Guten Morgen Mr. Bush

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15.07.04 14:14

13393 Postings, 7615 Tage danjelshakezumindest können die promis

drüben noch klar denken und lassen sich nix vorspielen...

ich will niemandem was böses, aber wieso wurde j.f.k. erschossen und bei bush klappts net??

man munkelt ja, dass familie bush was mit dem attentat zu tun hat. wundern würde es mich nicht.

mfg ds  

18.07.04 12:36

1552 Postings, 8441 Tage promdanjelshake

Man kann ja, sehr berechtigt, viel Kritik an
Bush üben, aber was Du hier so zum besten gibst?
Dir haben Sie als Ossi offensichtlich den
Marxismus-Leninismus in Dein Hirn geschissen.
Du hast in der DDR nur folgendes gelernt
- Es lebe die glorreiche Sowjetunion,
- Marx-Lenin sind unsere Götter,
- unser Klassen- und Todfeind ist die imperialistische USA.
Solche Menschen füttern wir im Westen seit 1989
auch noch durch.Gute Nacht Deutschland.

24.07.04 13:34

4690 Postings, 8786 Tage proxicomiFact Sheet: Progress in the War on Terror

Thursday, July 22, 2004
Fact Sheet: Progress in the War on Terror

Presidential Action, July 21, 2004

On July 21, 2004, President Bush signed into law Project BioShield, which provides new tools to improve medical countermeasures protecting Americans against a chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear (CBRN) attack.  

President Bush first proposed Project BioShield in his 2003 State of the Union address and Congress approved it last week.  Project BioShield is a comprehensive effort overseen jointly by Tommy Thompson and Tom Ridge, and involving other Federal agencies as appropriate, to develop and make available modern, effective drugs and vaccines to protect against attack by CBRN weapons.  Project BioShield will:

Expedite the conduct of NIH research and development on medical countermeasures based on the most promising recent scientific discoveries.
Give FDA the ability to make promising treatments quickly available in emergency situations - this tightly controlled new authority will enable access to the best available treatments in the event of a crisis.
Ensure that resources are available to pay for "next-generation" medical countermeasures.  Project BioShield will allow the government to buy improved vaccines or drugs.  The fiscal year 2004 appropriation for the Department of Homeland Security included $5.6 billion over 10 years for the purchase of next generation countermeasures against anthrax and smallpox as well as other CBRN agents.
As the result of the Project BioShield legislation, the Bush Administration has already begun the process of acquiring several new medical countermeasures:    

75 million doses of a second generation anthrax vaccine to become available for stockpiling beginning next year.
New medical treatments for anthrax directed at neutralizing the effects of anthrax toxin.
Polyvalent botulinum antitoxin.
A safer second generation smallpox vaccine.
Initial evaluation of treatments for radiation and chemical weapons exposure.
Now, based on the new BioShield authorities, Tommy Thompson will launch multi-year initiatives to develop advanced treatments and therapeutics for exposure to biological agents and radiation poisoning.

This action is just the latest step President Bush has taken to win the War on Terror and protect our homeland.  America is safer and stronger than it was three years ago as a result of President Bush's leadership.  

Background:  Three Years of Progress in the War on Terror

Protecting Our Homeland

Almost three years have passed since the last attack on American soil, but the danger is still clear.  As President Bush reminded the Nation in his State of the Union address, "[I]t is tempting to believe that the danger is behind us.  That hope is understandable, comforting - and false."  President Bush has made winning the War on Terror and securing our homeland a top priority.

Creating the Department of Homeland Security (DHS):  President Bush has led the most extensive reorganization of the Federal government in 50 years by creating DHS.  DHS brought together 22 entities and over 180,000 employees with critical homeland security missions and provided the Nation with a single Federal department with the primary mission to protect the homeland against terrorist threats.  

FBI Reform:   President Bush transformed the FBI into an agency focused on preventing terrorist attacks through intelligence collection and other key efforts, while improving its ability to perform its traditional role as a world-class law enforcement agency.

Homeland Security Funding:  Since 2001, President Bush has:  
Proposed a near tripling of FY 2001 funding for homeland security.  The FY 2005 budget will increase homeland security funding by 9.7% over FY 2004 - not counting homeland security funding in the Department of Defense and Project BioShield.  
Strengthened counterterrorism efforts through the Department of Justice, proposing a 19% increase in homeland security funding over FY 2004 to $2.6 billion.  The FY 2005 budget also brings overall FBI funding to $5.1 billion, a $1.9 billion (60%) increase over the FY 2001 level.
Allocated more than $13 billion to help state and local governments prepare for terrorism.  President Bush has sought and secured historic and massive increases in funding for first responder terrorism and public health preparedness since September 11, 2001.  He feels strongly that these funds should be spent on training and equipping first responders for terrorism preparedness and response, which is one of our nation's top homeland security priorities.
Transportation Security:  The Bush Administration instituted a multi-layered strategy to enhance aviation security, from the curb to the cockpit.  The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) screens 100% of commercial air passengers and checked bags; TSA has trained and authorized hundreds of pilots to carry firearms in the cockpit, directed the hardening of cockpit doors on 6,000 commercial aircraft and stationed explosives detection canine teams at each of the Nation?s largest airports; and Federal Air Marshals ride aboard tens of thousands of flights each month.

Border Security:  
Three years ago, there were inspectors from three different Federal agencies at our ports of entry.  Now, through DHS, the Bureau of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) consolidates all port inspection activities into a single workforce to create "one face at the border."  The Border Patrol is also part of CBP, creating synergy between inspectors at the ports and those patrolling between them.  More than 18,000 CBP Officers, 1,400 CBP Agriculture Specialists, and 11,000 Border Patrol Agents guard our Nation's borders.
The US-VISIT entry-exit system uses cutting-edge biometric technology to help ensure that our borders remain open to legitimate travelers but closed to terrorists.  US-VISIT was launched at 115 airports and 14 seaports across the country and is expanding to all land ports of entry.  This program has been very successful, processing more than 6.2 million travelers since January and over 850 individuals have been matched who are the subjects of a look out.

