Warum nicht?

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neuester Beitrag: 02.12.10 15:54
eröffnet am: 24.06.10 11:07 von: damianar198. Anzahl Beiträge: 13
neuester Beitrag: 02.12.10 15:54 von: Kleine_prinz Leser gesamt: 7954
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24.06.10 11:07

10 Postings, 5220 Tage damianar1984Warum nicht?



kennt jemand diese Firma? Warum ist sie so schlecht bewertet, obwohl andauernd neue positive News folgen? Kommt noch eine Wende?


Gestern haben die wieder erfolgreich 2 neue Aufträge an Land geholt, s. news auf




Sepura radios aid Mexican municipality in war on drugs   Published on 23/06/2010  

The municipality of Mazatlan in  Mexico has selected Sepura TETRA radios for its public safety  organisations. The contract with Mazatlan’s municipal authorities, the  Secretaría de Seguridad Pública y Tránsito Municipal de Mazatlán,  Sinaloa (SSPyTMM), was closed by Sepura’s Mexican partner Exsertel S.A.  de C.V.

Mazatlan is the premier tourist destination in the Mexican  state of Sinaloa and one of the key states in the war against the drug  trade in the country. The municipality needed a new radio solution to  ensure effective and secure communications – and remove the risk of  eavesdropping — for its municipal police in the entirety of its  territory. Sepura radios will operate on municipal-wide TETRA  infrastructure provided by Rohde & Schwarz.

Jesús Antonio  Moreno Tapia from SSPyTMM commented: “By enabling Automatic Vehicle  Location (AVL), the GPS option available in Sepura’s STP8000 and STP8100 hand-portables  will enhance operational efficiency and improve officer safety. The  hand-portables and the SRG gateways’ high RF power is a perfect fit for  our specific coverage requirements. Furthermore, Sepura’s revolutionary  Man-Down functionality — which triggers an alert when the radio detects  ‘non typical’ user movement — is a crucial new safety feature for all  our police officers, in particular when working alone”. Mr Tapia added:  “The Bluetooth functionality of Sepura’s hand-portables will enable  future implementation of remote data projects and the ability to deal  with events more effectively by sending pictures of fingerprints,  criminals or missing persons over the TETRA network”.

Juan Carlos  Calderón Tapia, Operations Manager at Exsertel said: ”The Mazatlan TETRA  project is an example of Sepura’s ability to exceed customer  requirements and expectations: not only were the radios delivered and  configured on time, but Sepura’s radio design will allow our customers  to develop applications for their network. Choosing these radios  promises undoubtedly the best return on investment.” Mr Calderon  continued: “This is the third operational public safety TETRA network in  Mexico – but the first one to comprise a complete fleet of Sepura  radios in operation and to include interconnectivity with the National  Security System. The Mazatlan network is prestigious and pivotal as it  is viewed as a pilot project for the deployment of a nation-wide TETRA  network”.

Mazatlán is the second largest city in the Mexican state  of Sinaloa located on the Pacific coast.  Its surrounding municipality  has a population 403,888 and is also called Mazatlán. The city was  founded in 1531, and by the mid-1800s became a thriving commercial  seaport, importing equipment for the nearby gold and silver mines.  Besides being a very popular tourist destination, Mazatlán is Mexico's  largest commercial port.



The German state of Saarland chooses Sepura TETRA radios   Published on 23/06/2010  

The Government of the German Federal  State of Saarland has announced the award of the contract for their  entire fleet of 4,000 TETRA radios to Sepura’s partner in Germany,  Selectric Nachrichten-Systeme GmbH.  Sepura’s radios will be supplied to  all of the Police, Fire Brigades and Rescue Services in Saarland.

Patrik  Schlicker, Project Manager for Saarland’s Ministry of the Interior,  commented: “With one European-wide tender we have been able to complete  successfully the procurement of TETRA radios for all public safety users  in Saarland. After a thorough evaluation of all the bids received, we  selected Sepura radios because of their superior price-performance.  We  are confident that we will be providing our users with the best TETRA  radios on the market today.”

