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22.07.04 14:44

79 Postings, 7620 Tage SostreamRocky, lassen wir die "Fehde", das...

...bringt doch keinem was.
Doch wenn Du mit Insiderwissen meine Aussage bzgl. der tatsächlichen Zahlen meinst, dann
muß ich Dir leider sagen, das Dein Wissen über PBDY nicht "up to date" ist.
Ich weiß nicht mehr als viele andere, aber anscheinend mehr als Du!
Denn jeder weiß, das PBDY inzwischen über rund 800 Stores verfügt und im letzten Quartal des abgelaufenen Geschäftsjahres für rund 145.000 USD BR-Coffee verkauft hat.
Doch das ist Vergangenheit und spätestens im aktuellen Quartal sollte eine überproportionale Steigerung dem gegenüber vorhanden sein.
Aus und Schluß, ich muß jetzt weg.

Mach was Du willst. Es war ja von mir auch nur eine Empfehlung wie viele andere es hier im Board auch machen. Nicht mehr, aber auch nicht weniger.  

22.07.04 14:58

342 Postings, 8858 Tage RockySehr gern

Es war von mir auch nur der Hinweis, dass ich nicht positiv über PBDY denke.
Jeder wie er meint. Ich sehe in allem keinen Sinn

Wenn ich jetzt rechne USD 145.000 : 800 Stores ergibt das einen Umsatz von $ 181,25 pro Store.
Ich bin total beeindruckt. Für mich ab jetzt ein eindeutiger Kauf.  

22.07.04 15:41

21799 Postings, 9075 Tage Karlchen_IIst ja quasi ein Weltunternehmen


We currently have 44 employees of which 8 are full-time employees and fiveof which are administrative.


Because we serve both hot and cold coffee drinks, the sales of ourproducts at most kiosk locations do not appear to be significantly affected bythe seasons.  

22.07.04 16:44

79 Postings, 7620 Tage SostreamRocky, schön das wir...

... uns aufs wesentliche beschränken können.
Stimme Dir zu, mit den bisherigen Umsätzen lockt man keine Katze vom Sofa.
Doch es wird besser werden. Obwohl diese Umsätze ohne auch nur der geringsten Werbung zustande gekommen sind und wenn die Tendenz weiter anhält, werden diese Umsätze sogar von fast alleine weiter steigen.

@ karlchen,

schon mal ein Startup gesehen, das mit einer Hundertschaft an employees erfolgreich wurde?
Im Gegenteil, PBDY hat im vergangenen Jahr extrem an Kosten gespart da man wußte, das bei der Umstellung des Hauptgeschäftes vorübergehend Umsatzeinbußen hinnehmen muß!
Was auch funktiioniert hat. Ergo wurde die richtige Richtung gegangen. Oder?
Die unrentablen und Umsatzschwachen CoffeeShops wurden reduziert, dabei hat man zwar Umsatzeinbußen hinnehmen müssen, doch man hat dadurch viel weniger Verlust eingefahren.
Klug, wie ich finde.

Natürlich muß sich nun zeigen das der Umsatz mit dem BR-Coffee Verkauf steigt und das wird er auch. Mit den emens geringeren Kosten, die jetzt für die Firma zu verkraften sind, wird sehr schnell die Gewinnschwelle erreicht werden können und das wird in meinen Augen auch noch dieses Jahr vermeldet werden können!


22.07.04 19:59

8970 Postings, 7680 Tage bammiehier sind news

Black Rhino Coffee Introduces Decaffeinated Organic Coffee
Thursday July 22, 11:52 am ET

ROSEVILLE, Calif., July 22, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- Peabodys Coffee, Inc. (OTC BB:PBDY.OB - News), owner of the USDA certified organic brand Black Rhino Coffee(TM), announced today the first phase of a two-part extension to their brand range with the introduction of a certified organic ground decaffeinated coffee. The Company reports that its decaf coffee is processed using the 100% chemical free Swiss Water(R) method. The Swiss Water(R) decaffeination process is classified ``Organic'' by the USDA.

``Throughout the coffee industry, decaf sells because of what it is, and not because it tastes like quality coffee,'' stated Peabodys' President and CEO Todd Tkachuk. ``We have developed an outstanding product to meet the demand for decaf coffee without compromising quality, and believe the time is right for us to bring the results to market,'' added Tkachuk. ``We are now in roughly 800 US supermarkets, and believe this new product will help us secure and extend our business in those locations -- and equip us to grow that distribution base quickly.''