Port and Cargo Security:
The Bush Administration has significantly increased funding for the Coast Guard, including dramatic increases for port security and acquisition of new resources.  The Coast Guard is creating thirteen 100-person Maritime Safety and Security Teams, to provide point defense for critical infrastructure and high value shipping; employed armed helicopters to provide waterside security; and reviewed thousands of new vessel, facility, and port security plans.  Funding for Coast Guard port security efforts has increased over 500% from the beginning of this Administration through 2004.  The Coast Guard?s Deepwater fleet modernization project has received a total of $1.5 billion over the last three years, and the President has requested $678 million in his FY 2005 budget.
DHS has strengthened measures to protect the Nation from smuggled radioactive materials and nuclear devices, by equipping CBP inspectors, Coast Guard boarding personnel, and Border Patrol agents with portable radiation detectors and installing radiation detection portals at sea, land, rail, and air ports of entry, including mail processing facilities.  The first radiation portals were installed in March 2003.  
DHS established the National Targeting Center (NTC), which uses computer-assisted analytical protocols to determine which cargo and passengers destined for the United States present the greatest threat, focusing examinations and inspections on them.  The NTC screens data on 100% of inbound seaborne shipping containers (nine million per year) to identify those posing a "high risk;" CBP personnel conduct examinations of 100% of high-risk containers.
DHS established the Container Security Initiative (CSI), deploying CBP officials to 17 major international seaports to pre-screen shipping containers for illicit or dangerous materials before they are loaded on vessels bound for the United States.  CSI includes the ports that ship roughly two-thirds of inbound containers to the United States.  Additional ports are being added over the next two years.

Biodefense:  Keeping Americans safe from the threat of bioterrorism has been a priority since the outset of the Bush Administration.  Since 2001, over $10 billion has been invested across all aspects of biodefense.  In addition to BioShield, the President has pursued aggressively a broad range of efforts to confront the biological weapons threat.  
Approved "Biodefense for the 21st Centur" - the first-ever national strategy against bio threats - that provides a roadmap for development of comprehensive U.S. biodefense capabilities.
Expanded international efforts to secure and keep dangerous biological materials out of the hands of terrorists.
Deployed early warning environmental sampling systems - the BioWatch program -- making it possible to detect biological weapons attacks against major cities.  To date, the BioWatch program has analyzed more than half a million samples.  
Increased biodefense medical research and development within the Department of Health and Human Services to more than $1.5 billion per year since 2003, thirty times the investment in 2001.  
Expanded the Strategic National Stockpile of medicines for treating victims of terror attacks, ensuring that "push packages" can be anywhere in the United States within 12 hours.  
Stockpiled enough smallpox vaccine for every American and vaccinated nearly 500,000 members of the armed services.
Trained hundreds of thousands of first responders to recognize and respond to the effects of WMD.  
Created the National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasure Center to systematically apply, for the first time, cutting-edge science to the study of classified intelligence about foreign weapons programs and develop first-class forensics in support of law enforcement investigations of biological crimes.

Protection of Critical Infrastructure:  Since its inception, DHS has visited several of the top chemical sites of concern nationwide and identified measures to improve their security.  The Bush Administration continues to work with Congress and the private sector to develop security standards for all chemical facilities.

Intelligence and Coordination:  Since 2001, President Bush has improved intelligence collection, analysis, and sharing to obtain the best picture of the terrorist threat to the Nation.
President Bush established the Terrorist Threat Integration Center, integrating and analyzing terrorism threat-related information collected domestically and abroad, ensuring that intelligence and law enforcement entities are working together.  Elements of the Central Intelligence Agency, Department of Defense (DoD), Department of Justice, DHS, and FBI work to close the "seams" in our intelligence analysis.
The Terrorist Screening Center was established to consolidate terrorist watchlists and provide 24/7 operational support for Federal and other government law enforcement personnel across the country and around the world. The Center ensures that government investigators, screeners, and agents are working off the same unified, comprehensive set of anti-terrorist information - and that they have access to information and expertise that will allow them to act quickly when a suspected terrorist is screened or stopped.
DHS launched the Homeland Security Information Network (HSIN), a real-time collaboration system to report incidents, crimes, and potential terrorist acts to one another and the DHS Homeland Security Operations Center.  The HSIN is now linked to all 50 states and more than 50 major urban areas.
DoD created U.S. Northern Command, to provide for integrated homeland defense and coordinated DoD support to Federal, state, and local civilian governments.
President Bush signed the USA PATRIOT Act, which strengthens law enforcement's abilities to prevent, investigate, and prosecute acts of terror, facilitating Federal government efforts to thwart potential terrorist activity throughout the United States.  President Bush continues to call on Congress to take action to ensure that these vital law enforcement tools do not expire.
Progress in the Global War on Terror

Three Commitments in the Strategy for Peace:  To overcome the dangers of our time, America is also taking a new approach in the world.  President Bush is determined to challenge new threats - not ignore them and simply wait for future tragedy.  The strategy for peace has three commitments:

First, the Bush Administration is defending the peace by taking the fight to the enemy - confronting them overseas so we do not have to confront them here at home by destroying the leadership of terrorist networks in sudden raids; disrupting their planning and financing; and shrinking the space in which they can freely operate by denying them territory and the support of governments.    
Second, the Bush Administration is protecting the peace by working with friends and allies and international institutions to isolate and confront terrorists and outlaw regimes.  America is leading a broad coalition of nations to disrupt proliferation.  The Bush Administration is working with the United Nations, the International Atomic Energy Agency, and other international organizations to take action to preserve our common security.
Third, the Bush Administration is extending the peace by supporting the rise of democracy - and the hope and progress that democracy brings - as the alternative to hatred and terror in the broader Middle East.  In democratic and successful societies, men and women do not swear allegiance to malcontents and murderers; they turn their hearts and labor to building better lives.  And democratic governments do not shelter terrorist camps, or attack their peaceful neighbors.  
Three Years of Progress:  The Bush Administration has followed this strategy - defending the peace, protecting the peace, and extending the peace - for nearly three years, and the results are now clear for all to see.    

