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Prudential hebt Rohöl-Prognose an
Prudential haben heute ihre Preis-Prognose für Rohöl der Sorte West Texas Intermediate für das Jahr 2005 von 42 auf 47,50 Dollar pro Barrel angehoben. 2006 sieht man dort einen Durchschnittspreis von 45 statt zuvor 35 Dollar pro Barrel. Für Erdgas geht man für 2005 und 2006 von 6,25 statt zuvor 6 Dollar pro tausend Kubikfuß aus.
Vor diesem Hintergrund hob der zuständige Analyst auch seine Gewinnprognose für den amerikanischen Förder- und Ölserverice-Sektor um 5 (2005) und 22 Prozent (2006) an. Im vierten Quartal 2005 werde sich das Gewinnwachstum aber bereits abzuflachen beginnen. Dementsprechend stufe man dieses Börsensegment weiter mit ?neutral? ein.
Oil Prices Move Higher Despite OPEC Pledge
Monday April 18, 11:01 am ET
By En-Lai Yeoh, Associated Press Writer
Oil Prices Move Higher Despite Another OPEC Promise to Increase Production
SINGAPORE (AP) -- Oil prices rose Monday despite calls by world leaders for immediate action to reduce the cost of oil and another OPEC promise to increase production.
The president of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries said Monday that the group's members will raise their output by 500,000 barrels a day in May in response to rising demand, and without an official decision.
Sheik Ahmed Fahd al-Ahmed al-Sabah, who is also Kuwait's energy minister, had previously spoken of the increase next month, but it was the first time he said it was going to be without a decision taken at an OPEC meeting.
The group wanted to "guarantee the flow of oil to markets," and the increase will be "spontaneously carried out by members without a decision," he added.
Finance officials from the Group of Seven had said in a communique after their meeting in Washington D.C. over the weekend that "higher oil prices are a headwind," and urged producers to increase energy supplies and said countries should conserve more.
The Group of Seven -- the United States, Japan, Germany, France, Britain, Italy and Canada -- also endorsed more timely and accurate information about the oil market, which officials said could help control price fluctuations and make companies more willing to expand production.
Light, sweet crude for May delivery rose 36 cents to $50.85 per barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange. Prices declined more than 5 percent last week, just days after hitting an all-time intraday high above $58 on April 4.
Heating oil fell less than a penny to $1.454 per gallon while unleaded gas futures rose less than a cent to $1.488 per gallon.
Brent crude for June fell 51 cents to $51.10 on London's International Petroleum Exchange.
Prices have fallen recently on increased stockpile reports from the United States, and OPEC's willingness to raise production. Also factoring into the decline was a fresh report from the Paris-based International Energy Agency forecasting slower demand growth in 2005.
Al-Sabah said current crude prices were "almost" fair and "it looked like the market is well supplied." He did not say what he regarded as a fair price.
At a March meeting in Iran, the group increased its production ceiling by 500,000 to 27.5 million barrels a day, and provided for an identical increase if crude prices did not stabilize. Al-Sabah said the expected increase in May was not that second hike, but was a separate OPEC reaction to the expected high demand for oil in the third quarter.
Oil prices remain about 30 percent higher than a year ago, a catalyst for the G-7 warnings as nations begin to lower growth forecasts for 2005.
"These energy prices are too high. ... They call out for action," U.S. Treasury Secretary John Snow said.
Traders have been hesitant to declare that oil prices have peaked for the year, though they say supply increases and signs of shrinking demand growth could keep downward pressure on the market for the rest of the quarter.
"Over the last few days, the demand side of the market has been a talking point," said ANZ Bank energy analyst Daniel Hynes from Melbourne, Australia. "The weekly U.S. petroleum stocks report will something to watch for, with gasoline stocks now having a bigger effect on prices as we approach the summer driving season."
Average pump prices in the United States are around $2.28 per gallon compared to under $1.80 a year ago. Last week, U.S. President George W. Bush blamed China's growing appetite for crude for higher domestic prices.

Oil Prices Head Back Near $51 a Barrel
Tuesday April 19, 6:40 am ET
By Edith Balazs, Associated Press Writer
Oil Prices Head Back Near $51 a Barrel As Authorities Order a Freeze on Yukos Assets
BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP) -- Crude prices rose Tuesday, heading back near $51 per barrel, as Russian authorities ordered a freeze of the main assets of beleaguered oil company Yukos.
