Stans Energy heavy rare earth Prod. 2012
gut analysiert
Byron King: The Real REE Demand Opportunity
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Boardmail an "madold" |
Stans Energy Corp
TCMR: You once called human capital the "secret sauce" of Stans Energy Corp. (TSX.V:HRE) success.
BK: The human capital angle with Stans Energy is its relationship with a division of the Russian atomic power agency, Rosatom State Nuclear Energy Corp. Stans has a super-strong relationship with a group called the Russian Leading Institute for Chemical Technology, or VNIIHT, once the Cyrillic transcription is done.
VNIIHT is an absolute gem of an institution filled with hundreds of people with PhDs in metallurgy and chemical engineering. Its specialty is coming up with useful applications for exotic elements. VNIIHT was founded in 1951 as Secret Laboratory Number 10 in the old days of the USSR. Today, VNIIHT brokers its skills and works as a consultant for international customers.
An institution like VNIIHT is a very strong part of those critical human skills needed in the REE space. Stans' relationship with VNIIHT gives it a leg up on the competition, in terms of the chemistry, engineering and developmental process. Stans and its partner VNIIHT have an inside track in this horserace.
TCMR: Stans started the month of June at US$2 and ended the month at US$1.50. In the June 28 edition of Energy and Scarcity, you called the Stans' selloff a strong buying opportunity and a "chance to capitalize on the mistakes of others." What would those mistakes be?
BK: One big mistake has been to get the capital expenditures wrong. There are some bad numbers floating around the blogosphere that say the capital expenditure for Stans to reactivate and restart a basic REE production line in Kyrgyzstan would be US$500M and more. They're off by about 80%. I think US$100M is a more appropriate estimate—a shockingly low number versus what you hear for Molycorp, Lynas or other players.
The cost difference comes from the fact that Stans controls a Soviet-era mine that has a very strong life ahead of it, as well as former Soviet facilities and equipment. I've seen the equipment up close, and I was immensely impressed. With this trove of equipment and its relationship with VNIIHT, Stans is shaving years and hundreds of millions of dollars off its development cycle.
TCMR: Do you have some tips for investors looking to play the REE sector?
BK: My strongest recommendation for the near and medium term would be Stans Energy. No disrespect to any other companies, but I think Stans has the best prospects to move quickly and solidly in the near and medium term.
Dem ist nichts hinzuzufügen.
Gruß, schönes Wochenende allen HRE-Freunden.
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Boardmail an "madold" |
Stans Energy Corp
nichts desto trotz hat Stans gute Fortschritte gemacht und scheint auf einem guten Weg.
Bleibt noch ein wenig das politische Risiko.
(Seiten ab 7 /8 )
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Boardmail an "Arriba1" |
Stans Energy Corp
Danke an baggers ! von Ihub !
Processing Facilities Summary
Rare Earth (RE) concentrate from the Kutessay II mine was brought to KRP by truck.
The KRP facility included four main departments: Plant 1, Plant 2, Plant 3 and Plant 4, whose primary functions were:
Plant 1 ? conversion of RE mineral concentrate into their soluble form, primary RE dissolution and solvent extraction. These processes create the mixed RE solution.
Plant 2 ? separation of the mixed RE solution from Plant 1 into streams of Light RE concentrate (solution), Middle RE concentrate, Heavy RE concentrate and the final product -Yttrium Oxide.
Plant 3 ? separation of the Middle and Heavy RE concentrates from Plant 2 into the individual RE Oxides (as products); RE Metals and Alloys (as products).
Plant 4 ? separation of the Light RE concentrate from Plant 2 into the individual RE Oxides (as products).
Note: Plant 4 is not under Stans? option, and has been stripped of its processing materials.
Plant 1 ? Cracking and Dissolution of the Rare Earths
In Plant 1, the Ore concentrate containing 6.0 -7.0% total Rare Earths (including about 2% Yttrium Oxide) was mixed with Soda Ash (Na2C03 and ?cracked? (calcined in a rotary kiln) to release the REO for dissolution in dilute nitric acid. Water was added to the calcined mixture which was then ground in a mill operating in closed circuit with a classifier to separate the ground from the ungrounded material.
The ground solids were settled and thickened in two thickeners and the solids separated from the thickener underflow with a vacuum drum filter. The overflow from the thickeners and the filtrate were neutralized and discarded to waste.
