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Firestone Ventures
Thu Nov 9, 2006
Firestone Ventures Commences Drilling at the Torlon Hill High-Grade Zinc Project
November 9, 2006 - Firestone Ventures Inc. (FV:TSX-V, F5V:FSE) is pleased to announce that the 2006/2007 winter exploration program is now underway at the Company's Torlon Hill high-grade zinc project, Guatemala. The road-accessible Torlon Hill project is located 18 road kilometres northwest of the city of Huehuetenango, which is situated on the Pan-American Highway in western Guatemala.
The 2006/2007 drill campaign has three main priority objectives: expansion of the mineralized zone, in-fill drilling between holes completed during Firestone's initial drilling campaign, and improved delineation of deposit geometry. A total of 25 to 30 drill holes comprising 2,200 metres are planned for the current program and $1.2 million has been allocated to the project, which includes detailed geological mapping, sampling and prospecting of prospective terrain and continuation of the ongoing environmental baseline studies.
"We are very excited to be starting this winter's exploration program at Torlon Hill." says Lori Walton, President of Firestone Ventures. "Once again, the high quality of work by our local partners towards improved access, drill site preparation and moving equipment and supplies on to the site enabled us to start on schedule. Market conditions for zinc remain strong."
The winter 2006/2007 drill program will consist of three phases and is expected to last approximately five months. A drill hole location map showing previous drill holes, a long section sketch, previous drill results, a FAQ sheet and photos are available on The drill program and phasing of holes outlined below is subject to change as additional information is obtained and interpreted by the Company's geological team during the course of the program.
Phase One:
In-fill holes will be drilled in the area of significant previous drill intersections. This will further define the geometry and extent of high-grade zinc and lead mineralization.
Phase Two:
Step-out holes will be drilled to the north to test a potential 100-metre extension of zinc mineralization intersected in previous drill hole TH06-02 (33.0 metres of 22% zinc, including 17.1 metres of 31.9% zinc). A number of in-fill holes planned for the southern area (previous drill holes TH06-16 to TH06-21) will further define the character and geometry of the mineralization.
Phase Three:
The third phase of drilling will consist of step-out drill holes towards the west and southwest to test two compelling targets; reported zinc mineralization at La Canada adits on the west side of Torlon Hill and a new zone of lead, zinc and silver defined in the newly mapped Cinco Hermanos underground workings, The Cinco Hermanos workings extend southwest of previously drilled holes TH06-9, TH06-10 and TH06-11 (see News Release dated October 19, 2006).
Geology and Previous Drill Results
Zinc mineralization (smithsonite) at Torlon Hill is hosted by brecciated Permian carbonates thrust over a serpentinized basement sequence at the boundary between two tectonic plates. The depth to the flat-lying thrust fault varies from 25 metres to >100 metres. This "tectonic crush zone" is pervasively mineralized with zones returning in excess of 10% and locally up to 40% zinc.
In early 2006, Firestone Ventures Inc. conducted the first drilling ever carried out at Torlon Hill. Drill holes TH06-01 to TH06-10, TH06-12 to 14 and 16 intersected economically significant oxidized zinc mineralization across a NW-SE distance of approximately 200 metres. Significant intercepts are described in previous news releases and include: 33.0 m of 22% zinc, including a 17.1 m interval of 31.9% zinc (Hole TH06-2), 51.8 m of 10.2% zinc (Hole TH06-13) and 46.7 m of 12.5% zinc (Hole TH06-14).
The area of high-grade mineralization remains open to the west and north. In addition, a new zone of lead, zinc and silver was defined when Firestone surveyed the extent of previously unsampled underground workings (see News Release dated Oct. 19, 2006). The Cincos Hermanos workings extend 160 metres southwest and consist of abundant galena, smithsonite, cerrusite and iron oxide. Results of underground chip samples of high-grade zinc, lead and silver mineralization show that the Cincos Hermanos area, located southwest of previous drill holes TH06-9, TH06-10 and TH06-11 continues to be highly prospective.
This news release has been reviewed and approved by John Cleary, (CPG), Qualified Person for the Torlon Hill project in accordance with regulations under National Instrument 43-101. Al Workman, P.Geo., Vice President of Watts, Griffis and McOuat Limited is also consulting on the project and brings considerable oxide zinc exploration experience. The recent appointment of Kristian Ross to Firestone Ventures Advisory Board (see News Release Sept. 13, 2006) brings additional management, and mine development and production expertise to this highly qualified exploration team including experience in exploring and developing non-sulphide zinc deposits. Kluane International Drilling is the drill contractor, supplying a portable, hydraulically driven modular diamond drill, producing "NTW" size (2.248 inches) drill core with minimal environmental impact. Gartner Lee Limited, from Calgary, Alberta Canada is providing environmental consulting to the project.