Afghanistan:  Three years ago, Afghanistan was the home base of al-Qaida - a country ruled by the Taliban, one of the most backward and brutal regimes of modern history.  Now, a presidential election is scheduled for this fall, the terror camps are closed and the Afghan government is helping the United States to hunt the Taliban and terrorists in remote regions.  Now, because the Bush Administration acted to liberate Afghanistan, a threat has been removed, and the American people are safer.  

Pakistan:  Three years ago, Pakistan was one of the few countries in the world that recognized the Taliban regime, and al-Qaida was active and recruiting in Pakistan without serious opposition.  Yet the United States was not on good terms with Pakistan?s military and civilian leaders ? the very people we would need to help shut down al-Qaida operations in that part of the world.  Now, the United States and Pakistan are working closely in the fight against terror, and Pakistani forces are rounding up terrorists along their nation?s western border.  President Musharraf is a friend of our country, who helped us capture Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the operational planner behind the 9/11 attacks.  Now, because the Bush Administration is working with Pakistani leaders, Pakistan is an ally in the war on terror, and the American people are safer.  

Saudi Arabia:  Three years ago, terrorists were well established in Saudi Arabia.  Inside that country, fundraisers and other facilitators gave al-Qaida financial and logistical help - with little scrutiny or opposition.  Now, after attacks in Riyadh and elsewhere, the Saudi government knows that al-Qaida is its enemy.  Saudi Arabia is working hard to shut down the facilitators and financial supporters of terrorism, and they have captured or killed many first-tier leaders of the al-Qaida organization in Saudi Arabia - including one last month.  Today, because Saudi Arabia has seen the danger and joined the war on terror, the American people are safer.

Iraq:  Three years ago, the ruler of Iraq was a sworn enemy of America, who provided a safe haven for terrorists, had used weapons of mass destruction, and turned his nation into a prison.  Saddam Hussein was a proven mass murderer who refused to account for his weapons of mass murder.  
The Bush Administration, Members of Congress, and the United Nations Security Council looked at the intelligence on Iraq and saw a threat.  The previous Administration and the Congress looked at the intelligence - and made regime change in Iraq the policy of our country.  
In 2002, the UN Security Council yet again demanded a full accounting of Saddam Hussein's weapons programs.  As he had for over a decade, Saddam Hussein refused to comply.  So America had a choice to make: either take the word of a ruthless dictator, or take action to defend America.  Faced with that choice, President Bush will defend America every time.  
The United States was right to go into Iraq, although we have not found stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction.  The United States removed a declared enemy of America, who had defied the international community for 12 years, and who had the capability of producing weapons of mass murder, and could have passed that capability to terrorists bent on acquiring them.  In the world after September 11th, that was a risk America could not afford to take.  
Now, the dictator who caused decades of death and turmoil - who twice invaded his neighbors, who harbored terrorist leaders, and used chemical weapons, is finally before the bar of justice.  Iraq is now becoming an example of reform to the region.  Iraqi security forces are fighting beside coalition troops to defeat terrorists and foreign fighters.  Now, because America and our coalition helped to end the violent regime of Saddam Hussein, and because we are helping to raise a peaceful democracy in its place, the American people are safer.  

Libya:  Three years ago, Libya, a longtime supporter of terror, was spending millions to acquire chemical and nuclear weapons.  Now, thousands of Libya?s chemical munitions have been destroyed and equipment to produce nuclear materials that could ultimately have threatened the lives of hundreds of thousands is stored in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.  Now, because the Libyan government saw the determination of the civilized world, and correctly judged its own interests, the American people are safer.

Weapons Proliferation:  Three years ago, a private weapons proliferation network, operated by Pakistani nuclear scientist A. Q. Khan, was selling nuclear plans and equipment to countries like Libya, Iran, and North Korea.  Now, the A. Q. Khan network has been exposed, the United States has ended one of the most dangerous sources of proliferation in the world, and the American people are safer.  
Breaking this proliferation network was possible because of outstanding work by the CIA.  Dedicated intelligence officers were tireless in obtaining vital information, sometimes at great personal risk.  Our intelligence services do an essential job for America.
The Senate Intelligence Committee has identified some shortcomings in our intelligence capabilities - and the Committee?s report will help us in the work of reform.  President Bush believes that intelligence reform efforts should:  1) increase the number of intelligence agents to cover the globe; 2) invest in the best, cutting-edge technology to listen and look for dangers; and 3) result in better coordination among intelligence services.
President Bush proposed the establishment of the Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI).  PSI is a broad international partnership of countries which, using their own laws and resources, will coordinate their actions to interdict shipments of dangerous technologies to and from states and non-state actors of proliferation concern - at sea, in the air, and on land.
President Bush proposed and the United States led the effort to pass UN Security Council Resolution 1540 which requires states to criminalize proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery by non-state actors, enact and implement effective export controls, and secure proliferation sensitive materials.

Missile Defense:  The United States will soon begin the operational deployment of an initial capability to defend against long-range ballistic missiles from rogue states such as North Korea.  While this initially will be a limited capability, it will provide a basis for improvements as the threats and technologies evolve.

@pom: ist dieser danielshake wirklich ein linker ossi???
(anm. des autors: beachten sie die NICHTLÖSCHUNG, mehrerer LINKER HETZPOSTINGS!)



