Clear Skies Solar - kurz vorm Durchbruch?

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30.04.11 10:27
danke für Deine Kritik

ich bin aber weiterhin von der Solarbranche überzeugt
das nächste Beben in Japen kommt bestimmt und der nächste Hype auf Solarfirmen
kommt dann  auch bestimmt

- ich habe keine günstigere Solaraktie ausser Clear Skins gefunden
- und in USA ist riesen Nachholbedarf mit Solartechnik

es natürlich jeder selbst entscheiden
(.......ich hatte Glück und bin bei diesen billigen Kursen reingekommen
.......andere habe wahrscheinlich schon viel bei Clear verloren)  

02.05.11 08:29

3482 Postings, 4961 Tage dok-d-statistikwegen mir

kann auch jemand Clear Skies Solar für ,25/je Aktie übernehmen  

02.05.11 10:05

37 Postings, 5083 Tage Carsten125wird nicht geschehen, weil...


Um  5,53 Mio  Dollar Umsatz in 2010 zu genererieren, sind 4,728 Mio   Dollar   Umsatzkosten (Herstellkosten) angefallen, das ergibt einen   Rohertrag  von  801.000 $.

Da sind Vertriebs-, Verwaltungs- oder andere Gemeinkosten aber noch nicht berücksichtigt !!

Um     diese 801K zu erwirtschaften sind doch tatsächlich 7,42 Mio $     Vertreibs- und Verwaltungskosten aufgelaufen (Gehälter CEO...) und  wie    aus dem nichts 3,339 Mio Zinsen (2009 noch 109K).



02.05.11 23:31

3482 Postings, 4961 Tage dok-d-statistikSchlusskurs in USA +7 %,

umgerechnet  ? 0.0175

Carsten125  wie Du siehst läuft das Schätzchen  hervorragend
(.......trotz aller Gehälter .Zinsen...usw)

es geht steil Bergauf  

03.05.11 10:36

37 Postings, 5083 Tage Carsten125@ dok har har har wurden genau 1000 share zu 0,026 usd cent verkauft...also für usd 26,- machst du Freudensprünge....wenn es nicht so traurig für viele wären, die auf diesen Laden reingefallen sind, müßte man lachen!!!!!


03.05.11 10:37

37 Postings, 5083 Tage Carsten125@ dok har har har wurden genau 1000 share zu 0,026 usd cent verkauft...also für EINEN UMSATZ VON usd  26,- machst du Freudensprünge....wenn es nicht so traurig für viele  wären, die auf diesen Laden reingefallen sind, müßte man lachen!!!!!


03.05.11 10:56

1231 Postings, 4997 Tage Vito555Carsten125: kurs ziel 0.01 !

zu 0.01 sind wir dabei !!! oder?


03.05.11 14:18

3482 Postings, 4961 Tage dok-d-statistikCarsten125

ja tut mir wirklich leid, das viele hier Geld verloren haben
(dennoch halte ich an meiner These fest, wir haben jetzt Einkaufskurse)  

03.05.11 15:04

37 Postings, 5083 Tage Carsten125...

;-) bis dahin ist es noch ein weiter Weg und auch dann würde ich es nur machen, um kurzfristig ein paar % zu machen und würde sehr schnell wieder aussteigen...

es ist ein reiner Abzockerladen...die Zahlen, Veröffentlichungen, News, sprechen eine sehr deutliche Sprache...niemand der sich die Infos angeschaut hat (in deutsch UND englisch) kann noch wirklich an diesen Wert glauben.


05.05.11 15:13

203 Postings, 5275 Tage boeuffPatentanmeldung

Clear Skies Solar Receives Patent

Clear Skies Solar (OTCBB:CSKH)
Intraday Stock Chart
Today : Thursday 5 May 2011

Clear Skies Solar, Inc. (CSS) (OTCBB:CSKH), a full-service renewable energy provider to commercial, agricultural and residential clients, today announced it has received patent awards from both the Hong Kong and Chinese governments.

The patent awards we received are for our XTRAX® wireless data monitoring system that is held by our majority owned subsidiary, Carbon 612 Corporation. Carbon 612 was established for the purpose of housing our developing technologies related to renewable energy. The XTRAX® unit was specifically developed to collect and measure production data for the monetizing of residential and sub-fifty Kilowatt commercial markets, but it has evolved into being available for licensing in other markets such as water and oil management. The award of these patents open an enormous market for CSS & Carbon 612 in which to operate.

