The Board of Directors (?Board?) of CASH Financial Services Group Limited (?Company?) hereby announces that a meeting of the Board will be held at 21/F The Center, 99 Queen?s Road Central, Hong Kong on 15 March 2004, Monday, at 4:00 p.m. for the following purposes:- 1. To consider and approve the yearly results of the Company and its subsidiaries for the year ended 31 December 2003 and approve the draft announcement of the yearly results to be published on the GEM website and the Company?s website; 2. To consider the payment of a final dividend, if any; and 3. To transact any other business. By Order of the Board Joan Elmond O K Kwok Company Secretary Hong Kong, 3 March 2004
orderbuch ist gut und schön aber höllisch divergent ask and bid außerdem kann das ja jeden tag sich ändern der chart zeigt jetzt den abschluß der zweiten (höher gelegenen) untertasse damit eine super bodenbildung das wird ziemlich bald sehr fix richtung 0,07 0,08 gehen