Peabodys has developed the Black Rhino Coffee(TM) brand for marketing packaged certified organic coffee in retail markets. Currently, Black Rhino Coffee(TM) is on the shelf of supermarkets serviced by BI-LO, Ingles (NasdaqNM:IMKTA - News), Wal-Mart, and SuperValu (NYSE:SVU - News). With organic coffee being one of the fastest-growing segments of the specialty coffee market, Black Rhino Coffee(TM) has uniquely positioned itself in the high-growth natural foods category. Its hand-roasted blends are grown chemical-free under strict, totally natural conditions. All Black Rhino Coffee(TM) is independently certified under the United States Department of Agriculture's National Organic Program.

According to Packaged Facts, organic food sales totaled $11 billion in 2002 and continue to show an annual growth rate equal to 20% or more annually. This growth is fueled, in part, due to increased distribution via traditional grocery outlets. The USDA reports that as of 1999, conventional food stores began outselling natural products supermarkets in several key categories.

Black Rhino Decaffeinated organic coffee will be available to stores this fall, and is the first of a two-part product range extension planned for 2004.

This news release may include comments that do not refer strictly to historical results or actions and may be deemed to be forward-looking within the meaning of the safe harbor provisions of the U.S. federal securities laws. These include, among others things, statements about expectations of future business, revenues, cash flows and capital requirements. Forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause the company's results to differ materially from expectations. These risks include the company's ability to further develop its business, the company's ability to generate revenues, develop appropriate strategic alliances and successful development and implementation of technology, acceptance of the company's services, competitive factors, new products and technological changes, and other such risks as the company may identify and discuss from time to time, including those risks disclosed in the company's periodic reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Accordingly, there is no certainty that the company's plans will be achieved.

         The Cervelle Group
         David Donlin
         (866) 295-7878

Source: Peabodys Coffee

22.07.04 21:30

342 Postings, 8858 Tage RockySostream

Ich denke du hast mich nicht verstanden. Das ist so, wie ich Preisfuchs nie verstehe, aber ein Riecher für den optimalen Zock und Zeitpunkt die Aktie zu kaufen, dass hat er, der Preisfuchs.
Werdet glücklich mit PBDY, ich gönns euch.

23.07.04 08:45

79 Postings, 7620 Tage SostreamRocky, das werden wir auch ;-) DANKE o. T.

23.07.04 15:17

3096 Postings, 7710 Tage HiGhLiFESostream

Startup`s hatten noch nie viel Geld, da hast du schon Recht, deswegen rennt PBDY
ja auch die Zeit davon.
Wie viele Quartale können die sich noch die miesen Zahlen erlauben???
Natürlich gibs auch Startups die sich durchsetzen, aber das sind dann wirklich Werte
die eine Marktlücke schliessen oder etwas revolutionäres anbieten, wo die Nachfrage dafür hoch ist.
PBDY is nunmal in einem eher konservativen Marktsegment tätig, wo die Konkurrenz sehr groß ist und Rocky hat schon Recht, dass PBDY einfach sehr wenig im Monat absetzt weil die Nachfrage halt doch nich so toll is, wie du es immer bechreibst.
Es gibt an der OTC zig Werte die bessere Zukunftsaussichten haben als PBDY, ich würde dir deshalb mal empfehlen dich nach solchen Werten umzuschauen denn PBDY wird sich langfristig kaum durchsetzen können.


26.07.04 14:36

79 Postings, 7620 Tage Sostream@ Highlife, was soll ich...

... dazu sagen?
Ich verstehe nicht wie Du ohne nähere Informationen zur Firma die Zukunft dieser so schlecht einschätzt?
Sieh mal, es gibt als Vergleich dazu in anderen Branchen genügend Beispiele die sehrwohl zeigen, daß sich ein kleines bis mittleres Unternehmen am Markt behaupten kann!
Beispiel: Versandhandel! Hier gibt es viele große Untenehmen, die den Markt beherrschen. Doch gibt es eine Unmenge von kleinen und mittleren Versandhäusern, die sich hervorragend im Wttbewerb behaupten können. Nicht nur das, sondern diesen sogenannten "Kleinen" geht es meist besser als den "Großen", da der kapitalverzehrende
"Rattenschwanz" bei diesen "Kleinen" überschaubar kurz ist und hier wirtschaftlicher gearbeitet werden kann.
Ich bin davon überzeugt, daß PBDY genau diese Chance im Konzert der Großen für sich nutzen kann und seine Produkte gut platzieren wird!
Peabody ist ja auch schon in einigen, in den USA namentlich sehr bekannten, Supermärkten drin und muß nun eben zusehen, daß sie am Ball bleiben!
Wenn das gelingt, wofür es im übrigen keinen Grund zum Zweifel gibt, wird Peabody schon sehr, sehr bald den Breakeven erreicht haben und Gewinne einfahren.        