Our XTRAX® technology is the lowest cost data monitoring system that we know of on the market today and has already passed difficult stages of ANSI testing. ANSI, the American National Standards Institute, is an independent laboratory that sets the bar for accuracy in reporting for the electric metering industry. The ANSI testing reports have shown our technology operating with an accuracy of better than plus or minus 1/4 of one percent, or 0.18 percent. This makes XTRAX® valuable for investors as well as utilities. Investors will be able to affordably monetize smaller systems while utilities and SREC (that is, Solar Renewable Energy Credits) traders can rely on the production data for this vast yet untapped market. Nationally, SREC programs are quickly becoming the standard tool for financing renewable energy systems. Currently 63 utility and state programs provide performance based incentives (PBI) and 41 states and territories that have renewable portfolio standards or (RPS). Both programs require a technically accurate device for metered output of any given solar energy system.

The cost of XTRAX® is under $150, and should be lower once full production is achieved. The residential and small commercial markets comprise the vast majority of installations in the USA as well as most other countries. More than 120,000 solar energy systems are in operation in the US to date and an increase of 30,000 during 2011 is projected.

About Clear Skies Solar, Inc.

Clear Skies Solar, Inc. (CSS), through its wholly owned subsidiary, provides full-service renewable energy solutions to commercial, industrial and agricultural clients across the country. CSS was incorporated in 2003 and launched formal operations in 2005. During that time, the Company developed its proprietary systems, obtained important licenses and certifications, and acquired technologies to maximize the impact of its construction expertise in the renewable energy sector. Clear Skies Solar has become one of the premier solar electric installation companies in the country. For more information about CSS please visit

The Clear Skies Solar, Inc. logo is available at

Forward-Looking Statements

Certain statements in this press release may constitute "forward-looking statements" that involve risks and uncertainties. These include statements about Clear Skies Solar's expectations, plans, objectives, assumptions or future events. You should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. Information concerning factors that could cause the Company's actual results to differ materially from these forward-looking statements can be found in Clear Skies Solar's periodic reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Clear Skies Solar undertakes no obligation to publicly release revisions to these forward-looking statements to reflect future events or circumstances or reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.

CONTACT: Clear Skies Solar, Inc.
Investor Relations Department
Direct: 1-877-309-CSKH (2754)  

05.05.11 15:14

203 Postings, 5275 Tage boeuffund dazu Google Übersetzung

Clear Skies Solar erhält Patent

Clear Skies Solar (OTCBB: CSKH)
Intraday Chart
Heute: Donnerstag, 5. Mai 2011

Clear Skies Solar, Inc. (CSS) (OTCBB: CSKH), ein Full-Service-Anbieter erneuerbarer Energien an gewerbliche, landwirtschaftliche und private Kunden, gab heute die Patentanmeldung Auszeichnungen sowohl von der Hong Kong und der chinesischen Regierung erhalten hat.

Das Patent Auszeichnungen erhielten wir für unsere XTRAX ® Wireless-Daten-Überwachungssystem, das durch unsere Tochtergesellschaft im Mehrheitsbesitz, Carbon Corporation 612 gehalten ist. Carbon 612 wurde zum Zwecke der Gehäuse haben unsere Entwicklung von Technologien rund um erneuerbare Energien. Das XTRAX ®-Einheit wurde speziell entwickelt, zu sammeln und zu messen Produktionsdaten für die Monetarisierung von Wohn-und Sub-fünfzig Kilowatt kommerziellen Märkten, aber es ist entstanden, zur Lizenzierung zur Verfügung in anderen Märkten wie Wasser und Öl Management entwickelt. Die Vergabe dieser Patente offen einen riesigen Markt für CSS & Carbon 612 in die Bedienung.

