ICGE - MK 135 Mio. ? - innerer Wert 700 Mio. ? !

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28.07.10 14:52

63738 Postings, 7374 Tage LibudaMassenweise Stellenofferten von der Beteiligungen

30.07.10 10:34

63738 Postings, 7374 Tage LibudaNicht schlecht, aber in einigen Punkten nicht ganz

so gut wie erwartet ist der Quartalsbericht, der aber trotzdem eher zu einem Kurs $20 passt.

Trotz vieler positiver Aspekte enttäuscht mit etwas der geringfügige Rückgang der fünf nicht konsolidierten Kernbeteiligungen, während bei den drei konsolidierten Kernbeteiligungen alles wie geplant nach oben geht.


31.07.10 00:35

63738 Postings, 7374 Tage LibudaJetzt ist kaufen angesagt

31.07.10 13:46

63738 Postings, 7374 Tage LibudaDer wichtigste Grund für meine Meinung

im vorhergehenden Posting ist sicherlich, dass allein die 81% an dem Partner-Unternehmen ICGCommerce mehr wert ist als die momentane Marktkapitalisierung von nur 306 Millionen Dollar. Die restlichen 10 der insgesamt privaten Partnerunternehmen gibt es dann umsonst, die natürlich nicht alle so wertvoll sind wie ICGCommerce. Auch momentan ca. 75 Millionen Cash, die sich in Kürze auf 100 Millionen erhöhen werden oder evtl. schon erhöht haben, kommen auch noch gratis dazu.

Eigentlich einfach unglaublich, aber es ist nun einmal so. Und solche Unternehmen sind auch eigentlich das Ziel meiner Recherche.  

31.07.10 18:54

63738 Postings, 7374 Tage LibudaMehr Informationen

Um allerdings zu einer Kaufentscheidung zu kommen, das habe ich in meinen vielen Postings immer wieder betont, sollte man sich genau informieren. Denn man sollte wissen, was man kauft. Das ist allerdings auch momentan das Problem von Internet Capital, so lange nicht weitere Monetarisierungen angelaufen sind - aber eben auch eine enorme Chance. Denn wenn z.B. ein IPO oder ein Verkauf von ICGCommerce für ca. 400 Millionen in trockenen Tüchern ist und die 81% von Internet Capital mit 320 Millionen die momentane Marktkapitalisierung von 306 Millionen übertreffen, maschiert der Kurs nach oben.

Ideal zum Gewinnen von mehr Informationen über das zugegebenermaßen komplizierte Gebilde Internet Capital gewinnt ist die folgende Mitschrift des Verlaufes der Bekanntgabe des Quartalsergebnisses und der sich daran anschließenden Diskussion:


02.08.10 21:26

63738 Postings, 7374 Tage LibudaWenn sich die extreme Unterbewertung auflöst

kann ich Euch auch nicht vorhersagen:


Lediglich dass es passieren wird.  

08.08.10 01:57

63738 Postings, 7374 Tage LibudaEine interessante Überlegung dazu

08.08.10 13:53

63738 Postings, 7374 Tage LibudaDass es auch weiterhin gut bei den Beteiligungen

08.08.10 21:59

63738 Postings, 7374 Tage LibudaUnd wer 145 neue Stellen offeriert

kann meines Erachtens keine kleine Popelfirma sein, zumindest nicht in den Bereichen, in denen Beteiligungen von Internet Capital tätig sind.

That are altogether 145 new jobs-offerings from partner-companies of Internet Capital - a sign for strong growth:

ICGCommerce 60
Freebroders 37
Metastorm 15
Starcite 3
Channelintelligence 8
Whitefence 11
Govdelivery 5
Investorforce 4
Clickequations 2

17.08.10 10:17

63738 Postings, 7374 Tage Libuda100-Companies-That-Define-Global-Outsourcing


Freeborders ist in dieser Liste enthalten. Internet Capital hält dort 31%.  

17.08.10 23:00

63738 Postings, 7374 Tage LibudaErgänzung zu #312

22.08.10 20:23

63738 Postings, 7374 Tage LibudaAuf Platz Nummer 2 bei der Werthaltigkeit

sehe ich inzwischen eher Starcite als Metastorm, denn Starcite ist einer - wenn auch Nische - weltweit haushoch die Nummer 1.

