ich bin mit meinen erstem Kauf über 600% im Plus und hab noch gar nichts rausgenommen! am Tag der Thrad Eröffnung (der14.te)hab ich verdoppelt bei 0,035 auch noch nichts rausgenommen
warum Gier--nein Unverstand--nein
ich bin einfach von weit über 10cent überzeugt,bei Lage der Dinge (die sich aber auch schlagartig ändern können,leider)
Dieser User hat bisher alles Korrekt dargestellt und diesem werde ich auch weiterhin Glauben Schenken zb. You are a completely uniformed fool. I have acutally talked to the CEO and he will not dump shares into the market. Don't you realize that all of his shares are restricted? The float is gone, we own the whole thing. He also told me that since the stock has been noticed that he got 7 offers to do poison financing. One guy even offered to give him 3 million cash if he would do a 504 offering. He will not dilute or create convertable debentures or change the o/s for any circumstance.
The guy is honest. Why would you want to change your share structure when you will be over a dollar after SMS business in launched into the US. They do not need to create revenue flow. The SMS is fully launched in Canada and it has beat all expectations so far. They get plently of money from it to expand the business into the US.
The co. changed their cusip# 6 weeks ago and some brokers/mm forgot to stop selling shares under the old number and of going to be forced by the SEC to buy them back at market price in one day and then cancell them so as to bring the o/s back to it's original count of 77m.
We will be at a minimum of .40 by the end of next week. Please do not come on a message board into a stock you have done no research on and make a fool of yourself with a statement that shows that you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about