25.07.04 14:26

4690 Postings, 8786 Tage proxicomiCandidate Kerry vs. Senator Kerry

Friday, July 23, 2004
The Kerry Line: Candidate Kerry vs. Senator Kerry

"If Candidate Kerry was misled, it was from Senator Kerry - the same Senator Kerry who wrote that if Saddam Hussein was 'unwilling to bend' he had 'invited enforcement,' even if the United States had to act alone. Senator Kerry has four days in Boston to explain a dizzying array of positions on the war in Iraq to an American public growing tired of his vacillations and doublespeak."

- Steve Schmidt, Bush-Cheney '04 Spokesman

Who Is Misleading Whom? John Kerry Said Yesterday That President Bush "Misled"

Kerry: "The President Broke His Word. That's Why I Say He Misled America." "Kerry said Bush promised 'to build a legitimate international coalition, to go to war as a last resort.' It appears 'more and more evident ... that they intended to go no matter what,' Kerry said. 'The president broke his word. That's why I say he misled America. ... He went back on his word with respect to an issue that involves the lives of our young Americans.'" (Jill Lawrence And Martin Kasindorf, "On Iraq, 'The President Broke His Word,'" USA Today, 7/23/04)

But Kerry Agreed With The President That Saddam Hussein Was A Threat

On September 6, 2002 In The New York Times, Senator Kerry Laid Out A Proposal For Dealing With Iraq That Followed Closely The President's Vision For Eliminating A Growing Danger To The United States And Our Allies.

Kerry Agreed Saddam Hussein "Invited Enforcement" Even If America Needed To Act Alone. "If Saddam Hussein is unwilling to bend to the international community's already existing order, then he will have invited enforcement, even if that enforcement is mostly at the hands of the United States, a right we retain even if the Security Council fails to act" (Sen. John F. Kerry, ?We Still Have A Choice On Iraq,? The New York Times, 9/6/02)

Kerry Suggested The Administration Seek Advice And Approval From Congress, Which The Administration Was Already Doing.

On October 11, 2002, Congress Authorized Military Action If Saddam Hussein Thumbed His Nose At The World Community. Kerry voted for the resolution.

John Kerry Wrote That We "Must Seek Full Enforcement Of The Existing Cease-Fire Agreement From The United Nations Security Council." The Administration had already begun working toward a new United Nations Security Council Resolution. (Sen. John F. Kerry, ?We Still Have A Choice On Iraq,? The New York Times, 9/6/02)

President Bush Brought Resolution 1441 To The Security Council, Giving Iraq Four Months To Disarm. Resolution 1441 passed unanimously.

President Bush Issued An Ultimatum To Saddam Hussein On March 17, 2004.

Kerry Agreed With This Strategy As Well, Writing That "We Should Offer A Clear Ultimatum To Iraq Before The World ?" (Sen. John F. Kerry, ?We Still Have A Choice On Iraq,? The New York Times, 9/6/02)

So, While President Bush Knew What He Needed To Do To Keep America Safe, John Kerry Had The Sense To Sign On To Every Aspect Of That Plan. The only difference now is that one man, President George Bush, hasn't blinked or flinched. John Kerry has declared himself an "anti war candidate," coughs up political attacks on the campaign trail that contradict the words of Senator Kerry who understood and forgot, or understands and seeks to cover up, his knowledge that Saddam Hussein was a threat that had to be dealt with.



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26.07.04 08:01

5698 Postings, 8122 Tage bilanzFahrenheit 9/11 übersteigt 100 Mio. Dollar-Marke

LOS ANGELES - Michael Moores Anti-Bush-Dokumentarfilm "Fahrenheit 9/11" hat einen neuen Rekord aufgestellt. Der Streifen überstieg am Wochenende in Nordamerika als erster Dokumentarfilm die 100-Mio.-Dollar-Marke.

Seit dem Kinostart Ende Juni spielte "Fahrenheit 9/11" nach Studioangaben insgesamt 103,3 Mio. Dollar ein. Oscar-Gewinner Moore wertete den kommerziellen Erfolg als Zeichen für den wachsenden Bedarf von Dokumentarfilmen.

Er bezeichnete es als "Herausforderung" für ihn und andere Filmemacher, dem Publikum mehr Dokumentationen zu bieten. Die Verleihfirma Lions Gate will sich darum bemühen, den Film bis zu den US-Präsidentschaftswahlen im November in den Kinos laufen zu lassen.

Moore hat sich die Abwahl von George W. Bush zum Ziel gemacht. Er bemühe sich darum, eine DVD-Version des Films noch im Oktober auf den Markt zu bringen.

Tages-Anzeiger 26.07.04  

26.07.04 18:00

4690 Postings, 8786 Tage proxicomiPresident Bush's Economic Policies

Friday, July 23, 2004
President Bush?s Economic Policies Continue to Drive Steady Job Growth in States Across the Country

State Jobs Data Shows Steady Economic Growth

On July 21, 2004, the government released new jobs figures for states across the country ? and the news shows steady gains. June?s employment data indicate that President Bush?s economic policies are creating jobs and driving steady economic growth, but there is still more work to be done. President Bush understands that many Americans are working hard to make ends meet. That is why he continues to push for pro-growth policies that will strengthen our economy, create more jobs, lower health care costs, and raise Americans? standard of living.  According to statistics released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), job creation was up in 46 of the 50 states in the last year, and the unemployment rate was down in all regions and in 47 of the 50 states.

Nationwide, the economy has posted steady job gains for each of the last ten months creating more than 1.5 million jobs since August. According to statistics released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), 112,000 new jobs were created in June.

