AXIA boooooooomt!

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24.05.06 18:58

248 Postings, 7751 Tage Karin SiemensSuper interessant!

Hi solarpac, das ist wirklich super interessant.
Ich dachte sogar manchmal, dass sos kinderdorf
gar keinen auftrag vergeben hat. aber das dürfte
der beweis sein.

vielleicht hat axia ja kontakte zu den ländern?  

24.05.06 19:09

4891 Postings, 7065 Tage SolarparcLöschung

Zeitpunkt: 24.05.06 20:39
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Löschung auf eigenen Wunsch



24.05.06 19:29

248 Postings, 7751 Tage Karin Siemensklingt wirklich alles sehr gut

bin mir sicher, dass axia auch in zukunft
weitere aufträge bekommen sollte. sos kinderdorf
ist wirklich seriös.  

24.05.06 21:19

4891 Postings, 7065 Tage SolarparcNachricht von SOS

Hier nochmal die Nachricht von SOS-Kinderdörfer vom 28. April:

Sehr geehrter Herr ...,

Herzlichen Dank für Ihr Interesse an den SOS-Kinderdörfern und ihre Anfrage bezüglich einer Beteiligung der Axia Group am Wideraufbau von SOS-Projekten in Sri Lanka. Ihre Anfrage wurde uns von Herrn Laker zugeleitet. Wir bitten Sie vielmals zu entschuldigen, dass es uns nicht möglich war, Ihnen früher zu antworten. Wir hoffen, dass die Antwrot für sie auch zu diesem späten Zeitpunkt noch hilfreich ist.

Die SOS-Kinderdörfer haben umgehend nach der Tsunami-Katastrophe mit Hilfsmaßnahmen für die betroffene Bevölkerung begonnen. Neben Soforthilfe wie z.B. Hilfslieferungen und Betreuung von unbegleiteten Kindern sowie Maßnahmen zur Traumabewältigung wurde u.a. auch der Wiederaufbau von zwei Fischerdörfern übernommen.
Komari und Kayankerni, beide an der Ostküste Sri Lankas gelegen, wurden bei der Katastrophe komplett zerstört. In Komari werden bis zu 750 Wohnhäuser, in Kayankerni 250 Häuser errichtet. Zusätzlich entstehen an verschiedenen Standorten Sozialeinrichtungen wie Kindergärten, Räumlichkeiten für eine Ambulanz und Bildungsmaßnahmen, um so auch langfristige Hilfe für die betroffenen Familien leisten zu können. Trotz großer Schwierigkeiten wie z.B. bei der Klärung der Landfrage (d.h. welche Gebiete nach der Katastrophe wieder zur Bebauung freigegeben wurden) und immer wieder aufflammender Unruhen ist bereits ein Teil der Häuser fertiggestellt. Man rechnet, dass bis zum Sommer 2007 alle Familien in ihr neues Zuhause einziehen können. Alle Maßnahmen werden von erfahrenen lokalen Mitarbeitern von SOS-Kinderdorf Sri Lanka geleitet. Die Familie werden bei der Planung miteinbezogen, um sinnvolle und dauerhafte Hilfe leisten zu können. Die Bauarbeiten werden von verschiedenen Baufirmen ausgeführt.

Es ist richtig, dass SOS-Sri Lanka einen Bauvertrag mit Micro Cars Ltd. für den Bau von 250 Wohnhäusern in Kayankerni abgeschlossen hat. Nach unseren Informationen hat Micro Cars Ltd. Sri Lanka hat eine Tochtergesellschaft Namens MicroConstruction, die wiederum ein Geschäftspartner der AxiaGroup ist. Weitere Informationen darüber liegen uns jedoch nicht vor.

Wir hoffen, dass wir Ihnen mit diesen Informationen weiterhelfen konnten und stehen gerne auch für weitere Fragen zur Verfügung.

Mit herzlichen Grüßen,

Ihr Hermann-Gmeiner-Fonds Deutschland e.V.
Karin Schelchshorn
SOS-Kinderdörfer weltweit
Hermann-Gmeiner-Fonds Deutschland e.V.
Menzinger Str. 23
80638 München

Tel:  089 / 179 14-224
Fax: 089 / 179 14-100


Grüß Gott Herr Laker,

stimmt es, dass SOS-Kinderdörfer der Axia Group einen Auftrag über den Bau von 250 Häusern in Sri Lanka gegeben hat?

Ich bin in Axia investiert und mich interessiert, ob die Nachricht wahr ist und ob Axia in Zukunft mit Folgeaufträgen von SOS-Kinderdörfer rechnen kann? Sind Sie zufrieden mit der Arbeit von Axia?
Der letzte Auftrag soll ein Volumen von 1,85 Millionen Dollar gehabt haben. Sind in Zukunft noch größere Aufträge geplant? Auf Sri Lanka sollen ja angeblich noch 200.000 neue Häuser für die Bevölkerung nach der Tsunami-Katastrophe errichtet werden.

Die Infos stehen unter

Das klingt alles sehr interessant! Ich freue mich, dass SOS-Kinderdörfer einen so starken Partner auf Sri Lanka gefunden hat! Ich hoffe aber auch, dass das keine Lügen sind, die da erzählt werden. Denn auf der SOS-Homepage ist kein Hinweis auf Axia zu finden...

Für eine baldige Antwort bin ich Ihnen sehr dankbar!

24.05.06 21:29

4891 Postings, 7065 Tage SolarparcWas wir wissen


Wir wissen, dass Axia von SOS-Kinderdorf International
einen Auftrag über 250 Häuser erhalten hat. In Folge
dessen bekam Axia nach eigenen Angaben einen Auftrag
über den Bau von 750 bis 1000 neuen Gebäuden auf Sri
Lanka. Der Großauftrag soll ein Folgeauftrag aufgrund
der guten Erfahrungen mit SOS Kinderdorf International
gewesen sein.

Somit könnte Axia indirekt auch an neuen Aufträge in
Sri Lanka, in Pakistan, Indien oder anderen Katastrophen-
Gebieten beteiligt werden. SOS Kinderdorf International ist
Axia´s neues Aushängeschild! Ein sehr gutes wie ich finde!

Wird Zeit, dass endlich die Zahlen von Juli-Dezember 2005
veröffentlicht werden. Egal wie hoch der Verlust war, Axia
wird ihn durch die neuen Aufträge schon kompensieren können.

