In Erinnerung an deine Worte "Obducat ist eine grosse Illusion die bald platzen will. Die Entwicklung hat Obducat vorbeipassiert. " Wenn Obducat eine grosse Illusion ist, die bald platzt und an der Entwicklung vorbeipassiert ist(ich denke, du meinst, dass sie den Trend verpasst haben), warum haben dann diese Damen und Herren aus dem Fach, die in Ihrer Branche auch angesehen sind, so ein Unternehmen mit diesen Auszeichnungen gewürdigt"
Bist du vielleicht ein noch größerer Spezialist als diese Damen und Herren vom Fach? Oder bist du ein heiliger, der uns Kleinanleger retten will?
Obducat receives award for best innovation at the NanoTrends Congress in Cologne Date: Monday, July 07 @ 19:03:48 PDT Topic: PRs
Monday night Obducat [profile] was, in competition with several world-leading nano technology companies, presented an award at the international congress NanoTrends in Cologne, Germany. - An objective recognition of our unique technology and market position, says CEO, Patrik Lundström, who is himself one of the speakers at NanoTrends.
NanoTrends - Markets and Applications?, with approximately 160 participants, is held between June 30th and July 2nd. It is the first European congress and exhibition where international experts report, both about experiences from working with nano technology, and the technology?s potential in commercial application areas.
Leading European experts present reports from widely different application areas, such as the automotive industry, IT and nano electronics, new materials and surfaces, as well as the pharmaceutical- and medical industry.
One of the conference speakers is Patrik Lundström, CEO of Obducat AB. His will, of course, focus on nanoimprint lithography, the technology, which have given the Malmö-based company a world-wide reputation and is now being honored with the congress? ?NanoTrends Award? for ?? the most creative innovation within nanotechnology??.
In the motivation, the jury particularly emphasized that Obducat AB is one of a few companies, which have commercialized nanotechnology with achieved revenue.
?This acknowledgment of our position, in a very competitive industry, has to be considered as important as the award at the ?Nano Tech 2003?, which was held in Tokyo in February?, says Patrik Lundström, who received the price at a ceremony at the Dorint Congress Hotel in Cologne on Monday evening.
The international jury, who awarded the price to Obducat included, among others, Tim Harper, the founder of CMP Cientifica, Antonio Correia, Christian Reitberger, Gianguido Rizzotto, and Simon Waddington, one of the founders of the European NanoBusiness Association.
For additional information please contact: Patrik Lundström, CEO, Obducat AB, +046 (0)40 ? 36 21 00 or +46 (0)703 ? 27 37 38 Information about the congress:
Obducat AB is an innovative developer and supplier of technologies, products and processes used for the production of advanced micro- and nano structures. Obducat´s products and services are intended to serve the demands of companies within the information storage, semiconductor, printed circuit board, and sensor industries. Obducat´s technologies include electron beam, and nano imprint technology. Obducat has offices in Sweden, and the UK, with the head quarter located in Malmö, Sweden. The Obducat shares are publicly traded on the Swedish NGM. -------------------------------------------------- OBDUCAT RECEIVES YET ANOTHER DISTINGUISHED AWARD
Obducat has received the prize as runner-up in the 2003 Small Times Magazine Best of Small Tech Company Award. The prize will be presented at the NanoCommerce 2003 in Chicago in December.
-We are very happy that we have now been recognized with distinguished awards in three continents this year, says Patrik Lundström, CEO Obducat.
Small Times Media LLC, with headquarters in Ann Arbor, Michigan, is a leading source of business news about the small tech industry which includes nanotechnology, MEMS and microsystems.
An editorial team and a panel of industry experts have considered accomplishments by people and companies in small tech from all over the world between October 1, 2002 and September 1, 2003.
Obducat will be featured in Small Times Magazine´s November/December issue together with the winner and three other runner-ups.
During 2003 Obducat has received two other distinguished awards: * Super Small Technology Award at Nano Tech 2003 in Tokyo last February. * Nano Trends Award at Nano Trends in Cologne last July.
For more information please contact: Patrik Lundström, CEO Obducat, Phone: + 46 (0)40 - 36 21 00 or + 46 (0)703 - 27 37 38
Obducat is an innovative developer and supplier of technologies, products and processes used for the production of advanced micro- and nano structures. Obducat´s products and services are intended to serve the demands of companies within the information storage, semiconductor, printed circuit board, and sensor industries. Obducat´s technologies include electron beam and nano imprint technology. Obducat has offices in Sweden and the UK, with the head quarter located in Malmö, Sweden. The Obducat shares are publicly traded on the Swedish NGM stock exchange.
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Pressekontakt: Romy König Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit IIR Deutschland GmbH Otto-Volger-Straße 25 65843 Sulzbach/Ts. Tel.: 06196/585-326 Email: NanoTrends 2003: Erstmals NanoTrends-Award vergeben
Köln/Sulzbach, 01. Juli 2003. Im Rahmen des ersten europäischen Nanotechnologie-Kongresses ?NanoTrends? ist gestern das schwedische Unternehmen Obducat, Sitz in Malmö, mit dem NanoTrends-Award ausgezeichnet worden. Mit dem Award, der zum ersten Mal verliehen wurde, würdigte der Kon-gressveranstalter IIR Deutschland GmbH das hohe Engagement der Firma Obducat auf dem Gebiet der Nanotechnologie. Obducat hat es sich zur Auf-gabe gemacht, Schlüsselelemente zu entwickeln, die für die Produktion ex-trem feiner Strukturen benötigt werden. Das Unternehmen bietet seinen Kunden Systemlösungen für die Produktion und Reproduktion von Mikro- und Nanostrukturen sowie für Forschungs- und Entwicklungszwecke. Damit ist Obducat Vorreiter auf dem Nanotechnologie-Markt. Der Award-Jury, die den Gewinner auswählte, gehören renommierte Exper-ten aus Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft an, darunter: Tim Harper, Gründer der European NanoBusiness Association (ena) und CEO von CMP Científica, Madrid/Spanien, Francois Grey, CERN openlab development, Europäische Organisation für Nukleare Forschung, Genf, und Christian Reitberger, Direk-tor Technology Investments, Apax Partners & Co., München. Noch bis morgen berichten auf der ?NanoTrends? in Köln internationale Exper-ten über Potenziale, Entwicklungsperspektiven und Erfahrungen im Bereich der Nanotechnologie. Mehr als 150 Teilnehmer aus Wirtschaft und Wissen-schaft informieren sich in Plenarvorträgen, Diskussionen und parallelen Vor-tragsreihen über generelle Fragen sowie über die verschiedenen Anwen-dungsgebiete der Nanotechnologie.