Firestone Ventures Inc. is a well-financed Canadian-based resource exploration and development company with zinc, gold and uranium projects in Western Canada and Central America. The common shares of the Company are currently listed on the TSX Venture Exchange (symbol FV) and the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (symbol F5V). For further information please contact:
Lori Walton, P. Geol., President
Toll Free: 1-888-221-5588
Fax: (780) 428-3476
Trading Symbol: FV: TSX-V; F5V: FSE
For Investor Relations please call: Contact Financial Inc. at (604) 689-7422
The TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release
You can view the Previous News Releases item: Wed Oct 25, 2006, Drilling Complete at Firestone Ventures Sonora Gold-Copper Property, Yukon, New Claims Staked
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© 2006 Firestone Ventures Inc. All Rights Reserved. | Disclaimer
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Firestone Ventures
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Firestone Ventures
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Firestone Ventures
Auf dem westlichen Projektareal gab es bisher nur vereinzelte Bohrungen und im östlichen Bereich wurde noch nie ein Bohrloch in den Boden getrieben. Firestone Ventures gab dann 1,2 Mio. CAD für die Untersuchung des Gebietes aus und definierte 12 Stellen, wo gebohrt werden sollte. Und die Ergebnisse aus dem östlichen Bereich übertrafen die kühnsten Erwartungen!
Zu den Highlight gehören:
Ein Bohrloch mit 6,21 g/t Gold sowie 3,0 g/t Silber über 15,3 Meter, darunter 12,19 g/t Gold sowie 4,8 g/t Silber über 5,0 Meter. Ein weiteres Bohrloch mit 3,6 g/t Gold sowie 14,6 g/t Silber über 4,5 Meter, darunter 28,8 g/t Gold sowie 94,5 g/t Silber über 0,5 Meter.
Im Grunde genommen hat Firestone jetzt 0,2 bis 0,25 Unzen Gold über 50 Fuß gefunden! Und das Ende der Mineralisierung in die Tiefe ist noch gar nicht absehbar! Der bestmineralisierte Intervall wurde am Ende eines Loches entdeckt! Aufgrund der nun gewonnenen Daten wissen die Geologen von Firestone, dass es sich hier um ein 3(!) Kilometer langes System handelt, dass mit Gold und Silber mineralisiert ist! Es muss noch eine Menge Arbeit investiert werden, aber eines ist sicher: Firestone schreibt Geschichte!
Um es auf den Punkt zu bringen: Firestone sitzt hier auf einem neuen Gold- und Silbervorkommen von Weltklasseformat!
Und jetzt rufen Sie sich noch einmal in Erinnerung: Firestone hat auch ein Weltklasse-Zink-Projekt in Guatemala. Die bisherigen Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass sich die hochgradige oberflächennahe Zinkmineralisierung rund 100 Meter weiter in Richtung Nordwesten erstreckt. Auch 75 Meter darüber hinaus wurde noch Zinkmineralisierung festgestellt.
Zu den Highlights der Bohrergebnisse aus Guatemala gehören: Ein Bohrloch mit 26,6 Prozent Zink und 4,6 Prozent Blei über 13,7 Meter bzw. 21,6 Prozent Zink und 3,4 Prozent Blei über 8,9 Meter sowie 19,5 Prozent Zink und 2,3 Prozent Blei über 15,8 Meter!
Nun soll die Ausdehnung der Mineralisierung in Richtung Süden getestet werden. Darüber hinaus soll das Infill-Drilling fortgesetzt werden. Auch möchte man die neu entdeckte Cinco Hermandos Blei-, Zink- und Silberzone explorieren. Im Anschluss daran soll die Westseite des Torlon Hills erkundet werden. Die Arbeiten sollen Mitte Januar wieder aufgenommen werden. Das Bohrprogramm wird auf 30 Löcher ausgedehnt.
Firestone Ventures (WKN 892593) besticht durch die hohe Qualität seiner Projekte und eine geradlinige, hart arbeitende Vorstandsvorsitzende. Auf Sicht von 1-2 Jahren soll das Projekt in Guatemala eine produzierende Zinkmine beherbergen. Angesichts des aussichtsreichen Zinkprojekts, der spektaluären Ergebnisse beim Gold-/Silberprojekt im Yukon und der enormen Phantasie durch das große Uranprojekt ist die Firestone-Aktie bei einem Börsenwert von rund 28 Mio. CAD viel zu preiswert. Firestone Ventures ist einer unserer Topfavoriten für das Jahr 2007! Kurse von deutlich über 1 Euro erscheinen realistischer denn je. Der heiße Januar hat begonnen! Nutzen Sie Kurse unter 0,45 Euro zum Kauf!