Jeff und Raj stellen Axia aktuell auf eine solide Basis und
positionieren die Firma Dank SOS-Kinderdorf International
als einen kostengünstigen verlässlichen Partner beim Bau von
neuen und sicheren Häusern in Katastrophengebieten! Sehr gut!

Sobald Axia die 10 Dollar erreicht hat, verkaufen ich ;-)  
Angehängte Grafik:

25.05.06 21:52

962 Postings, 6836 Tage Rolli20keinerlei Umsatz

heute, absolute tote HOSE,
bin gespannt, wie das hier weitergeht,
derzeit hat keiner Interesse an AXIA,
ob sich das morgen ändert ???  

25.05.06 22:12

4891 Postings, 7065 Tage SolarparcRT 0,36

Detailed Quote Snapshot   05/25/2006  04:11 PM
Change: -0.12
Change: -25.00%  
High: 0.36  
Low: 0.36  
Volume: 400  

26.05.06 10:55

4891 Postings, 7065 Tage SolarparcAufbau kommt voran

Immer mehr Meldungen erscheinen über den
Fortschritt der Aufbauarbeiten auf Sri Lanka:

Spanish Red Cross boosts cinnamon production in Galle
Fri, 2006-05-26 02:00
By Munza Mushtaq - Reporting from Colombo for Asian Tribune

Colombo, 26 May, ( A Spanish Red Cross project conducted in collaboration with Sri Lanka Red Cross Society and the Department of Export Agriculture is assisting tsunami affected families to regain lost livelihoods and helping the country to restore its capacity in cinnamon cultivation, the country's fourth largest export earner crop.

The project aims to boost the livelihoods of over 170 small hold farmers through the restoration of cinnamon trees damaged by the tsunami as well as re-cultivation of lands where cinnamon crops were completely destroyed. It is being implemented in the southern district of Galle, where the tsunami destroyed hundreds of acres of cinnamon trees.

Production and export of cinnamon is a centuries old business in Sri Lanka. "Sri Lanka is well known for producing the best cinnamon in the world, with some 45% of the total exports coming from Galle District. The tsunami had a devastating impact both on the export industry and the individual farmer", says Anura Rupasinghe, the Assistant Director of the Department of Export Agriculture.

The project is being implemented in four phases ? including clearing and preparation of land and training of farmers. The process is being carried out through four farmer associations that have been set up comprised of beneficiaries of the project.

"The Red Cross project provided assistance for farmers to either revive plants that could be saved or clear destroyed trees and prepared land for re-cultivation. The Department of Export Agriculture and Red Cross have also completed training for farmers in proper irrigation of cultivation plots, use of fertiliser, pest control, pruning of trees and processing", explains Nuria Benitez, Development Delegate with the Spanish Red Cross. Planting was conducted during the December 2005 and January 2006 'Yala' planting season. The cinnamon trees are expected to be fully productive in two and a half years.

- Asian Tribune -  

26.05.06 19:16

962 Postings, 6836 Tage Rolli20meine Befürchtung bestätigt sich

AXIA die Depotleiche,
bei Handelsvolumen unter 1000 Stücke,
und sehr hohen Kursschwankungen gehe ich derzeit davon aus, das der Kurs langsam aber sicher weiter Richtung Süden geht.  

27.05.06 18:53

2791 Postings, 6775 Tage kiwi03starkes Erdbeben...

in Indonesien (Jakarta) gibt was zu tun Jeff! Ab nach Indonesien!  

28.05.06 12:51

4891 Postings, 7065 Tage Solarparcmail von Jeff!

Kleines Update:

Hi xxx -- I just arrived in Sri Lanka and everything is ok. we have a busy 2 weeks here meeting with everyone I have told you about. The war here has made some things difficult but I expect a good trip.

I will keep you informed.


--> Der angekündigte business-trip nach Sri Lanka wurde auf April/Mai verlegt! Wir hatten gestern den 27. Mai, wenn ich richtig liege ;-) Jeff hat also im letzten Moment mal wieder die Kurve gekriegt!

--> Fazit: Jeff Flannery IST endlicht in Sri Lanka! Zwei Wochen lang wird er nun Axia und den Sentry5000 da unten vorstellen und vermarkten! DAS werden die zwei wichtigsten Wochen für Axia und für uns ;-) WENN Jeff am 12. Juni verkündet, dass er mit SOS-Kinderdörfer, UN-HABITAT oder anderen Organisationen neue Deals abgeschlossen hat, dann wird der Kurs wieder zu altbekannten Höhen steigen!

--> Ich selbst werde nächste Woche noch mal nachkaufen! ALLES ODER NICHTS! Wenn wir in zwei Wochen Glück haben, dann stehen wir bei 5 DOllar oder 10 DOllar oder mehr ;-) Wenn nicht, dann eben nicht! Tiefer geht´s kaum mehr ;-)

--> Also für mich ist das die letzte Gelegenheit, vor dem Urlaub noch mal Geld zu verdienen! Wünsche allen viel Erfolg und möge der Kurs nicht zu schnell über die 0,50 steigen ;-) Denn das ist mein Limit ;-) Wir sprechen uns Mitte Juni wieder! Alles Gute!

28.05.06 20:20

5909 Postings, 7884 Tage KleiAXIA?

komisch, finde diesen Thread immer, wenn ich auf BALDA AG klicke!

Wir kommt sowas?

kann man das richtig stellen ??


29.05.06 11:39

4891 Postings, 7065 Tage SolarparcGute Nachricht!

In Utah geht´s den Shorties jetzt an den Kragen ;-)
Hoffentlich schließen sich bald auch schon andere Staaten an!

Updated: 7:38 p.m. ET May 26, 2006

SALT LAKE CITY - Over the objection of Wall Street firms, Gov. Jon Huntsman signed a bill Friday that cracks down on naked short selling with state fines for brokers who accumulate too many unsettled trades in any company\\'s shares.

The bill was written for Utah-based Internet retailer Inc., which complains it has been a target of a practice that traders dismiss as a tiny aberration in the markets.
Story continues below ↓ advertisement

"This bill is good for business, particularly small- and mid-sized cap companies," Huntsman\\'s deputy chief of staff, Mike Mower, said Friday.

Tony Taggart, who handles litigation for the Securities Industry Association, had promised a lawsuit if Huntsman signed the bill, saying of the threat: "It\\'s not a risk _ it will happen."

Taggart said the measure approved by the Utah Legislature late Wednesday caught the industry by surprise. He did not immediately return calls Friday.

