habe heute eine beunruhigende Nachricht gelesen:
Navajos File Petition Against Uranium Mining in Northwest New Mexico
Das dürfte sich auch auf die Erlaubnis für Urex auswirken, da es nur ca. 25 km weg von Urex liegt... allerdings betrifft das hauptsächlich das Church Rock projekt in McKinley County von Hydro Ressources (nicht Cibola - die wg. entstehung neuer Jobs die Erlaubnis erteilt hat)! Church Rock liegt direkt am Avacho Reservat! Da alles aus Santa Fe verwaltet wird, wird es sich wg. der unruhigen Lage in der Gegend sicherlich hinziehen... Allerdings wurden schon einige NRC?s in der Gegend erteilt (s.u.) und ich denke es ist nur ne Frage der Zeit (und vielleicht Zugeständnisse wie Grundwasserschutz usw...) bis die Erlaubnis erteilt wird.
Noch ein mal: Urex arbeitet am La Jara Mesa project, Cibola County. Gehört Laramide Resources Ltd. Steht auch im Urex Bericht. Für Cibola wurde die Genehmigung bereits erteilt.
Urex Map http://www.urexenergy.com/i/maps/La_Jara-Proerty_AccessMap.jpg
Google Maps: http://maps.google.com/ Einfach nach New Mexico reinzoomen...
Übersicht aller Uranprojekte in New Mexico: http://www.wise-uranium.org/uousa.html#LAJARA
Bericht La Jara Mesa project von Urex: http://www.urexenergy.com/i/pdf/UREX-LaJaraMesa.pdf
New Mexico Mineral Deposit Database (executable file for DOS, containing dBASE III file - USGS) Mines, Mills and Quarries in New Mexico (NM EMNRD) Ambrosia Lake [ISSUES] ? [MORE ISSUES] ? [MORE ISSUES] NRC License No. SUA-1473 NRC Docket No. 40-8905 (QUIVIRA MINING CO., GRANTS, NM)
?§BHP Billiton (through Quivira Mining Co) Churchrock (Strathmore), McKinley County (ISL) Reserves Resources
proven probable measured indicated inferred § Size:§ 1,244 t U 3,313 t U 1,356 t U Ore grade: 0.085% U 0.076% U 0.076% U
> Download Technical Report Jan. 3, 2006 (4.2M PDF) (SEDAR) [ISSUES]
?§Strathmore Minerals Corp. Churchrock (HRI) (ISL) [ISSUES] ? [MORE ISSUES] Size: 7,350 tonnes U Ore grade: NRC License No. SUA-1508 NRC Docket No. 40-8968 (HYDRO RESOURCES, INC., DALLAS, TX)
?§Hydro Resources, Inc.
?§50% (to be acquired) - Itochu Crownpoint (ISL), McKinley County [ISSUES] Size: 15,000 tonnes U Ore grade: NRC License No. SUA-1508 NRC Docket No. 40-8968 (HYDRO RESOURCES, INC., DALLAS, TX)
?§Hydro Resources, Inc. Crownpoint Section 19/29 Property, McKinley County Size: 5258 tonnes U (indicated) Ore grade: 0.075% U > Download Technical Report April 7, 2006
?§100% - NZ Uranium LLC (Quincy has option to by up to 80% of this) Crownpoint Section 24 (ISL), McKinley County
Size: 3833 tonnes U (indicated) Ore grade: 0.088% U > Download Technical Report Mar. 3, 2006 (1.7M PDF) (SEDAR)
?§60% - NZ Uranium LLC (Quincy has option to by up to 80% of this)
?§40% - Hydro Resources, Inc. Hosta Butte project (ISL) [ISSUES] Size: 5,700 tonnes U (indicated) Ore grade: 0.095% U > Download Technical Report Apr. 18, 2006 (1.8M PDF) (SEDAR)
?§65% - Quincy Energy Corp.
?§35% - NZ Uranium LLC
La Jara Mesa project, Cibola County Reserves Resources
proven probable measured indicated inferred § Size:§ 2791 t U 1220 t U Ore grade: 0.2% U 0.17% U > Download Technical Report Aug. 31, 2006 (3.7M PDF - SEDAR)
?§Laramide Resources Ltd. Marquez NRC License No. SUA-1474 NRC Docket No. 40-8906 (BOKUM RESOURCES CORP., ALBUQUERQUE, NM)
?§Bokum Resources Mt. Taylor mine Size: 38,500 tonnes U Ore grade: NRC License No. NRC Docket No. 40-8908
?§Rio Grande Resources Ram Claims (Churchrock Mining District) Size: 2300 tonnes U Ore grade:
?§Strathmore Minerals Corp. Roca Honda deposit Reserves Resources
proven probable measured indicated inferred § Size:§ 2,321 t U 4,414 t U 6,089 t U Ore grade: 0.20% U 0.20% U 0.14% U
> Download Technical Report May 12, 2005 (1M PDF) ? Resource Update March 31, 2006 (3.6M PDF -SEDAR) [ISSUES]
?§Strathmore Minerals Corp. Noserock Size: 5624 tonnes U Ore grade: 0.12% U
?§Strathmore Minerals Corp. Rio Puerco deposit and mine, Sandoval County
?§ Treeline deposit Size: 577 tonnes U Ore grade: 0.11% U
?§Western Uranium Corporation