Sistema GDR Börsen Russische Besatzungszone

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17.10.17 18:04

1508 Postings, 2742 Tage LASKlerGedanken

A.O. HV für Dividenden Beschluss.
13 Rubel je GDR  

17.10.17 20:07

1508 Postings, 2742 Tage LASKlerGedanken

Wie weit das sinnvoll ist bleibt dahingestellt  

18.10.17 11:55

1634 Postings, 4339 Tage JAM_JOYCEnach der Börsenzeitung folgende Divi die letzten J

Ex-Tag; Dividende; Dividendenart; Zahlungszeitraum
12.07.17; 0,272326 USD; Ordentliche Dividende; Schlussdividende
05.10.16; 0,122068 USD; Ordentliche Dividende; A conto oder interim
12.07.16; 0,200358 USD; Ordentliche Dividende; Jahr
15.07.15; 0,146554 USD; Ordentliche Dividende; Jahr
15.07.14; 1,136833 USD; Ordentliche Dividende; Jahr
16.05.13; 0,577878 USD; Ordentliche Dividende; Jahr

Es war ja schon vermutet worden, dass sie die Divi erhöhen, um cash zu haben für die Strafzahlung an Rosneft

18.10.17 11:56

1634 Postings, 4339 Tage JAM_JOYCEmeinte die Ausschüttungsquote von der

MTS Beteiligung an Sistema.  

19.10.17 13:31

1508 Postings, 2742 Tage LASKlerGedanken

Wer zahlt jetzt Dividende MTS oder Sistema  

08.11.17 10:20

1634 Postings, 4339 Tage JAM_JOYCEes ging mir um die Divi-zuflüsse, die Sistema von

ihren Beteiligungen erhält /dividends received by Sistema from its operating subsidiaries. Insgesamt geht es ja auch um das Rating von Sistema oder den einzelnen Beteiligungen, wenn die Divis von den Subisdaries angepasst werden. Darum ging es hier mal in dem artikel

Die Übersicht zu den Dividenden oben, ist aber die Divi-Historie von Sistema an die Aktionäre. Der Divi-Beschluss oben, das die Divi von Sistema.

Am 13.11. soll laut russischen Foren das Berufungsverfahren von Sistema stattfinden und im Dezember soll es noch einen Termin geben. Sobald ich da mehr weiß, gibt's ne Meldung.  

08.11.17 14:41

1508 Postings, 2742 Tage LASKlerGedanken


heute könnte ausbruch gelingen  

10.11.17 13:38

1634 Postings, 4339 Tage JAM_JOYCEwie gesagt, rechne mit keiner schneller Erholung

Zunächst geht es primär um die Verfahren. Problematisch könnten auch die neuen Sanktionen von usa werden, die auf die Finanzierungen Russlands auf internationalen Märkten Auswirkungen haben könnten. Dadurch wird es auch russichen Firmen erschwert sich Finanzmittel zu finanzieren.

Mit dem Regierungswechsel in Tschechien könnte es aber auch eine Annäherung an Russia geben. Da rückt der Ostblock ja immer mehr zusammen.  

Ohne Konfliktlösung in der Ukraine sehe ich da aber nur wenig Bewegung drin.

Also es gibt viele Fakten, die eine Erholung blockieren. Werde weiter halten und wenn das Verfahren überstanden sein sollte, nachkaufen.  

10.11.17 21:44

1508 Postings, 2742 Tage LASKlerGedanken

In Europa werden die PRO Russland Parteien stärker.
FPÖ in Österreich schafft es in die Regierung - Europa ist im Wandel  

14.11.17 12:14

1634 Postings, 4339 Tage JAM_JOYCEverfahrensinfo
AFK Sistema called false the statement on the settlement with Rosneft that came to court

Moscow.  the 13th of November.  INTERFAX.RU - The judge during the meeting on appeal within the framework of the case of Rosneft - AFK Sistema reported on the statement received from the AFC on the settlement agreement.  At the same time, the text of the settlement agreement is not attached, the judge said, starting the meeting.

As the correspondent of Interfax reported, AFC lawyers in turn stated that they did not send such a document to the court and did not support it at the meeting.  One of the lawyers of the AFC in court said that "this is some kind of fake."

