nächster Highflyer wie Nevada Copper ??

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26.03.13 08:50

27124 Postings, 6134 Tage brunnetaGlobal Building Materials Industry


@kuddl43: oh entschuldigung habe mich vertan ..
Keine Kauf-Verkaufsempfehlung.   "Das Glück des einen ist das Unglück des anderen"

29.03.13 07:35

27124 Postings, 6134 Tage brunnetaAuf Basis des Kurses vom 11.03.2013 von 0,275 CAD

werde Canada Zinc Metals lediglich mit 39,32 Mio. CAD bewertet. Dem stehe ein Brutto-In-Situ-Wert auf Basis der wahrscheinlichen und vermuteten Reserven von etwa 5,7 Mrd. CAD gegenüber. Dies stellt nach Meinung der Analysten von AC Research ein krasses Missverhältnis dar, zumal sich dieser Wert lediglich auf das Cardiac Creek-Vorkommen bezieht und gleichzeitig auf den Projektgebieten der Gesellschaft weitere umfangreiche Vorkommen zu vermuten sind. Und jüngste geologische Oberflächenscans würden dies bestätigen.

Keine Kauf-Verkaufsempfehlung.   "Das Glück des einen ist das Unglück des anderen"

04.04.13 02:55

12 Postings, 4289 Tage MG16das ist ja nicht mehr



13.04.13 08:27

426 Postings, 4970 Tage Ernesto44Was ist schon normal

bei der Börse. Die Firma ist ein Hoffnungsträger in Sachen Zinkförderung und der Kurs kennt nur eine Richtung. Das Unternehmen kauft laufend Aktien zurück, zeitweise fast täglich und trotzdem geht der Kurs nur nach unten. Die Frage ist, wer manipuliert diesen Kurs? Die momentane Marktkapitalisierung ist gelinde gesagt lächerlich aber offenbar stört das Niemand. Die Chinesen könnten natürlich ein Interesse dafür haben dass der Kurs tief bleibt damit eine event. Übernahme des Betriebes günstig wird. Die Schweden werden da nicht viel ausrichten können mit ihrer Minibeteiligung von ca. 10%. Nach meiner Meinung müsste der Kurs ca. 10x höher sein als er jetzt ist und bei einer Uebernahme noch zulegen.



16.04.13 09:44

27124 Postings, 6134 Tage brunnetaFunds for friends

Keine Kauf-Verkaufsempfehlung.   "Das Glück des einen ist das Unglück des anderen"

16.04.13 22:28

2125 Postings, 5307 Tage StarbikerManupulation

Welche Kurse sind heute noch nicht manipuliert? Und bei so marktengen Papieren ist das mit ein paar $ leicht zu machen, auch wenn man nur 10% oder gar nichts hält. Man sollte sich hier einfach raushalten (wie aus den Rohstoffmärkten überhaupt) aber die Erkenntnis kommt bei mir auch zu spät.  

19.04.13 12:08

27124 Postings, 6134 Tage brunnetaCanada's mining industry strong,

but challenges ahead

Keine Kauf-Verkaufsempfehlung.   "Das Glück des einen ist das Unglück des anderen"

07.05.13 15:33

3754 Postings, 5496 Tage tolksvarproduktion läuft explor. laufen,was kann besser

sein,der chart müsFiling Services Canada     |    


FSC / Press Release

Initial Phase of Digital Compilation Complete on the Akie and the Kechika Regional Projects

Vancouver, British Columbia CANADA, May 07, 2013 /FSC/ - Canada Zinc Metals Corp. (CZX - TSX Venture), is pleased to provide an update on its ongoing digital compilation efforts on both the Akie and Kechika Regional projects.

The Akie property is the Company's flagship exploration project and is host to the Cardiac Creek SEDEX Zn-Pb-Ag deposit with a 43-101 compliant measured and indicated resource recently updated in April of 2012. The Kechika Regional Project, represented by a series of contiguous property blocks including Pie and Mt. Alcock, extends northwest from the Akie property for approximately 140 kilometres, covering the prospective Devonian Gunsteel Formation shale. The Gunsteel shale is the known host to the Cardiac Creek deposit, the Cirque deposit (Teck/Korea Zinc), and numerous Zn-Pb-Ag mineral prospects and occurrences along its mapped extent. The southernmost boundary of the Kechika Regional project is located approximately 260 kilometers north-northwest of the town of Mackenzie, in northeastern British Columbia, Canada.  

Digital Compilation Program and Database

In November, 2012 the Company initiated a massive digital compilation program incorporating recent and historical geological data gathered from public exploration assessment reports that represent over 35 years of mineral exploration conducted in the Kechika Trough. The compiled information is stored in a structured database format that can be imported into a number of commonly used GIS and mine software programs. The digital information represents both broad and detailed scale data and includes drilling, geological, geochemical and geophysical data.

