Oxiana will Agincourt?

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eröffnet am: 08.03.07 21:14 von: sandlerfan74 Anzahl Beiträge: 66
neuester Beitrag: 08.08.08 12:41 von: kjelly Leser gesamt: 9609
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08.03.07 21:14

258 Postings, 6824 Tage sandlerfan74Oxiana will Agincourt?

Hallo Leute!

Erstmal melde ich mich aus dem Urlaub zurück, viel zu kurz!
Ich habe einen Schrieb von meiner Bank erhalten, dass -wenn ich möchte- meine Agincourt-Stücke WKN A0b9he gegen welche von Oxiana Ltd WKN 866696 zu tauschen (Leider nicht 1:1)
Für eine Agincourt erhält man 0,65 Stk Oxiana. Das Angebot ist aber nur gültig bei einer Annahme von mindestens 90% des Gesamtkapitals. Oxiana hält dezeit 19,9% Ich würde gerne die Meinung von anderen Agincourt-Aktionären hierzu wissen.

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40 Postings ausgeblendet.

13.06.08 09:33

880 Postings, 6549 Tage kjellyendlich ? mal eine Kursänderung

Scheint so, als ob ZINIFEX und OXIANA die "Talfahrt" beenden wollten.
Wird auch Zeit !  

13.06.08 09:46

9596 Postings, 6515 Tage TykoOxiana nimmt Prod. in Sepon wieder auf.


Metals Review 11.06. - Entscheidung der Fed am 25. Juni zu den Leitzinsen

12.06.2008 - Rohstoffe-Go - Stuttgart (www.rohstoffe-go.de) Die an der LME gehandelten Basismetalle schlossen gestern uneinheitlich. Am Morgen sorgte steigende Lagerbestände für sinkende Preise, die Verluste konnten jedoch am Nachmittag durch einen schwächeren US-Dollar grösstenteils wieder wettgemacht werden. Der US-Dollar wurde durch Ausagen von EZB-Ratsmitglied Stark über mögliche Leitzinserhöhungen in der Euro-Zone unter Druck gesetzt. Die Nachrichten aus der Industrie waren bullisch, bedeutende Konjunkturdaten Mangelware. China konnte im Mai unerwarteterweise von einem deutlichen Anstieg der Exporte profitieren. Die durch die chinesische Regierung eingeleiteten Maßnahmen zur Inflationsbekämpfung scheinen sich bis zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt nicht negativ auf die Wirtschaftsaktivität auszuwirken. Die Fed veröffentlichte am Mittwoch das "Beige Book", indem weiter ein recht düsteres Bild der US-Konjunktur gezeichnet wird. Insbesondere der Immobilienmarkt stehe weiter unter erheblichem Druck. Sowohl die Industrie als auch die Verbraucher haben mit den starken Preiserhöhungen bei Energie und Rohstoffen wie Metallen und chemischen Vorprodukten zu kämpfen. Die amerikanische Notenbank hat ihre Warnung vor der hohen Inflation in dem Bericht weiter verschärft. In diesem Zusammenhang wird mit Spannung die Entscheidung der Fed am 25. Juni zu den Leitzinsen in den USA erwartet. Norilsk Nickel und Rusal stehen in Verhandlungen über eine mögliche Fusion. Dies würde zur Enstehung eines neuen Giganten auf dem Metallmarkt führen.


Kupfer mit plus 0,7% auf $7.920. Die chinesichen Kupferimporte gingen im Mai um 19,2% zurück, was aufgrund der hohen Kupferpreise nicht verwundern dürfte. Minenarbeiter der Cananea Kupfermine lieferten sich am Dienstag Straasenschlachten mit der Polizei vor dem mexikanischem Arbeitsministerium. Oxiana gab bekannt, die Kupferproduktion in der Sepon Kupfermine in Laos wieder aufgenommen zu haben. Aluminium gibt leicht um 0,2% auf $2.960 nach. Alcoa beklagt Produktionsausfälle in Australien aufgrund der Schwierigkeiten  mit Benzinlieferungen in der Provinz Western Australia. Zink mit minus 0,7% auf $1.920. Blei verbilligt sich um 4,3% auf $1.880. Nickel mit minus 0,8% auf $23.200. Zinn kann um 0,6% auf 21.500 zulegen.
Die indonesische Regierung plant, ein Limit für die jährliche Zinnproduktion in Höhe von 100.000 Tonnen durchzusetzen. Die Stahlfutures wurden gestern nicht gehandelt. Rio Tinto muss sich mit einem Review der Verträge über  das Simandou Eisenerzprojekt in Guinea mit einem Investitionsvolumen über 6 Milliarden USD auseinandersetzen.