The national unemployment rate stayed constant at 5.6% in June ? down 0.7 percentage point from a peak of 6.3% a year ago. At 5.6%, the unemployment rate is below the average of the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s.
The manufacturing industry, which was the hardest hit by the economic downturn, is beginning to see a recovery. National manufacturing employment is up by 64,000 jobs since its low in January. The ISM Manufacturing survey?s employment index reached a 30-year high in May and remained strong in June, indicating strong further gains in manufacturing employment in the months ahead.
Unemployment rates have fallen across all levels of education, races, and ages over the past year.
For people without a college degree, the unemployment rate is down by 0.7 percentage point.
For both African-Americans and Latinos, the unemployment rate is down by 1.5 percentage points.
For teenagers, the unemployment rate is down by 2.2 percentage points.
The economy is growing stronger. Factories are busier, families are earning more, homeownership continues to rise, and people are finding work.  
Economic growth since last summer has been the fastest in nearly 20 years.
After-tax incomes are up by 11% since December 2000?substantially faster growth than following the last recession, and household wealth is near an all-time high.
Inflation is low and interest rates and mortgage rates are near historic lows.
The homeownership rate is at a record high. Minority homeownership is at its highest rate ever.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose by 25% in 2003, and the NASDAQ rose by 50%.
There is More to Do: Many Americans are working hard to make ends meet. America must continue to push forward on a pro-growth economic agenda that meets the needs of the American people.

Making tax relief permanent ? raising taxes now would put the brakes on our growing economy.
Providing worker skills ? preparing Americans for the skilled jobs our economy will create in the years to come.
Controlling health care costs ? giving America?s working families greater access to affordable health insurance by providing association health plans and health savings accounts.
Reducing regulation ? ensuring that Federal regulations do not unduly handicap America?s entrepreneurs by streamlining regulations and reducing paperwork.
Reducing frivolous lawsuits ? supporting enactment of medical liability reform, class action lawsuit reforms, and asbestos litigation reforms to expedite resolutions and curb the costs lawsuits impose on American businesses.
Adopting a National Energy Policy (NEP) ? ensuring that America has a reliable and affordable source of energy and reducing our dependence on foreign sources.
Opening new markets overseas ? helping to create jobs at home by expanding markets for America?s products and services around the world.
Now is Not the Time to Change Policies That are Strengthening Our Economy
President Bush has brought our economy back, and it is growing again and creating new jobs. Now is not the time to change the policies that are strengthening our economic recovery.
President Bush has acted decisively to bring us back from recession to recovery. He has:

Enacted tax relief for families by lowering tax rates for all taxpayers, increasing the child credit, and reducing the marriage penalty.
Phased out the death tax, helping to preserve family farms and businesses.
Encouraged business growth by providing incentives for small businesses to invest.
Made the stock market stronger by cutting taxes on dividends and capital gains.
Passed the strongest corporate governance reforms since the Roosevelt Administration.
Proposed his Jobs for the 21st Century initiative to improve education for high school students and train workers for industries creating the most new jobs.


26.07.04 18:09

69033 Postings, 7641 Tage BarCodeHi proxi, mal wieder auf Wahlkampftour für Bush?

Wie geht es denn so? Lange nicht mehr diskutiert mit dir! Alles noch im grünen Bereich?

Gruß BarCode


26.07.04 18:27

4690 Postings, 8786 Tage proxicomiJohn F. KERRY ERSCHOSSEN !!!

"101. zumindest können die promis   danjelshake   15.07.04 14:14  
drüben noch klar denken und lassen sich nix vorspielen...

ich will niemandem was böses, aber wieso wurde j.f.k. erschossen und bei bush klappts net??

man munkelt ja, dass familie bush was mit dem attentat zu tun hat. wundern würde es mich nicht.

mfg ds"

oder habe ich da etwas falsch verstanden?


26.07.04 18:57

69033 Postings, 7641 Tage BarCodeKerry-Wurst mit Ketchup - von Heinz!

Heinz - Ketchup für den Präsidenten

John Kerry wäre der zweit-reichste Präsident der USA

Das Wirtschaftsmagazin Forbes behauptet, John Forbes Kerry wäre nach John F. Kennedy der zweitreichste Präsident der US-Geschichte. Sein Vermögen wird auf mehr als 800 Millionen Dollar geschätzt. Das meiste Geld stammt allerdings von Kerrys Frau, Teresa Heinz Kerry, die das Vermögen ihres ersten Mannes, des Ketchup-Fürsten John Heinz, geerbt hat. Die richtige Würze für den Kampf ums Präsidentenamt.

Gruß BarCode


26.07.04 19:04

69033 Postings, 7641 Tage BarCodeDer Form halber: Die Quelle

26.07.04 20:46

4690 Postings, 8786 Tage proxicomiMichael Moore und sein perfider DEUTSCHENHASS!

Michael Moore ????

habt Ihr schon mal gelesen wie Herr Moore über die Deutschen denkt ?

Der " andere" Michael Moore

Bisher kannte ich nur den Schauspieler, Komiker und Bush-Kritiker Michael Moore. Eine Leserin machte mich freundlicherweise auf den " anderen" , den Deutsche hassenden " Schriftsteller" Michael Moore aufmerksam.

Vor wenigen Tagen, am 25. März 2004, erhielt er auf der Leipziger Buchmesse dafür auch noch den Deutschen Buchpreis.

Gratulation den Gratulanten !!!

Nachfolgend Auszüge aus der Homepage von Karl-Heinz Heubaum

Ein Holocaust-Denk- und Mahnmal eigener Art hat uns Deutschen der amerikanische Schriftsteller Michael Moore in seinem Buch " Querschüsse" zur Verfügung gestellt. Der Mann - der sich auf deutschen Bestsellerlisten nur so tummelt - muß in sich einen unbändigen Haß auf uns Deutsche aufgestaut haben, der sein Gesicht eigentlich rot vor Zorn werden lassen müßte. Einerseits. Andererseits muß sich gelegentlich wegen der überlaufenden Galle seine Gesichtsfarbe in's gelblichgiftgrüne verfärben, vor einem ihn zerfressenden und mit dem Haß gepaarten Neid auf alles Deutsche auf Deutschland.