The initial phase of work is now complete for the Company's flagship Akie property and key Kechika Regional properties. The historical data has been merged with the Company's recent exploration data to form a comprehensive digital record unavailable to historical workers. The regional properties from south to north include: Pie, Cirque East, Yuen, Mt. Alcock, Kwad, Weiss, Bear/Spa, Driftpile South, Saint, and Thro. The second phase of the program will incorporate data from properties adjacent to the Company's claims as well as other data sets including additional assessment reports, government data from both the British Columbia Geological Survey and the Geological Survey of Canada, and historical internal reports obtained by the Company.

Currently, the database exceeds 155 GB in size and includes over 1,250 rock samples, 1,775 silt samples, 24,000 soil samples, and 13,875 meters of drilling, in addition to data from the Akie property.

Exploration and Targeting

Review and detailed assessment has now commenced using the integrated database to effectively assess, interpret, model and ultimately prioritize areas of interest and exploration targets on the company's properties.  

Historically, the majority of exploration work in the Kechika Trough occurred in the late 1970's to early 1980's and was focused primarily on the northern properties, in the immediate vicinity of Teck's Driftpile deposit. In the southern half of the Trough, the Cirque and Pie properties received the most activity. After a significant lull in exploration, work resumed in the early to mid-1990's on select properties including Akie and Pie. The recent exploration work conducted by Canada Zinc Metals since 2005 has focused on the Akie property, with lesser work so far on the Pie and Mt. Alcock properties.

Historical exploration in the Kechika Trough focused on selective mineralized surface targets in areas with visibly exposed Gunsteel shale. These sites were generally mapped and sampled on a grid basis with intermittent soil survey coverage completed for several kilometers along strike of a given showing. A limited number of geophysical surveys were completed. Some targets were eventually drilled as a first pass assessment of anomalous soil geochemistry but many targets remain untested. Drilling occurred on the Pie, Yuen, Mt. Alcock, Bear/Spa and Driftpile South properties. Additional drilling was recommended to follow-up on promising drill results, however, in most cases budgets were not available and the work was discontinued. Other properties such as Weiss and Kwad have seen little exploration work despite covering highly prospective ground. These two properties will be scrutinized thoroughly considering their proximity to known Pb-Zn-Ag mineralization on the adjacent Mt. Alcock and Bear/Spa properties.

It is important to note that the number of elements analyzed during the early geochemical surveys was typically limited to just Pb and Zn and occasionally Ag and Ba. More recent sampling programs use a minimum 30 element ICP package allowing data to be captured for all the primary and known pathfinder elements commonly associated with stratiform Pb-Zn-Ag deposits.

A preliminary assessment of each property block is currently underway with an initial focus on the Mt. Alcock, Pie and Akie properties. Using the recent VTEM data integrated with the compiled digital data has revealed several target areas on the Mt. Alcock property, both along strike of the Main Barite showing and on the panel of Gunsteel Formation shales to the east. Similarly, the geological mapping, VTEM data and geochemical sample results are confirming known targets at Pie and Akie, such as the GPS showing, as well as hinting at the possibility of a previously unknown southeastern strike extension to the GPS that is road accessible. New areas of interest have been identified across all three properties. It is expected that as the assessment continues a series of ranked targets will be developed on each property.

Of particular note on the Akie property, historical soil sampling had previously outlined a large zinc anomaly located southeast from the Cardiac Creek deposit; although the target remains largely untested. The geochemistry target is coincident with several EM targets identified in last summer's VTEM survey giving rise to the possibility of another mineralized system southeast of the Cardiac Creek deposit. This and several other Akie targets continue to be evaluated as targets for more systematic exploration.

Work will continue to synthesize and evaluate the historical data in the context of modern geological and airborne surveys to aid in the definition of new exploration targets. Exploration planning is currently underway for targeted follow-up mapping, sampling and possible drill testing of these targets during the upcoming field season.

Ken MacDonald P.Geo., Vice President of Exploration, is the designated Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 and is responsible for the technical information contained in this release.

The TSX Venture Exchange has neither approved nor disapproved the contents of this press release.




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Phone (604) 684-2181


To view the press release as a PDF file, please click on the following link:

ste etwas nicht nur etwas ,steil nach oben gehen  

07.05.13 18:39

426 Postings, 4970 Tage Ernesto44Gute News

bedeuten an der Börse meistens einen Kursrückgang, vielleicht weil den Börsianern die Intelligenz abgeht um so etwas richtig zu deuten!  