"We dropped the ball, all the brokerage firms," said a financial adviser for a major Wall Street firm with operations in Salt Lake City, who insisted on anonymity because he was ordered by the company not to speak about the matter to reporters.

The bill\\'s sponsor, Sen. Curtis Bramble, R-Orem, said was "the poster child" for victims of trading abuse. He said the bill could help other emerging companies that can be vulnerable to short selling.

Short sellers borrow stock hoping the share price declines so they can return it to brokers and pocket the difference. contends it has been a target of naked short selling, where brokers send IOUs they can\\'t honor through a stock clearinghouse when they run out of shares to lend for short selling. CEO Patrick Byrne says many brokers never settle these trades, allowing short sellers to profit without having to assume risk. The practice tends to lower a company\\'s share price by artificially creating more sellers than buyers.

Bramble said brokerage houses never spoke up against the bill in the months it has been languishing at the Utah Capitol. It finally passed Wednesday during a special session with little debate.

The Utah law requires brokers to regularly disclose trades that fail to settle, adding to paperwork they say is bothersome. Fines for violations start at $10,000 a day and can increase to cover the sum total of all unsettled trades.

Utah Securities Director Wayne Klein said he was prepared to start enforcing the law July 1 and was looking into allegations of abusive short selling.

Klein said his investigation would go beyond\\'s complaints to the lending of shares by brokers without the knowledge of a share\\'s owner, which is allowed under standard customer contracts at brokerage firms.

Klein said it can result in two people voting on proxy proposals or for a company\\'s directors when only one person is the legal share owner. He said some companies adjust for the problem by "prorating" extra votes to shares, but "if that happened in an election for political office, we\\'d all cry foul."  

30.05.06 09:04

4891 Postings, 7065 Tage SolarparcDas ist es!

Washington D.C. 20549

(Mark One)


For the quarterly period ended June 30, 2005

For the transition period from to

Commission File No.: 001-09418

(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

Nevada 87-0509512
(State or other jurisdiction of (I.R.S. Employer
incorporation or organization) Identification No.)

5520 Wellesley Street, Suite 109
La Mesa, CA 91942
(Address of principal executive offices)

Issuer\'s telephone number: (619) 466-4928

(Former name, former address and former fiscal year,
if changed since last report)
Check whether the registrant filed all documents and reports required to be filed by Section 12, 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days. Yes X No


As of August 9, 2005, 228,377,263 shares of our common stock were outstanding.

Transitional Small Business Disclosure Format: Yes No X
---- ----



(A Development Stage Company)

Balance Sheet

June 30,


Cash $ 343
Prepaid assets 1,666

Total Current Assets 2,009




Accounts payable $ 163,842
Accrued expenses 97,393
EPA liability 190,000
Notes payable 220,000
Notes payable - related party 4,694

Total Current Liabilities 675,929




Preferred stock, $.001 par value, 35,000,000 shares
authorized, -0- shares outstanding --
Series C preferred stock, $.001 par value, 10,000,000
shares authorized, 150,000 shares outstanding 150
Series D preferred stock, $.001 par value, 5,000,000
Shares authorized, 5,000,000 shares outstanding 5,000
Common stock, $.001 par value, 5,000,000,000 shares
authorized, 228,357,263 shares issued and outstanding 228,357
Additional paid-in-capital 19,500,131
Treasury stock, 1 share at cost (3,202)
Accumulated deficit prior to development stage (20,084,992)
Accumulated deficit during development stage (319,364)

Total Stockholders\' Deficit (673,920)


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

(A Devlelopment Stage Company)

Statements of Operations (Unaudited)

From Inception
For the For the of the
Nine Months Ended Three Months Ended Development
June 30, June 30, Stage through
-------------------------------- -------------------------------- June 30,
2005 2004 2005 2004 2005
------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ----------------
REVENUES $ -- $ -- $ -- $ -- $ --
------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ----------------


Selling, general and
administrative 197,767 -- 21,357 -- 197,767
Payroll expense 33,700 -- 16,800 -- 33,700
------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ----------------

Total Operating Expenses 231,467 -- 38,157 -- 231,467
------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ----------------

LOSS FROM OPERATIONS (231,467) -- (38,157) -- (231,467)
------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ----------------


Other income 7,000 -- 7,000 -- 7,000
Loss on extinguishment
of debt (94,897) -- (27,050) -- (94,897)
------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ----------------

Total Other Expenses (87,897) -- (20,050) -- (87,897)
------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ----------------

OPERATIONS (319,364) -- (58,207) -- (319,364)
------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ----------------


Loss from discontinued
operations (644,005) (332,139) -- (198,744) --
Loss from disposal of
discontinued operations (356,950) -- -- -- --
------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ----------------

Total Loss on Discontinued
Operations (1,000,955) (332,139) -- (198,744) --
------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ----------------

NET LOSS $ (1,320,319) $ (332,139) $ (58,207) $ (198,744) $ (319,364)
============= ============= ============= ============= ================


Continuing operations $ (0.01) $ (0.00) $ (0.00) $ (0.00)
Discontinued operations (0.01) (830.35) (0.00) (496.86)
------------- ------------- ------------- -------------

Total Loss per Share $ (0.02) $ (830.35) $ (0.00) $ (496.86)
============= ============= ============= =============

AVERAGE SHARES 75,044,293 400 201,624,296 400
============= ============= ============= =============

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements

(A Development Stage Company)

Statements of Cash Flows (Unaudited)

From Inception
of the
For the Nine Months Ended Development
June 30, Stage through
---------------------------- June 30,
2005 2004 2005
----------- ----------- ---------------

Net loss $(1,320,319) $ (332,139) $ (319,364)
Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash
used by operating activities:
Common stock issued for services 498,641 -- 20,184
Contributed services 15,000 -- 15,000
Loss on extinguishment of debt 94,897 -- 71,813
Depreciation and amortization 6,083 13,857 --
Changes in assets and liabilities:
(Increase) in prepaid assets (1,495) (150) (796)
Decrease in accounts receivable 29,773 33,769 --
Increase in accounts payable 222,320 49,210 153,569
(Decrease) in accrued expenses (13,550) (1,711) --
Loans acquired from D&R Crane rescission 356,950 -- --
----------- ----------- ---------------

Net Cash Used by Operating Activities (111,700) (237,164) (59,594)
----------- ----------- ---------------


Purchase of fixed assets -- (9,610) --
----------- ----------- ---------------

Net Cash Used by Investing Activities -- (9,610) --
----------- ----------- ---------------


