Hintergrundinfos: JP MORGAN - Ein Riese wankt

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15.07.10 12:53

12765 Postings, 8390 Tage TigerDeutliches Gewinnplus

JPMorgan präsentiert deutliches Gewinnplus
12:39 15.07.10

New York, NY (aktiencheck.de AG) - Die US-Großbank JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPMorgan) (Profil) hat am Donnerstag die Geschäftszahlen für das zweite Quartal vorgelegt.

Dabei verzeichnete der Finanzkonzern im Berichtszeitraum einen Nettogewinn von 4,80 Mrd. Dollar bzw. 1,09 Dollar je Aktie, nachdem man im Vorjahreszeitraum einen Nettogewinn von 2,72 Mrd. Dollar bzw. 28 Cents je Aktie verzeichnet hatte. Der Gesamtumsatz lag mit 25,61 Mrd. Dollar unter dem Vorjahreswert von 27,71 Mrd. Dollar. Im Berichtszeitraum wurde ein positiver Einmaleffekte in Höhe von 36 Cents in Zusammenhang mit geringeren Rückstellungen für faule Kredite sowie ein negativer steuerlicher Einmaleffekt von 14 Cents ausgewiesen.

Getragen wurde der kräftige Gewinnanstieg unter anderem durch eine deutlich reduzierte Risikovorsorge für faule Kredite. Diese konnte von 9,70 Mrd. Dollar im Vorjahreszeitraum auf 3,36 Mrd. Dollar deutlich verringert werden. Operativ verzeichnete der Bankkonzern vor allem in den Bereichen Investmentbanking, im Asset Management sowie im Firmenkundengeschäft deutliche Ergebniszuwächse.

Analysten hatten zuvor ein EPS von 70 Cents sowie einen Umsatz von 25,59 Mrd. Dollar erwartet.

Für das laufende Fiskaljahr liegen die Analystenschätzungen bei einem EPS von 81 Cents sowie einem Umsatz von 25,67 Mrd. Dollar.

Die Aktie von JPMorgan notierte zuletzt bei 40,35 Dollar. (15.07.2010/ac/n/a)  

15.07.10 17:29

139 Postings, 5363 Tage licht11moin

ich glaube nicht dass dieser gewinn netto ist,weil sie werden irgendwann die milliarden fuer wamu zurückgegen,sie haben sie als fauler credit von wamusparkasse genomen und fuer diese Bank als umsatz gerechnet(sagt man mindestens 28 milliarden.
entschuldigung ist einfach passiert.!!!  

27.07.10 13:06

2648 Postings, 5317 Tage KOMA80such put auf JPM


ich suche dringend einen PUT auf JPM! kann mir da einer von euch weiterhelfen?


16.08.10 21:06

542 Postings, 5323 Tage BrokerXLsolltet ihr euch mal durchlesen


Der WaMu Kauf wird sich am Ende vll doch nicht so supergut herausstellen und für JPM Aktionäre am Ende recht teuer wenn auch immer noch profitabel werden.  

20.08.10 11:33

7033 Postings, 5819 Tage dddidiKauf

Call auf JP Morgan CM29VQ ... zu 0,32 ?
"Regel eins lautet: Nie Geld verlieren. Regel zwei lautet: Vergesse nie die Regel Nummer eins." (Warren Buffett)

30.09.10 20:59

1535 Postings, 5237 Tage DerBärlinerdddidi

ein call? ein call auf jpm ist doch gleich zum scheitern verurteilt.. die aktie verliert seit wochen an wert.. und wenn die die aktionäre von wamu ihr geld bekommen dann wird das für jpm teuer..
koma.. hast du ein put auf jpm gefunden? das könnte dann doppelt geld bringen für uns!  

04.10.10 18:11

7033 Postings, 5819 Tage dddidiliebet Berliner ...

so ein Call ist ja kein Papier für die Ewigkeit ... er wurde in der Nähe des Tiefs zu 0,32 gekauft und zu 0,43 verkauft ... macht 34 % Gute ins Käschtle...
Gruß der Westfale
"Regel eins lautet: Nie Geld verlieren. Regel zwei lautet: Vergesse nie die Regel Nummer eins." (Warren Buffett)

13.10.10 13:08

25951 Postings, 8512 Tage Pichelzahlen

   dpa-AFX Broker - die Trader News von dpa-AFX
Bankraub ist ein Unternehmen für Dilettanten.
Wahre Profis gründen ein Bank.

