Northern Canadian Minerals Inc. - Uranaktie A0F46N
gut analysiert
Northern Canadian Minerals Inc. is a Canadian publicly traded junior resource company exploring for uranium in Saskatchewan.
The company?s properties which make up the Collins Bay Extension Project (formerly known as Snowshoe) are the Harrison Peninsula and Pow Bay mineral claims which are located on Wollaston Lake in northern Saskatchewan at the eastern extremity of the Athabasca Basin. This region is the source of over 30% of current world production of uranium. The Company is also evaluating additional property acquisition opportunities in the U.S. and overseas.
Overview of Northern Canadian's Uranium Projects
Collins Bay Extension Project, Athabasca Basin Saskatchewan:
The Collins Bay Extension Project (formerly known as Snowshoe), Harrison Peninsula and Pow Bay mineral claims are located on Wollaston Lake in northern Saskatchewan at the eastern extremity of the Athabasca Basin which is the source of 32% of current world production of uranium. The Company has staked two additional claims in the area of mutual interest which will be included in the property package (the Saskatchewan properties collectively referred to as the "Athabasca Properties").
The Athabasca Properties cover 37,310 hectares adjoining property held by Cameco Corp. which covers five economic deposits of uranium, four of which are past producers ( Rabbit Lake mine and Collins Bay A, B and D) and one that is in current production (Eagle Point mine). These deposits are related to the unconformity at the base of the Athabasca Group formations where it is disrupted by thrust faulting.
The main fault structure, the Collins Bay Fault, controlling the known deposits on Cameco ground projects on to the Athabasca Properties. The Company believes it is this feature that makes the Company's ground highly prospective for economic deposits of uranium.
The Collins Bay Fault is the main controlling structure for four economically significant uranium deposits, the Collins Bay A, B and D deposits, and Eagle Point mine.
The Collins Bay A deposit occurs on the Athabasca unconformity. It has been mined out by open pit methods and has produced 169 million pounds of uranium ("U 3 O 8 ") (current gross value about $ 5 billion) from ore grading 5.68%U 3 O 8 .
The Eagle Point mine lies entirely within basement rocks beneath a now-eroded Athabasca unconformity. Uranium ore with simple mineralogy occurs within numerous vein structures in the hanging wall of the main fault. They occur to at least 460 metres below the Athabasca unconformity. Ore with an average grade of about 1.53% U 3 O 8 is being mined by underground methods. Production to date plus current reserve/resources is in the order of 64 million pounds of U 3 O 8 .
The southeast end of the Collins Bay Extension Project block is 7 km northeast of the producing Eagle Point uranium mine; the Harrison Peninsula claim is 5 km east of the Eagle Point mine and the Pow Bay claim is 5 km ENE of the formerly producing Rabbit Lake mine.
The Pow Bay claim lies partially on the easterly projection of the Rabbit Lake Fault which is one of the controlling structures at the now mined out Rabbit Lake mine. The Rabbit Lake mine produced 41 million pounds of U 3 O 8 from ore grading 0.27 %U 3 O 8 ; the ore was hosted by basement rocks between 0 and 200 metres below the Athabasca unconformity.
Nevada Properties:
The Nevada Properties are comprised of three uranium project areas in south western Nevada. These include the Holiday Mine Claims and the Carol R Mine Claims in Mineral County and the Green Monster Mine claims, located in Clark County. All three areas have highly anomalous uranium concentrations in grab samples.
Holiday Mine Claims, Mineral County
An albitatite dike intrudes into a quartz monzonite stock. The contact between these two rock types is faulted and hosts the radioactive mineralization. Selected grab samples contain up to 0.22% U 3 O 8 and 0.85% ThO 2 .
Green Monster Mine Claims, Clark County
This is a primarily lead-zinc mine with highly anomalous uranium content. A 5 ton bulk sample contain 1.09 % U 3 O 8 was collected in 1951. Individual samples contain as much as 10.5 % U 3 O 8 .
Carol R Mine Claims, Mineral County
Selected uranium samples contain as much as 0.94% U 3 O 8 . The uranium mineralization is located along the metasedimentary/felsic intrusive contact.