D&R cash at rescission (36,505) -- --
Bank overdraft (4,175) -- --
Common stock issued for cash 165,799 -- 70,681
Payments on notes and contracts payable (56,625) (10,930) (45,000)
Proceeds from notes payable -- 200,000 --
Proceeds from notes payable - related party 29,600 80,000 4,600
Payment on capital lease (1,396) (8,432) --
----------- ----------- ---------------

Net Cash Provided by Financing Activities 96,698 260,638 30,281
----------- ----------- ---------------

NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH (15,002) 13,864 (29,313)

CASH AT BEGINNING OF PERIOD 15,345 15,851 29,656
----------- ----------- ---------------

CASH AT END OF PERIOD $ 343 $ 29,715 $ 343
=========== =========== ===============

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

(A Development Stage Company)

Statements of Cash Flows (Unaudited) (Continued)

From Inception
of the
For the Nine Months Ended Development
June 30, Stage through
--------------------------- June 30,
2005 2004 2005
----------- ----------- ---------------


Interest $ -- $ -- $ --
Income taxes $ -- $ -- $ --


Common stock issued for extinguishment of debt $ 92,276 $ -- $ 79,971
Common stock issued for services $ 498,641 $ -- $ 20,184

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

(A Development Stage Company)

Notes to the Financial Statements
June 30, 2005


The accompanying condensed financial statements have been prepared by the Company without audit. In the opinion of management, all adjustments (which include only normal recurring adjustments) necessary to present fairly the financial position, results of operations and cash flows at June 30, 2005 and 2004 and for all periods presented have been made.

Certain information and footnote disclosures normally included in financial statements prepared in accordance with United States generally accepted accounting principles have been condensed or omitted. It is suggested that these condensed financial statements be read in conjunction with the financial statements and notes thereto included in the Company\'s September 30, 2004 audited consolidated financial statements. The results of operations for the periods ended June 30, 2005 and 2004 are not necessarily indicative of the operating results for the years ended September 30, 2005 and 2004.

As stated in Note 5, the Company acquired D&R Crane, Inc. (D&R) on July 21, 2004 and on January 13, 2005 the Company entered into a rescission agreement with D&R, which resulted in D&R being spun off and the Company reentering the development stage.


The Company\'s financial statements are prepared using United States accounting principles applicable to a going concern which contemplates the realization of assets and liquidation of liabilities in the normal course of business. The Company has incurred cumulative operating losses through June 30, 2005 of $20,404,356, which raises substantial doubt about the Company\'s ability to continue as a going concern.

Our current purpose is to seek, investigate and, if such investigation warrants, acquire an interest in business opportunities presented to us by persons or firms who or which desire to seek the perceived advantages of a corporation which is registered under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. We do not restrict our search to any specific business; industry or geographical location and we may participate in a business venture of virtually any kind or nature.

We may seek a business opportunity with entities which have recently commenced operations, or which wish to utilize the public marketplace in order to raise additional capital in order to expand into new products or markets, to develop a new product or service or for other corporate purposes. We may acquire assets and establish wholly owned subsidiaries in various businesses or acquire existing businesses as subsidiaries.

(A Development Stage Company)

Notes to the Financial Statements
June 30, 2005

NOTE 2 - GOING CONCERN (Continued)

As part of our investigation of potential merger candidates, our officers and directors will meet personally with management and key personnel, may visit and inspect material facilities, obtain independent analysis or verification of certain information provided, check references of management and key personnel and take other reasonable investigative measures, to the extent of our financial resources and management expertise. The manner in which we participate in an opportunity will depend on the nature of the opportunity, the respective needs and desires of us and other parties, the management of the opportunity, our relative negotiation strength and that of the other management.

We intend to concentrate on identifying preliminary prospective business opportunities that may be brought to our attention through present associations of our officers and directors, or by our stockholders. In analyzing prospective business opportunities, we will consider such matters as the available technical, financial and managerial resources; working capital and other financial requirements; history of operations, if any; prospects for the future; nature of present and expected competition; the quality and experience of management services which may be available and the depth of that management; the potential for further research, development or exploration; specific risk factors not now foreseeable but which then may be anticipated to impact our proposed activities; the potential for growth or expansion; the potential for profit; the perceived public recognition or acceptance of products, services or trades; name identification; and other relevant factors.

Our officers and directors will meet personally with management and key personnel of the business opportunity as part of their investigation. We will not acquire or merge with any company for which audited financial statements cannot be obtained within a reasonable period of time after closing of the proposed transaction, as required by the Exchange Act.

We will not restrict our search to any specific kind of firms, but may acquire a venture which is in its preliminary or development stage, which is already in operation, or which is in essentially any stage of its corporate life. It is impossible to predict at this time the status of any business in which we may become engaged, in that such business may need to seek additional capital, may desire to have its shares publicly traded or may seek other perceived advantages which we may offer.

(A Development Stage Company)

Notes to the Financial Statements
June 30, 2005


A legal action was filed in September 1993 against the Company seeking the cleanup of tires and potentially toxic paint drums at a plant in Canton, Illinois, then owned by a consolidated subsidiary of the Company. On September 28, 1995, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) informed the Company it was rejecting the proposed plan of the Company for tire cleanup, and would send its own contractor to remove the remaining tires. The Company sought relief from this decision from the Circuit Court in Fulton County, Illinois. After a hearing on October 10, 1995, the Circuit Court denied any relief to the Company. Both the Company and the IEPA contractor removed tires. The State filed an action before the Illinois Pollution Control Board seeking to recover $326,154 as costs incurred to remove the tires and an equal amounts as punitive damages. An award for costs of $326,154 was entered against the Company. On August 25, 1999, the Company entered into an agreement whereby the award was to be paid in quarterly installments of $20,000 at an interest rate of 5.45%. At March 31, 2003, the Company had made only $155,000 of the $340,000 of payments it was supposed to have made by that time per the payment schedule. The unpaid balance at March 31, 2003 was $234,864. On June 2, 2004, the Company entered into an agreement whereby the Company changed its payment schedule. Per the new agreement the Company was to pay $28,500 and $10,000 per month for 19 months, resulting in a settlement of $218,500. As the Company\'s liability on the settlement date exceeded the revised settlement amount the Company recorded a gain on the settlement of debt for $20,002. As of September 30, 2004, the Company had made a payment of $28,500 towards the $218,500, leaving a liability balance of $190,000.