19.10.10 20:08

4435 Postings, 5447 Tage kologeETF US-Banken

Hallo, da der einstiegskurs gerade günstig scheint,


kennt jemand einen ETF auf US-Banken?


01.11.10 20:28

54 Postings, 5546 Tage MatthiasBeSEF oder SKF

05.11.10 17:58

22764 Postings, 6073 Tage MaxgreeenJPM = 50% von der Fed

Die Medizin macht grosse Fortschritte, man kann sich seines Todes nicht mehr sicher sein.

30.11.10 16:51

5298 Postings, 5232 Tage cyphyteJ.P. Morgan Chase "overweight"

Barclays Capital - J.P. Morgan Chase "overweight"

14:35 11.11.10


London (aktiencheck.de AG) - Der Analyst von Barclays Capital, Jason M. Goldberg, stuft die J.P. Morgan Chase-Aktie (Profil) mit dem Rating "overweight" ein. Das Kursziel werde bei 60 USD gesehen. (Analyse vom 09.11.2010) (11.11.2010/ac/a/u)  

09.12.10 02:21

Clubmitglied, 38367 Postings, 6109 Tage TerasJPM Chase mit Staats-Knete gerettet:

Published: December 5, 2010
G.E. and JPMorgan Got Lots of Fed Help in ?08

"Newly disclosed records show that during the 2008 financial crisis, the Federal Reserve essentially lent $16.1 billion to General Electric by buying short-term corporate i.o.u.?s from the company at a time when the public market for such debt had nearly frozen.

And on Sept. 15, 2008, the day LEHMAN Brothers filed for bankruptcy protection, JPMorgan CHASE received a $3 billion loan from the Fed. The loan was extended under one of several Fed programs tapped by the Wall Street bank, one of the more robust financial institutions to weather the crisis.

The two companies received help even as their chief executives, Jeffrey R. IMMELT of G.E. and Jamie DIMON of JPMorgan, sat on the nine-member board of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

Neither executive was involved in creating the emergency programs, which were approved by the Fed?s board of governors in Washington. Both companies also disclosed that they were among scores of institutions that received support from the Fed. Nevertheless, some policy experts expressed discomfort with the situation.

?In my view, it is an obvious conflict of interest for C.E.O.?s of banks and large corporations who serve on the Fed?s board of directors to have received cheap loans from the Fed,? Senator Bernard SANDERS, a Vermont independent who wrote the legal provision requiring the Fed to make the disclosures, said in a statement on Sunday.

?While they got a huge amount of government support, small businesses are going bankrupt because they can?t receive affordable credit, workers are losing their homes to foreclosure, and consumers are being charged 25 percent to 30 percent interest rates on their credit cards by the very same banks that were bailed out,? he added"...

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09.12.10 02:41

Clubmitglied, 38367 Postings, 6109 Tage TerasJPMorgan CHASE im Geldwäsche-Verdacht:

Zwar schon etwas älter, aber jetzt wohl endlich SPRUCH-reif ist hoffentlich die folgende ANZEIGE noch vom Sommer diesen Jahres:

Montag, 5. Juli 2010 17:08

JP Morgan & Co.
Banken sollen Madoff-Geld gewaschen haben

"Der größte Betrugsfall in der Geschichte der Wall Street weitet sich aus: Die Opfer von Bernard MADOFF haben Anzeige gegen mehrere Finanzinstitute erstattet, darunter JP Morgan CHASE. Diese sollen Geld für den Betrüger gewaschen haben. Die Rede ist von gigantischen sechs Milliarden Dollar.

Betrogene Anleger des Milliardenschwindlers Bernard MADOFF verklagen nun auch die Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft KPMG sowie die Geldhäuser JP Morgan CHASE und Bank of New York Mellon. Die bei einem New Yorker Gericht eingereichte Klageschrift beschuldige die drei Unternehmen, eine zentrale Rolle in dem Betrugsfall gespielt zu haben, hieß es in einer Mitteilung der in Kalifornien ansässigen Anwaltskanzlei Cotchett, Pitre and McCarthy. Die Anzeige basiere auf einem Interview der Kanzlei mit dem inhaftierten MADOFF im Juli, Gesprächen mit ehemaligen Angestellten und monatelangen Recherchen.