Hewlett Packard and Starcite        

HP Finds ROI In Global Meetings Strategy

by Mary Ann McNulty

19 August 2010 Houston - Globalizing its strategic meetings management program has delivered a high return on investment to Hewlett-Packard Co., but the initiative has taken more than five years and "we're not done yet," HP meetings global category manager Shirley Kuhloie said here last week at the National Business Travel Association convention. Expanding and adapting a strategic meetings management program that started in the United States and Canada, HP's global travel and meeting services team has deployed the centralized service model to 18 countries in Europe, Middle East and Africa and four countries in the Asia-Pacific region. The program offers a meeting card in 10 countries and meeting service bureaus in Barcelona, Spain, China, Sydney, Australia, and the United States. Operated by an outsourced provider, the bureaus engage in hotel sourcing, attendee registration and air reservations, and other fulfillment needs of stakeholders. HP meeting planners, administrative assistants or other stakeholders are directed to register their meetings and request services through the StarCite technology that the company has selected. Meeting service bureau employees then contact the planners to fulfill the services needed. "Part of the reason we decided to go with a centralized team was to have a core group of individuals managing contracts, ensuring that they are HP legal-compliant and negotiating all the terms and conditions," Kuhloie said. "We think there's a great deal of risk in contracting and in letting individuals who don't have a background in planning meetings" do so, she added. "We look at the local team in the region as being critically important because they understand the cultural differences in contracting, understand the market and know what to ask for in terms of rates and concessions. It's very difficult for us to believe that we in the United States know what to ask for overseas." HP has a published global meetings policy, but employees are not mandated to use the program. Speaking to peers, Kuhloie said, she often has found that "there's a continued desire to have your program published and followed, but not often does leadership within an organization mandate that it be followed." Instead, Kuhloie markets the program benefits and services, all of which are funded at the corporate level. "The business units are more readily in tune with the benefits of using the program when they understand that it is centrally funded," Kuhloie said. "If they're able to obtain the assistance, knowledge and experience of a team of people to help with contracting, group air and setting up attendee registration Web sites, it's welcome."  

23.08.10 12:47

63738 Postings, 7374 Tage LibudaEin Interview mit dem CEO von Starcite

26.08.10 10:18

63738 Postings, 7374 Tage LibudaInternet Capital hält 36% an Whitefence

Movers Can Save Time and Money at WhiteFence.com
WhiteFence is the ultimate resource for movers this summer
Houston, TX (Vocus) August 23, 2010

WhiteFence, the nation?s leading site to compare, connect and save on home services, is ready to help consumers simplify their move and find big savings this moving season.

Moving is one of the most stressful events in a person?s life. Between keeping all of the tasks straight, trying to find the right companies to help with the move and getting the new house ready, it?s easy to see why people find moving so stressful. Luckily for movers this summer, WhiteFence has everything needed to make their move as stress-free as possible.

When they visit WhiteFence, consumers can:

Get their entire move under control with a fully customizable moving checklist
Easily set up home services such as broadband, cable and satellite TV, phone service, bundles, electricity and natural gas
Get mover quotes from the top companies and lock in a great rate on professional moving service
Skip the line at the post office and change their address online in just minutes
Find great deals on other moving essentials, such as storage facilities, auto shipping service and packing supplies
Get answers to common moving questions and lots of moving tips at the WhiteFence blog
With an unbeatable collection of moving tools and advice, WhiteFence is the ultimate resource for anyone moving this summer.
About WhiteFence
WhiteFence is a free service that helps people find the best deals on phone, Internet, television, electricity, natural gas and other home services. By simply entering a street address into the secure site, people looking to save money or start new service can find the most comprehensive list of plans available for their specific address from over 400 nationally recognized partners. As a trusted home service shopping source for 24 million people annually, WhiteFence makes it easy to move and establish service directly on the site in a few simple steps.  

26.08.10 11:37

63738 Postings, 7374 Tage LibudaEin gutes Bespiel für den Wert der 81%-Beteiligung

von Internet Capital an ICGCommerce liefert der 480-Millionen-Kauf von IBM, wobei ICGCommerce noch etwas größer sein dürfte als das Kaufobjekt.


