Echt nicht Schlecht-Fenstersolarzellen
gut analysiert
Last Trade: 2.015
Trade Time: 3:59PM ET
Change:§ 0.27 (15.47%)
Prev Close: 1.745
Open: 1.79 §
Bid:§2.015 x 500
Ask:§2.02 x 500
1y Target Est: N/A
Day's Range: 1.78 - 2.015
52wk Range: 0.01 - 2.91
Volume: 3,676,763 §
Avg Vol (3m): 5,041,960
Market Cap: 256.75M
P/E (ttm): N/A
EPS (ttm): -0.022
Div & Yield: N/A (N/A)
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Boardmail an "andy1964" |
NovAccess Global
schaut nicht dumm aus - da geht noch viel
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Boardmail an "WALLO" |
NovAccess Global
ist das jetzt ein künstliches hochhalten der positiven stimmung um noch rasch die eigenen anteile unter die leute zu bringen?
ich bin ja gott sei dank rechtzeitig raus und hab genug gemacht, aber ich überlege den wiedereinstieg.
nachstehend eine der letzten news die ich von xsunx per mail erhalten habe.
(für alle die es nicht bekommen haben)
Power Glass(TM) Developer, XsunX, Begins Marketing Phase;
Joe Grimes to Present at the National Energy Marketers Association
2006 National Energy Restructuring Conference
Irvine, CA, April 25, 2006 - XsunX, Inc., (XSNX:OB) will present the benefits of the company?s thin-film solar technology systems for use in the development and delivery of an array of new power sources this week in Washington, D.C. at the 2006 National Energy Restructuring Conference sponsored by the National Energy Marketers Association. During the conference, which will take place April 25th and 26th at the Marriott at Metro Center, XsunX Chief Operating Officer Mr. Joseph Grimes will provide potential licensees information about the company?s flexible thin-film photovoltaic capabilities, including Power GlassTM, an innovative thin-film solar technology that is intended to allow glass windows to produce electricity from the power of the sun.
According to Tom Djokovich, CEO, this is an important step in the company?s development cycle. "The electrical energy industry is searching for the next generation of power production alternatives to reduce the complexity and cost of delivering energy to a growing global demand for power. As a developer of thin-film solar energy technologies, we are focused on providing improved solar cell designs and manufacturing techniques offering energy marketers and producers opportunities to develop new markets and expand business opportunities. With our deliverables in sight now is the time to begin a meaningful dialog with the people who can help bring Power Glass and our other technologies to the marketplace; and this year?s National Energy Restructuring Conference is an excellent venue for launching that effort."
About XsunX
Based in Aliso Viejo, California, XsunX is the developer of Power Glass ? an innovative Building Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV) thin-film solar technology that is intended to allow glass windows to produce electricity from the power of the sun. This proprietary process is intended to allow manufacturers to apply a transparent and photovoltaic glazing to glass and other transparent substrates. When XsunX glazing is exposed to light, the light energy is converted into electrical energy for use as a power source. XsunX believes that its solar electric glazing technology has a number of major market opportunities in the worldwide architectural glass, optical film and plastics markets. Please visit the Company's website for more information:
Safe Harbor Statement: Matters discussed in this press release contain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. When used in this press release, the words ?anticipate,? ?believe,? ?estimate,? ?may,? ?intend,? ?expect? and similar expressions identify such forward-looking statements. Actual results, performance or achievements could differ materially from those contemplated, expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements contained herein. These forward-looking statements are based largely on the expectations of the Company and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties. These include, but are not limited to, risks and uncertainties associated with: the impact of economic, competitive and other factors affecting the Company and its operations, markets, product, and distributor performance, the impact on the national and local economies resulting from terrorist actions, and U.S. actions subsequently; and other factors detailed in reports filed by the Company.
XsunX, Inc., (888) 797-4527
Press Calls:
Strategies (for XsunX)
Deborah Jones
(714) 957-8880, ext. 113
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Boardmail an "bigpuschl" |
NovAccess Global
tut leid
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Boardmail an "bigpuschl" |
NovAccess Global
..passieren? Da wird doch nur wieder über Geschäftsideen gelabert. Nichts Konkretes. Ich bleib dabei: gehe erst bei 1,25 oder niedriger wieder rein. Besser noch: Nachdem die ersten Q-Zahlen auf dem Tisch sind.