Light, sweet crude for May delivery was up 47 cents to $50.84 per barrel by midday in Europe in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange. On Monday, the contract went as low as $49.66 -- its lowest in two months -- before recovering to close at $50.37.
Heating oil rose nearly a cent to $1.4500 a barrel, while unleaded gas gained 2 cents to trade at $1.5150 a gallon.
In London, Brent crude rose 73 cents to $51.51 per barrel on the International Petroleum Exchange.
"The market is awaiting tomorrow's stocks data release in the United States eagerly and the latest developments in Russia will definitely have a long-term impact on the market," said John Shoe, an analyst with Barclays Capital in London.
Tuesday's gains came as a Moscow court ordered that some of the assets still held by the dismembered Yukos oil company be frozen in response to a lawsuit by the business' former core production unit, company officials said.
State-run oil producer Rosneft, which now owns the Yuganskneftegaz unit, is claiming 163 billion rubles ($5.9 billion) from Yukos in damages including for allegedly paying below market prices for crude supplies from the oil-pumping facility.
The Moscow Arbitration Court issued the ruling, which bars Yukos from disposing of shares in its major remaining subsidiaries including its top two oil production units Tomskneft and Samaraneftegaz and its main refinery, Angarsk, on April 5, Russia's Interfax news agency said.
While the shares being frozen does not affect Yukos' day-to-day production operations, the lawsuit is widely seen as the Kremlin's effort to control the company's assets -- a key in sending prices upward in 2004.
Oil prices have fallen back more than 10 percent since an intraday peak of $58.28 a barrel April 4. Some analysts and traders say fears of a decline in demand amid emerging economic worries, rising U.S. inventories and increased OPEC production are responsible for the decline.
The May contract expires Wednesday, the same day the U.S. Department of Energy releases its weekly petroleum stocks report -- where the focus is shifting from heating oil to automobile fuel inventories ahead of the Northern Hemisphere's summer driving season.
On Monday, Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries president Sheik Ahmed Fahd Al Ahmed Al Sabah said the cartel would increase production by an additional 500,000 barrels daily to cope with anticipated demand.
"In May, there will be an increase in production which will be made necessary by the demand in the third quarter," Al Sabah said.
Al Sabah said current crude prices were "almost" fair and "it looked like the market is well supplied." He did not say what he regarded as a fair price.
In Iraq, an explosion set by insurgents heavily damaged an oil pipeline near Beiji, the country's largest refinery, officials said. No injuries were reported, but the blast sent burning oil floating across the surface of the nearby Tigris River.
In Jakarta, a government panel recommended that Indonesia, the region's only OPEC member, downgrade its membership to "observer" status in an attempt to save the cash-strapped government from its financial commitments to the group, Dow Jones Newswires said. Indonesia has huge oil and gas reserves but is a net importer of petroleum products.
Associated Press writer En-Lai Yeoh in Singapore contributed to this report.
dieser Bericht bezieht sich immer auf Light Sweet Crude Oil (Nymex)
(der bei ariva oben eingeblendet ist)
nicht dass es zu Mißverständnissen kommt...Zertis etc. gibts außerdem nur (soviel ich weiß) auf den Brent Crude Oil Future und nicht auf das Brent an sich...vielleicht sollte man auch bei ariva den Future künftig anzeigen...

Oil Prices Rise Ahead of Petroleum Report
Wednesday April 20, 7:45 am ET
By Edith Balazs, Associated Press Writer
Oil Prices Rise Ahead of Weekly Report on U.S. Petroleum Stocks That Will Gauge Gas Inventories
BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP) -- Crude oil futures climbed Wednesday ahead of a weekly report on U.S. petroleum stocks that will gauge gasoline inventories in the world's biggest consumer market ahead of the summer driving season.
Qatar's oil minister, Abdullah bin Hamad Al Attiyah, said inventories were strong, with more oil in the market than the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries had expected. Although he said it was too early to predict what OPEC will do at its June meeting, Al Attiyah said the group will consider factors "including the inventories."
President Bush has expressed concern over high pump prices and pledged to help American refiners produce more fuel ahead of the Northern Hemisphere summer.
China's growing appetite for oil, one reason for increased world demand, also appeared unlikely to slow -- its robust economy grew 9.5 percent in the first quarter of 2005.
Light, sweet crude for May delivery was up 46 cents at $52.75 per barrel by afternoon in Europe in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange.
Heating oil was up nearly a cent to $1.5000 a gallon, while unleaded gasoline was up half a cent to $1.5750 per gallon.
