AXIA boooooooomt!

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eröffnet am: 16.02.06 20:58 von: Solarparc Anzahl Beiträge: 2454
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13.05.06 20:35

14 Postings, 6821 Tage MaynistryZahlen?!?

Ähmm diese Zahlen kennen wir ja schon! Das sind doch alte Zahlen, oder?

15.05.06 09:33

4891 Postings, 7065 Tage SolarparcZeig mal!

Woher kennst du diese Zahlen denn?  

15.05.06 11:19

14 Postings, 6821 Tage MaynistryZahlen...

Diese Zahlen bis Juni waren schon bekannt...

Es gab nur eine neue Meldung aber die alten Zahlen, die sind auf dieser Seite schon seit ca. 3-4 Monaten gestanden.

15.05.06 12:18

4891 Postings, 7065 Tage SolarparcNachricht vom 13. Mai

Die Nachricht wurde erst am 13. Mai veröffentlicht!  

15.05.06 13:35

14 Postings, 6821 Tage Maynistryvor ca. 2 Monaten....

Vor ca. 2 Monaten tauchte die selbe Nachricht auf, mit den selben Zahlen wie diese, auch damals waren die Zahlen schon bis Juni bekannt!

Das ist einfach ein neuer Hinweis auf den Link, od. so?!??

Auf alle Fälle sind diese Zahlen schon bekannt!

15.05.06 13:40

4891 Postings, 7065 Tage SolarparcDann...

Ist ja schön und gut. Dann zeig mir
doch mal bitte den link dazu!  

15.05.06 14:33

4891 Postings, 7065 Tage SolarparcBid ,31 - Ask ,53

AXGJ -- Axia Group, Inc.
Com ($0.001)(New)
Primary Venue: Pink Sheets  

Best Bid: 0.31 (5000 shares)
Best Ask: 0.53 (2500 shares) *

15.05.06 15:19

14 Postings, 6821 Tage MaynistryLink..

Ist der selbe Link wie der jetzige!!
Wie gesagt nur das Datum von dem Link hat sich geändert, die Zahlen nicht!  

15.05.06 15:34

4 Postings, 6797 Tage calwiswow,

umlagerung ist abgeschlossen!
axia wird in usd angezeigt!
mich hat aber keiner was gefragt...
bin bei  dab,hofe kostet nix :)  

16.05.06 15:55

5 Postings, 6732 Tage kubi5179erster Versuch

Will unbedingt mal in Nebenwerte investieren, 30% deutsche und 70% ausländische,es beschäftigen mich 2 Fragen: 1) Werde ich die Aktien, wenn ich gewinne einfahren will dann auch wieder los, denn was bringt der Kuranstieg wenn keiner interresse an den Aktzien hat, oder gibt es fast automatisch interessenten für steigende Aktien.

2)Wie erfahre ich wie viel ich kaufen muss um überhaupt die Aktzie kaufen zu können, gibt es mindest Kaufvolumen.

Erstmal danke


16.05.06 17:07

12 Postings, 6942 Tage baluwebZahlen

Maynistry hat recht! Die Zahlen gibt es schon lange. Dieser Link zu diesen Zahlen wurde schon vor 3 Monaten bei WO gepostet, und zwar von mir ;).



17.05.06 18:33

962 Postings, 6836 Tage Rolli20absolute tote Hose

AXIA als Depotleiche,
hätte ich auch nicht gedacht,
derzeit keinerlei Bewegung,
die angekündigten Zahlen bleiben aus,

17.05.06 19:15

6567 Postings, 6797 Tage GEILOMATICOEinen Puls hat noch unsere "Depotleiche"!

Plus 31,58%,demzufolge noch nicht tot.
Einen Patienten auf der Intensivstation
schreibt man auch nicht ab,der kann wieder
u.U.auf normale Station verlegt werden(unsere
Axia auf den OTCBB)bzw. kann der Patient sogar
nach Hause(in unserem Fall Dow Jones);-))  

18.05.06 20:20

4891 Postings, 7065 Tage SolarparcRT 0,44

Wir steigen schön langsam weiter auf 1 Dollar ;-)





18.05.06 20:37

4891 Postings, 7065 Tage SolarparcHomepage aktualisiert!

Habt ihr die aktuelleHomepage schon besucht?Die 15 Häuser für Noble Wear sindin Arbeit! Scheint so, als würden RajJanan und Jeff Flannery ihr Wort halten!Also für mich ist das alles sehr überzeugend!  