Die Edelmetalle konnten sich im gestrigen Handelsverlauf etwas erholen, unterstützt durch einen schwächelnden US-Dollar, steigende Ölpreise und bullische Nachrichten aus der Industrie. Gold mit plus 1,8% auf $882,30. Silber verteuert sich um 1,8% auf $16,90. Platin mit plus 2,3% auf $2.035,50. Palladium mit plus 0,9% auf $429,25.


EUR/USD 1.5568 0.7%
USD/JPY 106.84 -0.5%
AUD/USD 0.9484 0.2%
USD/ZAR 8.0224 0.5%


NYMEX   135.34 3.1%


Dow Jones  12116.8 -1.4%
S&P 500  1341.2 -1.3%
Nikkei 14183.5 1.2%
FTSE 5723.3 -2.6%


Phil Gold & Silver  179.5 1.5%
S&P/TSX Gold  2759.4 1.8%
Johannesburg Gold 2299.4 -2.8%
S&P/TSX M&M  3477.8 1.3%

Sven Waidelich


Gewinn ist die Summe aus positiven Investitionen abzüglich negativer Investitionen

17.06.08 15:00

880 Postings, 6549 Tage kjellyMerger - Oxiana + Zinifex -neuer Name-



Today the name proposed for the merged Company of Oxiana and Zinifex was announced at a Zinifex Scheme Meeting to vote on the merger. An announcement on the results of the Zinifex Scheme Meeting vote will occur later today. Final approval of the Scheme is subject to Court approval on 20 June 2008. The proposed name is OZ Minerals Limited. Shareholder approval of the new name will be sought at an Oxiana Extraordinary General Meeting on 18 July.

The proposed ASX code for the new company is


OZ Minerals is a strong name representing the powerful heritage and achievements of both companies. Taking the first letters from the names of both companies also symbolises this merger of equals. Oxiana’s Managing Director and CEO Owen Hegarty said “OZ Minerals is a bold name reflecting the coming together of two successful companies. OZ Minerals will have an enhanced position in the global mining sector. “With its new scale and capability OZ Minerals will be poised for growth and will work rapidly to capitalise on the opportunities presented by continuing strong fundamentals for commodities.” Please visit new website www.oxianaandzinifex.com to view a video presentation from Owen Hegarty and Andrew Michelmore and to view information about the merged group.

Kind regards,

Richard Hedstrom

Corporate Affairs Manager


19.06.08 08:46

880 Postings, 6549 Tage kjellyOZ future

Merged Oxiana-Zinifex eyes coal seam gasFont Size: Decrease Increase Print Page: Print Matt Chambers | June 18, 2008
IN an attempt to stave off surging energy costs, the combined Oxiana-Zinifex could look at grabbing a slice of Queensland's booming coal seam gas industry, the head of the new company says.

Zinifex chief executive Andrew Michelmore, who will be head of a merged company to be called OZ Minerals, says he is keen to hedge energy costs at Century -- the world's second-biggest zinc mine, near Mount Isa.

"We would be interested in locking up supply" of CSG in Queensland as a part-owner of assets, Mr Michelmore said yesterday in an interview. He said OZ had no plans to become active in CSG exploration or getting into production itself, which were areas outside its expertise.

Zinifex shareholders voted last Monday to merge with Oxiana to form OZ, which would have a market value of $9 billion and was formed partly to enable bigger acquisitions than either company could make on its own.

Oxiana shareholders do not need to vote on the deal, but can vote down the name change next month. The merger is expected to be sanctioned by the courts on Friday.

Mr Michelmore said he was looking to make OZ a "leader in mid-caps" globally, which would mean growing the value of the company to more than $20 billion.