On London's International Petroleum Exchange, Brent crude June contracts were up 67 cents to $53.61 per barrel.
"Markets are very jumpy across the world, and investors' risk appetite seems to be pulling back," said Alex Scott, an analyst with London's Seven Investment Management.
"We also have the added complication of unpredictability on the supply side having a destabilizing impact," with unforeseen supply disruptions occurring in OPEC countries, Scott said.
At a March meeting in Iran, OPEC increased its production ceiling by 500,000 to 27.5 million barrels a day, and provided for an identical increase if crude prices did not stabilize.
Al Attiyah, speaking in Paris on Wednesday, said OPEC was not likely to implement the optional increase before its next meeting, and hinted that the organization also was unlikely to increase production at its June meeting in Vienna.
"I believe today the market's very, very balanced," he said. "The inventory today is the highest since 2002. So it means there's more oil in the market than we expected."
Al Attiyah also stressed that OPEC members have little room to increase production. "OPEC is almost producing to the maximum," he said. "In a few countries they have spare capacity, but in most member countries they have no spare capacity."
He also indicated that oil prices should ideally be between $40 and $50 a barrel.
The Nymex May crude contract was expiring Wednesday, and the U.S. Energy Department was to release its weekly petroleum stocks report later in the day as well. The focus in the United States has shifted from heating oil to automobile fuel inventories.
John Shoe, an analyst with Barclays Capital in London, said the market was eagerly awaiting the U.S. data and that "the latest developments in Russia will definitely have a long-term impact on the market."
Attempts by Moscow to seize the remaining assets of Yukos drove prices higher Tuesday. While the shares being frozen does not affect Yukos' day-to-day production operations, the lawsuit is widely seen as the Kremlin's effort to control the company's assets -- a key in sending prices upward in 2004.
Crude futures have dropped more than $8 over the last two weeks since hitting an intraday high of $58.28 on April 4, but failed to close below the $50 mark last Wednesday, despite rising U.S. crude inventories and increased OPEC production.
U.S. refineries are at near capacity because of rising demand and analysts said unscheduled maintenance at some facilities bolstered the overnight spike.
Bush said in an interview Tuesday with financial news channel CNBC that his administration was worried about high U.S. gasoline prices and would look for ways to help American refineries produce more to meet demand.
Since January, the average price of regular unleaded gasoline in the U.S. has climbed 28 percent to around $2.28 a gallon, up nearly 50 cents from a year ago.
On Wednesday, the world's second-largest consumer of crude, China, released its first quarter 2005 gross domestic product figures, reporting 9.5 percent growth. Beijing also reported 9.5 percent GDP growth for the last quarter of 2004.
jo; und heute um 16:30 Ölmarktbereicht

Light Sweet Oil (CL05M) zieht jetzt nach oben durch |
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(©GodmodeTrader - |
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<!--StartFragment -->Light Sweet Crude Oil Future ? Juni 2005 Kontrakt (CL05M). 55,42 $ Aktueller Tageschart (log) seit September 2004 (1 Kerze = 1 Tag). Kurz-Kommentierung: Der Light Sweet Crude Oil Future bildete nach einem Hoch bei 58,60 $ ein kurzfristiges Doppeltop aus, welches mit dem Rückfall unter die 53,40 $ aufgelöst wurde. Auf dem maßgebenden Aufwärtstrend bei derzeit 51,30 $ konnte sich der Kurs aber schnell wieder fangen und prallt klar nach oben ab. Die 53,40 $ wurde zurück erobert, das Doppeltop stellt sich damit als Bärenfalle dar. Kurzfristig bietet sich jetzt die Möglichkeit eines weiteren Anstieges bis an den Widerstand bei 58,60 $, darüber wird eine Fortsetzung der Rallye in Richtung der bei 60,70 $ liegenden mittelfristigen Pullbacklinie möglich. Unter das Tief der Vortage bei 51,00 $ sollte der Kurs jetzt aber nicht mehr auf Schlussbasis zurück fallen, da dann von weiter nachgebenden Notierungen bis 45,62 $ ausgegangen werden kann. ![]() |
Associated Press
Oil Prices Surge Above $55 a Barrel
Friday April 22, 6:21 pm ET
By Edith Balazs, Associated Press Writer
Oil Prices Jump More Than $1 a Barrel, Soaring Above $55 on Global Supply Worries
Oil prices rose more than $1 a barrel Friday as global supply concerns were stoked by a terrorist attack in Saudi Arabia and refinery snags in the United States.