Unsere XTRAX ®-Technologie ist die kostengünstigste Data Monitoring System, das wir von auf dem Markt heute kennen und hat bereits schwer Stadien der ANSI-Test nicht bestanden. ANSI, das American National Standards Institute ist ein unabhängiges Labor, das die Messlatte für Genauigkeit in der Berichterstattung für die elektrische Messung der Industrie setzt. Die ANSI-Prüfberichte haben unsere Technologie Betriebssystem mit einer Genauigkeit von besser gezeigt als plus oder minus 1 / 4 von einem Prozent oder 0,18 Prozent. Dies macht XTRAX ® wertvoll für Investoren sowie Versorgungsunternehmen. Anleger können kostengünstig vermarkten kleinere Systeme während Versorgungsunternehmen und SREC (das heißt, Solar Renewable Energy Credits) Händler können über die Erzeugung von Daten für dieses riesige noch unerschlossenen Markt verlassen. Landesweit sind SREC Programme schnell zum Standard-Werkzeug für die Finanzierung von erneuerbaren Energien. Derzeit 63 Dienstprogramm und staatliche Programme bieten leistungsbezogene Anreize (PBI) und 41 Staaten und Territorien, die Renewable Portfolio Standards oder (RPS) haben. Beide Programme benötigen eine technisch präzise Vorrichtung zur dosierten Ausgabe von beliebigen Solaranlage.

Die Kosten für XTRAX ® ist unter $ 150, und sollten niedriger sein, sobald die volle Produktion erreicht ist. Der Wohn-und kleine kommerzielle Märkte umfassen die überwiegende Mehrheit der Anlagen in den USA sowie den meisten anderen Ländern. Mehr als 120.000 Solaranlagen in Betrieb sind in den USA auf dem neuesten Stand und eine Zunahme von 30.000 im Jahr 2011 projiziert wird.

Über Clear Skies Solar, Inc.

Clear Skies Solar, Inc. (CSS), durch seine hundertprozentige Tochtergesellschaft bietet Full-Service-Lösungen für erneuerbare Energien zu kommerziellen, industriellen und landwirtschaftlichen Kunden im ganzen Land. CSS wurde 2003 gegründet und startete das operative Geschäft 2005. Während dieser Zeit entwickelte sich das Unternehmen seine eigenen Systeme, erhielt wichtige Lizenzen und Zertifizierungen und erwarb Technologien, um die Auswirkungen des Baus Expertise im Bereich der erneuerbaren Energien zu maximieren. Clear Skies Solar ist einer der führenden Solarstrombereich Unternehmen des Landes geworden. Weitere Informationen zu CSS finden Sie unter

Die Clear Skies Solar, Inc. Logo verfügbar

Forward-Looking Statements

Bestimmte Aussagen in dieser Pressemitteilung können "zukunftsweisende Aussagen", die Risiken und Unsicherheiten beinhalten. Diese umfassen auch Aussagen über Clear Skies Solar die Erwartungen, Pläne, Ziele, Annahmen oder zukünftige Ereignisse. Sie sollten kein unangemessenes Vertrauen in diese zukunftsgerichteten Aussagen. Informationen über Faktoren, aufgrund derer die tatsächlichen Ergebnisse des Unternehmens erheblich von diesen zukunftsbezogenen Aussagen abweichen können in periodischen Berichten Clear Skies Solar bei der Securities and Exchange Commission hinterlegt wurden. Clear Skies Solar übernimmt keine Verpflichtung zur Veröffentlichung Berichtigungen dieser zukunftsgerichteten Aussagen fortzuschreiben und an zukünftige Ereignisse oder Umstände widerspiegeln oder reflektieren das Eintreten unerwarteter Ereignisse.

KONTAKT: Clear Skies Solar, Inc.
Investor Relations-Abteilung
Direct: 1-877-309-CSKH (2754)  

08.05.11 21:02

1451 Postings, 4942 Tage bigbangbowler2Clear Skies ist kein Investment mehr...

...aber für Zocker noch immer ein Zückerchen. Wenn man sieht wie aus ein paar
hundert Dollar Kurspusherei in Übersee hier gleich die Kaufglocke bimmelt, ist
die Versuchung gross sich ne Kirsche vom faulen Sahnetörtchen zu erhaschen.
Solange das Solar-Flickwerk nicht offiziell auseinander scheppert wird hier weiter
gepokert... ziCk..ZzAcK..zzZoOCK.... /\/\/\/  

11.05.11 12:18

290 Postings, 8104 Tage David BenzClear Skies Sign 162 KW Contract


Clear Skies Sign 162 KW Contract

2011-05-11 06:00 ET - News Release


MINEOLA, N.Y., May 11, 2011  (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Clear Skies Solar, Inc (CSS) (OTCBB:CSKH), a  full-service renewable energy provider to commercial, industrial and  agricultural clients, today announced it has signed a contract with a  New Jersey car dealership and the approved funding will be using our  Power Purchase Agreement program, or PPA.

