Die Trendumkehr sollte damit eingeläutet sein. die ersehnten Meldungen treffen ein. die Industrialisierungsphase kommt immer näher. Jetzt noch ein paar News zum Pilkongton-Joint-Venture und der Kurs ist nicht mehr zu halten. ~Freu~
Weiss jemand, ab wann Dyesol als ADRs in USA gehandelt werden? Das sollte nochmal einen zusätzlichen Schub geben.
Successful Completion of Milestones for Tata Steel Project
On 13 April the Welsh Assembly Government (WAG) approved the penultimate milestones in the three year partnership project with Tata Steel to develop and demonstrate the capability to produce dye solar cells integrated onto coil coated steel.
This follows two recent announcements in connection with the project. On 29 March Tata Steel announced that the partners would be increasing the joint resources on the project from 30 to 50 as it moves into the pre-industrialisation phase. On 31 March Tata Steel and the Low Carbon Institute opened the Sustainable Building Envelope Centre (SBEC) in Shotton, at which the first prototype roof demonstration modules from the PV project were displayed.
Today it was demonstrated to WAG that the project team has developed the necessary experience and expertise needed to upscale the project.
The two milestone achievements were the building of large scale demonstration modules, and production of a detailed technology roadmap that determines how the required end product performance and cost goals would be achieved.
For further information contact Viv Hardy at Callidus PR on +61 (0)2 9283 4113 or on +61 (0)411 208 951.
In Europe contact Eva Reuter, Investor Relations, Dyesol Europe on +49 177 6058804.
In USA contact Kathryn Harper, Antenna PR, on +1 415 977 1936.
Note to editors
The Technology – DYE SOLAR CELLS
DSC technology can best be described as ‘artificial photosynthesis’ using an electrolyte, a layer of titania (a pigment used in white paints and tooth paste) and ruthenium dye deposited on glass, metal or polymer substrates. Light striking the dye excites electrons which are absorbed by the titania to become an electric current many times stronger than that found in natural photosynthesis in plants. Compared to conventional silicon based photovoltaic technology, Dyesol’s technology has lower cost and embodied energy in manufacture, it produces electricity more efficiently even in low light conditions and can be directly incorporated into buildings by replacing conventional glass panels or metal sheets rather than taking up roof or extra land area.
The Company – DYESOL Limited
Dyesol is a global solar technology company and in August 2005 was listed on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX: DYE). Dyesol manufactures and supplies a range of dye solar cell products comprising equipment, chemicals, materials, components and related services to researchers and manufacturers of DSC. The Company is playing a key role in taking this third generation solar technology out of the laboratory and into the community.