Last Updated: 28 march 2006
Rolling 52 Week High 0.610
Rolling 52 Week Low 0.200
Common Shares
Stock Exchanges: TSX Venture Exchange (TSX VE - Tier Two)
Stock Symbol: NCA
OTC/BB exchange in the United States : NCADF
Frankfurt Stock Exchange/Germany : N4I (WKN A0F46N)
AS AT February 2,2006
Issued and Outstanding: 14,296,399 Common Shares
Optionen : 1,452,000 Common Shares
Warrants : 4,034,409 Common Shares
Fully Diluted : 19,782,808 Common Shares
Market Capitalization: $6,978,297 (4,69 Mio. EUR)
Management's Uranium Experience:
- President and Director, Northwestern Mineral Ventures
-Manager of Joint Venture Development , CanAlaska Ventures LTD.
NCA.v Presentation
Northern Canadian Minerals Inc.
Cathedral Place
Suite 1304
925 W. Georgia St.
Vancouver, BC
V6C 3L2
ph: +1 (604) 684-2181
fx:+1 (604) 682-4768
Manager mit umfassenden Kenntnissen im Bereich Uranexploration und der
Entwicklung von Uran-Projekten. Mr. Kreczmer ist als Geologe und
Bergbauspezialistbereits mehr als 30 Jahre tätig. Er hat sowohl für
Branchengrößen als auch für Juniors gearbeitet, immer auf den Uranbereich
sowie Edel- und unedle Metalle fokussiert. Mr. Kreczmer verfügt zudem über
große Erfahrung im Bereich Corporate Governance und administrativen
Belangen, das er als Director mehrerer börsennotierter Bergbauunternehmen
tätig war und ist. Er war unter anderem Für den Urangiganten Cameco
Corporation (TSX: CCO; NYSE: CCJ), AGIP Canada Ltd., Granges Exploration
Ltd., Golden Patriot Mining Inc. (TSX-V: GPM), Soho Resources Corp.
(TSX-V: SOH) und Northern Canadian Minerals Inc. (TSX-V: NCA) tätig.
Zwischen 1991 und 2003 war Kreczmer President von Tan Range Exploration
Corporation (TSX: TNX). Unter seiner Führung beschaffte sich Tan Range fas
40 Millionen CAD für Exploration und Entwicklung der Liegenschaften.
Darüberhinaus initiierte, gestaltete und betrieb Mr. Kreczmer mehrere
Explorations-Jointventures für Tan Range, und zwar mit führenden
Goldunternehmen wie JCI aus Südafrika, Newmont Mining Corporation (NYSE:
NEM) und Barrick Gold Corp. (TSX, NYSE: ABX) in 2002 sowie
AngloGold-Ashanti Limited (NYSE: AU) in 2003.
Mr. Laskowski brings extensive international exploration experience to the Company. His focus has been on the identification and acquisition of quality exploration projects. In the past, he has served as the President and CEO of the Gallant Minerals group of exploration companies, from 1997?2005, based in London and exploring in Peru and Mongolia. With Gallant, he directed the acquisition of 14 uranium exploration properties in Mongolia, which were subsequently ventured to Erdene Gold (TSX) and International Uranium Corporation (TSX).
Prior to his tenure with Gallant, Mr. Laskowski worked 17 years with Newmont Exploration Ltd., where he managed regional exploration offices in North Carolina and Minnesota, and obtained operating experience in the Post and Carlin gold mines in Nevada (U.S.A.). He also managed resource definition programs in Idaho and Alaska. Since 1983, Mr. Laskowski has authored or co-authored six geological publications.
He has over 15 years of both exploration and production experience relating to uranium deposits in Northern Saskatchewan. Mr. Kermeen was the Senior Exploration Geologist with SMDC(Saskatchewan Mining Development Corporation). Mr. Kermeen has 7 years of work experience within the Uranium City Mining Camp.