27.07.04 18:34

8970 Postings, 7680 Tage bammienews, ein Kiosk wird eröffnet

Press Release Source: Peabodys Coffee

Black Rhino Coffee Retail Kiosk Opening at University of California - Davis Medical Center
Tuesday July 27, 10:31 am ET

ROSEVILLE, Calif., July 27, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- Peabodys Coffee, Inc. (OTC BB:PBDY.OB - News), owner of the USDA certified organic brand Black Rhino Coffee(TM), announced today that a full-service specialty coffee kiosk is in final construction phase and scheduled to open the week of August 9th at the University of California - Davis Medical Center located in Sacramento. The new kiosk will be branded Black Rhino Coffee(TM) and will operate under an independent license agreement. The company also reported that the UC-Davis kiosk operation will donate $1 to the Auburn Community Cancer Endowment Fund (``ACCEF'') from the sale of every bag of packaged Black Rhino Coffee sold at the location. All proceeds generated by the ACCEF flow directly to UC-Davis cancer research.

``The UC Davis Medical Center is the largest and most prestigious healthcare facility in the region,'' stated Peabodys' President and CEO Todd Tkachuk. ``There is close to 7,000 professionals and support staff associated with the medical center that will be exposed to our certified organic Black Rhino Coffee brand. This is a great brand building opportunity and we are thrilled to facilitate a program that generates funds for cancer research.''

The UC-Davis Medical Center ranks among the top 50 hospitals in America, according to an annual survey published by U.S. News & World Report.

Peabodys has developed the Black Rhino Coffee(TM) brand for marketing packaged certified organic coffee in retail markets. Currently, Black Rhino Coffee(TM) is on the shelf of supermarkets serviced by BI-LO, Ingles (NasdaqNM:IMKTA - News), Wal-Mart, and SuperValu (NYSE:SVU - News). With organic coffee being one of the fastest-growing segments of the specialty coffee market, Black Rhino Coffee(TM) has uniquely positioned itself in the high-growth natural foods category. Its hand-roasted blends are grown chemical-free under strict, totally natural conditions. All Black Rhino Coffee(TM) is independently certified under the United States Department of Agriculture's National Organic Program.

According to Packaged Facts, organic food sales totaled $11 billion in 2002 and continue to show an annual growth rate equal to 20% or more annually. This growth is fueled, in part, due to increased distribution via traditional grocery outlets. The USDA reports that as of 1999, conventional food stores began outselling natural products supermarkets in several key categories.

This news release may include comments that do not refer strictly to historical results or actions and may be deemed to be forward-looking within the meaning of the safe harbor provisions of the U.S. federal securities laws. These include, among others things, statements about expectations of future business, revenues, cash flows and capital requirements. Forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause the company's results to differ materially from expectations. These risks include the company's ability to further develop its business, the company's ability to generate revenues, develop appropriate strategic alliances and successful development and implementation of technology, acceptance of the company's services, competitive factors, new products and technological changes, and other such risks as the company may identify and discuss from time to time, including those risks disclosed in the company's periodic reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Accordingly, there is no certainty that the company's plans will be achieved.

         The Cervelle Group
         David Donlin
         (866) 295-7878

Source: Peabodys Coffee

27.07.04 22:21

3096 Postings, 7710 Tage HiGhLiFEnaja, wenn das die versprochene

Exoansion sein soll, dann kann man echt lange warten, bis der Kurs steigt
Heut fällt er jedenfalls gewaltig.

28.07.04 06:44

1202 Postings, 7844 Tage DaxMixHey Leute, schon mal was von Starbucks

gehört. Die verkaufen Kaffee !!!  

29.07.04 08:25

79 Postings, 7620 Tage SostreamTime will tell ! Ihr beiden. o. T.

29.07.04 09:20

21268 Postings, 7379 Tage meinkursziel0,01 nicht eine Bohne mehr o. T.

29.07.04 17:26

21268 Postings, 7379 Tage meinkurszielheute -15.52% da hätt'st bei Aldi jede Menge Kaff'

05.08.04 09:37

8970 Postings, 7680 Tage bammieNew Packaging for Black Rhino Coffee

ROSEVILLE, Calif., Aug 04, 2004 (PRIMEZONE via COMTEX) -- Peabodys Coffee, Inc. (OTC BB:PBDY), owner of the USDA certified organic brand Black Rhino Coffee((tm), announced today it has engaged THOMAS/ferrous, Inc., a leading marketing and communications firm, to implement a comprehensive package re-design for its full line of products.

