meine persönlichen Highlights aus dem Interview:
"Milne has been doing an outstanding job selling dried fruit product ingredients. In fact, they’ve confirmed significant repeat orders from major cereal manufacturers. Milne is close to reaching full capacity on its first large scale +100kW REV machine, and we have a high level of optimism for growth within that business"
wieso dann letztes Qurtal nur 48.000 royalties kam nichts von Hormel und Bonduelle?
"The 100kW drier at NutraDried is currently running 5 days a week, 24 hours a day in order to keep up with the order flow. This obviouslybegs the question, “Whenwill Nutra Dried expand their production capacity?” Once the capacity at NutraDried is increased, I believe that launching new products will be more likely . Our target for that is 2016"
Also Vollauslastung Nutra Dried, aber wohl nicht so glücklich, dass bisher keine weitere Maschine bestellt
"We’re also actively in dialogue with several companies in Australia, Europe, and South America to start producing REV dries cheese snacks."
Käse scheint ja wirklich sehr erfolgreich vermarktbar zu sein
"I think that the Sutro Biopharma relationship is the “dark horce” in our investment case. ... If successful, their throughput capacity will press the need for additional machinery . I think that this is an area that could surprise a lot of people this year."
Sutro ist wirklich spannend, da bisher nicht klar was an royalties hier möglich ist
"Our target is to sell in the range of six large scale machines this year. If we do so, that will put EnWave in a position to be cash flow positive and potentially profitable."
6 Maschinen hört sich gut an, bin gespannt ob sie es schaffen - 1 ist erst bestellt, vermutlich also noch Nutra Dried, Milne, aber wer sind die drei anderen - Käse Fleisch Obst/ Gemüse oder Tabak?
für mich ersteunlich, dass weder die Frimen Reynolds, Nestle noch Merck gefallen sind