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January 2017 Newsletter
December 2016 Quarterly Activities Report
Group gold production of 31,367 ounces at an AISC of A$1,464/oz (US$1,098/oz*) (Guidance A$1,100/oz or US$825/oz*). It should be noted that the AISC calculation uses gold sold rather than gold produced, with 25,528 ounces sold in the Quarter and 5,839 ounces on hand at Quarter’s end. First Half FY2017 Group gold production of 67,546 ounces at an AISC of A$1,131/oz (US$848/oz*), on track to meet annual Guidance of 135,000 ounces Mt Magnet
Blackmans open pit - open pit set-up work completed, production commenced Water Tank Hill underground - approvals received, decline rehab commenced Stellar open pits - upgraded Mineral Resource announced in December 2016 Mt Magnet Exploration - Mineral Resource modelling underway at Morning Star following further positive RC drilling results (see Exploration section), including; o 15m @ 3.49 g/t Au from 111m in GXRC1520, incl. 5m @ 6.25 g/t Au
o 4m @ 20.21 g/t Au from 113m in GXRC1525, incl. 1m @ 75.5 g/t Au
Upgraded Mineral Resource to 854,000 tonnes @ 7.2 g/t for 198,000 ounces, an increase of 45,000 ounces (24%) over previous, after including production-to-date PRODUCTION GUIDANCE – MARCH 2017 QUARTER
Group gold production for the March 2017 Quarter is expected to be 30-34,000 ounces at an AISC of ~A$1,100/oz (US$825/oz*) Capital development expenditure of approximately A$10.0M: o Water Tank Hill underground development (Mt Magnet) - A$6.0M o Exploration (Mt Magnet & Vivien) - A$4.0M
Quarterly gold sales A$41.0M at an average sale price of A$1,604/oz Cash & gold on hand increased to A$95.0M (Sep-16 Qtr: A$88.7M), after A$7.4M capital development expenditure comprising Blackmans open pit set-up (A$0.3M), Water Tank Hill decline rehab (A$3.7M) & exploration (A$3.4M) At 31 December 2016, forward gold sales consisted of 97,009 ounces of gold at an average price of A$1,673/oz over the period to June 2018 Nil corporate debt