.30 actual EPS reported by Qiwi PLC for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts -13.33% negative EPS growth...
Weak on High Relative Volume' stocks are worth watching because major volume moves tend to indicate underlying activity such as material stock news, analyst downgrades, insider selling, selling from 'superinvestors,' or that hedge funds and traders are piling out of a stock ahead of a catalyst. Regardless of the impetus behind the price and volume action, when a stock moves with strength and volume it can indicate the start of a new trend on which early investors can capitalize .....
Second Quarter 2016 Operating and Financial Highlights
Total Adjusted Net Revenue increased 4% to RUB 2,619 million ($40.8 million) Adjusted EBITDA increased 11% to RUB 1,640 million ($25.5 million) Adjusted Net Profit increased 23% to RUB 1,270 million ($19.8 million), or RUB 21.02 per diluted share Total payment volume decreased 0.3% to RUB 202.2 billion ($3.1 billion) ?In the second quarter we continued to feel pressure from the macroeconomic slowdown in Russia, which affected our key market verticals,? ....
Gehört SWIFT bald der Vergangenheit an? Die Bank of America, Santander, CIBC und die Royal Bank of Canada haben kürzlich bekannt gegeben eine Partnerschaft zur Schaffung eines globalen Blockchain-Zahlungsnetzwerk zu gründen. Basieren soll das Netzwerk der Global Payments Steering Group (GPSG) auf der Ripple-Blockchain Technologie. Ziel ist einer neuer Standard für den Nachrichten- und Transaktionsverkehr. Auch die UniCredit, Standard Chartered and the Westpac Banking Corporation sind der Kooperation beigetreten. Gemeinsam bilden sie die Basis für eine SWIFT ähnlichen Inter-Bank-Messaging-Lösung ? nur erheblich schneller. Über die Blockchain sollen somit zukünftig Transaktionen in Echtzeit möglich sein.
Grundsätzlich will die neu gegründete Kooperation ein neues Transaktionsbuch und mit den dazugehörigen Standards schaffen um diese dann als internationalen Standard durchzusetzen,,,,