Gute Nacht
Heute 26.4 16% im plus

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Boardmail an "Werder1" |
NovAccess Global
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NovAccess Global
1.89 xsnx - XSUNX INC
+0.05 % Change:
+2.72% High:
1.93 Low:
1.83 Volume:
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Boardmail an "Werder1" |
NovAccess Global
Die neueste Start-up-Liste der EE Times
von Peter Clarke
EETimes Germany
April 28, 2006 (10:18 p.m. GMT)
LONDON ? EE Times hat seine Liste mit den 60 interessantesten Startups aktualisiert. Das Ranking 'EE Times 60 Emerging Startups' gibt es seit April 2004. Nun erscheint die fünfte Version, die aktuelle unternehmerische, kommerzielle und technologische Bedingungen berücksichtigt.
Einige Silicon-60-Unternehmen werden nicht mehr aufgeführt, sei es, weil sie aufgekauft wurden, inzwischen an die Börse gegangen sind oder aus anderen Gründen nicht mehr als Startups gelten. Auch einige jüngere Startups, die sich schnell entwickelt haben, fehlen in der Aufstellung und wurden stattdessen für die EE-Times-Hauptliste nominiert.
Für die fünfte Listenversion der "EE Times Emerging Startups" haben unsere Redakteure Unternehmen aufgrund folgender Kriterien ausgewählt: Technologie, Zielmarkt, Ausgereiftheit, finanzielle Position und Investitionsprofil.
Zu den Startups in der Silicon-60-Liste gehören Unternehmen aus den Bereichen Halbleiterchips, Speicher, Fab-Equipment, Gehäuse, Foundry, Materialien, MEMS und EDA-Software, die die EE-Times-Redakteure beeindruckt haben. Diese aufkommenden Unternehmen gilt es aus mehreren Gründen im Auge zu behalten.
Folgende Firmen sind neu in Version 5.0:
Airgo Networks Inc., Aprio Technologies Inc., Cambrios Technologies Inc., Clairvoyante Inc., Clear Shape Technologies Inc., Enuclia Semiconductor Inc., Group4 Lab LLC, Intrinsic Semiconductor Inc., Invarium Inc., Light Blue Optics Ltd., Metara Inc., Newport Media Inc., SemIndia Inc., SiBeam Inc., Tarari Inc., Tekion Inc., TimeLab Corp., WiQuest Communications Inc. und XsunX Inc.
Wenn Sie als Leser einen Startup kennen, der Ihrer Ansicht nach ebenfalls in die Liste gehört, lassen Sie es uns wissen. Wir werden Ihre Anregungen für künftige Aktualisierungen berücksichtigen. Bitte begründen Sie dabei für jedes nominierte Unternehmen kurz, warum es in die Aufstellung aufgenommen werden sollte.
Ihre Kommentare und Nominierungen schicken Sie direkt an Peter Clarke ( oder Mark Lapedus (
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Boardmail an "TamerB" |
NovAccess Global
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Boardmail an "Werder1" |
NovAccess Global
Ist nichts weltbewegendes aber trotzdem einige Aussagen sind sehr relevant und wahr.
Habe mir das hier mal durchgelesen und einwenig nachgeforsdcht. Aber am besten jeder macht sich selbst ein Bild davon.
Is XsunX Being Manipulated? (XSNX)
Related Stocks: XSNX
I?ve received a number of comments about XsunX (XSNX), all from the same person. I decided to look into them. They are working on transparent solar cells, have a weird history, and a weird structure. The only technological information I can find on them is all paid advertising (from IPODesktop and others) masquerading as research.