19.05.06 10:17

4891 Postings, 7065 Tage SolarparcUSA hilft Sri Lanka

Aus einem anderen Forum:


Friday, 19 May 2006

US provides $ 1 million to maintain tsunami shelter communities
COLOMBO: Nearly 20,000 people will benefit from a new US-supported programme to upgrade 4,000 transitional shelters in need of care and maintenance and help improve conditions in shelter communities built after the tsunami, states a US Embassy press release.

A $ 1 million grant from the US Agency for International Development (USAID) will help pay for a comprehensive care and maintenance programme to assure these temporary homes continue to meet the basic shelter standards established after the tsunami. According to a recent assessment, 40 per cent of transitional shelters are in need of upgrades.

The project will be implemented by the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) at the request of the Sri Lankan Government's Reconstruction and Development Agency (RADA).

USAID funded the construction of nearly 10,000 transitional shelters, mostly in the Matara and Ampara districts.

"We cannot forget the people who are still living with effects of the tsunami," said USAID Mission Director Dr. Carol Becker. "Unless we follow up on our initial work of getting the tsunami-displaced into decent shelters, the communities run the risk of deteriorating into unsafe and unhealthy places."

Maintenance of infrastructure in the shelter communities will include repairing leaky roofs, constructing kitchen extensions, waterproofing wood structures, and improving access roads. Power supply systems will be maintained and improved, and the inhabitants will be trained in the upkeep of their own communities.

The grant will also provide fire extinguishing equipment and training on fire prevention to the communities, and introduce site monitors charged with disseminating information on community policies, entitlements, and other community interests.

Improvements to water and sanitation facilities in the communities will include construction of new toilets and showers, drainage systems, wells and other water supply systems, maintenance of water and sanitation facilities, management of human and solid waste disposal, and training on hygiene and technical aspects of water and sanitation maintenance.

Many of the development agencies who supported or constructed transitional shelters after the tsunami have phased out operations.

The European Community Humanitarian Office (ECHO) and several international NGOs that initially constructed shelters are also contributing to the care and maintenance effort.


19.05.06 12:36

4891 Postings, 7065 Tage SolarparcNoch ein paar Infos :-)
Source: United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)

Date: 17 May 2006
Print  E-mail  Save Humanitarian Situation Report - Sri Lanka: 11 - 17 May 2006Overall Situation

A revised Tsunami Housing Policy prepared by the Reconstruction and Development Agency (RADA) in consultation with key stakeholders has been circulated and supersedes all previous circulars in this regard. RADA is to monitor the implementation of each Tsunami Housing Project and report progress to the President of Sri Lanka.

To coincide with UN Habitat?s pledge to build 6000 houses in the home-owner driven programme, UN Habitat has stepped up to take on the lead agency role for Permanent Housing from IOM in Ampara district. It was clearly conveyed by the District Secretary that before the new housing policy can be implemented he beneficiaries? lists must be finalized. And before a beneficiary list can be finalized the new policy has to be shared with the beneficiaries and they be given the option to choose out of four government housing schemes, which is as follows:

1) Government Land + Donor-built house under the Donor-Driven Housing Programme (an already existing scheme) primarily for all those who lived within the previous buffer zone)

2) Government land + Government Cash Grant (250,000 Sri Lankan rupees) to construct a new house + Regulated Donor Assistance provided to complete the houses (not less that 250,000 Sri Lankan rupees depending on costs to meet the Minimum Standard House) in a co-financing agreement.

3) Government cash grant (150,000 Sri Lankan rupees) to purchase land + Government cash grant (250,000 Sri Lankan rupees) to construct a House + Regulated Donor Assistance provided to complete (not less than 250,000 rupees depending on costs to meet the Minimum Standard House) in a con-financing agreement.

4) Housing Reconstruction Grant (250,000 rupees for Fully Damaged homes and 100,000 rupees for Partially Damaged homes) + Regulated Donor Assistance provided to complete only for Fully Damaged houses as required to meet Minimum Standard House, in a co-financing agreement.

It was raised as a concern that the Government Cash Grant for beneficiaries to purchase land freely in Option 3 could lead to a disturbance in the land market price if it is not regulated earlier on with a land appraisal system. Agencies are aware of the need for a Public Information Campaign on housing options for beneficiaries as a necessary first step to implement the new policy successfully, bearing in mind that it is the objective of the government to complete all housing needs by the end of 2006. The District Secretariat has responded positively and discussions on an appropriate information campaign led by OCHA, with IOM, UN Habitat, Oxfam GB, UNICEF and World Vision is to convene. Also stated in the new housing policy is that beneficiaries are permitted to move across district borders, pool entitlements from various family members to construct larger houses in larger plots of land.