Daß Moore ausgerechnet hier seine Bücher wie warme Semmeln los wird, verwundert sicherlich den einen oder anderen Leser seiner " Querschüsse" , in denen sein Hassgesang unverblümt ertönt. Mich allerdings nicht, wenn ich an die vielen Bekundungen bedeutungsvoller Leute denke, die uns im letzten Jahrhundert bescheinigten, daß wir mit Wollust in's eigene Nest urinieren.

Nur weil dieser Moore auch auf Bush und die USA einhackt, muß man ihn nicht hofieren.

Hier im folgenden kommentierte Zitate aus Moores Haß- und Neidgesang als Leseprobe aus seinem Buch " Querschüsse" , das beim Verlag Piper (München-Zürich) erschienen ist:

" Deutschland hat für seine Sünden noch immer nicht bezahlt - und ich will die Schulden eintreiben" , titelt der Mann das Kapitel.

Anschließend fragt sich Moore, ob er etwas verpaßt habe, als der 50. Jahrestag des Sieges über Hitler-Deutschland zelebriert wurde. Nämlich den Augenblick, bei dem jeder Deutsche hernieder kniete und inständig um Verzeihung flehte. Wobei die Deutschen versprachen allwöchentlich eine Tageseinnahme an einen KZ-Überlebenden zu spenden. Und um ihr Mitgefühl zu zeigen, stiegen sie allesamt in Viehwaggons. Für Moore wäre das ein adäquates Mitfeiern für Deutsche bei der 50. Wiederkehr des 8. Mai 1945 gewesen und fragt dann seine Leser. " Habt ihr ihn auch versäumt?" , diesen Augenblick! Moore fährt fort:

" Bin ich ein bißchen zu hart mit einem Land, das doch bereits Reue gezeigt hat und von dessen Bürgern die meisten noch gar nicht geboren waren, als der Massenmord begangen wurde? Nun ja. Werfen wir mal einen Blick auf die Anzeigetafel:

6 Millionen Juden ermordet.

3 Millionen katholische Polen ermordet.

500000 Zigeuner ermordet.

12 500 Homosexuelle ermordet.

Und dazu noch jede Menge Kommunisten, Zeugen Jehovas und andere Mißliebige, das macht eine Gesamtsumme von fast 10 Millionen wehrlosen Menschen, die im Holocaust abgeschlachtet wurden. Nicht mitgerechnet sind die 400 000 Amerikaner, die in diesem Krieg starben (im Kampf gegen Deutschland und seine Verbündeten Japan und Italien), die 25 Millionen Sowjetbürger, die getötet wurden oder verhungert sind, und die Millionen anderer Europäer, Afrikaner und Asiaten, die von Menschen eines Volkes umgebracht wurden, das damals für die gebildetste, zivilisierteste und fortschrittlichste Nation der Welt gehalten wurde. Und das alles ist gar nicht so lange her."

Nachdem der Mann nun auch noch gleich die Opferzahlen Stalins zu den Verlusten der Sowjets hinzugezählt hat und jeden verstorbenen Afrikaner und Asiaten auf's Schuldkonto der Deutschen addierte, gibt er uns auch noch die Schuld am Soldatentod seines Onkels Lawrence, der im Kampf gegen die Japaner bei Manila gefallen ist. Und egal wo es derzeit in der Welt knallt, ob in Bosnien oder in Afghanistan, die Deutschen sind in jedem Fall Schuld. Und der Kerl hat ja auch recht. Daß es im Kosovo krachte, haben auch die Deutschen mit ihren Kampfflugzeugen zu verantworten unter der Regie von Rotgrün. Doch ansonsten ist seine Anzeigetafel höchst unvollständig. Er vergaß die vielen Bomben- und Vertreibungsopfer, die Deutschland zu beklagen hat. Nach der Aufzählung deutscher Schuld, fragt Moore:

" Und wie wurde Deutschland für diese Sünden bestraft? Es wurde eines der reichsten Länder der Welt! Und das in nur drei Jahrzehnten! Wie um alles in der Welt konnten wir das zulassen? Heute genießt der durchschnittliche Deutsche einen Lebensstandard, der schlicht einmalig ist. Ein Fabrikarbeiter in Westdeutschland verdiente letztes Jahr durchschnittlich 29 Dollar die Stunde. In den USA verdiente derselbe Arbeiter 19 Dollar. Der amerikanische Arbeiter muß pro Jahr fast 200 Stunden länger arbeiten als der deutsche. Das sind die fünf Vierzig-Stunden-Wochen, die die Deutschen bezahlten Urlaub kriegen, und dabei verdienen sie auch noch doppelt soviel wie wir Amerikaner. Und obwohl Deutschland nur ein Fünfundzwanzigstel der Fläche der USA hat und die USA fast vier Mal so viele Beschäftigte haben, ist sein Bruttoinlandsprodukt pro Kopf der Bevölkerung fast so groß wie das der USA.?

" Könnt ihr euch vorstellen, daß der Großmutter eines heutigen Juden auf dem Weg zur Gaskammer in Auschwitz ein Engel erschien und sagte: 'Keine Sorge, die Deutschen werden vom Rest der Welt mit so viel Reichtum belohnt, dass sie gar nicht mehr wissen, was sie mit dem Geld anfangen sollen.'

Er bittet die Leser:

" Versteht mich nicht falsch. Ich bin nicht der Ansicht, daß es besser gewesen wäre, Deutschland wie nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg zu behandeln, als wir die Deutschen demütigten, um sie zu unterwerfen, und sie fast verhungern ließen. Diese Bedingungen waren zweifellos ein Grund, warum so viele Deutsche Hitler wählten. Außerdem haben nach dem Krieg viele Deutsche ihr Leben damit verbracht, ihre Eltern für deren Verbrechen anzuklagen. Tatsächlich sind die jungen Deutschen von heute - wenn sie sich nicht gerade den Schädel kahl rasieren und ausländische Arbeiter zusammenschlagen - sehr progressive, pazifistische Menschen guten Willens, die ohne eigenes Verdienst einfach ein gutes Leben führen."