Light, sweet crude for June delivery jumped $1.19 to settle at $55.39 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange.
Gasoline futures climbed 3.23 cents to $1.653 per gallon, reflecting pre-summer supply worries amid a rash of refinery shutdowns, including a decision by Valero Energy Corp. to reduce output at its St. Charles refinery in order to perform maintenance. Heating oil futures rose 1.11 cent to $1.5451 per gallon.
In London, Brent crude for June delivery was up 96 cents at $54.97 per barrel on the International Petroleum Exchange.
"There is a general fear in the market that gasoline supplies will be very tight heading into the summer and glitches at U.S. refineries further exacerbate that issue," said Adam Sieminski, an oil price strategist at Deutsche Bank in London.
James Cordier, president of Liberty Trading Group in Tampa, Fla., disagreed. He said U.S. supplies of both oil and gasoline are "more than ample" and that the stubbornly high price of crude reflects broader concerns about demand growth in China and the ability of OPEC to keep up.
"This is a global rally," he said. "If we were just to focus on U.S. inventories, we wouldn't be at $55."
Global demand is expected to average more than 84 million barrels a day in 2005, while spare output capacity is believed to be about 1.5 million barrels a day, most of it in Saudi Arabia.
The Department of Energy said in its weekly petroleum supply report Wednesday that the U.S. supply of crude oil stood last week at 318.9 million barrels, or 8 percent above year ago levels. Gasoline inventories stood at 211.6 million barrels, or 5 percent above year ago levels.
In Saudi Arabia on Thursday, suspected militants linked to al-Qaida clashed with security forces, prompting fresh fears of a supply disruption from the world's largest exporter. Two extremists and two policemen were killed.
"Terrorism definitely factors into prices," said Tetsu Emori, energy analyst at Mitsui Bussan Futures in Tokyo.
In Paris, Norway's Oil Minister Thorhild Widvey warned an international conference of oil ministers that prices were unlikely to fall back, and could even keep climbing.
"When prices hit $50 a barrel, the view was that was unusual. However, prices are still around $50 and may rise higher," she said. "It's not just a price spike but a new price level."
Crude prices hit an intraday high of $58.28 at the beginning of April and remain roughly 45 percent higher than a year ago.
The U.S. government's weekly supply report has been a major factor influencing prices.
"People are looking at inventory data, especially gasoline. But if you compare the stocks with last year's levels, it remains quite healthy," Emori said.
Still, prices at pumps across the United States, the world's largest energy consumer, are above $2.20 a gallon compared to around $1.80 a year ago amid rising demand
Kurz-Kommentierung: Der Future bewegt sich in einem breiten nach wie vor sauber intakten Aufwärtstrendkanal seit November 2001. Im Oktober 2004 und März 2005 prallte der Future an der Oberkante des Trendkanals nach unten ab. Einer charttechnischen Überhitzung wurde damit vorgebeugt. Seit 5 Wochen konsolidiert Brent Oil ausgehend von der Trendkanaloberkante bei 57,00 $. Bei 46,20 $ liegt eine solide innere Horizontalunterstützung, die die Konsolidierung beenden dürfte. Die eigentliche übergeordnete Aufwärtstrendlinie verläuft übrigens bei 39,00-40,00 $. D.h., dass Brent Oil bis 39,00-40,00 $ korrigieren könnte, ohne dass der große ?Öl-Bulle? Probleme bekommen würde. Anzeichen eines größeren oberen Trendwendeprozesses liegen nicht vor. Mittel- bis langfristig steht noch ein charttechnisches Kursziel im 70,00 $ Bereich aus.
Oil Prices Hover Around $56 Per Barrel
Monday April 25, 7:11 am ET
By George Jahn, Associated Press Writer
Oil Prices Hover Around $56 Per Barrel Ahead of Bush and Saudi Prince Meeting
VIENNA, Austria (AP) -- Crude oil futures prices rose Monday ahead of a meeting between President Bush and Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah that will focus in part on possible ways to bring down high oil prices.
Analysts said that a rash of refinery outages in the United States and Venezuela underpinned the bullish market, along with stronger than expected drawdowns of crude stocks and a perception that neither producers nor oil companies were willing to go beyond present measures to bring prices down.
Light, sweet crude for June delivery on the New York Mercantile Exchange rose 42 cents to $55.81 a barrel by late morning in Europe. Heating oil gained nearly a penny to $1.5528 a gallon, while unleaded gasoline also rose by close to a cent to $1.6600 a gallon.