OZ, with $1.2 billion cash in the bank, has flagged acquisitions worth up to $3 billion and will look at base metals, where it is already heavily entrenched, as well as bulk commodities such as iron ore, and energy assets including coal, uranium and natural gas.

Indonesian thermal coal assets were also an area of interest, Mr Michelmore said, again pointing to the urge to hedge energy costs at nearby operations.

Oxiana is currently preparing to produce 200,000 ounces of gold and 2 million ounces of silver a year from late 2009 at the Martabe project in North Sumatra. Mr Michelmore said energy acquisitions could come in the form of small or large purchases.

Credit Suisse analysts have downgraded Oxiana, which is technically taking over Zinifex and being renamed, to underperform from hold on post-merger valuations.

"We remain positive on copper and see this as a key driver of the outlook for OZ," Credit Suisse analyst Michael Slifirski said. "However, the company will be judged on the perceived performance of the new management team, and the quality of the acquisitions."

After the merger, shareholders of Oxiana and Zinifex will hold 50 per cent each of the new company.


19.06.08 11:37

880 Postings, 6549 Tage kjelly2. Mal den "Boden" berührt !

Aufgepasst, nächste Woche dürfte sich die Richtung ändern - Hoffentlich  

24.06.08 08:40

880 Postings, 6549 Tage kjellyZukunftsaussichten nach der Fusion

Oz Minerals, the world's second-largest zinc mining company formed by Oxiana's takeover of Zinifex, expects prices of the metal to rebound from 2010 as supplies from mines dwindle.

''Certainly the zinc prices have come off a lot, there is a very bearish view in the market, an anticipated surplus this year and next year,'' Zinifex chief executive Andrew Michelmore said in an interview with Bloomberg Television. ''However, as we look forward there is a shortage of zinc production in 2010, 2011 and we expect a considerable turnaround in prices.''

Zinc has dropped 21% this year with between 15 and 20% of global production now costing above the current zinc price, Credit Suisse analysts said yesterday. Oz Minerals may study acquisitions for as much as $4 billion, including coal, natural gas and hydro power assets.

''Laos is very interesting, it is a net exporter of hydro electric power and there are a number of opportunities close by to our operations,'' said Michelmore, who will become CEO of the new company. ''As we want to expand our operations there then we will need more energy. If there is an opportunity for us to get involved with the power projects there we would certainly take it.''

Zinifex fell 10 cents, or 1.2%, to close at $8.63, while Oxiana gained 1.8% to $2.69.  Melbourne-based Oxiana agreed to buy Zinifex for 3.1931 of its shares for each Zinifex share on March 3. Zinifex shareholders approved the transaction on June 16.

The company may raise debt and consider acquisitions of as much as $4 billion, Melbourne-based spokesman Matthew Foran said today by phone. Oz Minerals may take on $3 billion in debt, the Australian Financial Review reported, citing Michelmore. The new company will have $1.2 billion in cash, he said June 16.


27.06.08 09:15

880 Postings, 6549 Tage kjellyNeues Jahrestief in Australien

27.06.08 09:19

880 Postings, 6549 Tage kjellyJahrestief bei OZL 2,51 AUD

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03.07.08 11:24

880 Postings, 6549 Tage kjellyob das dem Kurs hilft ?

03 July 2008



Oxiana Limited (ASX: OXR) has executed a Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") with the major Indonesian mining company PT Antam Tbk ("Antam"). Execution of the MOU represents an important step in Oxiana’s broader strategy in developing a strong presence in the highly prospective mining environment in Indonesia.

The basis of the MOU is the agreement of both Companies to cooperate in examining opportunities and form joint ventures or other cooperative ventures for the exploration, development and operation of precious or base metal or bulk commodity projects within Indonesia.

The first transaction to be considered under the MOU is the acquisition by Antam of an interest in Oxiana’s Martabe gold and silver project in the Indonesian Province of North Sumatra. Subject to the approval of both Boards, the completion of necessary documentation and approval of relevant Indonesian Government authorities, Oxiana will:

Sell 10% of the Martabe project to Antam for US$66.5 million, which is based on the independent valuation of the project recently completed by Grant Samuel (published in the Zinifex Scheme of Arrangement Explanatory Memorandum).