Beachten Sie bitte auch unsere anderen vier Top-Favoriten bei der Rohstoffbattle 2007: Canaco Resources, County Line Energy, Oremex Resources und Sacre-Coeur Minerals. Aber auch True North Gems wird in Kürze sehr gute News präsentieren!
Karsten Busche ist Chefredakteur vom Rohstoff-Börsenbrief ?Global Profit Scout?.
Unser unabhängiges Experten-Team ist für Sie weltweit auf der Jagd nach aussichtsreichen Rohstoffunternehmen, die unseren Lesern hohe Renditen bescheren. Wir entdecken unterbewertete Aktien meist sehr viel früher als andere Marktteilnehmer, da wir unser Ohr am Puls des Marktes haben. Dabei stützen wir uns auf ein weitläufiges Netzwerk in Europa und Nordamerika.
Nutzen Sie jetzt die Chance und tragen Sie sich unter in den kostenlosen E-Mail-Verteiler ein.
Autor: Karsten Busche
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Firestone Ventures
musst dich aber irgendwie durchwurschteln, den live-chart gibt's immer nur als paar-minuten-trial - was man aber mit <<back umgehen kann.
hat zumindest bei sabina silver funktioniert.
viel glück,
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Firestone Ventures
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Firestone Ventures
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Firestone Ventures
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Firestone Ventures
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Firestone Ventures
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Firestone Ventures
Wenn die erstmal von der Masse entdeckt wird gehts richtig los hier.
Schön wenn man schon mal drin ist.
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Firestone Ventures
Bin gespannt auf Montag,geht ab hier
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Firestone Ventures
Eigentlich gut so geht sie wenigstens ohne Gepushe ihren Weg.
Jeden Tag schöne Zuwächse.
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Firestone Ventures
Firestone Ventures Finalizes Agreement on Alberta Sun Uranium Project
EDMONTON, ALBERTA--(Marketwire - June 15, 2007) - Firestone Ventures Inc. (TSX VENTURE:FV)(FRANKFURT:F5V) is pleased to announce that Firestone and Black Hawk Exploration (OTCBB:BHWX) have signed a formal option agreement whereby Black Hawk may earn up to a 75% interest in Firestone's Alberta Sun uranium project located in southwestern Alberta, Canada. Black Hawk Exploration is a junior resource company focused on the acquisition and development of quality uranium projects.
"We are very pleased to work with Black Hawk Exploration on the Alberta Sun project," says Lori Walton, President of Firestone Ventures Inc. "This agreement will ensure the advancement of Alberta Sun while allowing us to focus on our upcoming summer, 2007 drill program at Sonora, Yukon Territory, Canada and increase resources available for our Torlon Hill high-grade zinc project in Guatemala."
"With the spot price of uranium at record high levels, we are pleased to have acquired such a large land position in a very prospective area for roll-front uranium deposits," says Andrew von Kursell, President of Black Hawk Exploration. "The Alberta Sun uranium property was selected because of the large land package, favorable geology, known uranium deposit indicators, excellent access and the positive business climate in Alberta."
The Alberta Sun uranium property (covering over 200,000 acres) is characterized by easy access across southern Alberta rangeland. Results of initial fieldwork on the project include scintillometer readings of up to 1250 cps (counts per second), visible alteration, shale beds and abundant hematite and carbonaceous material within sandstone. Composite grab samples of isolated organic debris material returned up to 7640 ppm uranium (0.901 U3O8). Grab rock samples (sandstone) from a separate area 40 km southeast returned 57 to 150 ppm uranium
(see previous News Releases available at
A 2,384 line kilometer electromagnetic and magnetic airborne survey over four priority areas has been completed. TerraNotes Ltd. of Edmonton is carrying out initial analysis of the survey to be followed by sophisticated modeling of the dataset which should delineate high-priority areas for drilling.
Under the terms of the agreement, Black Hawk can earn a 60% interest by paying Firestone a total of $210,000 cash (completed) and issuing 135,000 shares on signing (completed) and paying an additional $70,000 cash, issuing 270,000 shares and incurring $700,000 in exploration expenditures over the next two years. Black Hawk can earn an additional 15% interest by paying Firestone $100,000, issuing Firestone 400,000 common shares and incurring another $1 million in exploration expenditures over the following two years. Firestone will retain a 1% net smelter royalty ("NSR") of which 0.5% can be purchased by Black Hawk for $500,000 at any time. There is an additional 1% NSR to the underlying property owners. Black Hawk will be the project operator.