In London, Brent crude rose 48 cents to $55.45 on the International Petroleum Exchange.
Bush has promised to press Abdullah during Monday's meeting in Texas to do more to help ease global oil prices. But he has acknowledged there may be little the Saudis can do in the short term.
As the world's top oil exporter and leading member of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, Saudi Arabia now pumps about 9.5 million barrels daily.
Saudi Oil Minister Ali Naimi promised last week to increase production capacity from the current limit of 11 million barrels a day to 12.5 million barrels by 2009 and possibly 15 million barrels after that.
Bush's agenda on Monday will also include solutions to curb terrorist acts in the Saudi kingdom, which have prompted fresh fears of a supply disruption, causing prices to surge. In Saudi Arabia, suspected militants linked to al-Qaida clashed with security forces Thursday. Two extremists and two policemen were killed.
Victor Shum, oil analyst at Texas-headquartered Purvin & Gertz in Singapore, said the meeting will likely ease prices as "the Saudis are sending signals that they are doing their part to increase supply."
But other analysts suggested reassuring words from the Saudi-U.S. meeting may not be enough at a time of bullish market fundamentals.
In Vienna, PVM energy consultants linked the recent rise in prices to a "series of refinery glitches, (and) quite bullish U.S. stock data," combining to "paint a picture of downstream tightness and high volatility." In a newsletter, the company said that last week's shootout with Saudi militants also added to market jitters.
SG Securities analyst Deborah White in Paris said the perception that "everyone is saying we are doing all we can" -- producers, as well as oil companies -- sends a message that no one is willing to embark on new initiatives to bring prices down.
Crude prices hit an intraday high of $58.28 at the beginning of April before falling back to about $50 per barrel and then rising again.
Traders are concerned that falling gasoline inventories and reported refinery outages in the United States could drive prices higher as the summer driving season in the Northern Hemisphere approaches.
The U.S. government weekly report showed gasoline inventories declining by 1.5 million barrels to 211.6 million barrels, or 5 percent above year-ago levels.
But Shum was confident that gasoline supplies will be enough to meet demand.
"Gasoline inventories in the U.S. are higher than last year's levels, so traders shouldn't worry too much about it," he said.
Saudi-Arabien hat die langfristige Erhöhung seiner täglichen Erdölproduktion von derzeit 9,5 Millionen Barrel auf 15 Millionen Barrel versprochen.
Das sagte der Sprecher von Kronprinz Abdullah, Adel el Dschubair, nach einem Gespräch von Abdullah mit US-Präsident George W. Bush gestern in Crawford in Texas. Danach soll die Kapazität in den kommenden zwei bis drei Jahren bereits auf zwölf Millionen Barrel pro Tag steigen.
Investitionen bis zu 50 Mrd. Dollar
Dschubair nannte Preise zwischen 22 und 28 Dollar pro Barrel Rohöl angesichts der starken Nachfrage als unrealistisch. Einen Erdölpreis von 50 Dollar bezeichnete Dschubair als zu hoch. Nach Angaben der US-Delegation will Saudi-Arabien bis zu 50 Milliarden Dollar in seine Erdölproduktion investieren.
das sind natürlich nicht sehr gute Nachrichten für alle Öl-Bullen...der Preisanstieg der vergangenen Tage/Wochen wurde ja immer mit einem Mangel an Angebot begründet...die Saudis haben auch versprochen, dass sie gewissen Kapazitäten sofort frei machen könnten...
US-Präsident George W. Bush hat den saudiarabischen Kronprinzen Abdullah auf eine Erhöhung der Ölquoten gedrängt. Ein Plan Saudi-Arabiens sieht eine deutliche Aufstockung der Fördermenge vor.
Georg W. Bush (li.) und der saudi-arabische Kronprinz Abdullah bei ihrem TreffenDemnach soll die Fördermenge bis 2009 auf 12,5 Millionen Barrel pro Tag vor. Bei Bedarf seien sogar 15 Millionen Barrel täglich möglich. Zurzeit pumpt das Wüstenkönigreich täglich maximal 11 Millionen Barrel. "Wenn man die Kapazität um eine beträchtliche Menge erhöht, und darüber sprechen sie, kann das nichts anderes als einen positiven Abwärtstrend auf die Preise bewirken", sagte ein US-Sicherheitsberater.