The solids were then reacted with nitric acid in a series of reactors to dissolve the Rare Earths. The reaction products pulp was fed to a solvent extraction section using rotary disk horizontal extractors and 100% TBP as the solvent. The suspension of raffinate (waste stream) was neutralized with milk of lime and sent to the waste pond. The loaded solvent was washed in similar extractors and the product solution containing the RE ? nitrates was transferred to a further set of reactors to precipitate and remove any traces of Calcium, Sodium, Ammonia, Zirconium and Thorium from the RE solution. Solids were removed on a plate and frame pressure filter or by centrifuging.
The reaction product was then cleaned in a series of mixer settlers arranged in cascades using C7- C9 based Fatty acids to extract all traces of the contaminants from the RE -nitrates solution. Part of the RE ? nitrates solution was recycled back to the mixer settler cascade in order to maintain the purity of solution.
Plant 2 ? Extraction of Yttrium and Mixed Light, Middle and Heavy Rare Earths
The RE ? concentrate (RE ? nitrates solution) from Plant 1 was transferred in containers to Plant 2.
Plant 2 consisted of five separate mixer settler cascades and evaporation batteries designed to initially separate the RE solution into the Light, Middle and Heavy Rare Earths (LREEs, MREEs, HREEs) and to produce Yttrium Oxide as a finished product.
The RE solution from Plant 1 was first concentrated to 300g/l dissolved REs before feeding to the extraction section.
Each mixer settler cascade (battery) in this section consisted of between 80 to 120 mixer settlers for the extraction of the REs into the 100% TBP solvent at an Organic:Aqueous (0:A) Ratio of 20:1. Subsequent stripping of the loaded TBP solvent washed the various RE fractions back into the Aqueous Phase. Three mixer settler cascades were used to separate the REs into the three main fractions LREE, MREE, and HREE concentrates and Yttrium.
The fourth and fifth batteries were used for preconcentration of Dysprosium (Dy), Samarium (Sm), Europium (Eu), before Plant 3, depending on inner requirements of the departments of the KRP facility.
The stripped aqueous solution contained about 100g/l REs and was concentrated to 300g/l by evaporation.
The Yttrium was then precipitated as the Oxalate. The pure Yttrium Oxalate solids were filtered and washed on a simple Neutsch filter. Batches of filter cake were dried at 150-300°C for 3 hours and then calcined at 800°C for 8 hours to obtain the pure Yttrium Oxide (Y203). Approximately 90% of the Yttrium Oxide produced was at 99.99% purity and 10% at 99.95% purity.
Plant 3 ? Separation of the Heavy and Light Rare Earths
Plant 3 separated MREE and HREE fractions into the individual RE Oxides by Ion Exchange Technology.
The Plant consisted of a solution preparation section where the various complexing, elutriation and regeneration solutions were prepared. The process was carried out on a batch system where the conditions in the ion exchange column (linear flow, solution, complexing, elutriating solution, concentration solution, etc.) were specific for each REE.
The Rare Earths were then precipitated as the oxalate (carbonate), filtered and washed and then dried and calcined to REO.
RE purities ranged from 99.5% to 99.99%.
Plant 3 ? Hydro Metallurgy Section
The Hydro Metallurgy section involved the production of RE Metals (REMs) from REOs. The REMs were produced according to the marketing plan, the demand and potential sales of RE as the higher value Metal instead of as Oxides. Purities ranged from 99.0% to 99.99%, depending on order specifications.
Various electrical, induction and arc furnaces were available to produce the various RE alloys as required.
Der Extraction Prozess historisch gesehen:
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Boardmail an "BioLogic" |
Stans Energy Corp
Did read some interesting articles on chinese website ... write just headlines. Seems the Chinese fearing also face some shortage in HRE sooner or later ...
The Chinese estimate a increase in demand of around 45% until 2015 ..... as worldwide demand for high tech products are rising (i-phones, I-pad,computer, energy for turbines, high tech military waponry missile guiding systems, laser optic......)....
Prices will stabilize soon, but on medium term will go further up until 2015, until more supply established....
They estimate 10-15 years from exploration until production for a REO mine.........
Chinese gvmt also trying to accumulate more than 100K tons...........
Big issues are efficiency and environmenal problems for many of existing mines........
They supporting anti LYNAS organizations in Malaysia (of course, hehe)....
Estimated black market exports were around same as the official export volumes .... this explains to me the price increase and the panic of western countries!!!!!!
Severe shortages in HRE's are to be expected soon, when the markets are recovering..........
