Das habe ich als erstes geschrieben: Thank you very much for your fast reply! For my side, I don't have any doubts, that Asiapac is a fake company.I also sead this to Mr. Vergel. A couple of shareholders are just trying to get validated Information of the operativ business of Asiapac. I think it would help a lot, if the shareholders would know a little bit about the shareholder struktur, or which investors Asiapac has or are potenial investors for the future. Another concern that a lot of shareholders have, is that in the financial report the other sectors aren't listed, for example Rodeo Drive or Green Renewable Energy. I thought they belong to Asiapac.
A couple of other shareholders and myself are willing to make Asiapac a little bit more transparent, so that the concerned shareholders have a little bit more feath in Asiapac.
Thank you very much an best regards Darauf folgende Antwort: Von: info@asiapaccapital.ca Betreff: asiapac Datum: 4. Mai 2011 12:37:43 MESZ An: marxx Antwort an: info@asiapaccapital.ca hi, the financial statement of Asiapac Capital is the consolidated statement for all the companies including Asiapac Green Renewable and its fiscal period is ending End Aug 2010. Rodeo Drive Company was acquired after Aug 31, 2010 thus the revenue will be reflected in the financial statement of Asiapac Aug 31,2011. the financial statement for 2011 should have a good revenue.
-------------------------------------------------- mail2web.com – Enhanced email for the mobile individual based on Microsoft® Exchange - http://link.mail2web.com/Personal/EnhancedEmail Mail No. 2: Dear Sir or Madam,
in your latest news (18.4.2011) you are writing, that you will integrating 30% of your companys into Asiapac. Will there then be a raise of the outstanding shares? As I can take from your website, the total number of outstanding shares stands at 245,847,823 shares?
Thanks for your Information Antwort: Von: info@asiapaccapital.ca Betreff: asiapac Datum: 4. Mai 2011 15:21:48 MESZ An: marxx Antwort an: info@asiapaccapital.ca hi as of today the total number of shares issued is 245m, our accountant are still finalizing the valuation of the 30% ownership of those companies, then we will inform our shareholder the net effect on the shares.
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