In January 2000 the United States Environmental Protection Agency forwarded to the Company and to Thistle Holdings Inc. letters informing each corporation that the EPA has identified them as potentially responsible parties, as former owners or operators of the property, for reimbursement of all costs incurred by the EPA for actions taken pursuant to the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA). Both corporations responded that they were not currently owners nor operators of the property (the City of Canton having taken title to the property) and that the materials identified as requiring removal, friable asbestos and asbestos-containing material, were placed on the site by owners prior to the acquisition of the property by either of these corporations. The Company declined to involve itself in the clean-up process.

In a letter dated February 15, 2002, the United States Environmental Protection Agency gave the company a "General Notice of Potential Liability for Soil Removal." The letter invites the Company to participate in the cost of providing site security, preparing and implementing a site health and safety plan, a site sampling plan, identifying the extent of contamination in the buildings and soils, prepare and implement a site re-mediation plan and required follow-up to those procedures. The notice indicates that the Company may be considered a responsible party as a former owner of the property located in Canton, Illinois under the provisions of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA). The Company has responded that it does not believe that it has any liability for the proposed actions as it no longer owns the property and was not the owner at the time any such contaminants were introduced onto the property.

(A Development Stage Company)

Notes to the Financial Statements
June 30, 2005


A summary of the status of the Company\'s outstanding stock options as of June 30, 2005 and September 30, 2004 and changes during the periods then ended is presented below:

June 30, 2005 September 30, 2004
------------------------- -------------------------
Weighted Weighted
Average Average
Exercise Exercise
Shares Price Shares Price
------------- ---------- ---------- -------------
Outstanding, beginning of
year -- $ -- 1 $ 13,458,918
Granted 144,635,090 0.00 354 320
Expired/Cancelled -- -- (1) (13,458,918)
Exercised (144,635,090) (0.00) (354) (320)
------------- ---------- ---------- -------------

Outstanding, end of year -- $ -- -- $ --
============= ========== ========== =============

Exercisable -- $ -- -- $ --
============= ========== ========== =============


On July 21, 2004 the Company acquired D&R Crane, Inc. (D&R), a California Corporation. This transaction resulted in the Company issuing 100 million pre-split shares of its restricted common stock and five million shares of its Series C preferred stock to the stockholders of D&R in exchange for one hundred percent of D&R\'s capital stock.

On October 18, 2004 the Company conducted a 1,000 for 1 reverse stock split of its common stock, therefore the common shares issued for the acquisition were reduced to 100,000 shares. Additionally, on October 22, 2004 the stockholders converted the series C preferred shares into an aggregate of 500,000,000 common shares.

On January 13, 2005, the Company entered into a rescission agreement with D&R which resulted in the Company canceling the 500,100,000 post-split and post-conversion common shares issued for the acquisition, D&R being spun off, and the Company recording a loss from discontinued operations.

The following is an unaudited condensed statement of operations showing the results of operations of D&R Crane, Inc. for the nine months ended June 30, 2005, and the nine and three months ended March 31, 2004

(A Development Stage Company)

Notes to the Financial Statements
June 30, 2005


For the For the For the
nine months nine months three months
ended, June ended, June ended, June
30, 2005 30, 2004 30, 2004
---------------- --------------- ----------------
REVENUES $ 208,234 $ 659,348 $ 214,693

COGS 88,994 370,295 164,773
--------------- --------------- ----------------

GROSS PROFIT 119,240 289,053 49,920
--------------- --------------- ----------------


Payroll 95,553 228,137 92,094
Depreciation 6,083 13,858 6,234
Travel -- 4,349 1,051
General and administrative 632,693 373,468 148,896
--------------- --------------- ----------------

Total Operating Expenses 734,329 619,812 248,275
--------------- --------------- ----------------

LOSS FROM OPERATIONS (615,089) (330,759) (198,355)
--------------- --------------- ----------------


Loss on extinguishment of debt (23,084) -- --
Interest expense (5,832) (1,380) (389)
--------------- --------------- ----------------

Total Other Expenses (28,916) (1,380) (389)
--------------- --------------- ----------------

LOSS BEFORE DISPOSAL (644,005) (332,139) (198,744)

--------------- --------------- ----------------

NET LOSS $ (1,000,955) $ (332,139) $ (198,744)
=============== =============== ================

BASIC LOSS PER SHARE $ (0.01) $ (830.35) $ (496.86)
=============== =============== ================

OUTSTANDING 75,044,293 400 400
=============== =============== ================


(A Development Stage Company)

Notes to the Financial Statements
June 30, 2005


On June 27, 2005, Axia Group, Inc. (Axia), entered into a stock purchase Agreement by and among Axia, Jeffrey W. Flannery, and Richard F. Schmidt. Pursuant to the terms of the agreement, Mr. Schmidt sold 150,000 shares of Series C Preferred Stock and 5,000,000 shares of Series D Preferred Stock of Axia to Mr. Flannery.

Also, on June 27, 2005, Richard F. Schmidt resigned as President, Chief Financial Officer, and Secretary of Axia. The board of directors appointed Jeffrey W. Flannery as the new President, Chief Financial Officer, and Secretary.

Thereafter, Richard D. Mangiarelli resigned as a director of Axia. Mr. Schmidt, as the remaining sole director, appointed Mr. Flannery to fill the vacancy on the board of directors.


The following discussion and analysis should be read in conjunction with our unaudited consolidated condensed financial statements and related notes included in this report. This report contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The statements contained in this report that are not historic in nature, particularly those that utilize terminology such as "may," "will," "should," "expects," "anticipates," "estimates," "believes," or "plans" or comparable terminology are forward-looking statements based on current expectations and assumptions.

Various risks and uncertainties could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in forward-looking statements. All forward-looking statements in this document are based on information currently available to us as of the date of this report, and we assume no obligation to update any forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results to differ materially from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements.


Previously, we operated as a holding company that focused in two primary areas of business: (1) acquiring, leasing and selling real estate; and (2) providing financial consulting services. These businesses were spun-off in December of 2002.

On July 21, 2004, we signed an agreement to acquire 100% ownership of D&R Crane, Inc. D&R was established in 1991 as an overhead crane and hoist service company and subsequently began manufacturing material handling systems. D&R has customers throughout southern California and provides the market with quality overhead material handling solutions, reliable and professional technical support and customer service.