The PPA allows a customer to pay a discounted price for electricity  without expending any cash or accruing debt on the books. A third party  or financer would own and operate the system while receiving the  benefits generated by the renewable energy system. Those advantages are  tax credits, Renewable Energy Credits (REC's) accelerated depreciation  as well as in some areas, feed-in tariffs.  

CSS has expanded their target market into the high-volume arena which  has proven to be very successful. We started 2011 with a new focus and  altered our internal structure to help meet our new goals. The focus on  smaller projects has brought our 2011 sales to approximately $6 million  to date and we expect this growth to continue in the future. 

From contract signature to execution, these projects take anywhere from  2-5 months to develop depending on the complexities of the engineering  and interconnection requirements. The pipeline of sales we have  generated starting in January 2011 are now being permitted and  installations are expected to begin with the first shipment of modules  being delivered in 10-14 days.

CSS has quickly and successfully changed the direction of the company.  We look forward to the continued delivery of good news and growing  revenue for the future.  

About Clear Skies Solar, Inc.

Clear Skies Solar, Inc. (CSS), through its wholly owned subsidiary,  provides full-service renewable energy solutions to commercial,  industrial and agricultural clients across the country. CSS was  incorporated in 2003 and launched formal operations in 2005. During that  time, the Company developed its proprietary systems, obtained important  licenses and certifications, and acquired technologies to maximize the  impact of its construction expertise in the renewable energy  sector. Clear Skies Solar has become one of the premier solar electric  installation companies in the country. For more information about CSS  please visit

The Clear Skies Solar, Inc. logo is available at

Forward-Looking Statements

Certain statements in this press release may constitute  "forward-looking statements" that involve risks and uncertainties. These  include statements about Clear Skies Solar's expectations, plans,  objectives, assumptions or future events. You should not place undue  reliance on these forward-looking statements. Information concerning  factors that could cause the Company's actual results to differ  materially from these forward-looking statements can be found in Clear  Skies Solar's periodic reports filed with the Securities and Exchange  Commission. Clear Skies Solar undertakes no obligation to publicly  release revisions to these forward-looking statements to reflect future  events or circumstances or reflect the occurrence of unanticipated  events.

CONTACT: Clear Skies Solar, Inc.          Investor Relations Department          Email:          Direct: 1-877-309-CSKH (2754)



11.05.11 17:35

37 Postings, 5083 Tage Carsten125.


Um  5,53 Mio  Dollar Umsatz in 2010 zu genererieren, sind 4,728 Mio    Dollar   Umsatzkosten (Herstellkosten) angefallen, das ergibt einen    Rohertrag  von  801.000 $.

Da sind Vertriebs-, Verwaltungs- oder andere Gemeinkosten aber noch nicht berücksichtigt !!

Um      diese 801K zu erwirtschaften sind doch tatsächlich 7,42 Mio $      Vertreibs- und Verwaltungskosten aufgelaufen (Gehälter CEO...) und   wie    aus dem nichts 3,339 Mio Zinsen (2009 noch 109K).



11.06.11 15:33

3 Postings, 5361 Tage Revan78Sieht doch ganz gut aus

CSS Signs Contract for $1.1 Million

New Jersey Commercial Project

MINEOLA, N.Y., June 7, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Clear Skies Solar, Inc (CSS) (OTCBB:CSKH), a full-service renewable energy provider to commercial, industrial and agricultural clients, today announced it has added an additional $1.1 million commercial contract to the backlog.

"As the stream of good news continues, we have been receiving the first deliveries of products for our permitted installations. Growing the backlog of financeable projects with shorter closing cycles has proven successful. With our new model we feel we have hit on the sweet spot in the industry and for CSS but more importantly we have built a strong sustainable model that we believe will create the much needed steady cash flow," Said Ezra Green, CEO Clear Skies Solar.

Continuing, "We closed the month of May with approximately $7 million in sales for 2011, and we are starting June on a very good note while bringing that total to $8 million. The project installations are beginning which will start to relieve the cash flow issues of the past. Forecasting future sales has proven difficult with our old model but with our new model running well, we look forward to discussing Q3 & Q4 2011. As we start the execution of the contracts during Q2, we will maintain the flow of information as events occur as demonstrated over the past 5 months. Although having a sales backlog is important, we need to execute on these projects in order to regain shareholder confidence and that is happening now.