Monday, March 20, 2006
Contact: Investor Relations (No.2006-03-06)
Phone (604) 684-2181
Northern Canadian Expands Property Package at Collins Bay Extension
Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan Vancouver, British Columbia ? March 20, 2006
Northern Canadian Minerals Inc. (TSX Venture Exchange: NCA) (the ?Company?) has expanded its property holdings on the Collins Bay Extension (?CBE?) uranium exploration project, in Saskatchewan. Northern Canadian has staked an additional 16,281 hectares of mineral claims, bringing the project total to 37,310 hectares. The Collins Bay Extension project is located along the eastern edge of the Athabasca Basin, adjacent to Cameco?s Eagle Point uranium mine, and the Rabbit Lake uranium mill. The Athabasca Basin is the world?s premier uranium mining region, which provides over 30% of the world?s uranium.
Northern Canadian now controls claims covering over 40 kms of two northeast trending fault zones, one of which hosts major uranium deposits on adjoining Cameco ground. The structural target areas were
identified through compilation of historic exploration data, including airborne magnetics, electromagnetics, and shipborne seismic geophysical data which were combined with regional mapping and structural interpretations. The company is currently completing a 3000 m drilling program, testing three target areas ( please see attached map ).
Northern Canadian is planning an aggressive exploration program for the coming field season. Programs will include systematic exploration program of additional target areas at the CBE project, and the Canyon
Coin claim located on the north side of the Athabasca Basin. The Coin Canyon Mine Occurrence 62 contains uranium mineralization with historic, non 43-101 compliant surface sample values up to 3%uranium. The company also controls three uranium occurrences located in southwest Nevada, which will be evaluated. These include the Holiday Mine Claims and the Carol R Mine Claims in Mineral County and the Green Monster Mine claims, located in Clark County. The Company is also evaluating additional property acquisition opportunities in the U.S. and overseas.
Quality Assurance and Control
Jim Kermeen, MSc., P.Geol., a ?qualified person? for the purposes of National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects, has reviewed and verified the information presented in this release, and the data utilized by the Company in preparing its exploration program.
Cathedral Place, Suite 1304?925 West Georgia St.
Vancouver, BC V6C 3L2 Canada
Phone: (604) 684-2181 Fax: (604) 682-4768
Email: Website:
Northern Canadian Minerals Inc. (NCA)
Northern Canadian Minerals is a Canadian public company focused on the acquisition, exploration and development of uranium properties world wide. The Company?s exploration programs are headed by
Keith Laskowski, a geologist with over 25 years of exploration experience. NCA is currently reviewing new projects in highly prospective uranium camps to further add to its portfolio of properties.
? Praveen K. Varshney ?
Praveen K. Varshney, President
@Knappschaftsk. erstmal vielen Dank für den Stern. :-) Northern Canadian hat z.Z. insgesamt 14,2 mio Aktien draussen mit ca. 1,4 mio Dollar auf der Bank. Northern Canada braucht noch ein paar Wochen oder Monate. Behalt sie auf Deiner Watchlist. Auf jeden Fall wird URAN der Renner 2006 und wer jetzt drin ist, kann soviel nicht verkehrt machen.
Eine erste Position sollte man auf jeden Fall unter 0,40? nehmen!
AS AT February 2,2006
Issued and Outstanding: 14,296,399 Common Shares
Optionen : 1,452,000 Common Shares
Warrants : 4,034,409 Common Shares
Fully Diluted : 19,782,808 Common Shares
Market Capitalization: $6,978,297 (4,69 Mio. EUR)
Northern Cdn lists on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange
2006-03-22 13:24 ET - News Release
Mr. Praveen Varshney reports
Northern Canadian Minerals Inc.'s common shares are now listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and have commenced trading under the trading symbol N4I (WKN-A0F46N).
The listing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange was viewed by management as a good opportunity to increase liquidity for European shareholders and to broaden the company's shareholder base.
We seek Safe Harbor.
Athabasca Uranium Short Course 2005 Presentations
Northern Cdn to claim uranium interests in U.S.