On January 11, 2005, we entered into an agreement with D&R Crane and D&R Crane\'s former stockholders to rescind the Company\'s acquisition of all of the capital stock of D&R Crane. In connection therewith, Dawnelle Patrick, one of our former officers and directors, resigned, and we assumed a note issued by D&R Crane in the principal amount of $215,000. This rescission resulted in a reduction of assets and liabilities on our books in addition to our acquiring the shares of capital stock that we had initially issued for the acquisition.

On January 12, 2005, we issued 5,000,000 shares of Series D Preferred Stock to Richard F. Schmidt for $20,000 in cash and a note in the principal amount of $30,000.00, payable in three monthly installments of $10,000.00 each. In connection therewith, we appointed Mr. Schmidt as a director of Axia.

On January 13, 2005, we entered into a rescission agreement with Jody R. Regan, our former officer and director, to rescind Mr. Regan\'s acquisition of 10,000 shares of our common stock. Under the terms of the rescission agreement, Mr. Regan returned the 10,000 shares of common stock to us for cancellation, and we paid Mr. Regan $20,000 in cash and issued a note in the principal amount of $30,000.00, payable in three monthly installments of $10,000.00 each. In connection therewith, Mr. Regan resigned as an officer and director. The board of directors appointed Richard D. Mangiarelli to fill the vacancy on the board of directors and appointed Richard F. Schmidt as President, Chief Financial Officer, and Secretary.

On January 28, 2005, we issued 250,000 shares of Series C Preferred Stock to Richard F. Schmidt for $5,000 in cash.

On June 27, 2005, Richard F. Schmidt sold 150,000 shares of Series C Preferred Stock and 5,000,000 shares of Series D Preferred Stock. In connection with this sale, Mr. Schmidt resigned as our President, Chief Financial Officer and Secretary and our Board appointed Jeffrey W. Flannery to fill the offices vacated by Mr. Schmidt. Thereafter, Richard D. Mangiarelli resigned from our Board of Directors and Mr. Schmidt, as the sole remaining director, appointed Mr. Flannery to fill the vacancy on the Board of Directors.

Plan of Operations

We are currently seeking to identify clients that will need business consulting, corporate administration, capital structuring, merger and acquisition, and financial planning services, but we will not provide capital financing, underwriting, or other broker-dealer services. We are also looking for potential acquisition targets. To date, we have reviewed and evaluated a number of business ventures for possible acquisition. However, we do not have any commitment or understanding to enter into or become engaged in a transaction as of the date of this filing. We continue to investigate, review, and evaluate business opportunities as they become available and will seek to acquire or become engaged in business opportunities at such time as specific opportunities warrant. We anticipate that our owners, affiliates, and consultants will provide it with sufficient capital to continue operations until the end of the year 2005, but there can be no assurance that this expectation will be fully realized.

We currently do not have any plans for the purchase or sale of any plant or equipment. In the next twelve months, we intend to hire from six to up to fifty employees, depending on the nature of the business opportunities we elect to pursue. We have established our September 2004 Employee Stock Incentive Plan in order to attract and retain employees and to provide employees who make significant and extraordinary contributions to our long-term growth and performance with equity-based compensation incentives. In addition, we have established the September 2004 Non-Employee Directors and Consultants Retainer Stock Plan in order to promote our interests and those of our stockholders by attracting and retaining non-employee directors and consultants capable of furthering the future our success.

Results of Operations

Basis of Presentation

The results of operations set forth below for the three and nine months ended June 30, 2005 and June 30, 2004 exclude the discontinued operations of D&R Crane, Inc.

Comparison of the nine months ended June 30, 2005 and 2004

Net sales. We had no net sales from continuing operations in the either the nine month period ending June 30, 2005 or the nine month period ending June 30, 2004.

Cost of Sales. We had no cost of sales from continuing operations in the either the nine month period ending June 30, 2005 or the nine month period ending June 30, 2004.

Operating Expenses. Operating expenses increased to $231,467 for the nine months ended June 30, 2005 from $0 for the nine months ended June 30, 2004. These operating expenses increased primarily due to our incurring $197,767 in selling, general, and administrative costs, including the issuance of common stock for services rendered, and our incurring payroll expenses of $33,700.

Operating loss. We incurred an operating loss of $231,467 for the nine months ended June 30, 2005, compared to an operating loss of $0 for the nine months ended June 30, 2004. We had higher operating losses in the third quarter of fiscal 2005 as compared to the third quarter of fiscal 2004 primarily because our incurring significant selling, general, and administrative costs, including the issuance of common stock for services rendered, and our incurring new payroll expenses.

Provision for income taxes. We incurred operating losses for the nine months ended June 30, 2005 and recognized no revenues for the nine months ended June 30, 2004. Accordingly, we have made no provision for income taxes.

Comparison of the three months ended June 30, 2005 and 2004

Net sales. We had no net sales from continuing operations in the either the three month period ending June 30, 2005 or the three month period ending June 30, 2004.

Cost of Sales. We had no cost of sales from continuing operations in the either the three month period ending June 30, 2005 or the three month period ending June 30, 2004.

Operating Expenses. Operating expenses increased to $38,157 for the three months ended June 30, 2005 from $0 for the three months ended June 30, 2004. These operating expenses increased primarily due to our incurring $21,357 in selling, general, and administrative costs, including the issuance of common stock for services rendered, and our incurring payroll expenses of $16,800.

Operating loss. We incurred an operating loss of $38,157 for the three months ended June 30, 2005, compared to an operating loss of $0 for the three months ended June 30, 2004. We had higher operating losses in the third quarter of fiscal 2005 as compared to the third quarter of fiscal 2004 primarily because our incurring significant selling, general, and administrative costs, including the issuance of common stock for services rendered, and our incurring new payroll expenses.

Provision for income taxes. We incurred operating losses for the three months ended June 30, 2005 and recognized no revenues for the three months ended June 30, 2004. Accordingly, we have made no provision for income taxes.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

We have financed our operations, debt service, and capital requirements through debt financing and issuance of equity securities. Our working capital deficit at June 30, 2005 was $673,920. We had cash of $343 as of June 30, 2005.

We used $111,700 of net cash in operating activities for the nine months ended June 30, 2005 compared to using $237,164 in the nine months ended June 30, 2004. Cash generated by operating activities for the nine months ended June 30, 2005 was mainly due to non-cash charges of $498,641 in common stock issued for services rendered, $94,897 for loss on extinguishment of debt, $6,083 in depreciation and amortization, $29,773 for decreases in accounts receivable, $222,320 for increases in accounts payable, and $356,950 in loans acquired in connection with the rescission of the acquisition of D&R Crane, Inc. These cash flows were offset by a net loss of $1,320,319, an increase in prepaid assets of $1,495, and $13,550 for decreases in accrued expenses.