Rosneft and Bashneft also reported that the settlement was "not received and not seen."

On Monday, the Eighteenth Arbitration Appeals Court (Chelyabinsk) is considering an appeal by PJSC Rosneft against the decision of the lower court to recover from Sistema in favor of Bashneft 136.3 billion rubles.

As reported, Rosneft filed a claim to recover from the AFC 170.6 billion rubles of losses, which, in the plaintiff's opinion, arose because of the reorganization of Sistema assets of Bashneft in 2014.  At the request of Rosneft, Sistema's assets (31.76% of PJSC MTS, 100% of Medsi and 90.47% of BESK) were subject to security measures totaling 185 billion rubles, that is, with a reserve of almost 15 billion rubles to the initial amount of claims.

The Arbitration Court of Bashkiria on August 23 satisfied the claim of Rosneft in part and decided to recover 136 billion rubles from Sistema.  In appeal, the decision was appealed against by both Sistema and Rosneft, which counts on full satisfaction of its claims to the AFC.

Sistema later asked to remove the arrest from 6.54% stake in PJSC MTS and 100% of Medsi due to the fact that the claim of Rosneft to AFK was not fully satisfied.  The court refused to withdraw the AFC from part of these assets.

Man gibt nicht auf, allerdings fraglich ob die Berufung ordentlich abläuft. Die 6,54% gibt man auf Antrag von Sistema auch nicht frei. Das wurde allerdings - glaub schon - ende Oktober entschieden.  

14.11.17 14:23

1634 Postings, 4339 Tage JAM_JOYCEalso die übersetzung oben ist wohl nicht so gut,

im original artikel soll stehen, dass das verfahren eröffnet wurde, es allerdings noch belege fehlen  

14.11.17 17:46

1634 Postings, 4339 Tage JAM_JOYCEder starke kursrückgang heute, hat wohl nicht nur

mit dem verfahren zutun. auch der rubel gibt erheblich nach. zumindest kein hohes volumen bei den abgaben heute. warte nun noch für ein zukauf.  

14.11.17 18:07

1634 Postings, 4339 Tage JAM_JOYCEund wohl vertagt auf den 4.Dez

Consideration of appeals in the case of Rosneft and Sistema was postponed
Yesterday, 15:42 Economy Natalia Kuznetsova Photo:

The eighteenth Arbitration Court of Appeal in Chelyabinsk will continue to consider the complaints of Rosneft and Sistema on December 4th.  An application for adjournment of the court session was declared by the minority shareholder, and it was granted.

According to RIA Novosti, Alexei Kislitsin , a minority shareholder of Bashneft , filed an application to adjourn the meeting for three weeks .

" The court granted the motion and postponed the trial on December 4, 2017 at 9:30," the judge said.

Recall, in Chelyabinsk should be considered complaints and plaintiffs and defendants.  The arbitration of Bashkiria on August 23 partially satisfied the demands of Rosneft, Bashneft and the Ministry of Property of Bashkiria on the suit against AFK Sistema and its subsidiary Sistema Invest.  Defendants must pay 136.3 billion rubles.  Both sides did not agree with the decision of the Bashkir arbitration.

15.11.17 12:07

1634 Postings, 4339 Tage JAM_JOYCEBusiness, Nov 14, 17:15

Investors assessed the risks of the court of Rosneft with Sistema for the market

Rosneft's victory in court with Sistema about Bashneft's losses could jeopardize the practice of buying shares from minority shareholders and paralyze the voting of boards of directors on business reorganization, investors from IPA

On Monday, AFK Sistema submitted to the Eighteenth Arbitration Appeals Court of Chelyabinsk, which reviews the dispute between Rosneft and AFK Sysment about damages caused to Bashneft by 170.6 billion rubles, a letter from the executive director of the Association of Professional Investors Shevchuk. This is the IPA response to a request from one of the lawyers of Sistema, Maxim Muzyka. RBC has a copy of the letter, Shevchuk and AFC representative confirmed his authenticity.

"We responded to a lawyer's request, in which systemic questions were raised without mentioning any companies," said Alexander Shevchuk. IPAs are important principles, and not a dispute between the two companies, which we deliberately do not interfere with, because we do not know all the details, besides, IPA members have shareholders of both Rosneft and Sistema, he added.