2006-04-03 14:57 ET - News Release
Mr. Praveen Varshney reports
Northern Canadian Minerals Inc. has signed a binding letter agreement with the Miller-Berdahl Partnership (MB) to acquire a 100-per-cent interest in over 12,000 acres of uranium mineral claims and state of Wyoming leases. The properties are located in four historic uranium-producing districts, three in Wyoming and one in South Dakota. The properties contain uranium mineralization that was explored during historic drilling completed by previous mining companies. Two properties contain historic mines that operated until the downturn of the uranium market in the late 1970s.
Since 1995, Wyoming has been the leading producer of uranium in the United States and Wyoming also contains the largest uranium reserves in the U.S. Since 1991, all uranium production in Wyoming has been from low-cost, in situ leach (ISL) extraction. Two ISL mining operations in Wyoming are now producing uranium at Cameco's Highland/Morton ranch and Smith ranch operations. The presence of modern, production facilities currently operating in Wyoming confirms that Wyoming is an excellent location for the discovery and development of new deposits.
Northern Canadian is now conducting due diligence and compiling historic data in preparation for sampling and drilling programs that will attempt to convert the previously identified mineralization to National Instrument 43-101-compliant uranium resources. The properties have potential to host a large uranium deposit through expansion of known deposits and discovery of new deposits along strike and at depth. Based on historical results, uranium deposits may occur with average grades ranging from 0.1 per cent to 0.3 per cent U3O8, located near surface, and may be amenable to in situ leach extraction. The company cautions that these results are not compliant with National Instrument 43-101 and are provided for informational purposes only. Actual results under NI 43-101-compliant categories may vary materially. Northern Canadian will retain MB on a contract basis, for a minimum of 60 days, to assist with program planning, compilation and acquisition of additional properties. Northern Canadian will operate from the MB office in Newcastle, Wyo., and the company's office in Golden, Colo.
The letter agreement with Miller Berdahl Partnership is subject to TSX Venture Exchange approval and requires preparation of a formal option agreement containing the following terms and conditions.
Northern Canadian Minerals can earn a 100-per-cent interest, over a three-year option period, subject to a 2.5-per-cent NSR (net smelter return) royalty to MB, by completing the following obligations (all funds in United States dollars):
Upon signing letter agreement: $25,000
Upon receiving TSX-V approval: $125,000 and 200,000 Northern Canadian shares
Year one work commitment: $100,000
Year one anniversary: $100,000 and 100,000 Northern Canadian shares
Year two anniversary: $200,000 and 100,000 Northern Canadian shares
Year three anniversary: $300,000 and 100,000 Northern Canadian shares
Total cash and shares: $750,000 and 500,000 Northern Canadian shares
We seek Safe Harbor.

Detailed Quote Snapshot 04/03/2006 04:10 PM
Last:0.60 +0.09 (17.65%) Volume: 87,433 Northern Canadian Minerals Inc.
Jetzt nix wie rein, bevor es zu spät ist!

Monday, April 3, 2006
Investor Relations
Phone (604) 684-2181
Northern Canadian Acquires Large Uranium Portfolio in Wyoming and South Dakota, U.S.A
Vancouver, British Columbia ? April 3, 2006 ? Northern Canadian Minerals Inc. (TSX Venture Exchange: NCA; Frankfurt Stock Exchange: N4I) (?Northern Canadian? or the ?Company?) is pleased to announce it has signed a binding Letter Agreement with the Miller-Berdahl Partnership (? MB ?) to acquire a 100% interest in over 12,000 acres of uranium mineral claims and State of Wyoming leases (the ?Properties?). The Properties are located in four historic uranium producing districts; three in Wyoming, and one in South Dakota. The Properties contain uranium mineralization that was explored during historic drilling completed by previous mining companies. Two properties contain historic mines that operated until the down-turn of the uranium market in the late 1970?s.
Since 1995, Wyoming has been the leading producer of uranium in the U.S. and Wyoming also contains the largest uranium reserves in the U.S. Since 1991, all uranium production in Wyoming has been from low-cost, in-situ leach (ISL) extraction. Two ISL mining operations in Wyoming are now producing uranium at Cameco?s Highland/Morton Ranch and Smith Ranch Operations. The presence of modern, production facilities currently operating in Wyoming, confirms that Wyoming is an excellent location for the discovery and development of new deposits.