Der Klageschrift zufolge soll JP Morgan Chase MADOFF geholfen haben, fast sechs Milliarden Dollar an Anlegergeldern zu waschen"...

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09.12.10 02:51

Clubmitglied, 38367 Postings, 6109 Tage Teras625 Mio U$-Dollar vor Beschlagnahme:

07.12.2010 18:35  
UPDATE 1-US seeks $625 mln from JPMorgan in Madoff case

"NEW YORK, Dec 7 [2010] (Reuters) - U.S. prosecutors sought forfeiture on Tuesday of $625 million from accounts at JPMorgan Chase traceable to the fraud of convicted swindler Bernard MADOFF, according to court papers.

The office of the Manhattan U.S. attorney said the money was paid to MADOFF associate Carl SHAPIRO and certain other people and entities. The filing in U.S. District Court in New York said the government 'intends to request that the funds be distributed to victims of the fraud.'

Last week in a separate civil action, the court-appointed trustee liquidating the MADOFF firm sued JP Morgan for $6.5 billion as part of his efforts to recover money for defrauded customers"...

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12.12.10 15:08

Clubmitglied, 38367 Postings, 6109 Tage TerasJPM Chase will Trust-Prefs abgreifen:

Dec 1, 2010 10:53 PM GMT+0100
JPMorgan Begins Trial to Hold Onto $4 Billion of Disputed WaMu Securities
By Steven CHURCH:

"JPMorgan Chase & Co. began a court fight for control of $4 billion in securities it claims to have acquired with the purchase Washington Mutual Inc.?s bank for $1.9 billion in 2008.

JPMorgan wants U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Mary F. Walrath in Wilmington, Delaware, to rule that investors got preferred stock in WaMu in exchange for the debt-like, trust-preferred securities when WaMu?s bank was seized by regulators. The Office of Thrift Supervision ordered the exchange to ensure that WaMu?s bank kept control of the securities, according to court records.

Walrath said she will rule on whether that exchange actually took place when she decides to approve or reject Seattle-based WaMu?s bankruptcy liquidation plan. Walrath will start a hearing on the plan tomorrow.

The judge today questioned one of the arguments of hedge funds claiming to own $1.1 billion of the securities. The funds said they still own the debt-like investments because WaMu didn?t create, register and deliver the stock they were supposed to get in exchange for the trust-preferred securities.

?That makes no sense,? Walrath told attorney Robert J. Stark, who is representing hedge fund managers including Black Horse Capital LP and Lonestar Partners LP.

JPMorgan argued that the exchange took place even though investors still have physical possession of the paper securities and never received stock certificates"...

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17.12.10 01:41

Clubmitglied, 38367 Postings, 6109 Tage TerasJPMorgan CHASE beiläufig überrundet:

Dec 16, 2010 10:22 PM GMT+0100
Wells Passes JPMorgan as Top U.S. Bank by Market Value

"Wells FARGO & Co., the San Francisco-based lender that doubled its size by buying Wachovia Corp. during the credit crisis, passed JPMorgan Chase & Co. to become the largest U.S. bank by stock-market value.

Wells Fargo?s market capitalization rose to $157.6 billion at today?s close of New York trading, surpassing JPMorgan?s $156.4 billion. Wells Fargo is ranked fourth by assets and deposits, while JPMorgan is second behind Bank of America Corp. and New York-based Citigroup Inc. is third.

Chief Executive Officer John STUMPF, 57, has used acquisitions to fuel growth at Wells Fargo. The lender completed more than 55 purchases in the past five years, led by its $12.7 billion takeover of WACHOVIA in October 2008, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Wells Fargo had $622.4 billion in assets in the quarter before it purchased Wachovia. It held $1.2 trillion in assets at the end of September.

Wells Fargo rose 0.8 percent to $30.02 at 4 p.m. in New York Stock Exchange composite trading. The shares have advanced 11 percent this year, compared with a loss of 4 percent at JPMorgan. The biggest stakeholder in Wells Fargo is Warren BUFFETT?s Berkshire Hathaway Inc"...