Bush hatte in der vergangenen Woche gesagt, er wünsche sich einen Ausbau der Fördermöglichkeiten Saudi-Arabiens, um den zwischenzeitlich auf neue Rekordhöhen gestiegenen Ölpreis zu entlasten. Die USA müssen mehr als die Hälfte ihres etwa 21 Millionen Barrel pro Tag verbrauchten Öls importieren. Hauptsächlich kommt dieses Öl aus Saudi-Arabien. An der New Yorker Rohstoffbörse fiel der Ölpreis am Montag um 82 Cent auf 54,57 $ pro Barrel (159 Liter). In London wurde ein Preis von 54,40 $ registriert, ein Rückgang um 57 Cent.
Hohe Preise wegen fehlender Raffinerie-Kapazitäten
Ein Berater Abdullahs, Adel Al Dschubeir, verwies darauf, dass Saudi-Arabien nicht über den Plan hinausgehen könne, der auf einer Rede von Ölminister Ali Naimi aus der vergangenen Woche fuße. Die hohen Benzinpreise seien aber weniger das Ergebnis zu knapper Rohölförderung, sondern fehlender Raffinerie-Kapazitäten in den USA und in anderen Ländern.
Vor Beginn der Unterredung mit Abdullah auf Bushs Ranch in Texas hatte der US-Präsident gesagt: "Der Kronprinz weiß, dass es wichtig ist, für vernünftige Preise zu sorgen." Dies läge auch im Interesse Saudi-Arabiens. "Hohe Ölpreise zerstören den Markt. Er weiß das. Wir werden über die Förderkapazität seines Landes sprechen", sagte der US-Präsident.
Die US-Regierung hatte am Montag die Ankündigung Saudi-Arabiens begrüßt, rund 50 Mrd. $ in den Ausbau der Kapazitäten zur Ölförderung zu investieren. Mit dieser Investition werde sichergestellt, dass Saudi-Arabien auf die künftige Nachfrage reagieren könne, sagte ein Berater Saudi-Arabiens.
Bush und Abdullah auf Schmusekurs
Die USA und Saudi-Arabien wollen ihre Zusammenarbeit außerdem politisch vertiefen. Danach soll unter anderem ein Komitee auf Außenministerebene gebildet werden, um regelmäßig über strategisch wichtige Fragen beider Länder zu diskutieren.
In der Abschlusserklärung hieß es, Bush und Abdullah hätten ihre persönliche Freundschaft erneuert. Außerdem wollten sie eine neue Form der Beziehung zwischen beiden Ländern schmieden.
"Die USA respektieren Saudi-Arabien als Geburtsstätte des Islams, einer der weltgrößten Religionen", hieß es weiter. Im Gegenzug rief Saudi-Arabien alle Religionsgelehrten auf, sich an die Botschaft des Islams von Frieden, Mäßigung und Toleranz zu halten.
Außerdem wird Saudi-Arabien in dem Abschlusspapier eine Aufnahme in die Welthandelsorganisation (WTO) bis Ende dieses Jahres versprochen. Die USA und Saudi-Arabien wollen sich ferner für eine sichere und kontinuierliche Rohölversorgung einsetzen.
Oil Prices Drop After Bush Meets With Prince
Tuesday April 26, 8:03 am ET
By George Jahn, Associated Press Writer
Crude Prices Slide After Bush Meets With Saudi Crown Prince to Discuss Ways to Curb Oil Prices
VIENNA, Austria (AP) -- Crude futures slipped Tuesday after U.S. President George W. Bush met Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Abdullah to discuss ways to curb skyrocketing oil prices.
Analysts said, however, that any dip would likely be short-lived because perceptions remained unchanged that supply was barely keeping pace with strong demand.
Light, sweet crude for June delivery on the New York Mercantile Exchange was down 54 cents at $54.03 a barrel by noon in Europe. Unleaded gas dropped by more than a penny to $1.639 a gallon, while heating oil was selling at $1.505 a gallon, also down by more than a cent.
On London's International Petroleum Exchange, Brent crude was down 30 cents, at $54.10 a barrel.
Prices had rallied over the past week amid fears that escalating demand for gasoline would exceed supply.
On Monday, the White House expressed hope that Saudi Arabia's plans to expand production would ease U.S. gasoline prices that have shot above $2.20 a gallon.
"A high oil price will damage markets and he knows that," Bush said of Abdullah, the de facto leader of the desert kingdom. The two men met in Crawford, Texas.
Asked whether pump prices would drop, Bush said that would depend on supply and demand.
"One thing is for certain: The price of crude is driving the price of gasoline," Bush said. "The price of crude is up because not only is our economy growing, but economies such as India and China's economies are growing."
