SHGZ: Super High Grades- 1m @ 6770g Au

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eröffnet am: 24.08.07 20:06 von: DasMünz Anzahl Beiträge: 43
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24.08.07 20:06

1992 Postings, 6736 Tage DasMünzSHGZ: Super High Grades- 1m @ 6770g Au

ASX:RMS. Ramelius Resources ist ein australischer Goldproduzent und hat heute beeindruckene Bohrergebnisse veröffentlicht.  
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17 Postings ausgeblendet.

19.01.17 21:46

45 Postings, 3665 Tage W8ING4mal schauen..

läuft bisher ganz gut...  

01.02.17 00:58

467 Postings, 4570 Tage Kurt1989Quartalszahlen

Hey wie findest ihr die Quartalszahlen

January 2017 Newsletter

December 2016 Quarterly Activities Report


Group gold production of 31,367 ounces at an AISC of A$1,464/oz (US$1,098/oz*) (Guidance A$1,100/oz or US$825/oz*).  It should be noted that the AISC calculation uses gold sold rather than gold produced, with 25,528 ounces sold in the Quarter and 5,839 ounces on hand at Quarter’s end.
First Half FY2017 Group gold production of 67,546 ounces at an AISC of A$1,131/oz (US$848/oz*), on track to meet annual Guidance of 135,000 ounces
Mt Magnet

Blackmans open pit - open pit set-up work completed, production commenced
Water Tank Hill underground - approvals received, decline rehab commenced
Stellar open pits - upgraded Mineral Resource announced in December 2016
Mt Magnet Exploration - Mineral Resource modelling underway at Morning Star following further positive RC drilling results (see Exploration section), including;
               o   15m @ 3.49 g/t Au from 111m in GXRC1520, incl. 5m @ 6.25 g/t Au

               o   4m @ 20.21 g/t Au from 113m in GXRC1525, incl. 1m @ 75.5 g/t Au


Upgraded Mineral Resource to 854,000 tonnes @ 7.2 g/t for 198,000 ounces, an increase of 45,000 ounces (24%) over previous, after including production-to-date

Group gold production for the March 2017 Quarter is expected to be 30-34,000 ounces at an AISC of ~A$1,100/oz (US$825/oz*)
Capital development expenditure of approximately A$10.0M:
                o   Water Tank Hill underground development (Mt Magnet) - A$6.0M
                o   Exploration (Mt Magnet & Vivien) - A$4.0M


Quarterly gold sales A$41.0M at an average sale price of A$1,604/oz
Cash & gold on hand increased to A$95.0M (Sep-16 Qtr: A$88.7M), after A$7.4M capital development expenditure comprising Blackmans open pit set-up (A$0.3M), Water Tank Hill decline rehab (A$3.7M) & exploration (A$3.4M)
At 31 December 2016, forward gold sales consisted of 97,009 ounces of gold at an average price of A$1,673/oz over the period to June 2018
Nil corporate debt  

13.04.17 11:41

45 Postings, 3665 Tage W8ING4klingt nicht so gut...

12 April 2017
For Immediate Release
Ramelius Resources Limited (ASX:RMS) advises that it produced a total of 28,083 ounces
in the March 2017 Quarter, from the Company?s operations in Western Australia. A brief
update on operational, development and corporate activities follow.
? Group quarterly production of 28,083 ounces (Guidance: 30-34,000 ounces)
o Mt Magnet contribution of 17,774 ounces
o Vivien contribution of 10,309 ounces
? Given gold production was below the Guidance range, the unit costs (AISC/oz) are
expected to be higher than Guidance of A$1,100/oz (US$825/oz)
? Vivien underground - new Reserves generated extending mine life to late 2019
? Water Tank Hill underground - rehab completed, ore body to be intersected in May
? Stellar/Stellar West, Brown Hill, Vegas & Shannon (Mt Magnet) - updated
Reserves announced & multi-pit mining proposal, including Milky Way, submitted
to DMP for approval
? Cash and gold on hand was A$90.2M at end of Quarter (Dec 2016 Qtr: A$95.0M),
impacted by higher capital expenditure this Quarter
? A$9.5M expenditure on capital development in the Quarter at;
o Water Tank Hill rehab & decline development (Mt Magnet) - A$4.6M
o Exploration - A$4.9M
? At 31 March 2017, forward gold sales consisted of 80,000 ounces of gold at an
average price of A$1,690/oz over the period to June 2018
Ramelius Managing Director, Mark Zeptner today said:
?A tougher Quarter for the operations team, with Vivien completing a cemented backfill
program to fit in with the new mine plan and the Blackman?s open pit under-performing on
grade somewhat. Considering also some rain delays and a 2-day ball mill bearing failure
late in the Quarter which was subsequently rectified, the result was our first miss on
Guidance in over 3 years. Despite this, with Vivien back into stope production and Water
Tank Hill due to hit ore in May, we are confident of bouncing back above the 30koz
production level in the June 2017 Quarter.
In terms of exploration, we continue to return some excellent results from our Mt Magnet
operation and look forward to the commencement of deeper drilling at Vivien this Quarter.
We are also due to update our Life-of-Mine plan shortly with additional resources and
reserves recently announced to be included.?
Further details will be available in the full quarterly report later this month.
For further information contact:
Mark Zeptner Duncan Gordon
Managing Director Executive Director
Ramelius Resources Limited Adelaide Equity Partners  

