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Wäre erfreut, wenn du dies in Zukunft ändern würdest- zumal ich ja auch Interesse an der Aktie habe. Mit meinem Realschul-Englisch u. dem Google-Translater habe ich keine Chance. ciao
wie siehst Du als Experte für Gamesa und andere WKW-Hersteller die Erwartungen für Gamesa, deren Zahlen ja am 20. veröffentlicht werden? Du hast ja quasi im Wochentakt riesige Aufträge gepostet. Liegt Gamesa im Plan oder müssen wir "schlimmes" befürchten?
Danke für Deine Mühen und ein schönes Wochenende! MFG
: Gamesa kommt vielleicht in europäischen Stoxx 600
zusammen mit der spanischen Abengoa SeeNews) - Aug 19, 2014 - Spanish engineering and renewable energy firm Abengoa (BME:ABG) and wind turbine maker Gamesa (BME:GAM) are among the companies that may join the pan-European Stoxx 600 index, which will be revised on August 26, Bloomberg said today.
French bank Societe Generale (EPA:GLE), which operates the index, is evaluating the introduction of nine stocks, including the two Spanish firms. The incorporation of the new entrants in the index is to become effective September 19, 2014.
: Gamesa hat schlüsselfertiges 36MWProjekt in Chile
abgeschlossen for the local company Transantartic. The project is located on Chiloé Island, in the southern part of the country. Chile hatte nach dem neuen Windreport von Navigant's BTM Consult 413MW erstellt Ende 2013 und soll bis Ende 2018 1,5 GW erreichen. Gamesa hat für die Windfarm auch einen Servicevertrag für 12 Jahre
: Gamesa wird 220MW neu installieren in Indien
Over 220 MW of new wind energy capacity will be installed by Gamesa in the Indian states of Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Karnataka, as per a recent agreement between the wind energy company and three large independent regional power producers.
The new capacity will be made up of 110 of the company?s G97 2.0 MW turbines ? spread out amongst five different wind farms in the aforementioned regions. The turbines will be manufactured at local factories in India, and are expected to be delivered in March 2015. Gamesa will also be handling all of the O&M services for the wind farms in question over the long term.....
Gamesa has installed over 1,100 MW and manages capacity of more than 850 MW under O&M agreements. India represented 33% of Gamesa?s sales in Q1 2014.... In related news, Gamesa recently hit a new milestone with regard to its total installed wind energy capacity to date ? over 30 GW of the company?s wind turbines have now been installed worldwide.
Vestas, Gamesa and Acciona have submitted bids in two tenders to engineer, procure and construct two wind power projects on Egypt's Gulf of El Zayt for the government's New and Renewable Energy Authority (NREA).The two projects consist of 220MW being built with Japanese funding and 120MW with assistance from Spain. The NREA said bids are undergoing technical evaluation.
Earlier this summer, Egypt's El Sewedy Electric bid successfully in an auction to build, own and operate six wind farms totalling 600MW on the Gulf of Suez for a 25-year term.
wenn Aktien fallen ,hat das auch oft mit der geopolitischen Situation zu tun,jetzt steigen sie
The machines are designed for high and medium wind speed sites and feature longer blades than previous 2MW units. They will produce 30% more power than the G90 2MW and G97 2MW models while lowering the cost of energy by 10%, the Spanish manufacturer said.
das ist wirklich gut! war schon letzte Woche in diesem Jahr bereits 700MW in Brasilien 07 October 2014
The company will install 34 G97-2.0 MW wind turbines at the Guirapá complex located in the state of Bahia. Year-to-date, Gamesa has signed orders for the supply of more than 700 MW in Brazil, a market in which it is one of the leading OEMs. ...
his 220 MW contract marks the largest single order for the G114-2.0 MW to date. The turbines will be equipped with Gamesa?s MaxPower technology, designed to boost nominal capacity to 2.1 MW. This new agreement reinforces the company?s position as one of the leading players in this strategic market. .....
: Gamesa grösster Windbauer in Mexiko 1000MW
Gamesa lifts capacity under maintenance in Mexico to 1,000 MW
17 October 2014
The company expects to boost this figure by 50%, to 1,500 MW, by year-end 2015 Gamesa is consolidating its position as number-one service operator in Mexico where it is also the leading turbine OEM
...The company's deep service range, depth which is essential to achieving optimal wind farm availability and profitability, has driven the leadership position commanded in Mexico today, with a total of 1,000 MW under maintenance, a figure Gamesa expects to boost by 50% by the end of 2015.
...India as a country is very encouraging for us. We believe that India?s installed capacity for power generation has to double from the present 260 giga watt over the next 15 years and that renewables will play a very important role in this growth. We can say that Gamesa is today the market leader in India. ...We are moving very fast. In 2013 our production was around 400 mega watts and this year we expect to close at around 700 MW and we hope to have double-digit growth for each of the next five years. While this is about onshore farms, we also have plans for offshore business in India. In the next five years we would be investing more than 100 million euros in India. We need to increase our manufacturing capability within the country, develop our supply-chain and increase our land bank in order to promote and develop new wind farms. .....
......Gamesa: die noch vor ein paar Jahren bereits zum Teil «tot geglaubten» Branchenvertreter haben seit langem wieder Rückenwind. So durchbrach die spanische Gamesa passend zu ihrem 20-jährigen Firmenjubiläum bei der weltweit installierten Leistung der eigenen Anlagen im Sommer die 30-GW-Marke. Dass dem Unternehmen dies gelungen ist, liegt vor allem an der internationalen Expansion. Im Jahr 2000 machte der Heimatmarkt 95 Prozent des Umsatzes aus, heute erzielt der Hersteller von Windkraftanlagen seine Erlöse fast ausschliesslich ausserhalb Spaniens. Die positive Entwicklung auf dem Windmarkt schlägt sich auch in der Bilanz des Unternehmens nieder. Der Umsatz legte im ersten Halbjahr um knapp 13 Prozent zu, der Gewinn sogar überproportional um 88 Prozent. Wie die Zahlen zum dritten Quartal ausgefallen sind, werden Anleger am 6. November erfahren....
Die Spanier sind auf dem Wachstumspfad. Der Durchschnitt der Analysten traut dem Konzern ein Ergebniswachstum von 100 Prozent im laufenden Jahr und von 40 Prozent im 2015 zu. Das KGV beträgt günstige 13,3, die PEG-Ratio liegt bei lediglich 0,3. Werte unter 1 deuten bei dieser Kennzahl auf eine Unterbewertung hin.....