Nein, die sagen, dass man mit einem "multi-dose Fläschche"n evtl. mehr als die angegebenen 5 Impfungen (6-7) machen kann, daher die 40%. Ich finde die darin enthaltene Nachricht sogar eher positiv...Es gibt eh mehr Bedarf als Angebot an BTX Impfstoff, wenn der jetzt noch ergiebiger ist, ist das ja wohl ein Verkaufsargument
+++ The news, reported initially by Politico, comes after pharmacists discovered that some of the vaccine bottles contained enough liquid for up to two extra doses. +++
Sharon Castillo, a spokeswoman for Pfizer, said in a statement to the Washington Post: ?The amount of vaccine remaining in the multidose vial after removal of five doses can vary, depending on the type of needles and syringes used.?
Pfizer has not confirmed the FDA?s advice and told Politico vaccinators needed to ?consult their institution?s policies for the use of multi-dose vials?.
But an FDA spokesperson told the Washington Post: ?At this time, given the public health emergency, FDA is advising that it is acceptable to use every full dose obtainable (the sixth, or possibly even a seventh) from each vial, pending resolution of the issue.?