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17.12.10 01:56

Clubmitglied, 38367 Postings, 6109 Tage TerasJP Morgan Chase schließt Actien-Fonds:

23.12.10 22:50

Clubmitglied, 38367 Postings, 6109 Tage TerasMorgan Stanley sticht JPMorgan Chase aus:

December 23, 2010, 1:13 PM ET
Morgan Stanley Becomes Top Equity Banker, Besting JP Morgan

"Morgan Stanley (MS) is now the top banker for equity sales, after the bank took a 10.4% market share in 2010, according to Bloomberg. After cutting its rates significantly, Morgan Stanley arranged $72.7 billion worth of stock sales this year, including major General Motors (GM) and Citigroup (C) equity offerings. That gave it a 10.4% market share.

Morgan Stanley, however, charged the lowest rates of the top 10 banks this year, Bloomberg said, at an average 2.3%.

JP Morgan (JPM) and Goldman Sachs (GS) came in second and third respectively".

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26.12.10 09:19

Clubmitglied, 38367 Postings, 6109 Tage TerasSupreme Court: Abfuhr für JPMorgan Chase...

Supreme Court Judge Rejects JPMorgan Chase & Co.'s Motion to Dismiss Two Lawsuits

"A New York Supreme Court judge rejected JPMorgan's motion to dismiss two lawsuits brought earlier this year by Syncora Guarantee Inc. and Assured Guaranty.

The insurers' suits allege that the investment bank FRAUDULENTLY (=in betrügerischer Absicht) induced them to provide insurance coverage for Jefferson County, Ala.'s nearly $3.2 billion of failed variable-rate and auction-rate sewer warrants".

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28.12.10 00:09

Clubmitglied, 38367 Postings, 6109 Tage TerasJetzt CLASS-Action gg JPM Chase:

27.12.2010 18:35  
Cafferty Faucher LLP Files CLASS Action Lawsuit against JPMorgan CHASE and HSBC Alleging Manipulation of SILVER Bar Financial Products

"Cafferty Faucher LLP (www.caffertyfaucher.com) filed a lawsuit on behalf of a class that includes purchasers and sellers of the iShares Silver Trust (NYSE-Arca "SLV") and the ETF Securities Ltd. Silver Trust (NYSE-Arca "SIVR") during the period March 1, 2008 through the present.

The lawsuit alleges that JPMorgan, the custodian of silver backing SLV securities and the sub-custodian of silver backing SIVR securities, and HSBC, the custodian of silver backing the SIVR securities, manipulated and suppressed the price of silver bar financial products, including SLV and SIVR, in violation of Section 9 of the Securities Exchange Act.

If you purchased or sold the iShares Silver Trust ETF (NYSE-Arca "SLV") or the ETF Securities Silver Trust (NYSE-Arca "SIVR") securities during the period March 1, 2008 through the present, you may move the Court to serve as lead plaintiff within 60 days. The lawsuit, Case No. 1:10-cv-07768, was filed in the Northern District of Illinois on December 7, 2010 and is currently assigned to the Honorable Charles R. Norgle, Sr.

The case is also brought on behalf of investors who purchased or sold CME Group Inc's "COMEX" silver futures or options contracts which are traded electronically through the Chicago-based "GLOBEX" platform and through COMEX. On behalf of these investors, the lawsuit alleges violations of the anti-manipulation provisions of the Commodity Exchange Act.

In addition to the claims under the anti-manipulation provisions of the Securities Exchange Act and the Commodity Exchange Act, the lawsuit also alleges that defendants violated federal antitrust law.

Cafferty Faucher LLP (www.caffertyfaucher.com), with offices in Chicago, Philadelphia and Ann Arbor, Michigan, is a national litigation firm that represents investors, businesses and consumers who have been injured by illegal marketplace practices"...

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30.12.10 14:22

Clubmitglied, 38367 Postings, 6109 Tage TerasJPM Chase schon wieder verklagt:

30.12.2010 00:44  
BRIEF - JPMorgan sued by receiver for convicted Ponzi schemer Petters

"Dec 29 (Reuters) - JPMorgan Chase&Co:

* Others sued by receiver for convicted ponzi schemer tom petters, petters group worldwide -- court filing

* Receiver accuses defendants of receiving more than $300 million from petters' multi-billion-dollar ponzi scheme

* Receiver says JPMorgan knew or should have known that money in petters' accounts was derived from FRAUD"...

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