Selbst wenn M. sich zu einer gewissen Objektivität herbei läßt, gibt es sofort den Seitenhieb, daß Kahlköpfe " ausländische Arbeiter zusammenschlagen" , so als gäbe es jedes Wochenende Treibjagden auf Ausländer und zwar " Arbeiter" , nicht etwa Asylanten. Womit signalisiert werden soll, daß der Ausländer grundsätzlich hier im Land einer Arbeit nachgeht, was so nicht stimmt, wie jeder weiß.

" Und was haben diese Deutschen getan, um in irgendeiner Form Reparationen für ihre Sünden zu zahlen?

" 'Wir nennen es nicht Reparationen', sagte die Frau am Telefon des deutschen Informationszentrums, 'sondern Wiedergutmachung.' Okay, dann fragen wir eben: Wieviel 'Wiedergutmachung' ist nach Ansicht der Deutschen das Leben jedes einzelnen Ermordeten wert? Nun, laut ihrer eigenen Aussage eigentlich gar nichts. Für die Toten wird keine 'Wiedergutmachung' geleistet, wie man mir erklärte. Aber es gibt auch eine gute Nachricht: Alle Besitztümer, die Juden verloren haben, werden ersetzt. Wenn ihr also im Holocaust ein paar Kerzenleuchter verloren habt, könnt ihr euch melden und Deutschmark kassieren. Ihr habt nur euer Leben verloren? So ein Pech. Dann gibt es kein Geld für eure Lieben. Aber... wenn ihr beweisen könnt, daß ihr 'mindestens sechs Monate in einem Konzentrationslager' oder 'in einem Ghetto interniert' wart oder euch 'mindestens acht Monate verstecken' mußtet, dann bezahlen euch die großzügigen Deutschen etwa 350 bis 600 Dollar für jeden dieser qualvollen Monate. Ihr sagt, ihr wärt nur 5 Monate und 29 Tage in Dachau gefoltert worden? Pech gehabt! Verklagt die Deutschen, dann kriegt ihr vielleicht eine einmalige Entschädigung von 3000 Dollar."

Moore fährt dann fort:

" Ich weiß, daß einige von euch jetzt sagen: 'Hey Mike, die Überlebenden konnten sich nach dem Krieg immerhin in Israel niederlassen. War das kein Ausgleich für sie, daß man ihnen dieses Land gegeben hat?' Also, ich bin nicht der Ansicht, daß ihnen Israel wirklich 'gegeben' wurde. Die Briten regierten das Land (das damals Palästina hieß), und plötzlich kamen all diese Überlebenden des Holocaust, die nirgendwo anders hinkonnten, und das hat den Briten überhaupt nicht gefallen. Aber sie hatten nicht die Energie, gegen die jüdischen Guerilleros zu kämpfen, nachdem sie gerade erst den größten Teil ihres Weltreichs verloren hatten, also zogen sie einfach ab und sagten: 'Na gut, wenn ihr das Land haben wollt, dann gehört es euch.'

Von den arabischen Einwohnern wurde allerdings keiner nach seiner Meinung gefragt.

" Ich habe nie verstanden, warum es so ein großartiges Geschenk war, den Überlebenden des Holocaust Palästina beziehungsweise Israel zu überlassen. Seid ihr je dort gewesen? Es ist eine verdammte Wüste! Es gibt überhaupt nichts dort! 'Wir haben die Wüste zum Blühen gebracht!', sagen die Israelis gerne. Angeblich rationalisieren sie damit ja nur etwas ... Aber ich sage euch, es sind wirklich 100 Prozent Sand und Fels und noch mehr Sand. Wie konnten wir bloß glauben, es sei eine Entschädigung für sie, daß wir sie in diese schrecklichen Gefilde brachten, für die sie in weiteren Kriegen weitere Menschenleben opfern mußten? Weil es in der Bibel steht? Seit wann richtet sich die Welt nach diesem Buch?"

Die Staatswerdung Israels habe nichts mit der Bibel zu tun? Seit wann richtet sich die Welt nach diesem Buch, fragt Moore. Die Welt vielleicht nicht, doch der " harte" Kern der Judenheit schon. Deshalb wird eine jüdische Siedlung nach der anderen im Westjordanland und Gazastreifen errichtet. Vorposten für das biblische Großisrael. Aber auch ansonsten spielt durchaus die Bibel auch hierzulande noch eine Rolle.

Vielmehr hätten wir Deutsche das Land Bayern den Juden überlassen sollen, damit die dort ihren Staat einrichten können:

" Wenn wir wirklich das Richtige tun und obendrein die Deutschen hätten bestrafen wollen, hätten wir den Überlebenden Bayern geben sollen. Bayern ist wirklich ein schönes Land! Und es hätte die Deutschen sehr geschmerzt, Bayern zu verlieren. Daß die Juden Palästina bekamen, tat den Deutschen überhaupt nicht weh. Aber wenn diese Schweinehunde Bayern an die Juden verloren hätten, das hätten sie wirklich gespürt. Israel hat nur 28 076 Quadratkilometer, Bayern hat über 72 000! Israel hat kaum natürliche Ressourcen; Bayern ist reich an Mineralen, Wald und Wasser. Die Israelis sind seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg von Feinden umgeben, die sie umbringen wollen, Bayern hingegen ist von den herrlichen Alpen umgeben, und die sind nur von ein paar Ziegen und diesen drei dicken Saunabadern aus der Ricola-Werbung bevölkert. Leider ist es vermutlich zu spät, um diesen Fehler noch zu korrigieren, indem wir Tel Aviv nach München verlegen und die Deutschen probieren dürfen, ob sie auch die Wüste zum Blühen bringen können."

" Ich sage, bewaffnet sämtliche Bingospieler südlich von Fort Lauderdale, und dann feiern wir das wirkliche Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs.

(Zitate aus dem Buch " Querschüsse" von Michael Moore, das beim Piper-Verlag erschienen ist.)