Saarland chose Sepura’s STP  hand-portable and SRG mobile gateway radios and became the first German  state to select the new Sepura Colour Console (SCC) for the mobile  radios.  The SCC has a large high resolution colour screen which allows  the display of high quality photographs and maps and introduces three  text mode sizes and a new ‘night mode’ which reduces glare — ideal when  driving at night. In addition, it offers high levels of water and dust  protection (reflected in its IP67 rating) which enable it to withstand  submersion in water and make it ideal for installations on motorbikes  and fire engines. Configuration and management of all TETRA radios will  be carried out with Radio  Manager, Sepura’s advanced client server operational support tool  which allows users to connect to a number of Sepura TETRA terminals  simultaneously.

Service and training will be provided locally by  Selectric thus ensuring the smooth implementation of digital  communications for all public safety users in Saarland.

Hendrik  Pieper, General Manager of Selectric said: “This is the ninth German  federal state to choose Sepura radios, which is significant for an SME  (Small Medium Enterprise) business like ours – these contracts help us  strengthen the local economy and provide job security for our  work-force”.

Kasper Barfoed, Regional Director for Sepura  commented: “This prestigious win is yet more evidence of the efficiency  of Selectric and Sepura’s partnership – together we have established  market leadership in the largest TETRA market in the world.” Mr Barfoed  added:”The following figures speak for themselves: Sepura and Selectric  have won national tenders in 9 of the 13 German federal states bringing  our German market share to a staggering 61%”.

Sepura TETRA radios  are already in use in the German states of Baden Wurttemberg, Bavaria,  Bremen, Hamburg, Niedersachsen, Northrhein Westphalia, Saxony and Saxony  Anhalt.



02.09.10 08:42

6635 Postings, 5644 Tage Kleine_prinzTETRA Moving Forward In India ;-)


2 December 2010
TETRA Moving Forward In India - Mumbai

Delegates attending the conference will benefit not only from a variety of presentations delivered by TETRA’s industry experts but also by end users. In addition, the exhibition will provide delegates with the opportunity to see proven and innovative TETRA products, to meet with industry experts and to network with fellow users.

The conference and exhibition is free to all delegates that register in advance. For registration please go to www.tetra-association.com.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "«urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office»" /><o:p></o:p>



02.09.10 08:45

6635 Postings, 5644 Tage Kleine_prinzMexico City selects Sepura :-))

Mexico City selects Sepura to assist in major earthquake drill
Published on 10/08/2010


On April 19th this year the Mexican authorities carried out a simulation of the effects on Mexico City of an earthquake measuring 8.1 on the Richter scale. 

Sepura radios were installed in Mexico City Police’s command and control centre — the official crisis room for disaster recovery co-ordination — run by the capital’s head of government and the chief of police. 

Mexico City’s public safety organisations, civil protection agencies and personnel from the metro system that serves the metropolitan area of Mexico City were all actively involved in this operation.  The purpose of this exercise was to evaluate response times, and the adequacy and speed of deployment of all available resources. 

The Secretaría de Seguridad Pública del Distrito Federal (SSP-DF), the co-ordinating authority, made the decision to carry out this large scale drill following the high magnitude earthquake which struck Chile in February this year.  Mexico City has itself experienced many similar earthquakes, the last being the devastating 1985 earthquake, which caused untold casualties and destruction.

SSP-DF deployed multiple command positions using Sepura’s SRG mobile gateway radios in the command centre in plaza Tlaxcoaque, located in the historic centre of Mexico City.  During the drill several response teams were despatched to a variety of simulated emergencies: a collapsed bridge, a metro train crash and even the destruction of the Angel, Mexico City’s famous monument to independence.  The overall operation lasted over two hours and was declared a complete success by all the public safety organisations and agencies involved.

Juan Carlos Calderón Tapia from Exsertel S.A. de C.V. a subsidiary of Sepura’s distributor ConexisCom México S.A. de C.V. commented: “Sepura radios were selected because of their ease and flexibility of installation. In addition, the radios’ available accessories, and specifically the virtual console which can be embedded in all the centre’s computer screens, make them ideal for a command and control environment where space is always at a premium”.