Grant an option ("the first option") to Antam to enable Antam to acquire a further 10% of the Martabe project for a further US$66.5 million, subject to adjustments for movements in the market prices for gold and silver, operating and capital costs and other matters on successful commissioning of the project.

Grant a further option to Antam to enable Antam to acquire a further 5% of the Martabe project for a consideration based on the market value of the project at the time. This further option is subject to Oxiana approving the expansion of the Martabe project to an annual production rate of not less than 300,000 ounces of gold equivalent production per annum. The current approved annual production rate for the Martabe project is 250,000 ounces of gold equivalent per annum.

Antam will contribute its proportionate share of the development costs for the Martabe project following transfer of the interest.

Antam is one of Indonesia’s largest mining companies and its vertically integrated operations include exploration, development, mining, refining, processing and marketing. Antam’s expertise and place in the Indonesian mining sector makes it an excellent strategic partner for Oxiana as it aims to expand its business in Indonesia.

About the Martabe Project

Oxiana is currently constructing the Martabe gold operation in Northern Sumatra, Indonesia, at an estimated capital cost of US$310 million. Mining will be via open-pit and is initially based on a resource of 6 million ounces of gold and 60 million ounces of sliver. Planned annual production from Martabe will be 200,000oz of gold and 2 million ounces of silver. Commissioning and early production is on schedule for late 2009 with the first full year of production in 2010. Initial mine life at Martabe is 9 years with potential for extensions to the deposit in the near mine environment and for the discovery of further deposits in the greater 1600km2 Contract of Work area held by Oxiana.

About Oxiana:

Oxiana is an international mining and exploration company listed on the Australian Stock Exchange.

Shareholder and Court approvals for a merger between Oxiana and fellow Australian based miner Zinifex Limited were obtained last week. The new Company, which will be re-named OZ Minerals – drawing on the heritage of both Oxiana and Zinifex – subject to the approval of shareholders at an extraordinary General Meeting to be held on 18 July 2008, is now Australia’s third largest diversified mining company and the world’s second largest producer of zinc as well as a substantial producer of copper, lead, gold and silver.

With a strong production base, attractive development pipeline, prospective exploration portfolio and a sound financial position, the merged Company is well-positioned to succeed, especially in the current environment defined by growing world-wide demand for all basic commodities.

The company currently has five mining operations located in Australia and Asia, three new mining projects in development and a large portfolio of exploration projects throughout Australia, Asia and North America.

About Antam:

Antam (ASX: ATM, IDX: ANTM) is a major diversified Indonesian mining company. It is 65% owned by the Government of Indonesia, with the balance of its equity listed on the Indonesia and Australian Stock Exchanges. Antam’s market capitalisation, based on 100% of its shares on issue, is US$3.3 billion. Antam’s activities are vertically integrated through exploration, development, mining, refining and processing, and marketing. Its current operations include activities in precious metals, nickel and bauxite. Antam operates the Pongkor gold underground mine in West Java, Indonesia.

Investor enquiries:

Richard Hedstrom
Corporate Affairs Manager
Phone: +61 3 9288 0376
Mobile: +61 400 580 043

Email: richard.hedstrom@oxiana.com.au

Media enquiries:

Natalie Worley
Public Affairs Manager
Ph: + 61 3 9288 0345
Mobile: +61 409 210 462
Email: natalie.worley@oxiana.com.au

Kind regards,

Richard Hedstrom


03.07.08 16:38

880 Postings, 6549 Tage kjellySo viel Arikel über OZL an einem Tag

15:42  TopStory Rohstoffe: Oxiana an weiteren Akquisitionen interessiert   financial.de  
06:40  Oxiana finds partner for Indo expansion   livenews.com.au (AU)
05:42  Antam Indonesia takes stake in Oxiana gold project   Yahoo-AU (AU)
05:35  Oxiana to sell Martabe stake to Antam   Sydney Morning Her (AU)
05:10  Oxiana signs MOU with Antam   The Australian (AU)
04:42  Oxiana to sell Martabe stake to Antam   Yahoo-AU (AU)
04:16  Oxiana to sell stake in gold project   Herald Sun (AU)
03:42  Oxiana in Indonesia deal

Warum auf einmal das Interesse ?