Chinese gvmt ( is aware and )will use the price and export litmits to gain access to high technology!!!......
Export tax and also more domnestic taxes will be applied (already)......
They estimate a huge shortage in some precious metals until and beyond 2015......
The first producers of L&HREOs will make huge profits until 2015 and beyound........
Our products will not get dusty in some dark Kyrg shelves, it is sold already....don't worry!!!
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Boardmail an "madold" |
Stans Energy Corp
das habe ich übersehen: rechnet mal den kurs aus , zu welchem unser insider eingestiegen ist. ganz schnell noch auf zu aufgesprungen. als insider hätte er/sie das viel billiger bekommen können von ein paar tagen/wochen.gutes zeichen
TSX Venture Exchange
Company Name : Stans Energy Corp. | Last Updated: January 20, 2012 | |||||||
Date | Symbol | Insider Buys Volume | Insider Sells Volume | Insider Buys Value $ | Insider Sells Value $ | Insider Buys Transaction | Insider Sells Transaction | Currency |
01/20/2012 | HRE | 95,500 | 0 | 104,830.00 | 0.00 | 21 | 0 | CAD |
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Boardmail an "andech" |
Stans Energy Corp
Er bezahlt knapp 1.1 CAD ?
Ich hätte doch mit dem restlichen Taschengeld noch kaufen sollen.
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Boardmail an "BioLogic" |
Stans Energy Corp
Nur wer an sich glaubt, kann anderen helfen, an sich zu glauben.
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Boardmail an "Alfgolf2" |
Stans Energy Corp
5,6 USD / share Wert. Shareanzahl habe ich 250mio angenommen, kann man noch 100mio dilutionieren und 100mio einnehmen, das dürfte dann reichen um in Produktion zu gehen, falls sie überhaupt noch so arg verwässern müssen.
Die Zahlen wurden schon zu genüge hier eingestellt.
Erster Halt 5,6 USD je share
Nächster Hype: Kuperlisai, Uran, Kutessay 3, Beryllium + Ressourcenknappheit und der HYPE :
2013 - 2014 - 15 USD + open end ;)
Realistisch gesehen, nicht so wie byron king hier 35 USD je share herauspalavert :) ist aber nat. alles möglich ;)
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Boardmail an "BioLogic" |
Stans Energy Corp
das intessante ist aber, dass sich dieser byron king in den letzten jahren als erfolgreichster stockpicker repektive rohstoffinvestor unter den kanadischen -australischen Gurus erwiesen hat.
im gegensatz zu so manch anderem, wie z.B. ein gewisser Mr. Hy. von Byorn capital (namensgleichheit zufällig). dieser übrigens (ein ausgewiesener nicht-stans- freund)
sei's drum
wenn jemand wie byron king seinen guten ruf riskiert und 30-35 € als kursziel für stans ansetzt , UND gleichzeitig nicht bei stans auf der payroll steht, beruhigt mich das ungemein.
er hätte sich zurücklehnen können und sagen, "stans ist ein tenbagger" (was damals einem Kursziel von 5-6 € entsprochen hätte) , alle hätten sich gefreut und er wäre als super experte bestätigt worden. und wenn es dann mehr geworden wäre hätte es ihn noch mehr bestätigt.
aber sich rauslehnen und mal eben so ein 4500% kursziel proklamieren, das hat schon was für sich.
Bio: bin aber auch mit deinen 15-17 € oder USD komplett zufrieden. kriegst dann auch eine nacht lang bier brezn und hendl auf der wiesn. das organisier ich dann :-)
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Boardmail an "andech" |
Stans Energy Corp
Ich nehm dich beim Wort ! :)
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Boardmail an "BioLogic" |
Stans Energy Corp
LG Marcel
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Boardmail an "Schabo04" |
Stans Energy Corp
Irgendwie muss ich mich nun ja auch einkaufen ^^
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Boardmail an "BioLogic" |
Stans Energy Corp
Deshalb denke ich , die wurden vorbörslich rüber geschoben :-)
LG Marcel
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Boardmail an "Schabo04" |
Stans Energy Corp
Nur wer an sich glaubt, kann anderen helfen, an sich zu glauben.
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Boardmail an "Alfgolf2" |
Stans Energy Corp
man die machen das so spannend :-)
LG Marcel
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Boardmail an "Schabo04" |
Stans Energy Corp
nebenbei...der Anstieg erinnert mich an meine 2 . HauptAktie.....Northland Res.
schaut Euch mal den Chart an:))
fast identisch:)
Gruss und weiter soooooooooooooooooooo
Nur wer an sich glaubt, kann anderen helfen, an sich zu glauben.