27.08.10 00:45

63738 Postings, 7374 Tage LibudaInternet Capital hält 31% an Freeborders

Inc. Magazine Recognizes Freeborders As One Of America's Fastest-Growing Private Companies     26-Aug-10 11:00 am     Inc. Magazine Recognizes Freeborders As One Of America's Fastest-Growing Private Companies

San Francisco, CA - August 24, 2010 - Freeborders, Inc., a global provider of consulting, technology and outsourcing solutions to financial services and Internet based businesses, today announced that the company was named to the 2010 Inc. 5000 list, an exclusive ranking of the nation's fastest-growing private companies. Freeborders entered the 2010 Inc. 5000 List on rank number 2064 based on the company's three-year sales growth of 128 percent.

"The leaders of the companies on this year's Inc. 5000 have figured out how to grow their businesses during the longest recession since the Great Depression," said Inc. president Bob LaPointe.

Once again, California tops the Inc. 5000 with the most companies of any state with 684. Headquartered in San Francisco, Freeborders is among those companies that are driving nationwide and global business growth as well as innovation out of California.

"At Freeborders, we believe that helping our customers grow in any economic environment by delivering smart IT solutions and industry expertise will bring sustainable growth to our company as well. Therefore, we combine innovative consulting with a cost effective delivery model in a company that itself is agile and responsive," said Jean Cholka, CEO of Freeborders. "Thanks to the commitment of our employees to deliver on our mission, we were not only able to grow fast; we were also able to increase our presence in core markets, including financial services, high tech and travel."

The 2010 Inc. 500|5000 is ranked according to percentage revenue growth when comparing 2006 to 2009. To qualify, companies must have been founded and generating revenue by June 30, 2006. Additionally, companies had to be based in the United States, privately held, for profit, and independent.

About Inc. Magazine

Founded in 1979 and acquired in 2005 by Mansueto Ventures LLC, Inc. (www.inc.com) is the only major business magazine dedicated exclusively to owners and managers of growing private companies that delivers real solutions for today's innovative company builders. With a total paid circulation of 712,647, Inc. provides hands-on tools and market-tested strategies for managing people, finances, sales, marketing, and technology. Visit us online at www.inc.com.

About Freeborders

Founded in 1999, Freeborders helps financial services, Internet services and retailing companies solve the most complex business challenges. The company provides global consulting, technology and outsourcing services through an integrated China to US delivery model. Freeborders enables clients to cost-effectively adapt their business infrastructure to market opportunities and changes, offering deep domain expertise, innovative thinking and strategic execution. Headquartered in San Francisco, the company has offices in London, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur, Shenzhen, and Wu Xi. To learn more, visit www.freeborders.com.  

27.08.10 13:14

63738 Postings, 7374 Tage LibudaDas Handelsvolumen wird von Tag zu Tag kleiner


Immer mehr Aktien wandern in starke Hände.  

28.08.10 13:39

63738 Postings, 7374 Tage Libuda80,16% werden von Institutionals gehalten

28.08.10 18:22

63738 Postings, 7374 Tage LibudaDer gute Mann ist nicht anders vorgegangen

wie ich hier bei meiner fundamentalen Analyse jeder einzelnen Beteiligung:


28.08.10 21:31

63738 Postings, 7374 Tage LibudaDie Beteiligungen von Internet Capital

können durchaus mit 3Par mithalten:


Denn die Umsätze von ICGCommerce oder Metastorm sind nicht sehr viel kleiner und beide machen im Gegensatz zu 3par Gewinne.  

30.08.10 16:56

63738 Postings, 7374 Tage LibudaBei Channelintelligence läuft es immer besser

01.09.10 18:13

63738 Postings, 7374 Tage LibudaMetastorm gehört zu den Inc5000

- das ist eine Liste der 5000 am schnellstens wachsenden Privatfirmen in den USA:

Metastorm Named to Inc. 500|5000 Fastest-Growing Privately Held Companies List

BALTIMORE, MD?September 1, 2010 ? Metastorm a leading provider of Business Process Analysis (BPA), Business Process Management (BPM), and Enterprise Architecture (EA) for aligning strategy with execution, today announced it has been named to the Inc. 5000 list as one of the fastest-growing, privately held companies in the United States.