Ing. Edgar González Cruz from SSP-DF said: “Preparing for and dealing with major disaster recovery operations in a megalopolis like Mexico City with over 20 million inhabitants requires co-ordination at the highest level. There are no words to convey the vital importance of communications between the control centre and all parties involved in events of such a scale. We need the peace of mind that the communication equipment we use is fit for purpose, reliable and will ultimately enable us to save as many lives as possible in the devastating circumstances of a major natural disaster like a high magnitude earthquake”.



02.09.10 08:46

6635 Postings, 5644 Tage Kleine_prinzTETRA Moving Forward In Brazil :-)

TETRA Moving Forward In Brazil


Delegates attending the conference will benefit not only from a variety of presentations delivered by TETRA’s industry experts but also by end users. In addition, the exhibition will provide delegates with the opportunity to see proven and innovative TETRA products, to meet with industry experts and to network with fellow users.


The conference and exhibition is free to all delegates that register in advance. For registration please go to www.tetra-association.com.




02.09.10 08:53

6635 Postings, 5644 Tage Kleine_prinzTETRA Moving Forward In Argentina :-)

23 September 2010

TETRA Moving Forward In Argentina


Delegates attending the conference will benefit not only from a variety of presentations delivered by TETRA’s industry experts but also by end users. In addition, the exhibition will provide delegates with the opportunity to see proven and innovative TETRA products, to meet with industry experts and to network with fellow users.


The conference and exhibition is free to all delegates that register in advance. For registration please go to www.tetra-association.com.



Das ist nur ein kleiner vorgeschmack was uns hier noch erwarten kann ;-)

Ich schätze es wird nicht lange dauern und Sepura wird ihr alten hochs wieder erlangen ;-)

Viel Glück ;-)


03.09.10 09:25

9 Postings, 5321 Tage corsoKurs

Wird auch Zeit das der Kurs steigt. Genau solche Nachrichten brauchen wir.


03.09.10 15:09

6635 Postings, 5644 Tage Kleine_prinzSepura contract wins in Denmark ;-)))

Sepura reaps success in Denmark ;-)))

3 September 2010

Sepura announces two major contract wins in Denmark: Billund Airport and Sønderborg Fire and Rescue.



03.09.10 15:20

6635 Postings, 5644 Tage Kleine_prinzEs scheint das der Aktionär recht behält :-)

Mal sehen wann wir die 1,00 EUR ereichen ;-)

 Sepura "strong buy"

Kulmbach (aktiencheck.de AG) - Die Experten vom Anlegermagazin "Der Aktionär" stufen die Aktie von Sepura (ISIN GB00B1ZBLD47/ WKN A0MNLL) mit "strong buy" ein.

In weiten Teilen Europas werde noch mit der veralteten analogen Technik gefunkt. Schon vor Jahren habe bei der öffentlichen Hand ein Umdenken begonnen, aber erst jetzt komme die Modernisierung hin zu digitalem Funk in Gange. Dieser Markt werde von Motorola, EADS und Sepura dominiert.

Sepura konzentriere sich ausschließlich auf den so genannten Tetra-Standard. Das bringe Erfolg: Kaum eine Woche vergehe, ohne dass das Unternehmen einen neuen Auftrag erhalte. Die öffentliche Hand vergebe die lukrativsten, weil größten Aufträge. Hier setze sich Sepura regelmäßig gegen die großen Konkurrenten Motorola und EADS durch.

Beobachter aus der Finanzbranche sähen in dem Titel ein Top-Investment. Nach Ansicht der Experten sei das Unternehmen gut aufgestellt, um an der Digitalisierung des Funks überdurchschnittlich zu verdienen. Das 2011er-KGV liege bei 7.

Die Aktie von Sepura wird von den Experten von "Der Aktionär" mit "strong buy" eingestuft. Das Kursziel sehe man bei 1,00 EUR und ein Stoppkurs werde bei 0,34 EUR empfohlen. (Ausgabe 22) (31.05.2010/ac/a/a)

Offenlegung von möglichen Interessenskonflikten: Mögliche Interessenskonflikte können Sie auf der Site des Erstellers/ der Quelle der Analyse einsehen.