07.07.08 14:55

9596 Postings, 6515 Tage TykoUi, fällt ja immer noch..............

hatte schon Kauf geplant, nun warte ich aber erst mal ab...

Zinkpreise unter Druck....
Gewinn ist die Summe aus positiven Investitionen abzüglich negativer Investitionen

08.07.08 13:06

880 Postings, 6549 Tage kjellyBei dem "Abwasserkanal" - sehr vernünftig !

OZL ist zwar nicht nur Zink, aber bei der Chartentwicklung kann man nur warten.  
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oxca080708.jpg (verkleinert auf 87%) vergrößern

08.07.08 15:34

9596 Postings, 6515 Tage Tyko@kjelly

noch drin?

Wo ist die nächste Unterstützung?
Gewinn ist die Summe aus positiven Investitionen abzüglich negativer Investitionen

16.07.08 19:47

880 Postings, 6549 Tage kjelly@Tyko

Ja !  

16.07.08 20:24

9596 Postings, 6515 Tage TykoHallo Kjelly

dann siehts so aus wie bei sabina Silver, die halt ich immer noch..

und da siehts auch nicht berauschend aus.....

Zink am Boden und keinen interessieren Rohstoffwerte....

Gewinn ist die Summe aus positiven Investitionen abzüglich negativer Investitionen

17.07.08 08:44

880 Postings, 6549 Tage kjellyder Abwärtskanal scheint mmer noch intakt zu sein

war nur eine kurze Erholung mit dreimal grün.
Was schreiben die pusher :"tolle Einstiegspreise" ;-)  

18.07.08 11:04

880 Postings, 6549 Tage kjellyes scheint bald (1 Jahr?) wieder besser zu werden

..."London Metal Exchange-traded zinc  has lost over 20 percent of its value since January as supply outpaces demand.

Credit Suisse forecasts an overall 23 percent drop in zinc prices in 2008 versus 2007, then falling 11 percent and 25 percent over the following two years.

In contrast, the bank sees no signs of copper prices recoiling. Copper is earmarked to be the new company's top revenue getter once a new mine in Australia, called Prominent Hill, starts near the end of 2008, Cusack said.

Copper  sold for a record $8,940 a tonne this month.

Zitat: http://www.finanznachrichten.de/...chten-2008-07/artikel-11312032.asp
Let´s wait and see ;-)  

18.07.08 11:23

880 Postings, 6549 Tage kjellyLausig , lange Warterei

..." Mr Cusak also advised that OZ Mineral's annualised copper production would more than double when the Prominent Hill mine in South Australia is commissioned later this year.

He said Prominent Hill would produce a high grade, high quality, copper-gold concentrate at a rate in excess

of 100,000t of copper and

80,000oz of gold/ annum in 2009..."

Zitat: http://www.livenews.com.au/articles/2008/07/18/..._on_a_copper_sheen_


18.07.08 11:45

9596 Postings, 6515 Tage TykoUnd ?

Hilfts dem Kurs?

Bin froh doch noch nicht wieder drin zu sein...Bei Sab. hat sich der Kurs auch schon mehr als halbiert...

Da braucht man schon starke Nerven.....
Gewinn ist die Summe aus positiven Investitionen abzüglich negativer Investitionen

21.07.08 09:52

880 Postings, 6549 Tage kjellyheute schon - Nickel Produktion läuft !

Production of first nickel concentrates from Avebury 21 Jul 2008 OZ Minerals Limited advises that its Avebury underground mining operation in Tasmania has produced its first nickel concentrate. Over the last month, commissioning of the concentrator has progressed to plan, and

the plant is now in continuous operating mode, producing a final product.