There were no net cash flows used in investing activities in the nine months ended June 30, 2005 as compared to $9,610 which was used in the nine months ended June 30, 2004.

Net cash flows provided by financing activities were $96,698 for the nine months ended June 30, 2005, compared to net cash provided by financing activities of $260,638 in the nine months ended June 30, 2004. This change in net cash provided by financing activities is due to proceeds from note payables issued to related parties of $29,600 and proceeds from the exercise of stock options issued under our various employee benefit plans of $165,799. These cash flows were offset by a payment of cash to D&R Crane of $36,505 as a result of the rescission of the D&R Crane acquisition, a paydown of a bank overdraft of $4,175, payments on notes and other contracts of $56,625, and payments on capital lease obligations of $1,396.

We currently have limited working capital with which to satisfy our cash requirements, and we will require additional capital in order to conduct operations. We anticipate that we will require at least $250,000 in additional working capital in order to sustain operations for the next 12 months. This requirement may increase substantially, depending on the nature and capital requirements of the business opportunities we elect to pursue. In order to obtain the necessary working capital, we intend to continue to seek private equity financing in 2005. Such financing may not be available to us, when and if needed, on acceptable terms or at all. In the event that we are unable to obtain such financing, management may provide additional financing for us. We intend to retain any future earnings to finance the expansion of its business and any necessary capital expenditures, and for general corporate purposes.

Off Balance Sheet Arrangements

We do not have any off-balance sheet financing arrangements.


Our disclosure controls and procedures are designed to ensure that information required to be disclosed in reports that we file or submit under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified in the rules and forms of the Securities and Exchange Commission. Our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer has reviewed the effectiveness of our "disclosure controls and procedures" (as defined in the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 Rules 13a-14(c) and 15d-14(c)) within the last ninety days and has concluded that the disclosure controls and procedures are effective to ensure that material information relating to Axia is recorded, processed, summarized, and reported in a timely manner. There were no significant changes in our internal controls or in other factors that could significantly affect these controls subsequent to the last day they were evaluated by our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer.

It should be noted that any system of controls, however well designed and operated, can provide only reasonable, and not absolute, assurance that the objectives of the system are met. In addition, the design of any control system is based in part upon certain assumptions about the likelihood of future events. Because of these and other inherent limitations of control systems, there can be no assurance that any design will succeed in achieving its stated goals under all potential future conditions. As a small organization, the effectiveness of our controls heavily depends on the direct involvement of our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer.



The following cases may have a material impact on our company. In addition, we are involved in other legal matters that are not deemed material at this time.

State of Illinois vs. CyberAmerica Corporation - The state of Illinois filed a separate action before the Illinois Pollution Control Board, Case Number 97-8, Enforcement, in July 1996. This action sought recovery of $325,398 in costs that were allegedly incurred by the State to remove waste tires from the Canton Plant site located in Canton, Illinois. In a decision adopted on March 5, 1998, the Pollution Control Board denied all punitive damages and ordered us to pay $326,154 into the state\'s Used Tire Management Fund. This amount was determined to be the amount expended by the state to remove tires from the Canton Plant site. The state\'s motion requesting that the Pollution Control Board reconsider its denial of punitive damages was rejected by the Pollution Control Board. On or about December 23, 1998 the state filed a civil action in the Fulton County Circuit Court, Case No. 98-CH-57 seeking payment of the $326,154 award made by the Pollution Control Board and the imposition of fines or sanctions for the failure to pay this award. On August 31, 1999 an agreed Summary Judgment Order was entered in this matter, the order requires us to pay the sum of $326,154 for tire removal costs from the prior Pollution Control Board order, with interest, through quarterly payments of $20,000 and denied all fines and penalties. The State subsequently filed a Motion for Voluntary Dismissal, to dismiss all causes of action except as set forth in the August 31, 1999 order. The Court signed an order granting this dismissal on February 7, 2000.

On June 14, 2004, we entered into an agreement for satisfaction of judgment with the State of Illinois whereby we agreed to pay $28,500 upon completion of our acquisition of D&R Crane and $10,000 per month thereafter for the next nineteen months. We are currently in default on our payments under the agreement for satisfaction of judgment.

Utah State Tax Commission vs. Canton Industrial Corp. of SLC DBA: Axia Group, Inc. - Suit filed by the Utah State Tax Commission in the Third Judicial District Court of Salt Lake County, State of Utah, Civil No. 016925319TL, seeking payment of a total of $33,114 in taxes, costs, and interest due to the State of Utah. The tax number and the sole party to the obligation is Axia Group, Inc. which bears the liability. We currently do not have any property or any source of income from which to pay the outstanding taxes due to the State of Utah. Upon the acquisition of funds or other assets sufficient to retire the obligation management intends to resolve the claim with the state. The unpaid balance at December 31, 2003 amounted to $35,917.

Possible Actions by Governmental Authorities

Canton Illinois Property. In January 2000, the United States Environmental Protection Agency forwarded letters to us and to Thistle Holdings Inc. informing each corporation that the EPA has identified them as potentially responsible parties, as former owners or operators of the property, for reimbursement of all costs incurred by the EPA for actions taken pursuant to the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA). Both corporations responded that they were not currently owners nor operators of the property (the City of Canton having taken title to the property) and that the materials identified as requiring removal, friable asbestos and asbestos-containing material, were placed on the site by owners prior to the acquisition of the property by either of these corporations. We declined to involve ourselves in the clean-up process, no response nor additional demands have been made by the EPA as of this date, except as set forth below.

Canton Illinois Property. In a letter dated February 15, 2002, the United States Environmental Protection Agency gave us a "General Notice of Potential Liability for Soil Removal." The letter invites us to participate in the cost of providing site security, preparing and implementing a site health and safety plan, a site sampling plan, identifying the extent of contamination in the buildings and soils, prepare and implement a site re-mediation plan and required follow-up to those procedures. The notice indicates that we may be considered a responsible party as a former owner of the property located in Canton, Illinois under the provisions of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA). We have responded that we do not believe that we have any liability for the proposed actions as we no longer own the property and we were not the owner at the time any such contaminants were introduced onto the property. No subsequent demands have been received from the federal EPA.


(a) None.

(b) None.

(c) None.


(a) None.

(b) None.




