Hi Sophie,
my name is George, some of my buddies also call me Walker, don't know what those fuckin' guys mean by that, I never walked that much in my life. Anyways here is my problem.
I don't remember when it was, but let's say someday somewhere in Texas after two and a half bottles of Johnny Walker (ah, now I know) I fell asleep and started having a dream. Tell you what, that friggin' dream won't stop! Please don't misunderestimate that, it's beginnig to scare me. And don't laugh, in this dream I am pppprrrrr.... hahahahahahhehhehhehehihihihihi pr... hohuhuhuhihi, serious now! In this dream I am president of the United States of ..., shit forgot that fuckin' country, anyways it's there where God's supposed to live at a ranch.
In the beginning I really enjoyed that dream. You know, Laura and me, we haven't had so much fun recently, and, yeah, fuck, being president isn't that bad in such a situation. Although the neclectable rest of my brain was blown away by Johnny Walker I quickly noticed that I could get control of the dream. Suddenly I could do whatever I wanted to. First thing I did, was going on an extensive vacation and playing some Golf. After some months somebody from a white house (that's funny, I told him, mine is also white) called me and said: Mr. President, we need you here in Washinton D.C..
Somebody should have woken me up by then, but nobody did, damn. From that point on everything in that friggin' dream went wrong. Firstly, Washington was even more boring than than I thought, secondly crying Laura was always on my side and I couldn't get rid of her with the help of Johnny, ah, I forgot what thirdly was. Oh yeah, thirdly, everybody wanted me to answer stupid questions like "What should we do with the budget, what should we do with the terrorists, what should we do with Irak?". Tell you what, I was so confused and angry that I screamed: Fuck them all!!! Fuck the budget, fuck the terrorists and fuck Irak! And, I told them to never ever come to me again with those boring questions.
Sophie, I think you know the rest of the story, don't you? Now my question is: How do I come out of this fuckin' nightmare? Please help me because just five minutes ago somebody was here asking me about Iran and I told him: F....