13.05.13 18:23

426 Postings, 4970 Tage Ernesto44Wann

hat diese Aktie endlich den Boden erreicht? Ich habe in den letzten zwei Jahren keine schlechte News gelesen und trotzdem geht der Kurs kontinuierlich herunter. Wenn mir wenigstens jemand den Grund sagen kann würde mich das sehr beruhigen. Aber es ist sehr wahrscheinlich sehr schwer einen Grund zu finden. Ich gehe weiter davon aus, dass die Chinesen den Kurs drücken um eine Perle für ein Butterbrot erwerben zu können. Die Kapitalisierung liegt jetzt unter 20Mio. $, der effektive Wert an Rohstoffen liegt sicher etwa 10 Mal höher!  

16.05.13 17:09

3754 Postings, 5496 Tage tolksvarsolche news und so ein niedergang versteh ich nich

Filing Services Canada     |    


FSC / Press Release

Canada Zinc Metals Receives Multi-Year Exploration Permits

Vancouver, British Columbia CANADA, May 16, 2013 /FSC/ - Canada Zinc Metals Corp. (CZX - TSX Venture), is pleased to provide an update on permitting activities for the Akie, Pie, Mt. Alcock, Yuen and the North Kechika regional properties.

The Akie property is the Company's flagship exploration project and is host to the Cardiac Creek SEDEX Zn-Pb-Ag deposit with a 43-101 compliant measured and indicated resource recently updated in April of 2012. The Kechika Regional Project, represented by a series of contiguous property blocks including Pie and Mt. Alcock, extends northwest from the Akie property for approximately 140 kilometres, covering the prospective Devonian Gunsteel Formation shale. The Gunsteel shale is the known host to the Cardiac Creek deposit, the Cirque deposit (Teck/Korea Zinc), and numerous Zn-Pb-Ag mineral prospects and occurrences along its mapped extent. The southernmost boundary of the Kechika Regional project is located approximately 260 kilometers north-northwest of the town of Mackenzie, in northeastern British Columbia, Canada.  

The Yuen and North Kechika Properties - Permitted

The Company is pleased to report it has recently received multi-year exploration permits from the British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Natural Gas for the Yuen property and the North Kechika regional properties. These permits will allow the Company to execute its exploration plans on these properties and evaluate targets generated from the recently completed digital compilation program.

The Yuen property is located between the Mt. Alcock property to the northwest and the Cirque (Teck/Korea Zinc) property to the southeast. The Yuen property, with a similar setting as the Mt. Alcock property, is sub-divided into a western and eastern panel of the prospective Earn Group rocks which is the host assemblage of the Devonian Gunsteel Formation shale. There has been limited historical drilling on the Yuen property, representing over 1,400 metres, scattered across the property testing isolated soil anomalies and known mineralised showings located on the two panels. The Yuen property has seen little exploration activity over the past 30 years with the last period of focused exploration occurring from 1979 to 1981.

The North Kechika group of properties is situated approximately 37 kilometres northwest of the Mt. Alcock property. The group of properties, from south to north, include; Bear/Spa, Driftpile South, Saint and Thro. To service exploration in this region, an exploration camp, to be built in the vicinity of the Driftpile airstrip, has been approved by the government. Similar to the Yuen property, the majority of exploration work took place in the late 1970's and early 1980's. Limited drilling has taken place on the Bear/Spa and Driftpile South properties testing defined soil anomalies. To date there has been no drilling on either the Saint or Thro properties.

Preliminary historical drilling in 1980* at Bear/Spa encountered Pb-Zn-Ag mineralization of variable width and grade in several holes. Drill hole 80-B-01 intersected a large interval of bedded barite with sphalerite and galena underlain by massive bedded pyrite from a downhole depth of 70 metres and returned 28.7m (true width) of 1.9% Zn + Pb and 15.1g/t Ag, including 6.9m (true width) of 2.32% Zn + Pb and 34.3 g/t Ag. Individual assays returned up to 10.70% Zn and 5.73% Pb. Drill hole 80-B-02 intersected 21.4m (true width) of 2.75% Zn + Pb and 16.8 g/t Ag from a downhole depth of 105 meters. Other encouraging results include 2.96% Zn + Pb and 20.6 g/t Ag over 11 meters (true width) from surface in hole B-80-03, with indications the zone is open to the NW. There has been limited follow-up drilling on the Bear/Spa mineralisation and the zone appears to be open at depth and along strike.

Akie, Pie and Mt. Alcock Properties - Permitted

In addition to the multi-year permits for Yuen and the North Kechika properties, the Company is pleased to report that it has received date extensions for its existing multi-year permits for the Akie, Pie and Mt. Alcock properties. The Company has also received approval for the construction of a temporary exploration camp on the Mt. Alcock property. The camp will increase logistical efficiencies and service exploration efforts to the northwest between Mt. Alcock and North Kechika.