Each of their press releases are misleading. They offer one key statement, and then go on about intentions. For example, the latest one has the phrase ??has begun the construction of a mass production system??. That seems to imply, and is likely intended to give the impression, that commercialization and mass production is around the corner. But all that it really says is that they broke ground on a new building or something. They made some statements in 2004 about technological developments (4% conversion efficiency), but nothing technological since then. By the way, what they claim to mean by ?4% efficiency? is ?4?Watts of direct current?per square foot of PowerGlass film? [here, page 5], which is not the definition of efficiency, which is always a measure of power out versus power in.
I?ve looked through their entire web site, and their entire FY 2005 report. A few things become clear. They are nowhere near having a product, have never generated any revenue, and don?t know when they will. They provide no detail on their technology other than links to patents, which they have licensed. Otherwise it?s almost all marketing. They are a single person company, with a single office, rented for $750/month. Any actual research or other development work could only be performed at, with whom they have a tight relationship (patent licensing ? President of one is Chairman of the other). They claim 15 ?technologists and support staff? [here, page 14] available to them, but show no salary or other costs associated with them. They do have $0.5M in R&D expenditures for Fiscal Year 2005, but don?t detail what that bought.
They cut a $5-10M deal with an early stage investment fund, such that that fund basically owns them, and needs the shares to stay above $0.38.
As of 30 Sept 2005 they were thinking ?that their workforce is likely to increase to 8″. That means 7 new hires, with 3 of those in admin, and 4 in marketing and sales. Since they don?t have anything to sell, that means 4 in marketing.
About the only legitimizer they have going for them is that they won an award in 2005 from The World Technology Network (WTN), which is sort of half-way between the Nobel committee and a PR firm. For instance, they put out newsletters comprised of information written by their members - that?s PR. Corporations can influence their possible membership by sponsorship. I learned a while ago from a business advisor (although I never paid him for the advice), that if you want someone to come to your function, offer them an award. With that in mind, everyone involved in the WTN may be there either through sponsorship or awards bribery. On the other hand, they have a list of first rate names of members, which if they really are all active participants lend the organization quite a bit of legitimacy. So, is the WTN a PR firm, or a true science validator, and how did XsunX get their endorsement? As near as I can figure, they were an exhibitor at the 2005 conference, which automatically makes them a member and eligible for votes for 2005, which they then won. And it?s possible that they bought their way in.
So, if they are as small and illegitimate as their SEC filing indicates, they have no business getting a big award, unless that awards agency didn?t do their homework, or isn?t really all that respectable, or just flubbed it. Or they are a really great investment, and I?m just missing it. Even then, they are only story, since they have no products or revenue. And stories are not businesses.
So, I think they?ve got nothing, they hoodwinked the WTN, they hired all those promised PR people and they are doing a damn fine job, because XSNX has moved absurdly, from about a dime, to $2.25, just like (or better than) the private investors need them too. The money is at Cornell Capital, the technology is at MVSystems,and XsunX is just a guy. He?s probably a really nice guy.
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Boardmail an "Bobby333" |
NovAccess Global
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NovAccess Global
2006-05-04 09:00 ET - News Release
Also News Release (U-HDRX) HENDRX CP
Also News Release (U-VITSE) VITASTI INC
POINT ROBERTS, WA -- (MARKET WIRE) -- 05/04/06 (CAS) an investor and industry news portal for the China-Asia sector, presents "China's Fast Growing Economy -- Industrialization, Consumption and the Quest for Resources," a discussion on how the world's fastest growing economy impacts sectors including energy-renewable energy, water, coal-steel and healthcare. Participating companies XsunX, Inc., Vitasti, Inc., Hendrx Corp, Puda Coal, Inc., and Bridgetech Holdings International, Inc. provide insight from a first hand perspective of how smaller companies are feeling the impact and capitalizing on opportunities in China.
The renewable energy stocks sector has gained a growing mainstream investor following as oil prices continue to rise. China, like the rest of the world is investing in renewable energy technology as both a contingency plan for energy shortages and a more environmentally friendly solution.
As Tom Djokovich, CEO of XsunX, Inc. (OTC BB: XSNX), explains, "Building Integrated Photovoltaics, such as XsunX's Power Glass®, a thin-film solar technology that allows glass windows to produce electricity from the power of the sun, has the ability to address the growing need to produce clean renewable on-site power to help meet China's rising energy demands."
