Pulacayo "During the nine months ended September 30, 2015, the Company incurred total costs of $1,279,029 for the Pulacayo Project of which a total of $267,142 has been spent for permits and licenses, $321,745 for geological core and consulting, and $690,142 for payroll, legal and general and administrative expenses"
UO "During the nine months ended September 30, 2015, the Company incurred operating costs of approximately US$1.1 million"
"Recently passed regulations allow options for those mineral license holders who acquired their licenses before passage of the Law to Prohibit Mineral Exploration and Mining Operations at Headwaters of Rivers, Protected Zones of Water Reservoirs and Forested Areas (the ?Long Named Law?) to retain legally allowed portions of their licenses affected by the law. The Company chose the option of diverting the north branch of the Zelter River in order to retain the licenses. Preliminary work was completed for the river diversion including selection of a location and cost estimation.".... ...."Completion of the diversion will ensure that the Company retains the licenses."
PCY leitet den Fluß Zeltura um, um die Mine zu entwässern und an Betriebskosten ( Wasserentpumpen) zu sparen. Sonst verlieren sie Lizenz und dann gibt es kein Verkauf der Mine an Russen mehr. Dann wird ein komplettes Disaster.
"The required exploration for the Khujirt license was postponed to Q4 2015. The Company decided to consider sale of the license and approached parties that may be interested."
sie sollten es längst machen. Nur keiner braucht die Lizenz mehr. Einer der Fehlentscheidungen von JohnLee damals.
"During the third quarter 2015, the Company incurred total costs of $78,802 (same period 2014 - $100,489) for the Chandgana Tal property (including power plant consultants and land maintenance costs) and $144,917 (same period 2014 - $3,647) for the Khavtgai Uul property"
Gesamt: 2 Mio USD an Operating cost + 1,3 USD für Administration ( consulting, travaling etc) .
"At September 30, 2015 Prophecy had $250,856 comprised of cash and cash equivalents, representing an increase of $49,862 from the $200,994 held at December 31, 2014."
wenn mit letzter Finanzierung 2,2 Mio aufgenommen wurde , ohne positiver CashFlow bleibt die Firma nicht lange existent bzw, kann die Lizenzen behalten.