The 500|5000 list represents the highest-ranking private companies, selected by overall revenue growth over a three year period. Inc. is the only major business magazine dedicated to owners and managers of growing private companies, and features advice, tools and services for managing people, finances, sales, marketing and technology.

The complete Inc. 5000 list and individual honoree profiles are available at www.inc.com. The Inc. 500|5000 Conference & Awards Ceremony is being held September 30 to October 2, 2010 at the Gaylord National Resort and Conference Center in Washington, D.C.

About Metastorm
With a focus on enterprise visibility, resource optimization, efficiency and agility, Metastorm offers market-leading software for enterprise and business architecture (EA), business process analysis (BPA), and business process management (BPM). As an integrated product portfolio, Metastorm Enterprise allows organizations to improve business results by better aligning strategy with execution. By combining the power of these three disciplines onto a common platform, Metastorm is helping organizations worldwide focus on the right business improvements, instill stronger governance, and accelerate time to value. For more information and success stories on organizations powering strategic advantage with Metastorm Enterprise, visit www.metastorm.com.  

05.09.10 13:21

63738 Postings, 7374 Tage LibudaExtreme Unterbewertung im Detail nachvollzogen

Starcite beschäftigt 300 Mitarbeiter  
Internet Capital hält dort 36%.

ICGCommerce beschäftigt 650 Mitarbeiter
Internet Capital hält dort 81%.

Freeborders beschäftigt 700 Mitarbeiter   http://www.linkedin.com/companies/freeborders
Internet Capital hält dort 31%.

Metastorm beschäftigt 300 Mitarbeiter  
Internet Capital hält dort 33%.

Channelintelligence beschäftigt 125 Mitarbeiter   http://www.linkedin.com/companies/channel-intelligence
Internet Capital hält dort 50%.

Whitefence beschäftigt 90 Mitarbeiter  
Internet Capital hält dort 36%.

Investorforce beschäftigt 40 Mitarbeiter   http://www.linkedin.com/companies/investorforce
Investorforce hält Internet Capital 80%.

Govdelivery beschäftigt 75 Mitarbeiter  
Internet Capital hält dort 89%.

Seapass beschäftigt 100 Mitarbeiter  
Internet Capital hält dort 26%.

Acquirgy beschäftigt 50 Mitarbeiter  
Internet Capital hält 25% an Acquirgy.

Clickequations beschäftigt 25 Mitarbeiter   http://www.linkedin.com/companies/clickequations
Internet Capital hält 30% an Clickequations.

Man kann aus den Beteiligungsquoten jetzt die Internet Capital zurechenbaren Beschäftigten aus den jeweiligen oben angeführten Gesamtbeschäftigungszahlen herausrechnen, um eine Vorstellung von der Größe der Beteiliungen von Internet Capital zu bekommen:

That are 525 proportional employees from ICGCommerce for Internet Capital.

That are 217 proportional employees from Freeborders for Internet Capital.

That are 108 proportional employees from Starcite for Internet Capital.

That are 99 proportional employees from Metastorm for Internet Capital.

That are 63 proportional employess from Channelintelligence for Internet Capital.

That are 32 proportional employees from Whitefence for Internet Capital.

That are 32 proportional employees from Investorforce for Internet Capital.

That are 67 proportional employees from Govdelivery for Internet Capital.

That are 13 proportional employees from Acquirgy for Internet Capital.

That are 26 proportional employees from Seapass for Internet Capital.

That are 8 proportional employees from Clickequations for Internet Capital.

Insgesamt sind also Internet Capital entsprechend der Beteiligungsquoten 1.190 Beschäftige zuzurechen, die für einen Umsatz von ca. 200 Millionen stehen. Außerdem müsste man noch ca. 80 Millionen Cash/Beteiligungen bei der Holding berücksichtigen, da ja die Beteiligungen eh schon ihre eigene Cash/Beteiligungen haben.

Man müsste also jetzt ähnliche Technologieunternehmen mit ähnlichen Zahlen zum Vergleich heranziehen.  

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