 The Avebury operation will continue to ramp-up to full production over the next quarter, to achieve an annualised production rate of 8,500 tonnes of nickel in concentrate. The first commercial sales of nickel concentrates remain planned for August 2008. Zinifex, which has merged with Oxiana to form OZ Minerals, moved to acquire the Avebury Operation in late 2007, as a part of the take-over of Allegiance Mining which has now been finalised. OZ Minerals Chief Operating Officer Australia, Mr Brett Fletcher said, ”the team at Avebury have performed very well with the commissioning activities being safely and professionally executed. “Avebury is OZ Minerals’ first nickel operation, and is an important part of the new Group and its strategy to continue to diversify its commodity base.” Significant exploration potential exists at Avebury and an exploration-drilling program is currently underway. Mr Matt Daly has been appointed as the General Manager of the OZ Minerals Avebury Operation and will take over from former Allegiance CEO Bruce McGowan in September.

Quelle: http://www.ozminerals.com/news/...ckel-concentrates-from-Avebury.html


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22.07.08 10:31

880 Postings, 6549 Tage kjellyErholung seit Montag ?

22 July 2008 ASX RELEASE Vote ushers in the beginning of OZ Minerals A new era in Australian mining commenced on 18 July with shareholders overwhelmingly approving the new name for the merged Oxiana and Zinifex businesses – OZ Minerals. OZ Minerals CEO, Andrew Michelmore, who unveiled the new brand at the EGM held on Friday, said that the new corporate logo designed for OZ Minerals was an excellent graphic expression which captured who the company is and the principles it will stand for. “The logo draws on the traditional stencil alphabets seen across Australia’s outback which, used traditionally on everyday signage, has a direct, no-nonsense appeal. “It obviously draws on the achievements of the two companies with the linking of the O and Z, but it also has a great sense of forward motion, action and growth. This is very much who we are,” he said. Mr Michelmore said that the colour yellow had been chosen for OZ Minerals’ corporate identity for a number of reasons. “The experts say it is the colour of energy, clear thoughts and getting things done. It also has powerful positive associations in Asia. Regardless of theory, I believe it’s a terrific look for a great new company,” he said. Mr Michelmore said that expectations would be high for OZ Minerals as its starts life as the third largest diversified resources company listed on the Australian Securities Exchange. “I acknowledge that the past couple of months have been difficult ones for shareholders but this new organisation is born from two companies with strong success stories and rich histories. “With these unique qualities and the combined strength of our organisations we are confident we can achieve the growth and the results which we know we are capable of, while demonstrating leadership in responding to new challenges and expectations,” he said. OZ Minerals currently has five mining operations located across Australia and in Asia, three new mining projects in development and a large portfolio of exploration projects throughout Australia, Asia and North America. It produces copper, zinc, lead as well as other base and precious metals. “Our strong production base, attractive development pipeline and prospective exploration portfolio together with a sound financial position and prudent management means OZ Minerals is well-positioned to succeed and deliver solid value for shareholders. “We launch OZ Minerals with a commitment to produce commodities efficiently and profitably and we see our people, communities and partners as core to our success. Together, we are creating a great resources company,” he said. OZ Minerals new ASX ticker code of OZL will be effective as of Wednesday 23 July. For further information please contact: Matthew Foran, Manager – Stakeholder Relations T 61 3 9288 0456 M 0409 313 637 matthew.foran@ozminerals.com Kind regards, Richard Hedstrom Corporate Affairs Manager OZ Minerals 61 3 9288 0376 61 3 9288 0406 rhedstrom@ozminerals.com


23.07.08 13:01

880 Postings, 6549 Tage kjellyKeine rt-Kurse

23.07.2008 09:39


Oxiana Ltd. OXR AU000000OXR0 (Nachrichten) auf weiteres
until further notice

Quelle :


24.07.08 11:52

880 Postings, 6549 Tage kjellyNamens- und Kürzeländerung


Nach der "Verschmelzung" von

Oxiana + Zinifex      wird die Firma an der austr.Börse als


und bei uns in Deutschland unter

OZ Minerals Ltd. mit der

WKN: A0Q657 geführt


07.08.08 18:57

9596 Postings, 6515 Tage TykoGibt neuen Thread nun ...

bleibste hier?

50% in kurzer Zeit abgegeben.......

Mal sehen wo der Boden sich bildet...
Gewinn ist die Summe aus positiven Investitionen abzüglich negativer Investitionen

08.08.08 12:41

880 Postings, 6549 Tage kjelly"bleibste hier ?"

OK -
Wir sind umgezogen nach :


cu there !
have a nice we

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