With these permits in hand, the Company will now be able to establish long term exploration goals and carry them out in a time effective manner without having to re-apply or renew existing permits on an annual basis. Collectively, the permits and amendments provide multi-year approval for drill programs on 5 properties and logistical support to follow-up geological and geochemical surveys on intervening properties not yet slated for drilling.  

Ken MacDonald P.Geo., Vice President of Exploration, is the designated Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 and is responsible for the technical information contained in this release.

*R. Carne, 1980: Report on Diamond Drilling on the Bear and SI Claim Group, BC Ministry of Energy and Mines and Petroleum Resources, Assessment Report #08626, p51.

The TSX Venture Exchange has neither approved nor disapproved the contents of this press release.





17.05.13 08:30

27124 Postings, 6134 Tage brunnetaCanada Zinc Metals Corp

Initial Phase of Digital Compilation Complete on the Akie and the Kechika Regional Projects

Keine Kauf-Verkaufsempfehlung.   "Das Glück des einen ist das Unglück des anderen"

22.05.13 17:39

27124 Postings, 6134 Tage brunnetaMay 22, 2013

Keine Kauf-Verkaufsempfehlung.   "Das Glück des einen ist das Unglück des anderen"

23.05.13 15:27

27124 Postings, 6134 Tage brunnetadie aktie lebet wieder

Keine Kauf-Verkaufsempfehlung.   "Das Glück des einen ist das Unglück des anderen"

23.05.13 16:29

27124 Postings, 6134 Tage brunnetaDie Analysten von AC Research belassen ihr

Kursziel daher bei 0,70 CAD.
Keine Kauf-Verkaufsempfehlung.   "Das Glück des einen ist das Unglück des anderen"

23.05.13 16:33

27124 Postings, 6134 Tage brunnetavielversprechenden Explorationsprojekte in Kanada

Keine Kauf-Verkaufsempfehlung.   "Das Glück des einen ist das Unglück des anderen"

24.05.13 11:31

426 Postings, 4970 Tage Ernesto44Ich hoffe

dass wir den Tiefstpunkt jetzt endlich hinter uns haben und der Kurs nur noch nach oben geht. Der Preiszerfall ist für mich schleierhaft. Es gibt überhaupt keinen Grund warum der Kurs nur nach unten ging. Die meisten Analysten senden seit Monaten nur positive Meldungen in die Welt und trotzdem geht es nur bergab. Soll mir mal einer diese Logik erklären! Ach so Logik gibt es ja nicht bei der Börse!  

27.05.13 15:06

27124 Postings, 6134 Tage brunnetaReserven der Gesellschaft liegt bei etwa 5,3 Mrd.

Keine Kauf-Verkaufsempfehlung.   "Das Glück des einen ist das Unglück des anderen"

27.05.13 17:14

388 Postings, 5000 Tage Mr.Stock07Schade nur ..

... dass die "Reserven" in keinster Weise entwickelt sind und dafür auch kein Geld vorhanden ist ... Warum der Kurs fällt ? - Entweder ne Luftnummer oder jemand will billig die Mehrheit übernehmen, wenn jenen das Geld ausgeht ...

Warum steht wohl nix genaues zur Bilanz in all den "Studien" ?  

27.05.13 17:40

943 Postings, 5933 Tage Alfgolf2warum sollten sich dann wohl 2

renomierte Firmen(die es tatsächlich gibt und die jeder kennt) an CZX beteiligen ?

und nicht wenig??

also das ist ja Quark.........

Und ne Bilanz hat ein Explorer nicht...lach...nur Verluste ..Verluste ...Verluste...

bis die Mine gebaut und Cash verdient wird..
Nur wer an sich glaubt, kann anderen helfen, an sich zu glauben.

27.05.13 18:28

426 Postings, 4970 Tage Ernesto44Das mit der Luftnummer

kannst Du vergessen. Du solltest Dich bevor Du solche Sachen schreibst über eine Firma besser informieren. Ich sehe du bist nur ein Zocker der auf das schnelle Geld aus ist aber von einem richtigen Investor bist Du weit entfernt!  

27.05.13 20:57

27124 Postings, 6134 Tage brunnetaZink mittelfristigen Preis Ausblick ist positiv

Are New Mines Threatening Zinc?s Positive Price Outlook?

Keine Kauf-Verkaufsempfehlung.   "Das Glück des einen ist das Unglück des anderen"

28.05.13 08:26

27124 Postings, 6134 Tage brunnetaBulle & Bär Research

Canada Zinc Metals-Aktie: Zink-Explorer mittlerweile extrem günstig bewertet

Keine Kauf-Verkaufsempfehlung.   "Das Glück des einen ist das Unglück des anderen"

28.05.13 13:40

1090 Postings, 6501 Tage DerTobyBulle & Bär ...

... wiederholen sich. Genützt hat es nichts.  

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