Main challenges and response

OCHA Killinochchi reports that there are shortages of petrol, kerosene, diesel and cement in public markets, thus restricting activity of agencies. In Killinochchi the construction of permanent houses continues slowly with stoppages due to lack of fuel and limits on cement allowed across borders. Meanwhile the LTTE Planning and Development Secretariat is increasing standards for building design and agencies working in the area need a consolidated view on the matter. OCHA Killinochchi has also identified the need to carry out a public information campaign for flood protection and upgrading of cadjun roofs in some areas.

Coordination and common services

In Batticaloa district, OCHA together with UNHCR have set up an IDP coordination forum, the aims of which are to assist the Government in protecting conflict displaced persons in the district, ensure displacement is not encouraged/ dependency is not fostered and ensure appropriate assistance is provided without duplication. OCHA Batticaloa compiled a stock take report with the available stock of UN and INGOs in order to assist the area focal points to find the capable UN/NGO for required stock.

In Killinochchi district warden systems are being re-written and tested by the UN and INGOs. Agencies are keen to improve the sharing of security information while mapping is required for Killinochchi district as follows.

- IDP previous locations and potential camps

- Flooding in the past

- Contingency plans and locations

- Transitional Shelter Site Tracking

- Agency locations (being done with WFP staff)

Nearly 20,000 people will benefit from a new U.S.-supported program to upgrade 4,000 transitional shelters in need of care and maintenance and help improve conditions in shelter communities built after the tsunami. A US$ 1 million grant from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) will help pay for a comprehensive care and maintenance program to assure these temporary homes continue to meet the basic shelter standards established after the tsunami. According to a recent assessment, 40 percent of transitional shelters are in need of upgrades. The project will be implemented by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) at the request of the Sri Lankan government's Reconstruction and Development Agency (RADA). USAID funded the construction of nearly 10,000 transitional shelters, mostly in the Matara and Ampara districts. Improvements to water and sanitation facilities in the communities will include construction of new toilets and showers, drainage systems, wells and other water supply systems, maintenance of water and sanitation facilities, management of human and solid waste disposal, and training on hygiene and technical aspects of water and sanitation maintenance.


IOM eye-camps continue to be held in tsunami-affected areas. To date, camps have been completed in the districts of Matara and Kalutara and around 30,000 people have benefited from the health services provided. In addition to ophthalmologic services, camps in Kalutara also provided health care services such as audiological screenings (and provision of hearing aids), dental screenings and general medial checkups. Health education workshops were also conducted informing beneficiaries about communicable diseases such as HIV/AIDS and dengue. Meanwhile sixty banners were provided to the Deputy Provincial Director of Health Services for national dengue control week to be used in processions of school children throughout the district.

As previously reported, in Kalmunai Division Ampara district land allocated for the construction of a hospital is been shared by two other groups on permanent housing and construction of a school building. The issue has to be resolved for construction to commence.

Water and sanitation

IOM water and sanitation activities in Ampara district include the construction of 74 new toilets while another 64 are under construction.

Non-food items and shelter

Thirteen permanent houses were handed over to beneficiaries in Pinkanda, Hikkaduwa who were living outside the buffer zone. The houses were constructed by a German organization called Wermelskirchen-hilft.e.v.


UNICEF selected 30 schools in Ampara district to implement the Child Friendly School programme where 15 schools were given clothes/stationary and sports equipment recently. These 15 schools were the first to receive such equipment under the Child Friendly programme.

An ILO partner, Kinniya Vision has completed the construction of a child friendly community center to provide rehabilitation and recreation needs for children in Faizal Nagar Division, Trincomalee district.


FAO facilitated by RADA is continuing their pilot study oversupply of fishing equipment in Ampara district, the key objective of which is to identify tsunami-affected fishermen, who have not yet received assistance, and to identify and verify beneficiaries provided with non-seaworthy boats. The second phase of the study will consider appropriate solutions.

Farmers in Poonakery in Killinochchi district are not planting for the Yala rice season as they are concerned there will be fighting, however fishing is continuing.

Sri Lanka's Reconstruction and Development Agency (RADA), in collaboration with ILO last week launched the first Divisoinal Livelihood Development Plan (DLDP) in Habaraduwa in Galle district. Thirty five more DLDPs are also to be launched in the other tsunami-affected districts. The DLDP, which was finalized after assessing the needs of tsunami-affected villagers of Habaraduwa, is likely to make a significant impact on the long term development of this area once implemented.