As described by Shannon deDelley, Director of Vitasti Inc. (OTC BB: VITSE), a wind power company, "Renewable energy is playing a growing role in the Chinese energy supply, and there is no other country with such aggressive plans for growth and opportunity in the wind industry today."
In addition to concerns regarding energy supply and production, China has placed a significant priority on addressing issues of water quality and shortages. George Solymar, Director of Hendrx Corp (OTC BB: HDRX), a manufacturer of Atmospheric Water Generators explains, "China which used to be extremely fragmented and mainly agricultural, has through population expansion, economic growth and industrialization, become cross-connected with infrastructure, which means that disease, water and prevention can all be dealt with on a regional basis instead of on a village basis creating opportunity for the utilization of Hendrx's products."
China's economy continues to impact the steel industry's growth on a global basis as its consumption levels escalate. According to Zhao Ming, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Puda Coal, Inc., "The Chinese government explicitly made the 'Building New Countryside' program one of its core social and economic development goals for the next 5 years, which means improved infrastructure, higher living standards, and cleaner environment; the demand for steel will therefore continue to be strong in China."
China's healthcare and medical technology market represents one of China's fastest growing markets. Michael Chermak, Chairman and CEO of Bridgetech Holdings International, Inc. (OTC: BGTH), a provider of Western healthcare in China describes, "The improvements in the Government's plan will open up opportunities for Bridgetech as it will support the Company's efforts to bring into China drugs and diagnostics for prevention and treatment."
To Read "China's Fast Growing Economy -- Industrialization, Consumption and the Quest for Resources" In Full Click Here: (CAS), a portal within the content umbrella, does not make recommendations, but offers investors research, news and links to public companies within the China-Asia sector. CAS also includes a comprehensive and growing list of China Asia Stocks:
To visit our China-Asia portal in Chinese click here:
Featured Sponsors Participating in the China-Asia Market: (CAS is compensated by Bridgetech Holdings, XsunX, Hendrx and Vitasti as disclosed in disclaimer.)
Bridgetech Holdings International, Inc. (OTC: BGTH) is leveraging its extensive network of relationships in China and the U.S. to capitalize on the demand for Western Healthcare in China. For More Info:
XsunX, Inc. (OTC BB: XSNX), is the developer of Power Glass -- an innovative solar technology that allows glass windows to produce electricity from the power of the sun. For More Info:
Hendrx Corp (OTC BB: HDRX) is an established manufacturer of atmospheric water generators offering products that will provide solutions for the residential, industrial, and commercial markets. For More Info:
Vitasti, Inc. (OTC BB: VITSE) has signed an agreement with Welwind International Energy Corporation (WIEC) for 100% of WIEC's assets. Their current project is to bridge the North America-China link by building wind farms in China beginning along the South China Sea. For More Info: Disclaimer: Our sites do not make recommendations, but offer information portals to research news, articles, stock lists and recent research. Nothing on our sites should be construed as an offer or solicitation to buy or sell products or securities. We attempt to research thoroughly, but we offer no guarantees as to the accuracy of information presented. All Information relating to featured companies is sourced from public documents and/ or the company and is not the opinion of our web sites. This site is currently compensated by its "featured companies." Bridgetech Holdings International, Inc. (OTC: BGTH) five thousand dollars per month and ten thousand shares of 144 stock as a one time fee. XsunX Inc. (OTC BB: XSNX) Three thousand five hundred dollars per month and two thousand equivalent in one forty-four shares. Hendrx Corp. (OTC BB: HDRX) Five thousand dollars per month and a one-time five thousand dollars equivalent in shares. Vitasti, Inc. (OTC BB: VITSE), Thirty five hundred dollars per month, plus two thousand a month in one forty-four stock. Additionally, Puda Coal, Inc. was a former featured company on, please review previous clients disclaimer.
For More Information Contact:
Dawn Van Zant
Email: Email Contact
Ann-Marie Fleming
Email Contact
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