27.04.17 18:49

45 Postings, 3665 Tage W8ING4Umstellung des Junior Gold Miners ETFs

Die Umstellung des Junior Gold Miners ETFs sorgte auch bei Ramelius für heftige Abschläge. Der Index Flows (Shares) wurde einem Downweight  um 47,950,00 Shares an.12 Volumentagen unterzogen. Das erklärt den Absturz. Hat also nicht direkt mit der Unternehmensqualität zu tun. Die Erholung wird schnell folgen. Heute gleich einmal 10 %..
Andere Werte wie z.B. Evolution Mining Ltd, und Northern Star wurden in der gleichen Zeit stark aufgestockt.
Generell wirft dieses Umschichten der ETF´s doch die Frage auf, was geschieht wenn sich der ETF-Boom fortsetzt sodass ETFs weiter massiv an Kapital hinzugewinnen, dann steigen beinahe alle Aktien eines Index im Gleichschritt - und zwar unabhängig, wie sich diese fundamental entwickeln. Dies kann nicht Sinn und Zweck einer Anlage in Aktien sein.  

19.09.17 08:38

12091 Postings, 2820 Tage VassagoRMS.AX 0,405 A$ kauft neue Mine

Ramelius Resources kauft für bis zu 90 Mio. A$ die Edna May Goldmine von Evolution Mining:  

10.10.17 11:30

12091 Postings, 2820 Tage VassagoRMS.AX 0,4025 A$

Ramelius Resources hat in Q3/17 rund 33 koz Gold produziert:  

30.10.17 15:05

12091 Postings, 2820 Tage VassagoRMS.AX 0,38 A$

Ramelius Resources verbessert seinen Produktionsausblick durch die zugekaufte Edna May Mine

"For the 2018 financial year, Ramelius was expecting to produce between 195 000 oz and 205 000 oz, at an AISC of between A$1 100/oz and A$1 200/oz."


31.01.18 09:50

12091 Postings, 2820 Tage VassagoRMS.AX 0,43 A$

26.02.18 11:44

12091 Postings, 2820 Tage VassagoRMS.AX 0,465 A$

09.04.18 19:23

12091 Postings, 2820 Tage VassagoRMS 0,54 A$ (+3%)

Ramelius Resources meldet Produktionszahlen für das März-Quartal 2018


10.07.18 13:30

12091 Postings, 2820 Tage VassagoRMS.AX 0,57 A$

Ramelius Resources meldet Produktionszahlen für das Juni-Quartal 2018

  • Jun-Q ~ 58 koz Gold
  • FY2018 ~ 208 koz Gold
  • innerhalb seiner Prognose von 205-215 koz Gold


30.08.18 17:04

12091 Postings, 2820 Tage VassagoRMS.AX 0,49 A$ (+5%)

Ramelius Resources meldet Zahlen für FY18


  • Gold production up 66% to a record 208,118 ounces (2017: 125,488oz)
  • Revenue up 73% to a record A$341.8M (2017: A$197.4M)
  • EBITDA* up 50% to A$127.0M (2017: A$84.7M)
  • Net profit before tax up 81% to A$45.5M (2017: A$25.1M)
  • Net profit after tax up 74% to A$30.8M (2017: A$17.7M)
  • Debt-free with reported net cash and bullion of A$95.5M1
  • FY2019 Guidance 200?220,000koz at an AISC of A$1,150?$1,250/oz


18.09.18 11:32

12091 Postings, 2820 Tage VassagoRMS.AX 0,48 A$ (+5%)

12.11.18 16:07

12091 Postings, 2820 Tage VassagoRMS.AX 0,39 A$ (-5%(

13.12.18 16:23

12091 Postings, 2820 Tage VassagoRMS.AX 0,435 A$

Ramelius bessert sein Angebot erneut nach

  • The new offer valued Explaurum shares at 13.4c each


05.02.19 12:15

12091 Postings, 2820 Tage VassagoRMS.AX 0,565 A$

Ramelius meldet Produktionszahlen für das Dezember-Quartal 2018

  • 2018 Dez-Q ~52,6 koz zu AISC von 1190 A$/oz
  • 2019 Mar-Q ~45-50 koz zu AISC 1150-1250 A$/oz
  • 2019 FY ~ 190-210 koz Gold zu 1150-1250$/oz


24.08.20 09:15

436 Postings, 5980 Tage klklklklRamelius Resources: FY20 Financial Results Present

01.03.25 23:23

111 Postings, 873 Tage maciek1981Halbjahresfinanzbericht vom Dezember 2024


Anhang 4D und Halbjahresfinanzbericht vom Dezember 2024:

Erstaunliches Wachstum hat das Unternehmen im Jahr 2024 erreicht.  

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