Europas beste Tech-Aktie ;-))



20.10.10 17:26

649 Postings, 5548 Tage Chartlingerna aber jetzt mal ehrlich

hier tut sich doch mal seit monaten gar nix :-(

immer um 0,49 -0,50 thats all :-(


22.10.10 12:22

9 Postings, 5321 Tage corsoEtwas News, vielleicht hilfts ;)


Sepura launches 1.8W Tetra radio board


Wednesday 20 October 2010 | 15:27 CET

Tetra equipment supplier Sepura has launched a 1.8W  Tetra radio board SRB8000 at TalkTetra 2010, Sepura's channel partner  conference. The SRB8000 is a voice and data capable Tetra radio board.  The SRB8000 has been designed for integration within third-party  products to provide services for a range of applications including  automatic meter reading, mobile computing, traffic management systems  and telemetry. The SRB8000 allows third-party applications to send and  receive information, using voice, multi-slot packet and circuit mode  data, Status or SDS messaging services. The SRB8000 is fully compatible  with all Tetra infrastructures, and by offering Tetra Air Interface  Encryption it can enable third-party products to operate on secure Tetra  networks. It has a customisable RF power with up to 1.8 Watts in  trunked and direct mode. System integrators can add Tetra capability in a  straightforward manner and communicate using industry standard AT  commands to send status and SDS text messages as well as open a packet  data connection and allow internet and intranet connectivity or to set  up or answer a voice call. Developed with the Tetra data market in mind,  the SRB8000 is aimed at specialist service providers and systems  integrators whose target markets include police, fire and ambulance and  also at data service providers for the transport and utility sectors.



25.11.10 08:50

120 Postings, 5449 Tage Hunter20novup

Quelle http://www.investegate.co.uk/Article.aspx?id=201011250700097798W




Operational Highlights:

·           69,000 radios delivered to customers in 68 countries

·           Germany: Significant contract win in Rheinland-Pfalz for 36,000 radios

·           Netherlands: Refresh cycle commences in line with the UK model

·           Pipeline: Framework contracts now provide a pipeline of over 100,000 radios for future delivery

·           Key milestones achieved in development of DMR platform

Financial Highlights:

·           Trading in line with expectations, with the usual weighting of revenues to H2

·           Revenue up 3% on constant currency basis

·           Gross margin of 44.3%, compared to 45.3% for the second half of FY10, reflecting expected changes to product mix and framework contracts

·           Continued investment in R&D and routes to market led to 2% increase in cash opex

·           EBITDA of £6.1m

·           Closing net cash increased by £3.7m from the year end to £5.4m

·           Interim dividend increased 7% to 0.45p per share  

02.12.10 15:27

6635 Postings, 5644 Tage Kleine_prinzInteressant dividend increased 7% to 0.45p share

02.12.10 15:54

6635 Postings, 5644 Tage Kleine_prinzSepura Quick Facts ;-))

Sepura PLC 6-month Profit Declines - Quick Facts

11/25/2010 3:07 AM ET

(RTTNews) - Sepura PLC (SEPU.L: News ) Thursday posted a decrease in profit for the six month ended 1 October 2010, hurt by a combination of reduced operating profit and wider financial expense losses.

Profit for the period attributable to equity holders totaled GBP 593 thousand compared to GBP 2.15 million in the year-ago period.

On a per share basis, earnings was 0.4 pence versus 1.6 pence last year.

Adjusted earnings attributable to ordinary shareholders decreased to GBP 1.00 million from GBP 1.57 million for the same period last year.

Excluding the impact of non-cash items, namely capitalizing research and development costs, the IFRS2 share option cost and marking open forward contracts to market rates, adjusted EPS declined to 0.7 pence from 1.1 pence prior year.

Total revenue slightly dropped to GBP 31.5 from GBP 31.6 million for the comparable period last year.

The Group's results are increasingly subject to the strength or weakness of the Euro relative to Sterling as the proportion of overseas business grows. The period under review has seen significant volatility in the Euro / Sterling exchange rate, which was 1.124 at the end of March 2010 and reached a high of 1.235 during June before strengthening to 1.154 at the end of September.

by RTT Staff Writer



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