Northern Canadian is now conducting due diligence and compiling historic data, in preparation for sampling and drilling programs that will attempt to convert the previously identified mineralization, to National Instrument 43-101 (?NI 43-101?) compliant uranium resources. The Properties have potential to host a large uranium deposit through expansion of known deposits and discovery of new deposits along strike and at depth. Based on historical results, uranium deposits may occur with average grades ranging from 0.1 ? 0.3% U3O8, located near-surface, and may be amenable to in-situ leach extraction. The Company cautions that these results are not compliant with National Instrument 43-101 and are provided for informational purposes only. Actual results under NI 43-101 compliant categories may vary materially. Northern Canadian will retain MB on a contract basis, for a minimum of 60 days to assist with program planning, compilation, and acquisition of additional properties. Northern Canadian will operate from MB office in Newcastle, Wyoming and the Company?s office in Golden, Colorado.
The Letter Agreement with Miller Berdahl Partnership is subject to TSX Venture Exchange approval and requires preparation of a formal Option Agreement containing the following terms and conditions. Northern Canadian Minerals Inc. can earn a 100% interest, over a three year option period, subject to a 2.5% NSR royalty to MB, by completing the following obligations (all funds USD):
Upon signing Letter Agreement $ 25,000
Upon receiving TSX-V approval: $125,000 and 200,000 NCA shares
Year 1 Work Commitment: $100,000
Year 1 Anniversary: $100,000 and 100,000 NCA shares
Year 2 Anniversary $200,000 and 100,000 NCA shares
Year 3 Anniversary $300,000 and 100,000 NCA shares
Total cash and shares: $750,000 and 500,000 NCA shares
Northern Canadian Minerals Inc. (NCA)
Northern Canadian Minerals is a Canadian public company focused on the acquisition, exploration and development of uranium properties world wide. The Company?s exploration programs are headed by Keith Laskowski (Vice President-Exploration), a geologist with over 28 years of exploration experience. Keith Laskowski is the Company?s Qualified Person on its exploration projects. Northern Canadian is also exploring its flagship property, the CBE Project, located 8 km along trend from the Eagle Point uranium mine on the eastern margin of the Athabasca Basin in Saskatchewan. The Company has two uranium properties located on the north side of the Athabasca Basin, and three uranium properties in southwest Nevada. The Company is also evaluating additional property acquisition opportunities in North America and overseas.
Forward Looking Statements
Some of the statements in this news release contain forward-looking information, which involves inherent risk and uncertainty affecting the business of Northern Canadian Minerals Inc. The potential quantity and grade of the above described uranium deposits is based upon historic drilling records obtained from the University of Utah Library and mining company archives and are not compliant with National Instrument 43-101. The estimate of the potential quantity and grade of the mineralization is conceptual in nature because insufficient exploration to define a mineral resource has occurred on the properties. It is uncertain if further exploration will result in discovery of mineral resource on the property. Actual results may differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements.
? Praveen K. Varshney ?
Praveen K. Varshney, President
Diese Prognose zieht jetzt viele kanadische Uranbergbauunternehmen und Explorationsgesellschaften in den Westen der USA, da sie darauf setzen, dass die USA ein großes Interesse besitzen, diesen Energieträger im eigenen Land zu erschließen. Wyoming, Utah und Colorado besitzen eine lange Uranbergbautradition und ermöglichen eine schnelle Genehmigung von neuen Projekten. "Eine Sache auf die wir beim Erwerb von Explorationsflächen achten, ist die Zeit zum Erhalt einer Abbaugenehmigung. In Wyoming sind das 25 bis 30 Monate. In Kanada müssten wir bis zu 10 Jahre warten", erklärte Ran Davidson, Sprecher für Energy Metals, das ausgedehnte Explorationsflächen in der Great Divide Region in Wyoming besitzt.
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