"Black Rhino Coffee(tm) is a pioneer in the distribution of organic coffee in the US retail grocery market," said Todd Tkachuk, President and CEO of Peabodys. "We believe that effective branding is about distinction in cluttered competitive markets, and we have now learned enough from our extensive customer base to be able to complement our genuinely distinctive product range with packaging that will support our brand positioning and boost sales."

For over two years, THOMAS/ferrous has excelled as a marketing resource for Black Rhino Coffee(tm) and was therefore a logical selection for this assignment according to Tkachuk. The principals of THOMAS/ferrous have served some of the world's most highly regarded companies, including Levi Strauss and Company, Apple Computer, Hewlett Packard, Wells Fargo, General Motors, Sprint, Kraft/General Foods, Frito-Lay and Sara Lee.

According to Packaged Facts, organic food sales totaled $11 billion in 2002 and continue to show an annual growth rate equal to 20% or more annually. This growth is fueled, in part, due to increased distribution via traditional grocery outlets. The USDA reports that as of 1999, conventional food stores began outselling natural products supermarkets in several key categories.

THOMAS/ferrous is a Sacramento, California-based marketing and communications firm that offers a complete range of services in strategic development, advertising, graphic design and electronic media.

Peabodys Coffee Inc. has developed the Black Rhino Coffee(tm) brand for marketing packaged certified organic coffee in retail markets. Currently, Black Rhino Coffee(tm) is on the shelf of supermarkets serviced by BI-LO, Ingles (Nasdaq:IMKTA), Wal-Mart (NYSE:WMT), and SuperValu (NYSE:SVU). With organic coffee being one of the fastest growing segments of the specialty coffee market, Black Rhino Coffee(tm) has uniquely positioned itself in the high growth natural foods category. Its hand-roasted blends are grown chemical-free under strict, totally natural conditions. All Black Rhino Coffee(tm) is independently certified under the United States Department of Agriculture's National Organic Program.

This news release may include comments that do not refer strictly to historical results or actions and may be deemed to be forward-looking within the meaning of the safe harbor provisions of the U.S. federal securities laws. These include, among others things, statements about expectations of future business, revenues, cash flows and capital requirements. Forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause the company's results to differ materially from expectations. These risks include the company's ability to further develop its business, the company's ability to generate revenues, develop appropriate strategic alliances and successful development and implementation of technology, acceptance of the company's services, competitive factors, new products and technological changes, and other such risks as the company may identify and discuss from time to time, including those risks disclosed in the company's periodic reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Accordingly, there is no certainty that the company's plans will be achieved.

SOURCE: Peabodys Coffee

By Staff

CONTACT:           The Cervelle Group
          David Donlin

09.08.04 14:06

21268 Postings, 7379 Tage meinkursziel-32.76% seit der ersten Tasse Kaffee. Schön teuer. o. T.

12.08.04 19:11

838 Postings, 8770 Tage Henrys600 neue Stores

gepant sind über 2000 in diesem Jahr
und in Deutschland geht der Kurs 20 Prozent in die Knie

cu Henrys  

12.08.04 20:04

8970 Postings, 7680 Tage bammieBlack Rhino Coffee Aims to Double Size with Aggres

Press Release Source: Peabodys Coffee

Black Rhino Coffee Aims to Double Size with Aggressive Growth Plan
Thursday August 12, 11:58 am ET

ROSEVILLE, Calif., Aug. 12, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- Peabodys Coffee, Inc. (OTC BB:PBDY.OB - News), owner of the USDA certified organic brand Black Rhino Coffee(tm), announced today plans to launch an aggressive growth campaign that will double its US supermarket distribution to not less than 2000 supermarkets by the end of the company's current fiscal year.

``We've reached some important milestones with this brand,'' explained Todd Tkachuk, President & CEO of Peabodys, ``and it is important that we don't just keep up the momentum -- but that we increase it. This goal effectively doubles our US base -- but we now have procurement, logistics and brand management acts in place to support this level of ambition. Our broker network has identified the first 600 targeted locations, and we are confident our current success rates will continue -- but just come faster.''

According to Packaged Facts, organic food sales totaled $11 billion in 2002 and continue to show a growth rate equal to 20% or more annually. This growth is fueled, in part, due to increased distribution via traditional grocery outlets. The USDA reports that as of 1999, conventional food stores began outselling natural products supermarkets in several key categories.