(a) On June 27, 2005, Richard F. Schmidt sold 150,000 shares of Series C Preferred Stock and 5,000,000 shares of Series D Preferred Stock. In connection with this sale, Mr. Schmidt resigned as our President, Chief Financial Officer and Secretary and our Board appointed Jeffrey W. Flannery to fill the offices vacated by Mr. Schmidt. Thereafter, Richard D. Mangiarelli resigned from our Board of Directors and Mr. Schmidt, as the sole remaining director, appointed Mr. Flannery to fill the vacancy on the Board of Directors.

(b) None.


No. Description Method of Filing
31.1 Certification of Jeffrey W. Flannery pursuant to Filed electronically herewith.
Rule 13a-14(a)

32.1 Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer Filed electronically herewith.
Certification pursuant to 18 U.S.C. ss. 1350 adopted
pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes Oxley Act of



Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.


August 10, 2005 /s/ Jeffrey W. Flannery
Jeffrey W. Flannery
Chief Executive Officer
(Principal Executive Officer, Principal
Financial Officer, and Principal
Accounting Officer)



I, Jeffrey W. Flannery, certify the following:

1. I have reviewed this quarterly report on Form 10-QSB of Axia Group, Inc.;

2. Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;

3. Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this report;

4. I am responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) and internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f)) for the registrant and I have done the following:

a. designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under my supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this annual report is being prepared;

b. designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial reporting to be designed under my supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;

c. evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant\'s disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end of the period covered by this report based on such evaluation; and

d. disclosed in this report any change in the registrant\'s internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the registrant\'s most recent fiscal quarter that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant\'s internal control over financial reporting; and

5. I have disclosed, based on my most recent evaluation of internal control over financial reporting, to the registrant\'s auditors and the audit committee of the registrant\'s board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):

a. All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the registrant\'s ability to record, process, summarize and report financial information; and

b. Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the registrant\'s internal control over financial reporting.

/s/ Jeffrey W. Flannery
August 10, 2005 --------------------------------------------
Jeffrey W. Flannery
President, Chief Executive Officer and
Chief Financial Officer (Principal
Executive, Financial and Accounting Officer)

sehr solide bilanz.

meiner meinung nach kreist der pleiegeier bereits seit geraumer zeit.

 #189 von EasyTech    30.05.06 01:20:28    Beitrag Nr.: 21.867.232
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AXGJ -- Axia Group, Inc.
Com ($0.001)(New)

Search for Dun & Bradstreet reports on this company.

5520 Wellesley Street
Suite 109
La Mesa, CA 91942

Phone: 619-466-4928

Business Description: Not Available

State of Incorporation: NV

Jeffrey W. Flannery, Pres.

Outstanding Shares: 4,764 as of 2006-04-17

Estimated Market Cap: 1,715 as of 2006-05-26 (based on Outstanding Shares as of 2006-04-17)

Current Capital Change:
shs decreased by 1 for 50 split
Record Date:
Pay Date: 2006-04-17


Company Notes:
Formerly=Canton Industrial Corp. (THE) until 6-96
Formerly=CyberAmerica Corp. until 12-00
Note=6-30-04 company is in the development stage with no employees and intends to acquire a business or an interest in an operating company

Class Notes:
New Issue=5-86 1,375,000 shs in units (1 sh Com & 1 Warr 5-8-87) at $2 per unit (best efforts-750,000 units min.) by the company
Capital Change=shs decreased by 1 for 10 split. Ex-date=10/31/1997. Rec date=10/31/1997. Pay date=10/31/1997.
Capital Change=shs decreased by 1 for 30 split. Effective date=5-19-03
Capital Change=shs decreased by 1 for 1000 split. Pay date=10-18-04
Capital Change=shs decreased by 1 for 500 split. Pay date=2-1-05
Capital Change=shs decreased by 1 for 1000 split. Pay date=8-23-05

Transfer Agent:
Signature Stock Transfer, Inc., Plano, TX 75093  

30.05.06 09:45

248 Postings, 7751 Tage Karin Siemenswas soll das sein?

Das sind doch Zahlen, die sind fast ein Jahr alt!


30.05.06 19:23

962 Postings, 6836 Tage Rolli20Umsätze nehmen zu

bei leichtem plus von 5%  

30.05.06 20:44

128 Postings, 6801 Tage Johann_Karl+33

wqer zieht denn da den kurs so hoch??  

30.05.06 20:48

248 Postings, 7751 Tage Karin Siemens+33,3% kommt da bald was`? o. T.

30.05.06 21:13

3094 Postings, 6834 Tage PANGÄAOhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaa :-PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP o. T.

30.05.06 21:24

4891 Postings, 7065 Tage SolarparcHabe heute gekauft!

Habe heute nachgelegt! Alles einsteigen!
Der Zug fährt ab ;-) Wie bei Clickable :-)
Kaufen, wenn der Pessimismus am größten ist!
Das ist der richtige Zeitpunkt ;-)

Habe heute zwar erstmal nur einen kleineren
Betrag investiert, doch die Woche ist ja noch lang ;-)
Schätze, dass bis Mitte Juni extrem was abgeht bei Axia :-)
Die Chancen waren wohl nie größer, so günstig einzusteigen ;-)

Hat übrigens ganze 23 Sekunden gedauert, bis meine Order in
New York über OTC ausgeführt wurde! Cortal Consors funktioniert
tadellos! Hätte nicht gedacht, dass es SO schnell geht! Und nix
mit Telefon oder so! Ganz normal Order eingeben, wie sonst auch...

Also: Allen aktiven und potenziellen Investierten viel Erfolg!
Der Juni ist da! Vielleicht geht dieser Monat in die Geschichte ein!
In die Geschichte von Axia! Und natürlich in UNSERE Geschichte ;-)  

30.05.06 21:25

143 Postings, 6858 Tage slowburn06bei 500 Stück Volumen... 190 Euro

nicht der Rede wert.  

30.05.06 21:48

4891 Postings, 7065 Tage SolarparcBei 24,750 Stück Volumen... 10.000 Dollar

gar nicht schlecht :-)  

30.05.06 22:07

3094 Postings, 6834 Tage PANGÄAHey Solarparc, Du hast doch wohl nicht............

30.05.06 23:04

4891 Postings, 7065 Tage SolarparcMmmh...

Ich sag nur:
Have fun :-)

Angehängte Grafik:

30.05.06 23:25

3094 Postings, 6834 Tage PANGÄANaja Ich hoff für uns alle dat dat klappt :-)

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