"We have all worked hard at CSS to turn the ship around from the financial abyss of the past several years and feel we have reached the first and most difficult step in accomplishing that goal. A long and healthy backlog of projects with the first permitted projects breaking ground is a great new beginning for CSS."

About Clear Skies Solar, Inc.

Clear Skies Solar, Inc. (CSS), through its wholly owned subsidiary, provides full-service renewable energy solutions to commercial, industrial and agricultural clients across the country. CSS was incorporated in 2003 and launched formal operations in 2005. During that time, the Company developed its proprietary systems, obtained important licenses and certifications, and acquired technologies to maximize the impact of its construction expertise in the renewable energy sector. Clear Skies Solar has become one of the premier solar electric installation companies in the country. For more information about CSS please visit

The Clear Skies Solar, Inc. logo is available at

Forward-Looking Statements

Certain statements in this press release may constitute "forward-looking statements" that involve risks and uncertainties. These include statements about Clear Skies Solar's expectations, plans, objectives, assumptions or future events. You should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. Information concerning factors that could cause the Company's actual results to differ materially from these forward-looking statements can be found in Clear Skies Solar's periodic reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Clear Skies Solar undertakes no obligation to publicly release revisions to these forward-looking statements to reflect future events or circumstances or reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.

CONTACT: Clear Skies Solar, Inc. Investor Relations Department Email: Direct: 1-877-309-CSKH (2754)


27.07.11 14:53

203 Postings, 5275 Tage boeuffneue Nachrichten

Clear Skies Breaks $4 Million in Sales for June
Total Sales Reaches Over $11 Million as of June 30, 2011


       Clear Skies Solar Inc.

Related Quotes
    Symbol     Price    Change          §
   CSKH.OB      0.03      0.00§
Press Release Source: Clear Skies Solar, Inc. On Wednesday July 27, 2011, 6:00 am EDT

MINEOLA, N.Y., July 27, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Clear Skies Solar, Inc. (CSS) (OTCBB:CSKH.OB - News), a full-service renewable energy provider to commercial, industrial and agricultural clients, today announced it has reached over 1 megawatt or $4 million in customer signed contracts for the month of June.

With majority of our projects financed and the balance in the process of being financed, we are looking forward optimistically to a healthy 2011 for Clear Skies Solar. With our diversified portfolio of projects now under construction we are happy to announce we have recently completed the first installation under our new high volume project management program. We currently have approximately eight projects under construction at different stages varying in size from a residential 4 kilowatts to several commercial facilities of 160 kW's and 250 kW's respectively.

The CSS process of execution is initially based on client financing with the installation dictated by engineering and product delivery. Our products are shipped from Asia, Canada and the United States with lead times up to 4-6 weeks which fits into the overall process of a project. With sales increasing and construction under way, we have been able to enter discussions with several non-dilutive sources of project and product funding.

We recognize that discussing events is very important but we at CSS also owe it to the shareholders that the information being delivered is not premature and subject to any radical change.

We look forward to delivering more good news. Ezra Green, CEO CSS

About Clear Skies Solar, Inc.

Clear Skies Solar, Inc. (CSS), through its wholly owned subsidiary, provides full-service renewable energy solutions to commercial, industrial and agricultural clients across the country. CSS was incorporated in 2003 and launched formal operations in 2005. During that time, the Company developed its proprietary systems, obtained important licenses and certifications, and acquired technologies to maximize the impact of its construction expertise in the renewable energy sector. Clear Skies Solar has become one of the premier solar electric installation companies in the country. For more information about CSS please visit

The Clear Skies Solar, Inc. logo is available at

Forward-Looking Statements

Certain statements in this press release may constitute "forward-looking statements" that involve risks and uncertainties. These include statements about Clear Skies Solar's expectations, plans, objectives, assumptions or future events. You should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. Information concerning factors that could cause the Company's actual results to differ materially from these forward-looking statements can be found in Clear Skies Solar's periodic reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Clear Skies Solar undertakes no obligation to publicly release revisions to these forward-looking statements to reflect future events or circumstances or reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.  

