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ich habe mir mal die M Die Restrukturierung ist also noch nicht ganz abgeschlossen, aber sie sind schon bereit, falls die Nachfrage 2010 nach" offshore renewables", oil and gas, etc, wieder anzieht/anziehen sollte.
Was passiert 2010 und longer im Bereich "erneuerbare Energien" auf offener See? Hier einige Links und gute Einschätzungen:
http://www.erneuerbare-energien.de/inhalt/45926/4590/ http://www.bmu.de/erneuerbare_energien/kurzinfo/doc/3988.php ýBereich Windenergie
Interessanter Bericht:
ý Was ich damit sagen will ist, dass hier viel Geld investiert und "stetiges" Wachstum bis ca.2020 generiert wird. Die Seekabel m Vielleicht braucht BP ja noch mehr Unterst Das Equipment wird betriebsfähig und wird an Verhandlungspartner vermietet.
Auch wichtig, wegen der Mexiko Öl Katastrophe:
Oceanteam?s joint venture oil and gas engineering company has developed successfully in 2009 and has been able to support Oceanteam with engineering services regarding mobilisations of vessels ?CSV North Ocean 102?, ?CSV North Ocean 103? and ?CSV Bourbon Oceanteam 104? and other project services.
Broker fair value estimates for construction support vessels decreased during 2009 due to less favourable market circumstances. Already in Q1-2010 an important upturn of the vessel values has been experienced. The increases in vessel valuations will have a positive impact on the Company?s market value equity ratio.
ý Aufschwung bei der Nachfrage nach Wasserfahrzeugen! Auch zurückzuführen auf die steigende Nachfrage bei "Erneuerbaren Energien auf See" ebenso wahrscheinlich wegen der Ölkatatstrophe im Golf von Mexiko.
Target clients of the company are Offshore Contractors, Oil Companies, NOC?s and other Ship Owners and Operators.
The geographical focus of the company is currently West Africa, Brasil, NWECS and Mexico.
Fast Support Vessels Oceanteam?s two Fast Support Vessels are Axe bow design with an ability to accommodate 75 people and light equipment. Both vessels are operational in Mexico.
Das wichtigste zum Schluss:
Market Outlook During 2009 the markets Oceanteam operates in were impacted by the postponement of investments as a consequence of the credit crisis and the reduction of the oil price. During recent months however, investment activities in the different markets have recovered. As a consequence of the divergence between the oil and gas demand and themproduction predicted for the future, the oil and gas prices are forecast to increase further. Exploration and production activities are likely to increase, as will the demand for construction support vessel services. In certain regions, in particular Latin-America and West-Africa, exploration and production activities and the need for vessels and services are growing strongly. In Western-Europe many wind mill parks have been delayed due to funding problems related to the credit crisis. In recent months an important number of initiatives have progressed. This will lead to increased demand for construction support vessels and cable lay and burial equipment in the next years.
The construction of ?CSV Bourbon Oceanteam 104? is fully financed except for the variation orders on the vessel.
Cash Flow Net cash flow from operating activities amounted to EUR (42.5) million in 2009 against EUR 1.1 million in 2008. The large cash out mainly relates to the losses from the discontinued operations and a decrease of payables, both reflecting the restructuring of the Company. Net cash flow from investing activities was positive EUR 23.7 million in 2009 against minus EUR (138.0) million in the preceding year, reflecting the sale of ?CSV North Ocean 103? and 50% of ?CSV North Ocean 102?. Net cash flow from financing activities amounted to EUR 24.3 million in 2009, against EUR 91.8 million in the preceding year, related to the issuance of shares in the debt restructuring and net repayments of debt related to the sale of interests in ?CSV North Ocean 103? and the ?CSV North Ocean 102?. Net change in cash and equivalents was EUR 5.7 million in 2009.
Abwarten, ab wann hier gefördert werden kann:
Ganz klar ist auch, dass der Ölpreis wierder anziehen sollte. Und das die Liquidität um das Unternehmen schlecht steht.
Ich hoffe ich konnte euch ein bisschen was aufzeigen =) Termin ist der nächste Q2 2010 am 26 August 2010, also bis dahin.#