26.07.04 21:05

69033 Postings, 7641 Tage BarCode"Querschüsse" eben!

Diese Art Amoklauf durch die Fettnäpfchen sind nunmal Michael Moore's Art! Manchmal trifft er, manchmal haut er voll daneben. Von "perfidem Hass" kann ich da nix erkennen. Humor ist, wenn man trotzdem lacht...:-)

Gruß BarCode


26.07.04 21:08

95441 Postings, 8673 Tage Happy EndWiderlich, proxicomi

Gibt es eigentlich einmal eine Quelle bei Dir, die nicht rechtsextrem ist???  

26.07.04 21:40

4690 Postings, 8786 Tage proxicomiFürwahr, widerlich dieser Filmregisseur!

happy end, diese zeilen wurden einst in den gewölben des bürgerbräukellers verfasst. vom führer höchstpersönlich, durch seine seherischen kräfte sah er einen fetten ami, welcher dereinst einen, durch die klimaerwärmung hervorgerufenen sturm im wasserglas, inszenieren wird.

er sah aber auch, daß die tauben in dem bösen pluralistenland usa, versagen werden, bei der wahl 2004.....diese bösen plutokraten:)


26.07.04 21:51

69033 Postings, 7641 Tage BarCodeHimmel! Proxi!

Hast du dir ne Überdosis Lersch-Gedichte eingepfiffen?

Gruß BarCode


26.07.04 23:49

4690 Postings, 8786 Tage proxicomiLiebster BarCode

dies ist doch nur ein wenig humor.

mehr schreibe ich hier lieber nicht.


27.07.04 23:31

4690 Postings, 8786 Tage proxicomiEconomic Confidence Hits Six Month High

The Economy Line: Economic Confidence Hits Six Month High

Consumer Index Reaches Highest Level In Six Months.  "America's economic confidence is now at its highest level in six months... and near the highest level of the past two-and-a-half years. The Rasmussen Consumer Index increased half-a-point on Monday to 124.0.  That is the highest level since January 7 and within three points of the all-time high for the Index which was established in October 2001. In fact, the only time the Consumer Index has been higher than it is today was from January 4-7, 2004."  ("Consumer Index Up to 124.0," Rasmussen Reports,, 7/19/04)

Investor Index At Highest Level Since January.  "The Rasmussen Investor Index gained more than a point on Monday to 146.0.  It has now remained above the 140 mark for six straight days. The Investor Index has not been higher since January 7. It is up seven from a week ago, up six from a month ago and up seventeen from three months ago. For the first time since January, the number of people who say their personal finances are getting better (39%) equals the percentage who say their own finances are getting worse. One month ago, the numbers were 36% better and 43% worse."  ("Consumer Index Up to 124.0," Rasmussen Reports,, 7/19/04)

BusinessWeek: Economy Creating More High-Paying Jobs Than Low-Paying Jobs.  "According to BusinessWeek's analysis, 40% of American workers belong to occupation/industry groups where the median pay is $559 a week or more.  Yet employment growth in those higher-paying groups accounted for well over half of total job growth during the past year.  Average monthly employment in the higher-paying groups was 744,000 higher in the 12 months ended in June, 2004, than in the previous 12-month period.  By contrast, only 408,000 jobs were added in groups whose median pay was $553 a week or less, even though they account for 52% of total jobs."  ("Another Look At Those Job Numbers," BusinessWeek, 7/26/04)

Small Percentage Of Workers In Part-Time Jobs For Economic Reasons.  "Still, the overall share of part-time jobs is no higher than during the late-1990s boom, at around 18%.  And most people take part-time jobs because they prefer them.  Only 3.2% of jobholders were working part-time last month for what they called economic reasons."  ("Another Look At Those Job Numbers," BusinessWeek, 7/26/04)


27.07.04 23:48

489 Postings, 8477 Tage roschProxi, Posting Nr. 111

Du zitierst Klaus Kusche?
Weißt Du überhaupt, wer das ist oder
teilst Du sogar sein Weltbild?  

27.07.04 23:55

4690 Postings, 8786 Tage proxicomiIch teile nur die Abneigung gegen den fetten MOORE

hast du diesen satz gelesen?

"Nachfolgend Auszüge aus der Homepage von Karl-Heinz Heubaum"

aber schön, daß du dich so eingehend mit dem text beschäftigt hast.
lernziel erreicht.


27.07.04 23:58

489 Postings, 8477 Tage roschproxi, Du hast

seltsame Verbündete.
Muß das sein? Das macht Dich unglaubwürdig.  

28.07.04 00:08

4690 Postings, 8786 Tage proxicomiHallo Rosch

wenn das stimmt , was dort über diesen moore steht, ist es mir egal, ob der autor jude, nazi oder kommunist ist. meinetwegen auch katholik oder sonst irgend etwas.

anscheinend hast du ein problem, mit der wahrheit über dein idol moore?

wichtig ist es diesen moore unglaubwürdig zu machen und meinen landsleuten, die von den linken blendern, auf den falschen weg geholt wurden, wieder zurückzuholen.


28.07.04 00:13

489 Postings, 8477 Tage roschIdol? Was ist das?

Es gibt aber auch sehr viele rechte Blender und Verführer.
Von denen halte ich auch überhaupt nichts.
Vergiß die Idioten.  

28.07.04 00:21

26159 Postings, 7518 Tage AbsoluterNeulingrosch, ich kenn dich nicht, und es...

...liegt mir fern, dich zu kritisieren, aber:

wo warst du denn die letzten 6 monate? tot? blind? im koma?


28.07.04 00:26

489 Postings, 8477 Tage roschAuf jeden Fall

selten bei Ariva und wenn, dann im Aktienboard.
Ich verstehe Deine Frage nicht, AbsoluterNeuling.  

28.07.04 00:30

26159 Postings, 7518 Tage AbsoluterNeulingSorry, schon gut, vergiss es einfach.

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