12.09.11 15:05

203 Postings, 5275 Tage boeuffnicht einschlafen

Business Wire · Mehr Nachrichten von Business Wire · Archiv
Standard Risk Measures Predicted Clear Skies Prior to August Tumult While Tail Risk Analysis Showed Dark Clouds on the Horizon

Relying on standard industry risk measurement can lead institutional investors astray prior to market shocks, according to new analysis from PerTrac. In examining expected portfolio risk through the end of July 2011 (prior to the August 2011 market shock), standard normal distribution risk analysis used by much of the industry predicted that as of July 31, 2011, there was a greater potential for gains vs. losses across all investments types. At the same time, PerTrac RiskPlus analytics showed just the opposite: that the potential for, and the magnitude of, losses was greater across all investment types.

The different views of risk were especially evident when viewing both domestic and global equities with traditional methods predicting that gains in these asset classes would be 2% more likely than losses while tail risk analysis forecasted a greater than 4% chance of losses than gains.

And this is not the only instance of a red herring. In reviewing previous market events, such as the sovereign debt crisis in March 2010, the threat of potential losses was exposed with PerTrac RiskPlus, but normal distribution analytics continued with its overly optimistic market forecast despite the abundance of warning signs. During this crisis, non US-equities, as measured by the MSCI World Index, were the leading indicator. Normal distribution analytics estimated that there was a 14% greater potential for a gain than a loss in the MSCI World Index. RiskPlus showed an 18% greater potential for a loss than for a gain. During this crisis, the MSCI World Index declined substantially.

"Risk measures based on normal distributions, commonly referred to as ''the bell curve'', are flawed due to their inability to capture tail risk and skewness evident in financial assets," said Dave Merrill, CEO of FinAnalytica. "PerTrac RiskPlus, built in partnership with FinAnalytica, accounts for all four moments of a distribution, allowing our clients to differentiate tail risk from tail return, and to use these measures in their risk management and asset allocation decision making processes."

"Our investment management clients, whether they are an endowment, a pension fund, a family office, or a fund of funds, all need to determine their thresholds and triggers for risk before an event occurs. PerTrac RiskPlus provides them a forward looking tool to better anticipate downside events and balance their portfolio risk against their risk appetite," said Brendan Dolan, Co-President of PerTrac.

PerTrac RiskPlus, an advanced risk analysis module designed to help institutional investors and portfolio managers decompose hidden risks through the use of multivariate factor analysis, stress testing and risk budgeting, was launched in 2010 under a partnership between FinAnalytica and PerTrac. For additional information on PerTrac RiskPlus or tail risk analysis, visit

About PerTrac

PerTrac provides software solutions for investment professionals at the fund-level of investing including pensions, family offices, hedge funds, long-only managers, endowments, sovereign wealth funds, funds of funds and industry service providers. More than 1,400 organizations in 50 countries rely on PerTrac software solutions to help them maximize returns, reduce risk and operate more efficiently. Founded in 1996, PerTrac is headquartered in New York with offices in London, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Reno, and Memphis. For additional information on the full suite of PerTrac software solutions, please visit

About FinAnalytica

FinAnalytica delivers multi-asset class, predictive performance analytics solutions to investment managers. Supporting quantitative analysts, risk and portfolio managers, our combined methodology and framework optimizes full portfolio return potential and mitigates market risk. Deployed by leading asset managers, hedge funds and institutional investors, FinAnalytica''s award winning Cognity analytics outperforms all current generation platforms through patented fat-tailed technology that is flexible, precise and transparent. For further information, please visit

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22.09.11 19:43

3482 Postings, 4961 Tage dok-d-statistikden Mutigen gehört das Spielfeld

schöner Umsatz heute Nachmittag  

28.09.11 22:53

1231 Postings, 4997 Tage Vito555Ich

überlege jetzt hier was zu kaufen  

28.09.11 22:54

3482 Postings, 4961 Tage dok-d-statistikUnd gehalten

29.09.11 08:08

3482 Postings, 4961 Tage dok-d-statistikVito

Es kommt der turnaround

In USA + 24 Prozemt  

29.09.11 16:27

111 Postings, 4912 Tage BockelhartEs geht los!

Also ich bin dabei, sehr gute Chancen für diesen Einstiegspreis...
Mal gespannt was da den Monat noch geht...  

29.09.11 17:29

3482 Postings, 4961 Tage dok-d-statistikStimmt

Ich bin voll eingedeckt

Und warte auf den Start  

29.09.11 17:30

1231 Postings, 4997 Tage Vito555leute wartet

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