Dispute at 170.6 billion rubles.

In May, Rosneft filed a lawsuit against AFK Sistema about causing damage to Bashneft for 106.6 billion rubles. in 2014 during its reorganization: 57.2 billion rubles. - a loss from the loss of 49.4% of the shares of ZAO Sistema-Invest, transferred to AFK Sistema in exchange for shares of Bashneft and other assets, 37 billion rubles. - loss from writing off the debt of ZAO Sistema- Invest before Bashneft, 12.5 billion rubles. - a loss from the repayment of 3.9% stake in Bashneft,which the oil company bought from minority shareholders who disagreed with the terms of thedeal, considered Rosneft. Subsequently, the company increased the demand by 64 billion rubles. (up to 170.6 billion rubles.) because of the revaluation of the ruble against the dollar. The Arbitration Court of Bashkiria satisfied the claim on August 23, partially, having decided to recover from Sistema "136.3 billion rubles. Both companies filed appeals. On November 13, the appellate court adjourned the hearing until 4 December.

At the request of AFK Sistema, the IPA commented on the likelihood of losses from the company in the event of the repurchase of shares from minority shareholders and their further repayment.The law obliges the company to send an offer for the repurchase of shares to the dissenting minority shareholders (in the case of Bashneft minority shareholders disagreeing with the reorganization terms), the shareholder's rights can not be violated in the event of the law's enforcement, Shevchuk points out in the letter. In his opinion, the losses in this case do not arise, since, having bought out shares from minority shareholders, the company receives "equivalent invalue property". The shares can be sold, and then the company will receive equivalent money, and it can be paid back, then the value of the securities will be "balanced" by reducing liabilities to shareholders (it will have to pay less dividends - RBC ), and the share of the remaining shareholders in profits will increase, the letter says.

The possible recognition by the court of a loss due to the repurchase of shares from dissenting minority shareholders will lead to negative consequences for the market, the IPA says in a letter. The majority shareholders will get an excuse to shy away from buying shares, and members of the board of directors, under any option of voting on the issue of minority shareholders, will be in a situation of "a hypothetical risk of committing an offense," he notes. Voting "for" may lead to an action for prosecution for causing damage to the company, voting "against" - a claim by minority shareholders dissatisfied with the law violation, the IPA head concludes, warning that such a situation could have a negative impact on the capitalization of Russian companies. The existing system of share buyback allows dissenting minority shareholders to exit at the price specified by law, and companies to withhold quotes if some shareholders do not agree with the corporate decision. If dissenting investors lose share repurchase guarantees, any reorganization or other corporate decision will entail a massive sale of shares on the market by disgruntled shareholders, and in some cases, a collapse [of quotations], Shevchuk points out in the letter.

"Rosneft" versus "Sistema": what threatens to increase the amount of the claim

Minorities will not suffer

"IPA is an authoritative organization that unites professionals. It was important for us to bring to court not only the conclusions of leading scientific institutions in the field of law and economics,but also the opinion of practicing investors, in this case represented by their association, "Sergei Kopytov of Sistema told RBC.

The representative of Rosneft declined to comment on the IPA letter. In the suit, Rosneft pointed out that Bashneft's loss was not due to the repurchase of shares from minority shareholders, but because of the redemption of the securities received. "The controlling persons deprived Bashneft of the right to sell the shares to third parties and to compensate their expenses for the redemptionof shares," the suit says (RBC has a copy). If the court recognizes the redemption of redeemed shares as a loss, this is unlikely to undermine the very institution of redemption, says Olga Samtserova, head of corporate practice at Sameta. If shareholders consolidate the company and reach the thresholds under which a minority buy-back is announced, this should be done, the court's decision will not affect this commitment in any way, agrees A2 lawyer Mikhail Alexandrov. If the court recognizes losses as the redemption of shares from minority shareholders, AFK Sistema will have the opportunity to collect this money from investors in court, the lawyer argues.

The court's decision to recognize the repayment of treasury shares by the company directly at the cost of Russian companies will have a weak effect, said ACRA analyst Vasily Tanurkov. In itself, repayment of shares after redemption does not affect the value of the business and the value of he ompany's shares, since it is not associated with any real cash outflows for the company, he explains.