Analyst John Waterlow of Wood Mackenzie Consultants in Edinburgh said that the meeting had apparently contributed to the downward trend.
"It sends the signal that there must be something these two need to address," said Waterlow. "Prices are so high that some people are concerned they are impacting on the U.S. economy."
But while the meeting "is a sort of recognition by the Saudis that they don't want this to happen, it doesn't really change very much" over the longer term, he said, adding: "There is a growing realization from the point of view of supply and demand that things are tight."
Saudi Arabia has outlined a plan to increase production capacity to 12.5 million barrels a day by 2009 from the current 11 million limit. Saudi Arabia now pumps about 9.5 million barrels daily. If necessary, Saudi Arabia says it will eventually develop a capacity of 15 million barrels a day.
U.S. National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley said the plan could be seen as positive news by financial markets.
"The problem in the oil market now is a perception that there is inadequate capacity," Hadley said. Reassurance that can be given to the market on available supply, he said, should "have a downward pressure on the price."
Adel al-Jubeir, foreign affairs adviser to the crown prince, said Saudi Arabia believes the price of oil should be at "reasonable levels."
"High oil prices in the long term hurt consumers by slowing economic growth, they also hurt producers by slowing demand growth," he said. "We also believe that low oil prices hurt producers in the short term, but hurt the world economy in the long term by encouraging inefficiency, waste in consumption."
In Vienna, PVM international energy consultants said in a newsletter that the Saudi plan while "undoubtedly necessary and welcome from the U.S. point of view ... (is) unlikely to pressure prices much."
Mittwoch, 27.04.2005 | US EIA Ölmarktbericht (Woche) | Woche 17 |
Uhrzeit: | 16:30 (MEZ) | |
Ort: | Washington, D.C. | |
Land: | Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika | |
Uhrzeit vor Ort: | 10:30 | |
Beschreibung: | Veröffentlichung des wöchentlichen Ölmarktberichts der Energy Information Administration (EIA) zur US Lagerhaltung |
Zahlen besser als erwartet...Öl in erster Reaktion über 2% runter
BERLIN (Dow Jones-VWD)--Der Ölpreis wird nach Einschätzung eines Berichts der Arbeitsgruppe Rohstoffe der Vereinigung Europäischer Konjunkturinstitute (AIECE) im weiteren Verlauf des Jahres 2005 auf etwa 45 USD je Barrel sinken. Der anhaltende Auftrieb der Rohstoffpreise habe sich aus einer kräftigen globalen Nachfrage bei Angebotsverknappungen und politischen Spannungen ergeben, so der am Mittwoch vom Hamburgischen Welt-Wirtschafts-Archiv (HWWA) veröffentlichte Bericht "World Commodity Prices 2005-2006" der AIECE-Arbeitsgruppe Rohstoffe, der den Angaben zufolge auf der Analyse von 29 Rohstoffpreisen und -märkten basiert.
Der Anstieg der Weltölnachfrage habe sich auf die Entwicklungsländer und die USA konzentriert. Die VR China habe 2004 allein ein Drittel des zusätzlich benötigten Öls verbraucht. Durch den rasch steigenden Ölbedarf hätten sich die weltweit verfügbaren Reservekapazitäten und zeitweise auch die kommerziellen Lagerbestände verringert. Seit dem vergangenen Herbst seien die Läger dann im Zuge von Produktionsausweitungen wieder aufgefüllt worden. Auch in diesem Jahr werde der Ölverbrauch stark steigen, wenn auch wegen des hohen Ölpreisniveaus und der Verlangsamung des Wachstums der Weltwirtschaft nicht mehr ganz so rasch wie im vergangenen Jahr.
Die Ölproduktion dürfte in ähnlichem Umfang ausgeweitet werden, da zusätzliche Kapazitäten innerhalb und außerhalb der Organisation Erdöl exportierender Länder (OPEC) in den kommenden Monaten in Betrieb gehen sollten. "Die Ölpreise dürften daher im weiteren Verlauf des Jahres auf etwa 45 Dollar für das Barrel Brentöl zurückgehen", folgerte der von dem HWWA-Ölexperten Klaus Matthies verfasste Bericht. Angesichts nach wie vor knapper freier Kapazitäten würden die Ölpreise aber extrem volatil bleiben.
