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Email from Slurarchuk This is an email sent to a reputable poster on this board a few days ago. I have to believe commercial production will be announced very soon.
Im traveling so I apologize for brief response.
The 2000t refers to the first 2000t from production stopes at Kora North. Ie not inclusive of Irumafimpa and not development material at Kora north. The head grade was very high, recoveries were excellent and the resulting concentrate that we sold from this stope production was of high quality. This means we have moved into actual stoping at Kora much sooner than expected. This is, along with the continued grade control (ie production focussed) drilling at Kora is important because as you can see it is a big wide vein system with high grades, great ground conditions and excellent metallurgy (ie better than Irumafimpa in every single regard).
We should have more news out very soon and I am hopeful with the increasing production Kora is now adding, that we will be able to declare commercial production at the end of January. There are no guarantees as to this but this is the goal and I believe it is acheivable. This is a big catalyst people are waiting for, I agree with you on that.
We should be out with a more susbtantive update soon.