But the decision of the court in favor of Rosneft could negatively affect the investment climate in general, Alexandrov said: if a foreign investor buys a business, reorganizes, and then wants to sell it, he can be presented and recovered. The decision of the first instance does not affect Russian corporate practice, but this case will become a precedent if the Economic Chamber of the upreme Court decides on it, the lawyer adds.


15.11.17 14:03

1634 Postings, 4339 Tage JAM_JOYCEauch Rosneft hat in den letzten Tagen bis zu 15%


15.11.17 15:25

1508 Postings, 2742 Tage LASKlerGedanken

Schlimmer als die 2 Milliarden $ kann es nicht kommen  

15.11.17 16:51

1634 Postings, 4339 Tage JAM_JOYCEhab jetzt auch bei Rosneft gekauft, weil die

schuldenquote von rosneft um 5% sinken würde, wenn sich das urteil gegen sistema bestätigt. denke zwar nicht, dass d er ölpreis bei 60 bleibt, allerdings kann ich auch da gelegentlich zukaufen.

das investitionsklima in russia kann sich aber verschlechtern, wenn das gericht urteilt wie oben in dem artikel beschrieben. das bleibt nunmal abzuwarten.  

20.11.17 12:07

1508 Postings, 2742 Tage LASKlerGedanken

Es bleibt abzuwarten wieviel Sistemia weg streiten kann.

Die Karten sind etwas besser als beim ersten Prozess - Putin hat sich für eine gutes Ergebnis für beide ausgesprochen  

21.11.17 10:08

1634 Postings, 4339 Tage JAM_JOYCEich schätze mal was sistema max erreichen kann,

ist das urteil zu bestätigen, um nicht die volle entschädigung zahlen zu müssen. das wäre für mich noch die wahrscheinlichste variante. glaube nicht daran, dass sistema da noch viel drücken kann. auch wenn der prozess event. politisch beeinflusst ist, so müssen die parteien irgendwie die gesichter wahren.

fakt ist, mit berufungsverfahren ist auch die unsicherheit bei rosneft wieder da. der kurs bewegt sich kaum, auch weil rosneft davon betroffen wäre, wenn wie in dem artikel vom Nov 14, 17:15 oben die praxis beim aktienkauf von "minority shareholders" geändert wird...
"Rosneft's victory in court with Sistema about Bashneft's losses could jeopardize the practice of buying shares from minority shareholders and paralyze the voting of boards of directors on business reorganization, investors from IPA"

das nimmt zumindest druck von sistema. das das gericht nun so urteilt, dass rosneft frein raus ist und noch sistema bestraft, halte ich für unwahrscheinlich.wenn rosneft die füße hält, udn das verfahren ordentlich übe die bühne geht dann erwarte ich keine überraschungen.

@LASKler: sollte aber sistema wirklich noch was rausschlagen können, dann wäre das eine überraschung.

schau mir die tage noch einen russichen artikel zu den umstrukturierungen zu bashneft an, was sistema da gemacht haben soll. das dauert aber noch ein wenig.  

23.11.17 11:08

4 Postings, 3284 Tage stksat|228896178Schaut gut aus!

Laut "Financial Times" ist Igor Sechin, Chef von Rosneft, schon zum dritten Mal einer Ladung eines russischen Gerichts nicht nachgekommen, bei der es um Bestechung eines ehemaligen Wirtschaftsministers geht!  

23.11.17 18:21

1508 Postings, 2742 Tage LASKlerGedanken

Mal schauen  

24.11.17 11:17

1634 Postings, 4339 Tage JAM_JOYCEdas mit dem nichterscheinen von dem rosneft head

hat nix zu bedeuten. allerdings sagt der angeklagte in dem prozess, dass das verfahren ein komplott ist und politisch motiviert. setchin wird nunmal als putin vertrauter gesehen, was auch kein außenstehender bezweifelt, so ist doch rosneft auch staatlich kontrolliert.    

24.11.17 11:43

1634 Postings, 4339 Tage JAM_JOYCEdas Gericht bestätigt keine Divi aus den beschlag-

nahmten Aktien..schon krass.

