_ CNOOC comes knocking for AkerFiled from Aberdeen 11/16/2007 8:56:00 AM GMT 
CHINA/NORWAY: Aker Kvaerner has signed two deals with One contract is for the delivery of a complete marine drilling riser system and associated equipment, while the other is for delivery of mooring equipment to a new deepwater semisubmersible drilling unit. Contract values are undisclosed. The marine drilling riser system has a total length of 7,500 feet (2,286 m). "The Chinese deepwater market has tremendous potential. Up until now most of the oil exploration in China has been in shallow waters. However, CNOOC is now taking their efforts to a new level," said Raymond Carlsen, executive vice president, Aker Kvaerner Subsea. The marine drilling riser system will be manufactured and delivered out of Aker Kvaerner Subsea's new high tech manufacturing centre in Malaysia. Delivery is scheduled for quarter two of 2010. Aker Kvaerner subsidiary, Aker Kvaerner Pusnes will deliver its mooring equipment to CNOOC's drilling rig. "We set up our manufacturing centre in Malaysia to capitalise on the expected subsea boom in the Asia-Pacific region. This first delivery to the Chinese offshore market is another proof that it was the right thing to do," said Carlsen. http://www.energycurrent.com/?id=2&storyid=6859 "Malo mori quam foederari - Lieber sterben als sich entehren"