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Boardmail an "Alfgolf2" |
Stans Energy Corp
By Michael Montgomery—Exclusive to Rare Earth Investing News
Germany to Develop Rare Earth Deposit
The rare earths supply squeeze, spurred on by China’s continuous slashing of its export quotas has encouraged nations to invest in mineral exploration with the intent of unearthing a viable rare earth source. Germany, Europe’s engineering-powerhouse, is among the countries looking to secure its own supply of rare earths in order to support its high-tech industry.
German alliance for resource allocation
European rare earth projects
Other rare earth companies that are closely tied to the European markets are AS Silmet, a rare earth processing company in Estonia that was recently bought by Molycorp (NYSE:MCP), Greenland Minerals and Energy Ltd. (ASX:GGG) with the Kvanefjeld project, giant multi-element deposit containing the world’s largest rare earth resource, as well as Stans Energy Corp. (TSXV:HRE) which is developing the Kutessey II property, with a JORC resource estimate of 46,500 metric tonnes REO in Kyrgyzstan.
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Boardmail an "madold" |
Stans Energy Corp
I asked many probing questions to Robert in Vancouver, and got some answers, but he was very tight lipped on my most pressing issues. Here's a summary:
Processing other's concentrates - They will be testing the Soviet process on external concentrates in the "near future". No definition of "near future" given. The only other's I could think of would be Soviet monazites, perhaps something from Kazakhstan, or Lynas' heavies, as they're having problems with their processing plant.
Kyrgyz government situation - They work closely with the government to be as transparent as possible, while supporting the local community whenever they can. Rob said the Kyrgyz mining laws are attractive for investment as the country recognises the need to develop its natural resources, unlike many countries who try to prohibit mining.
Financing (Most Important) - The west views Kyrgyzstan as a higher risk for mining than many other nations. Countries like Japan, Korea, Russia, China, and some European nationals do not attach a great risk to Central Asian projects. IMO, Stans is courting Asian bankers for the debt financing portion. Project financing and advanced offtake terms are constantly being negotiated with end users. Only country names were given for potential financiers - Germany, France, Russia, Korea, Japan, China, and the USA (likely the military contractor that Rob's referred to numerous times). So they're speaking with everyone, I'm guessing, they're trying to play one against the other to get the best terms they can, but there are only about 5-6 HREE end users would could put up the kind of dough necessary to build an new mine. Rob said Ideally, they will have 2-3 partners for the financing and initial offtakes, to reduce the risk of the project for the companies putting up the money.
Thechnical Expertise - The company's strategy is to secure the brightest RE processing minds available outside of China in the RE sector, and they believe Valery Kosynkin to be amung the best, if not the best in the world. Based on the expectations of the people they've hired, most projects will take 5-10 years of met testing to perfect mines to optimal scale (for HREEs). Many analysts are saying the same thing (seems like there will be great shorting opportunities for those Junior RE companies with high valuations, and no metallurgy).
Russian Projects - No comment, other than they've evaluated countless REE properties with their advisors and there and have narrowed their focus to acquiring a select few. They are only interested in HREE projects. Rob said something like, "until we own one, I won't say anything other than we're evaluating Russian projects"
Mill - The evaluation is ongoing, and there is no word as to whether they will purchase it or not. If the cost of repairs are satisfactory, they will buy it and begin production early. Let's hope it's in decent shape!
RE Prices - They said this is the hardest thing to predict, and because there are 15 oxides, 15 metals, and alloys, so there are many variables for a proper feasibility study. Stans is trying to get secure long term offtake contracts for the key element oxides (Yttrium, Terbium, Dysprosium, Neodymium, Erbium, Europium, and Praseodymium, according to their presentation). If they can sign those contracts, they are confident they will be able to input high prices into their financial model for their feasibility studies. Sounds to me like there will be a big range in the valuation of the feasibility study because of RE pricing forecasts. They do intend to produce to consumer's specifications, increasing the price of certain metal purities, and consistencies.
