- global operations (employees and contractors) were Lost Time Injury free during the quarter. The 12-month rolling Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate as at the end of September 2013 was 0.8. - September quarter production and sales increased versus the prior quarter, but remained at a low level due to previously announced ongoing work programs in the cracking and leaching units of the Lynas Advanced Materials Plant (LAMP). Total tonnes produced for the quarter were 253 tonnes, on an REO equivalent basis, and total tonnes shipped were 218 tonnes, on an REO equivalent basis. - The average selling price increased to around US$22.70/kg REO (revenue basis), from around US$8.00/kg REO (revenue basis) in the prior quarter, largely due to a more favourable product mix that included neodymium/praseodymium product sales. The basket price averaged US$21.80/kg on a China domestic basis during the quarter. - As previously announced at the end of September, work programs to debottleneck the cracking units of the LAMP have been completed. The programs are ongoing in the leaching units with a targeted completion date by the end of 2013. - As announced on 16 September, Lynas executed a deed of amendment on the US$225m Sojitz / JOGMEC loan facility such that the terms and conditions of the facility are restructured to better suit the expected production and sales ramp up profile at the LAMP. The Company had $93m of unrestricted available cash on hand as at 30 September 2013.