Firestone Ventures Inc. is a well-financed Canadian-based resource exploration and development company with zinc, gold and uranium projects in Western Canada and Central America. The common shares of the Company are currently listed on the TSX Venture Exchange (symbol FV) and the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (symbol F5V).
The TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
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Firestone Ventures
Mar 03, 2008 10:03 ET
Firestone Ventures Inc. Plans Spin-out of Canadian Properties and Signs Memorandum of Understanding with Sherwood Copper Corp.
EDMONTON, ALBERTA--(Marketwire - March 3, 2008) - Firestone Ventures Inc. (TSX VENTURE:FV)(FRANKFURT:F5V) is pleased to announce it plans to spin-out its Canadian assets, including the Sonora Gulch gold project, into a new public company called Northern Tiger Resources Inc. This will allow Firestone to focus its resources and efforts on advancing the Torlon Hill project and its other interests in the emerging Cuchumatanes zinc-lead-silver district in Guatemala, while giving shareholders exposure to a new company focused primarily on exploration in the active Dawson Range in the central Yukon. Details regarding the nature and timing of this transaction are currently being finalized by Firestone's management, and will be subject to Northern Tiger completing a successful private placement and obtaining required TSX-V, court, shareholder and regulatory approvals.
In addition, Firestone signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Sherwood Copper Corp. (TSX VENTURE:SWC) and their wholly owned subsidiary Minto Explorations Ltd. (collectively Sherwood) to cooperate in exploring Yukon's Dawson Range area.
Under the terms of the MOU, Sherwood will vend to Northern Tiger a 100% interest in four Dawson Range exploration properties and an extensive historical exploration database for the region. In addition, Northern Tiger and Sherwood will enter into a Regional Exploration Alliance Agreement (REAA). The REAA will provide for input and cooperation on planning and executing exploration programs and long-term strategies for the area, sharing of proprietary technical expertise to assist in exploration and project advancement, and access to Sherwood's infrastructure to facilitate area exploration.
Sherwood will retain back-in rights to acquire a 65% interest in any of Northern Tiger's projects located within a 50 km radius that are found to have mineralization amenable to processing in Sherwood's existing Minto Mine facilities. The back-in rights are triggered within 30 days of Northern Tiger presenting Sherwood with an independent preliminary economic assessment prepared in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 on a particular property. Sherwood will pay to Northern Tiger two times the expenditures spent on the applicable property to the date of acquisition and become sole operator. The back-in rights may also be triggered within 30 days of Northern Tiger presenting Sherwood with a National Instrument 43-101 compliant positive pre-feasibility study. Sherwood will pay to Northern Tiger three times the expenditures spent on the applicable property to the date of acquisition and will become sole operator.
As consideration for the exploration properties, historical database and support through the REAA, Northern Tiger shall issue to Sherwood that number of shares equivalent to twenty-five (25%) of the issued and outstanding shares of Northern Tiger as of the date immediately prior to a private placement planned to provide operating and exploration funding for the new company.
Closure of the transaction is subject to a number of conditions, including execution and Board of Director approval of formal agreements and obtaining required regulatory and shareholder approvals.
"The Spin-out will allow Firestone to concentrate on our advanced Torlon Hill zinc-lead-silver project in Guatemala while reducing future stock dilution," says Lori Walton, President of Firestone Ventures Inc. "We are confident that Firestone shareholders will benefit from the experience, knowledge and capabilities of the Northern Tiger-Sherwood Copper exploration alliance in advancing the Sonora Gulch project and identifying other quality projects in the Dawson Range mining district."
"By this transaction, Sherwood Copper would gain exposure to exploration targets outside of its Minto Mine property, having both (1) a back in right to any deposits discovered close to its existing mine infrastructure that could be processed at the existing infrastructure and (2) equity exposure to any other discoveries made through this alliance," said Stephen Quin, President & CEO of Sherwood Copper. "I believe this is a win-win transaction for our respective shareholders that accelerates the exploration activity in the area of the Minto Mine and in the Yukon, beyond what Sherwood would do on its own."
Firestone Ventures Inc. is a well-financed Canadian-based resource exploration and development company with zinc, gold and uranium projects in Western Canada and Central America. The common shares of the Company are currently listed on the TSX Venture Exchange (symbol FV) and the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (symbol F5V).
The TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
For more information, please contact
Firestone Ventures Inc.
Lori Walton, P. Geol.
Toll Free: 1-888-221-5588
(780) 428-3476 (FAX)
Neid muß man sich erarbeiten,Mitleid gibts umsonst
Neid muß man sich erarbeiten,Mitleid gibts umsonst
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Firestone Ventures
0,247 ? 0,229 ? 494 ? +7,86%
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Firestone Ventures
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