I'm very confident in Stans after this conversation. I think the bottom line remains the same - Stans is on track to becoming the first, and the largest HRE producer outside of China. The costs of their processing will be higher than others, but the execution to production, and quality of their products will be secure enough for financiers to be confident putting up the money. If the rest of the world continues to lag HREE production, Stans should enjoy a the very least, a few years of Monopolistic RE pricing (I think even longer). There is a good chance for leveraging Stans' expertise in processing to create additional cash flows, and it sounds like their potential project pipeline is strong (I'm excited about that because they seem to be able to make great deals). They're going to be hiring Mining and Milling people in the coming year to execute the mine's development, so that Rob and Boris can focus on increasing the valuation of the company or its shareholders, rather than the day to day managment issues with running the mine in Kyrgyzstan. Music to my ears, and yours.
Good luck to all,
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Boardmail an "madold" |
Stans Energy Corp
ich frag mal hier die Profis in die Runde . Welche Argumente sprechen für Stans für ein weiteres Invest ,da ich interessiert bin weiter aufzustocken erheblich in die Stans-Aktie...vielleicht kann da jemand mir wie @madold etwas beisteuern was ich nicht weiß ?!
MfG , T.
Wer sich nach all den Beiträgen, die sich tagesaktuell, engagiert und schlüssig wie eine "Perlenkette" zu Stans hier aneinander reihen, noch immer kein Gefühl für diesen Wert hat, der sollte sich auch nicht darüber den Kopf zermartern, welche bisher noch nicht kommunizierte Information ihn (oder sie) überhaupt oder zu einem größeren finanziellen Engagement bewegen könnte. Eine solche Empfehlung gibt es weder per BM noch öffentlich.
Dieses und viele andere Foren (auch internationale) inkl. liefern in ausreichendem Maße die Basis für eine Entscheidung. Danach käme Deuterei via "Glaskugel". Doch letztlich ist man (lieber Traderwatch et al) verpflichtet, sein Investment durch sorgfältige Recherche & Analyse zu einer Aktie eigenverantwortlich abzusichern. Sorry, doch das gehört dazu, sonst ist man immer auf dünnem Eis unterwegs. Es ist doch das eigene Geld, das man "anlegt"... das sollte es jedem persönlich Wert sein. Gruß, mad.
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Boardmail an "madold" |
Stans Energy Corp
werden, aus dem lynas ws-board von franceso dc.
könnte auch heissen "Lynas flucht nach vorn, oder wie mit hilfe der örtlichen Mafia ein explorer ohne metallurgie seinen letzten versuch macht. "
nicht aus schadenfreude. oder, eigentlich doch so ein bisschen. nach der langen leidenszeit
jedenfalls erinnert ich mich das an mackay -aussage zum thema " REE und wie trennt sich die spreu vom weizen" . Seine Antwort: CCC: Chemisty, chemistry, chemistry.
und in diesem sinne trifft dieser board beitrag bei der heute meistdiskutierten aktie auch den kopf, mit dem nagel, meinte ich...
"Ich versuch mal, zum Verständnis beizutragen.
Lynas hat einen Abbau an Mount Weld schon eine ganze Weile.
Da fahren also einige der Riesen-Caterpillars durch die Lande und transportieren das ab, was vorher andere Caterpillars mit der riesengroßen runden Gesteinsfräse vorne dran uns dem Berg rausgerissen haben.
Daher stehen da im Gelände 50 Tonner mit so länglichen Behältern drauf, da so ein Caterpillar, 150 bis 200 Liter Diesel pro Stunde frißt.
Lynas produziert so seit vielen Monaten auf Halde und das kostet ein Scheiss Geld und hat nicht ein einziges Gramm Seltene Erden zum Verkaufen, weil die Verarbeitungsanlage in Malaysia nicht in Betrieb geht. Die geht nicht in Betrieb, weil da nicht nur "Umwelt" Themen laufen, sondern unterschwellig auf die Aufgabe von Lynas spekuliert wird. Denn wenn Lynas aufgibt, wird Lynas ganz schnell von jemand einverleibt und mit ein paar guten "Kontakten" in Malaysia und China dann ganz schnell die Verarbeitungsanlage genehmigt und in Betrieb genommen.
Wenn Lynas also diesen "Großen" NICHT ins Boot geholt hätte, dann wäre über kurz oder lang Euer und mein Geld kaputt gewesen.
Nun aber sieht der Poker ganz anders aus.
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Boardmail an "andech" |
Stans Energy Corp
Gold kauft den Wagen; Silber füttert die Pferde & füllt Dir den Tank...
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Boardmail an "Teras" |
Stans Energy Corp
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