FAO completed an agriculture training session last week, for 2,275 farmers in Ampara district. The session focused on improved land­preparation techniques, fertilizer application and water management. This training session forms part of FAO?s agriculture-training programme being implemented in nine affected districts for vulnerable farmers that received seeds, tools and fertilizer to resume farming activities.

An outboard engine service and repair facility centre supported by the German Technical Cooperation (GTZ) was inaugurated in Dodanduwa, Galle District on 11 May. It caters for about 350 boats with three to four fishermen working on each boat (approximately 1,200 families) in an area where access to appropriate servicing facility is extremely limited.

To date IOM has assisted more than 6,000 tsunami-affected persons in six districts through the establishment of direct livelihood projects, vocational and business training (conducted in collaboration with 14 NGO and CBO partners),and community based projects based on information gathered through participatory needs assessments. IOM recently signed a MoU to provide support to one of the worst affected communities in Matara DS, Thotamuna. An MoU for the training of 30 beneficiaries in outboard motor repair in Ampara district through the College of Fisheries and Nautical Engineering has been signed and the two-month training will begin next week.

19.05.06 12:49

4891 Postings, 7065 Tage SolarparcDas wichtigste :-)

Eine kurze Zusammenfassung:

UN Habitat ist erster Ansprechpartner
To coincide with UN Habitat?s pledge to build 6000 houses in the home-owner driven programme, UN Habitat has stepped up to take on the lead agency role for Permanent Housing from IOM in Ampara district.

USA unterstützt Häuserbau
Nearly 20,000 people will benefit from a new U.S.-supported program to upgrade 4,000 transitional shelters in need of care and maintenance and help improve conditions in shelter communities built after the tsunami. A US$ 1 million grant from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) will help pay for a comprehensive care and maintenance program to assure these temporary homes continue to meet the basic shelter standards established after the tsunami.

Kinniya Vision hat Bau abgeschlossen
An ILO partner, Kinniya Vision has completed the construction of a child friendly community center to provide rehabilitation and recreation needs for children in Faizal Nagar Division, Trincomalee district.

Wermelskirchen-hilft.e.v. hat 15 Häuser bauen lassen
Thirteen permanent houses were handed over to beneficiaries in Pinkanda, Hikkaduwa who were living outside the buffer zone. The houses were constructed by a German organization called Wermelskirchen-hilft.e.v.


19.05.06 18:09

962 Postings, 6836 Tage Rolli20bei diesen Umsätzen

und dem aktuellen Kurs,
ist AXIA für mich derzeit eine Depotleiche,
da ändern auch die aktuellen News nix,
und solange AXIA keine aktuellen Zahen vorlegt, wird sich vermutlich nix daran ändern  

19.05.06 20:15

6567 Postings, 6797 Tage GEILOMATICODu mußt schon zugeben,einen Puls hat sie schon

noch,unsere Patientin "AXIA"!!  ;)  

20.05.06 09:10

962 Postings, 6836 Tage Rolli20ja, der Puls ist noch fühlbar,

sonst wäre ich längst ausgestiegen,
aber ob die OP erfolgreich verläuft, wird sich noch rausstellen,
bei jeder OP gibt es ein Risiko  

20.05.06 15:45

6567 Postings, 6797 Tage GEILOMATICOWobei die Risiken sich meistens in Grenzen

halten,sind dennoch nicht zu unterschätzen.  

20.05.06 15:52

2791 Postings, 6775 Tage kiwi03axia...

ist schon mehr ein glücksspiel als handeln an der börse. sollten irgendwann mal wirklich super zahlen von dem laden kommen und ein zurück an die otc geschafft werden, wird der kurs explodieren. wenn nicht wird es wohl täglich bei den großen kursschwankungen bleiben, aber der kurs insgesamt langsam nach unten gehen. das ist zumindest meine meinung.  

20.05.06 15:57

77 Postings, 6813 Tage orcaZahlen werden kommen...

, davon bin ich fest überzeugt! Für mich stehen die Zeichen gut dafür, dass wir bald wieder positive Nachrichten von Axia hören und hoffentlich auch bald die Zahlen, welche sie wieder an die Otcbb führen werden. ;-) (meine persönliche Meinung;-) )  

20.05.06 16:00

2791 Postings, 6775 Tage kiwi03und dann...

wird axia gut und nachhaltig steigen, aber nur dann! denke aber auch, dass die chancen dafür gut stehen!  

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