Peabodys Coffee, Inc. has developed the Black Rhino Coffee(tm) brand for marketing packaged certified organic coffee in retail markets. Currently, Black Rhino Coffee(tm) is on the shelf of supermarkets serviced by BI-LO, Ingles (NasdaqNM:IMKTA - News), Wal-Mart (NYSE:WMT - News), and SuperValu (NYSE:SVU - News). With organic coffee being one of the fastest growing segments of the specialty coffee market, Black Rhino Coffee(tm) has uniquely positioned itself in the high growth natural foods category. Its hand-roasted blends are grown chemical-free under strict, totally natural conditions. All Black Rhino Coffee(tm) is independently certified under the United States Department of Agriculture's National Organic Program.

This news release may include comments that do not refer strictly to historical results or actions and may be deemed to be forward-looking within the meaning of the safe harbor provisions of the U.S. federal securities laws. These include, among others things, statements about expectations of future business, revenues, cash flows and capital requirements. Forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause the company's results to differ materially from expectations. These risks include the company's ability to further develop its business, the company's ability to generate revenues, develop appropriate strategic alliances and successful development and implementation of technology, acceptance of the company's services, competitive factors, new products and technological changes, and other such risks as the company may identify and discuss from time to time, including those risks disclosed in the company's periodic reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Accordingly, there is no certainty that the company's plans will be achieved.

         The Cervelle Group
         David Donlin
         (866) 295-7878

Source: Peabodys Coffee  

16.08.04 20:28

21268 Postings, 7379 Tage meinkursziel0,035 ? heute kein Verlust ? da leist ich mir nen

17.08.04 13:42

3096 Postings, 7710 Tage HiGhLiFEwie gesagt

bei 0,01$ kann man kurzfristig einen Turnaround erwarten.
Langfristig ist die Firma aber pleite,  

23.08.04 09:44

838 Postings, 8770 Tage HenrysZahlen

Ich denke Pbdy schafft quasi die schwarze Null
und dann müsste es eigentlich abgehen
Aber wer weiss das schon grins

Aber der Verlust wird 5stellig bleiben,hoffe ich jetzt mal

cu Henrys  

24.08.04 10:12

838 Postings, 8770 Tage HenrysWie gesagt

ca 76000 Dollar Minus
davor 600.000 Dollar!!!!!!!!

Nächstes Quartal wird schwarz

Pbdy go go go

cu Henrys  

24.08.04 13:38

79 Postings, 7620 Tage Sostream@ Highlife, du erzählst Mist !!

Bitte begründe Deine Aussage bzgl. der Peabody-Pleite mit beweiskräftigen Argumenten!
Nur eine dumme Bemerkung in diese Richtung in den Thread zu stellen, das ist lächerlich!

Ich hatte schon vor einiger Zeit die Aussage gemacht, daß es bei PBDY noch eine ganze Weile dauern könnte. Leider hat sich diese These bekräftigt. Das aus zwei Gründen:
Zum Einen die zu stark gefallenen business-Zahen und zum Anderen die immer noch nicht vorhandene Stockpromo!
Damit der Stock einer kleinen Firma Aufmerksamkeit erregt muß die Vorstandschaft für ihn und für die Produkte werben, damit Investoren gewonnen werden können.
Doch leider ist es bei dieser Firma bisher nie so geschehen, weder für die Produkte wurde geworben, noch für deren Stock. PBDY kennt also kaum ein Börsianer und ob die evtl. interessierten Kunden, welche den Kaffee kaufen, überhaupt den Black Rhino mit Peabody Coffee in Verbindung bringen, bleibt offen.
Hier werden meiner Meinung nach zu viele Fehler gemacht, welche sehr schnell abgestellt werden müssen.    

24.08.04 19:21

838 Postings, 8770 Tage Henrysthestockbroker


Peabodys Coffee Inc. (OTB BB: PBDY) is on the verge of explosive growth within the huge multi-billion dollar ?organic? coffee market with its superb Black Rhino Coffee?.  We feel that the Company?s aggressive entry into thousands of supermarkets over the next few years will clearly brand Black Rhino as a leading organic coffee of choice. Management is keenly aware that the Company has an enormous market opportunity to provide a no compromise premium organic coffee at affordable prices to the millions of coffee consumers. Management expects to successfully capitalize in a major financial way on consumers? accelerating demand for quality specialty coffee.  PBDY, currently trading at less than 8 cents per share and with a market cap of less than $3 million, appears to be extremely undervalued relative to its dynamic growth potential.  As the Company continues to gain important market share through its supermarket expansion, we anticipate a huge and growing acceleration of revenues, leading to strong net earnings. Based on our perceived outlook, we believe PBDY shares could be trading at many times the current price in the coming months and years.  


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