: Mal setzt der eine ein bisschen aus, ...
...mal der andere. Ist doch ok. Macht mir immer Spaß, hier was reinzustellen und zu sehen, was Du dann so reinstellst. Musikaffin sind wir ja beide. Danke für die Blumen, freut mich wenn da vielleicht was für Dich dabei ist.
Es handelt sich um ein Culturegap. Um am Küchentisch den Feldherrn geben zu können und bedenkenlos einer Weltverbesserung via Cruise Missiles das Wort zu reden, muss einer konsequent kulturell offline sein. Denn wer dies nicht ist, geht raus. Und findet überall mehr oder weniger bemerkenswerte Individuen, nie jedoch Kollektive vor. Das Gegenüber hat immer ein Gesicht...
----------- 'Being a contrarian is tough, lonely and generally right'
Child abuse is beginning to be recognized as something more significant than an isolated family affair. The title of Alice Miller's book, first published in Germany in 1981, spells out the unspoken commandment that such abused children - indeed, all of us - have been obeying since early childhood. We have all been made to feel from our earliest days that we are to blame for anything shameful that happens to us, so that our awareness of these inflicted abuses dims. Alice Miller demonstrates that this centuries-old tradition also finds expression in Freud's notions of "the Oedipus complex" and "infantile sexuality" - his drive theory - which put the blame on the child. Freud maintained that his patients who claimed to have been sexually molested as children were only "fantasizing" as a defense against their own sexual desires for their innocent parents. This theory helped to conceal the fact that sexual abuse of children occurs frequently and results in later emotional disturbances in the victims of such abuse - because they are not allowed awareness of it. In fairy tales, works of literature, and dreams, Alice Miller maintains, the truth about childhood can emerge, precisely because it is not recognized as such. Detailed examples from Kafka, Flaubert, Beckett, and Virginia Woolf offer proof of her thesis and illustrate her understanding of human creativity.
----------- 'Being a contrarian is tough, lonely and generally right'
stoss ja hier auch immer wieder auf Interessante Sachen und so kommt eins zum anderen - bin ich eben auch drübergestolpert. Vielleicht was interessantes dabei für den ein oder anderen, vielleicht auch schon bekannt ...