17:21, 21 November 2017

 The court confirmed the ban on receiving AFK Sistema dividends on arrested shares

Moscow.  November 21.  INTERFAX.RU - The Ninth Arbitration Court of Appeal of Moscow upheld the decision of the Arbitration Court of the capital, which recognized as legitimate the ban on receiving AFK Sistema dividends on the arrested at the suit of Rosneft shares, the Interfax correspondent reports from the courtroom.

On September 27, the Moscow Arbitration Court dismissed the lawsuit filed by AFK Sistema and its subsidiary Sistema Invest on challenging the actions of the bailiff.  "Sistema" tried to appeal against the decisions of bailiffs about imposing a ban on receiving dividends on arrested shares of MTS, Medsi and BESK.  The defendants in the suit were the deputy head of the department - the senior judicial officer of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Azerbaijan for the IPP S.Pylaeva and the bailiff-executor of the ISPO for the UISP UIFPS in Moscow O.Stal.

As reported, at the request of Rosneft under the interim measures of the claim, the Arbitration Court of Bashkiria seized Stern and Sistem-Invest's 31.76% in PJSC MTS on June 23, 100% in Medsi and 90,47% - in the "BESK".  The total book value of the arrested assets is 185 billion rubles, that is, with a reserve of almost 15 billion rubles.  Sistema itself estimates the value of assets in the total amount of 250 billion rubles.

Because of this ban on receiving income from the arrested shares, Sistema has received less than 16.5 billion rubles in dividends from MTS's key asset (9.9 billion rubles in 2016 and 6.6 billion rubles in the first half of 2017).  As reported by Interfax senior vice president, head of the complex of finance and investment holding Vsevolod Rozanov, dividends from the "BESC" should be about 1 billion rubles.  Medsi is currently not paying dividends.

Rosneft filed a lawsuit against Sistema for 170.6 billion rubles, accusing the AFK of damaging Bashneft during its reorganization in 2013-2014.  (at that time Sistema controlled the Bashkir company, which was later nationalized and then sold to Rosneft).  The court of first instance on August 23 satisfied the claim of Rosneft in part, having determined the amount of losses to 136.3 billion rubles.  On September 20, Sistema filed an appeal against the court's decision, noting that filing an appeal is a necessary stage for a possible amicable agreement that can be approved only in the framework of a trial.

Rosneft also appealed the decision of the first instance court.

24.11.17 11:50

1634 Postings, 4339 Tage JAM_JOYCEan der Begründung sieht man doch schon, dass

hier ganz im interesse von rosneft vom gericht gehandelt wird..

On June 23, 2017, the Moscow Arbitration Court arrested the plaintiffs' actions.  A little later, the bailiff-executor Olga Stal passed a resolution banning the receipt of income from shares specified by the court.  The applicants complained about this decision to the senior bailiff Borisov.  July 24, 2017, his deputy - a senior bailiff Svetlana Pylaeva adopted a resolution refusing to satisfy the complaint.

"AFK Sistema and Sistema-Invest have tried through the court to prove the illegality of both decisions, but both the first and second instances decided in favor of the defendants.  The judge of the ASMM Tatyana Makhlaeva noted that the restriction of the applicants' rights imposed by Steel is consistent with the goals and tasks of the enforcement proceedings.  That is, it is used to protect the interests of Rosneft and Bashneft. "  

27.11.17 13:51

1634 Postings, 4339 Tage JAM_JOYCEwachstum ist bei sistema auf jeden fall


Sistema 3Q revenue up 2.1%
27 November 2017 | 10:00am - Sistema said it grew revenue and operating profit in the third-quarter, thanks to strong like-for-like sales growth at Russian store Detsky Mir.

Revenue was also boosted by solid mobile revenue growth from MTS's Russia business and higher sales of sack paper and sawn timber at Segezha Group.

Revenue grew by 2.1% to 180.6m Russian rubles, while operating income rose by 18.4% to RUB29.5m.

Adjusted profit attributable to Sistema was RUB5.2b in the reporting quarter, down from RUB5.5b in the same quarter last year due to growth in the share of non-controlling interests in adjusted profit of MTS and Detsky Mir.

Story provided by  

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