Das Risiko sehr viel höherer Ölpreise bleibe für den Fall bestehen, dass sich der geplante Ausbau der Förderanlagen verzögere, es zu unvorhergesehenen größeren Lieferausfällen komme oder die Nachfrage nach Öl deutlich stärker steige als erwartet. "Eine Preisexplosion auf 80 oder 100 Dollar, wie sie in manchen Szenarien auftaucht, würde jedoch nur von relativ kurzer Dauer sein, da sie massive Einspar- und Substitutionseffekte bei den Ölverbrauchern nach sich ziehen würde", erwartete der Bericht.
Die AIECE ("Association d'Instituts Europeens de Conjoncture Economique")besteht aus 44 Instituten aus 21 Ländern. Die Arbeitsgruppe Rohstoffpreise erstellt zweimal im Jahr Rohstoffpreisprognosen. Zu den in der Gruppe vertretenen neun Mitgliedsinstituten gehört neben dem HWWA auch das Kieler Institut für Weltwirtschaft (IfW). -Von Andreas Kißler, Dow Jones Newswires.
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(ENDE) Dow Jones Newswires/27.4.2005/ak/apo
27.04.2005, 17:09

Oil Prices Slip Toward $49 Per Barrel
Monday May 2, 8:09 am ET
By George Jahn, Associated Press Writer
Oil Prices Slip Toward $49 Per Barrel on Rising U.S. Supplies, Slower Economic Growth
VIENNA, Austria (AP) -- Oil prices futures prices slipped toward $49 a barrel Monday, falling to levels last seen in February on rising U.S. supplies and slower economic growth. Analysts said growing OPEC production also was behind the downward drift.
The light, sweet crude contract for June delivery on the New York Mercantile Exchange fell 63 cents to $49.09 a barrel by midday in Europe. Unleaded gas fell just over two cents to $1.4735 a gallon, while heating oil fell one cent to $1.4145 a gallon.
Brent crude was not trading, with London's International Petroleum Exchange closed because of a public holiday
On Friday, oil prices closed below $50 a barrel, a psychologically significant mark, for the first time in more than two months after declining by more than $5 a barrel over the previous week.
"Rising oil supplies has been the fundamental reason for the fall down from $57 weeks ago," said Daniel Hynes, energy analyst at ANZ Bank in Melbourne, Australia.
In Vienna, PVM energy consultants said that with crude in New York below the psychological threshold of $50, "prices might continue to slip for a while."
In its daily energy market report, PVM said that not counting Iraq, OPEC production was up by 345,000 barrels a day last month, to just over 30 million barrels.
It pointed to bearish U.S. inventory data, "with the third-highest crude imports ever of 10.86 million barrels a day filling up stocks by around 5 million barrels and pressuring prices."
"Levels are now 25 million barrels higher than last year, and 20 million barrels higher than the five-year average," it said.
Last week, the U.S. Energy Department said inventories of crude oil in the largest energy-consuming country grew by 5.5 million barrels to 324.4 million barrels, or 9 percent above year-ago levels -- the 10th time supplies have risen in 11 weeks.
Also last week, the U.S. Commerce Department announced that the U.S. economy grew at a slower-than-expected rate of 3.1 percent in the first quarter, easing concerns over booming crude oil demand.
Traders, though, are still leery of declaring the end of high oil prices, saying that another run-up above $50 a barrel would hardly come as a surprise given still-tight global supplies and market jitters about even the slightest output disruption.
While oil futures have fallen from their recent peak above $58 a barrel, prices remain more than 30 percent higher than a year ago.
Strong global demand, concerns about limited excess production capacity and fears of unplanned supply disruptions have kept prices high in recent years.

Laut dem OPEC-Präsidenten Sheikh Ahmad Fahd al-Sabah beläuft sich die aktuelle Produktion des Ölkartells ohne dem Irak auf 29,7 Mio Barrels pro Tag, was 2,2 Mio Barrels über der offiziellen Quote liegt. Es gebe keine dringendes Bedürfnis mehr Öl zu fördern, so Sheikh Ahmad Fahd al-Sabah. ?Wir sind der Ansicht, dass der Markt gut versorgt ist. Pro Tag würden mehr als die für Mitte Mai vorgeschlagene Erhöhung von 500.000 Barrels pro Tag gefördert. Seit dem im März abgehaltenen OPEC-Treffen in Isfahan wurden zusätzliche 2 Mio Barrels auf den Markt gebracht. Der OPEC-Präsident geht von einem Verharren des Ölpreises zwischen $45 und $50 je Barrel aus. Der jüngste Preisrückgang dränge Diskussionen über einen weiteren Produktionsanstieg in den Hintergrund.
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